Thursday, April 28, 2011

Glenn Garvin The Miami Herald

April 26, 2011

Glenn Garvin
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693

RE: It didn’t start with Sam Tanenhaus – Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald on the New York Times.

Mr. Garvin,

Prior to typing this I reached out and touched Tanenhaus’s astonishing biography of Whitaker Chambers. It sits next to a book titled Alger Hiss, Whitaker Chambers and the Schism in the American Left.

In your Bill of Indictment against the New York Times Book Review section you mention The Surrender [a ballerina’s encomium to the liberating qualities of Sodom]. No endorsement of the “liberating qualities of sodomy” can pass without inserting Churchill as the codicil. “Rum, sodomy, and the lash” were listed among the great traditions of the British Navy by the then First Sea Lord. Later, when asked about the qualifications of an opponent, he said that “he gives sodomy a bad name”. Will we ever see his likes again?

It must be noted that the 20th century moral decline of the New York Times started at the beginning of the 1930s, a “low, dishonest decade”.

Walter Duranty was a foreign correspondent stationed in Moscow in 1932. He had 2 paymasters. One was the New York Times. The other was the KGB. His reportage earned him a Pulitzer Prize. A case can be made to show that the imprimatur of the Times led to the recognition of the USSR by Roosevelt in 1933.

A Kaddish for the Kulaks is always in order.

Anywhere from 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ukrainian Kulaks – mostly Jews – were starved to death in the early 1930s. Stalin lied about it. Duranty swore to it. The carnage continued. Hitler saw that the West did nothing. The road to Auschwitz, to Treblinka, began in the Moscow office of the New York Times. The Germans, being better record keepers than the Russians, put 12,000,000 into the ovens.

It must be noted that there is an evil imprint in the DNA of the New York Times from the 19th century. Forged into the corporate double helix of the Times is what they did and what they didn’t do in the Presidential campaign of 1864. They acquiesced in the Democratic Party calling Lincoln a “baboon” while they editorially advocated a negotiated settlement with the South.

One of the great traits of modern American Liberalism, a belief system for whjch the Times serves as the paradigmatic template, is “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. It blesses them with an eclectic memory. In this instance a negotiated settlement with the South would have kept slavery in place. As men were dying to undo this “peculiar institution” the New York Times said it kept the unemployment rate down.

[I wonder if Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, AKA Democratic National Chairgal cum local Hecate gone big time, who warned us in January that “bile and vitriol were tearing us apart at the seams” would characterize the ad hominem argument – imagine the outcry if someone were to comment on the simian qualities of Lord Barack the Beneficent – and the support of slavery as “bile and vitriol”?]

For 20 years I asked the New York Times why it did not repudiate Walter Duranty. Linda Greenhouse, a 1997 winner, in responding to my note of congratulations to her and admonition of her employer, told me she had no idea of the consequences of his perfidy. The paper assigned a Mr. William Borders, listed as a National Editor, to be the designated catcher on my javelin team.

Some things are owed to the ledger.

The stain from the scroyle Duranty and the stain from the Times’ steadfast refusal to acknowledge same can never be offset. It can only be acknowledged with shame. The “eclectic indignation” that enables the January, February, March 2003 Page 1 of the Times to have more ink spent on the gender brouhaha of a golf tournament than this country’s Congressionally approved invasion of Iraq suggests a warped mind set.

The various Sulzberger family trusts are the best advertisement for why the estate tax should begin at 105%. The Kennedy trusts taxes should start at 205%.

The Washington Post made Janice Cook a non-person when it was shown that she lied to get her Pulitzer Prize. The New York Times has done nothing to cleanse its soul of this foul crime.

It is only fair to ask what it would have done if the 1934 Pulitzer Prize winner, Frederick Birchall, a New York times employee, had been so compromised by the security forces of the country where he served. It is almost the stuff of afternoon TV that the 1934 winner was stationed in Berlin. I can imagine the entire Sulzberger family submitting itself to “a dozen, well laid on” on the anniversary of the award, every year, if it had been shown that the Gestapo had owned their man in Berlin.

My father, the legendary Judge Smith, used to read the Two Arthurs, Krock and Daley, to me every Sunday. The first time I finished a Sunday puzzle was a time of joy.

There is a tangential Miami Herald connection to ending my New York Times connections.

On October 3, 1999, at the departure gate at DFW airport, I encountered a certain Mr. T. Fiedler. We exchanged pleasantries and then boarded the flight to Ft. Lauderdale. If memory serves he, as a big time media mogul, rode in the front. He came into the back section to see if there were any government programs available to help the coach passengers. Again we exchanged pleasantries. He observed that I was doing the New York Times crossword in ink. I allowed that there was no other way to do it. He walked to the back of the plane and on his return leg noticed that I had finished.

That was my last puzzle and the last time I bought the paper.

12 years later and both of us have survived.

At least I don’t owe any money to the Frito Bandido.

Kevin Smith

Glenn Garvin The Miami Herald

April 25, 2011

Glenn Garvin
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693

RE: I guess the old line “If you’re White you’re all right” is still in vogue. Some comments on your article about skin color in the 4/19/11 edition of the Miami Herald.

Mr. Garvin,

Walking back from my first day on the job as a construction worker cum minor league missionary in Huejutla, Mexico – a long, long way from Bayonne, New Jersey – I was struck by two things that have stuck with me.

#1 – Once you drink Mexican beer [La Cerveza Superior and Dos Equis], or for that matter, any beer other than the slop proffered in Norte Americano cantinas back then, you know that “Beer is proof that God loves us”. You learn that Budweiser is the anti-Christ.

#2 – Why were those little Indian kids, kids for whom Spanish was a second language, pulling the hair on my arms?

As to #1…God Bless Samuel Adams for leading the renascence of beer in America! The rule of de gustibus applies but Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale is my new Numero Uno. I was in England when the Campaign for Real Ale began. Simultaneously, Budweiser had begun a huge ad campaign. I told everyone I could that it was a terrible beer, that they wanted Argentina to take over the Falklands, that the company was filled with Francophiles, and that drinking it led to terminally toxic eructations.

As to #2…The first time I saw a well dressed, well spoken, well spoken in that she spoke better English than I spoke Spanish, Mexican woman, a woman whose family was delighted to entertain los gringos jovenes, you couldn’t help but notice [‘cuz you were supposed to] that she had more external hair [underarms, legs, lip] than Cheetah.

The reason was simple:

That was the best way to say “Soy Blanco”. “I am White.”

Nothing has changed in cuarenta y ocho anos.

Kevin Smith

PS – Shakespeare said that he would make it a crime to drink “small beer”. I take that to mean it was the Elizabethian equivalent of Lite Beer. At my daughter’s wedding reception – as a matter of contract - I banned all Lite Beer and all Budweiser products.

Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News

April 21, 2011

Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005

RE: First rate reportage – Some comments on your column about civic responsibility and lack of same in Washington.

Ms. Carlson,

I was reading your charming article [4/19/11] about the Air Traffic Controller situation and how it got from plain SNAFU to Homeric FUBAR. Oh serendipitous occurrence! I stumbled on 3 gems.

Gem #2 was “Nobody’s ever wrong. Nobody’s ever sorry.”

If embroidered pillows ever come back I’m putting that one in my catalog for recovering modern American Liberals. It’s as if St. Augustine is holding your hand as he says “Halfway through your journey you found yourself in the dark wood of error”. Results don’t count. Intentions are every thing.

Res ipso loquitur…

47 years into the War on Poverty [Thucydides tells us that the dustup between Athens and Sparta only took 29 years. Start to finish it took 6 years to take out the Krauts and the Japs] and there is not even the benefit of an oncoming train for us to stand in front of so it will run us down and end the lingering water boarding of our fellow citizens. Maybe you could get our AMTRAK loving Vice President, the best one we have, the one whose Secret Service name is Curly in honor of the smartest stooge, to get some high ball expresses rolling.

Exit strategy? Don’t be silly.

Mission Creep? Of course.

Results? “Are you serious?” as former Speaker Pelosi, she of the face lift that requires her to pee through her navel, said when asked by an unserious reporter about some racist Tea Party notion called “enumerated powers”.

Intentions? Who could be opposed to helping the chronically underunemloyable? Even worse, they are flogged constantly by the low prices at Wal-Mart, by the dearth of neighborhood Thorazine clinics, and the absence of public transit to get their soon to be feral children to the glories of Midnight Basketball. Their pleas for help can never go unanswered.

“You break it you own it.” That’s what you call a Government created permanent under class.

“Any public policy that involves robbing Peter
to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support.”

“Unfortunately, experience is the only school
where some men will learn.”

The first is how all those modern American Liberals wind up in Washington. The second happens when the country, the culture, and politics skip school.

Gem # 3 was the discovery – and, may I add, I smell Pulitzer – of a typically evil Republican who endangered lives when he exhibited his cavalier attitude while landing his plane. We know that that is worse that driving a car off a bridge and leaving a girl to drown. It is, isn’t it?

Plus, if you dig deeply enough you will find out that this poltroon, Senator Inhofe by name, doesn’t much care if the drowning polar bears, y’know what I’m saying, drown. He figures the fewer the bears the better it is for the baby seals. The Inuit granny on the Eskimo Death Panel iceberg might make it to Russia.

I bet he’s in favor of tax cuts too.

Which leads us back to Gem #1.

You say that “President Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 3 three architects of the war in Iraq”.

He got 3/4ths of the members of Congress to vote for him to go to war. Would it be churlish of me to ask if some of the Democrats who sounded like Vercingetorix were “mentioned in dispatches” even if they didn’t win the medal?

Would you think me a cad if I were to point out that at least he went to Congress before he invaded a Muslim country? Would I be uncivil if I were to point out that Libya is a Muslim country? Maybe Senator Reid could give us a definition of “kinetic military action” concomitant with his declaring the “the war is lost’.

It could have been worse.

He could have given the medal to any of tax dodging Florida GIs, the ones who joined up to avoid paying their “fair share”, who were killed in combat. Thanks to you we were able to disenfranchise all those layabouts who thought just because they were in harm’s way their obligation to support ObamaCare was covered.

Speaking of dodging taxes, do you know if Senator Jay Forbes Kerry, AKA Mad Cap Gypsy Lady Tereza’s Boy Toy, ever paid his “fair share” of the taxes due on his New Zealand built boat? Boat is somewhat inadequate to describe that floating Xanadu. I understand it has a ski [snow] slope and an organic cattle ranch inside. Cuba was trying to lease it as their first aircraft carrier. They would use it to protect their soon to be drilled oil wells, the ones that will be within casting distance of Key West.

One of the benefits of being a modern American Liberal is that God blesses them with short memories.

Laus tibi Cristi! I ain’t one of you.

Kevin Smith

Robert Watson, Ph.D.

April 24, 2011

Robert Watson, Ph.D.
American Studies
Lynn University
3601 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: “Even paranoiacs have real enemies” – A “tone and tint” lesson in context on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel Opinion section about the conflict between order and freedom in the Truman era.

My dear Professor,

Any discussion of HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee, must include the fact that it was the creature of an overwhelmingly Democratic House and that it was greatly welcomed by a Democratic President.

It must be noted that Senator McCarthy’s first counsel was Robert F. Kennedy, Esq. Yes, that Robert Kennedy. Modern American Liberals, in addition to raising “eclectic indignation” to an art form, have been doubly blessed with “eclectic memories” about which more a bit later.

The right of Congress to investigate, a right that includes both subpoena power and contempt citations, was used by Congress throughout the 20th Century. The Hollywood Ten, Frank Costello, Lillian Hellman, Jimmy Hoffa, John Dean, Oliver North…Day time television at its best!

The highlight of the Watergate Hearings was the morphing of Senator Sam Ervin, a man whose entire public life was dedicated to the proposition that little Black boys would not be in the same classroom with little White girls, into a heroic slayer of evil Republicans.

One of the strong points of modern American Liberalism is the handy paradigmatic template they possess that enables them to turn a lump of coal into a diamond. Thus, Senator Ervin, as strong a segregationist as Senator Bilbo or Senator Fulbright, became a folk hero to the permanently outraged American Left. The rebirth of Senator Byrd [D-WV], nee Deputy Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan, into a modern day Cicero was spectacularly mind and soul numbing.

You say that

“Truman was aware that, in a larger sense, the anti-Communist paranoia
he faced was the latest manifestation of America’s long and inglorious
struggle against xenophobia, jingoism, and ultra-nationalism as seen in the
Salem witch trials, the Alien and Sedition laws, and the Ku Klux Klan.”

Perhaps the Salem witch trials were a colonial example of “irrational exuberance”. Perhaps it was a case of a community organizer overreaching because he had no czar to rein him in. Res ipso loquitur. When was the last time you heard about witches in Salem?

The Alien and Sedition law did nothing to prevent the Presidential campaign of 1800 from being the dirtiest campaign ever. That they did it without the benefit of Twitter, of e-mail, or even of electricity redounds to their credit.

The campaign of 1864 was marked by the acquiescence of the Democratic Party and the New York Times calling President Lincoln a “baboon”. They also wanted a negotiated settlement with the South, a settlement that would have left slavery in place.

Who said that Democracy was pretty?

Did the ascension of Senator Byrd to a position of great influence in the government, forgive me, white wash the Klan?

As to the general “paranoia” of the era it is also well to note that there really was a bear in the woods. Further, that bear meant to harm us.

Recently revealed Russian documents show a conscious pattern of duplicity and of deceit designed to dominate us. They used “useful idiots”, people such as Walter Duranty, Margaret Sanger, and Henry Wallace, to further their ends.

One of the other “inconvenient truths” of this age of paranoia is that there were 170,000 American casualties in Korea. Of these some 54,000 were killed. 18,000 a year. 1,500 a month. 400 a week. Almost 60 a day. 2.5 an hour.

While this butcher’s bill was being paid Lillian Hellman was caterwauling about how she only made $100,000 in 1952. I’m sorry that the Weavers never got to produce a Christmas album. The ideological biases of NPR and PBS are just a case of same feet, different shoes.

As to the Rosenbergs, I believe that History would be well served if we were to disinter them once a year to make sure that they really are dead. Just to be sure have their sad sacked treasonous asses wired up and fired up again. An armed guard, with bayonets pointing in, should be used the other 364 days of the year lest they escape and, like the infamous ideological incubus/succubus combination that they were, do yet more harm to the common weal.

Kevin Smith

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Chairgal

April 21, 2011

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Chairgal
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Here are two questions his bum kissers at Tweeter missed

Dear Debbie the Democratic Doyenne,

It seems that the President, AKA Lord Barack the Beneficent, had a rigged Q&A session.

His planted acolytes at Twizzle asked him questions that he knew were coming. Doubtless, he rehearsed his answers. That’s why, when asked how old he was when he first walked on water, he was able to deflect it with such ease. When asked if it were necessary to touch but the hem of his garment to cure the heartbreak of psoriasis or would having his shadow pass over the sick person he showed genuine modesty. The goons at Twexxle were quite impressed.

Once you can fake “genuine” ObamaCare was a snap.

I would like you to ask him what his favorite color is.

I vote for plaid but motley has much support.

Get back to me ASAP, please.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Chairperson

April 20, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Chairperson
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Kerygma with strong note to follow

Dearest Darling Debbie-Debbie,

First, the good news.

657 islands have just been discovered.

It is not known whether the islands or their discovery or both were caused by the Obama Stimulus Program. What is known is that they weren’t there before the Great One was sworn in. I remember him saying, just before he walked on water, that the “oceans would stop rising” as soon as soon as he became the Big Boss Man.

Since it happened on his watch he gets the credit.

I was going to give you a primer, a refresher tutorial if you will, on Rhetoric and its evil spawn, Sophistry. Since you claim to have two degrees in Political Science you would be academically familiar with them. [You are, aren’t you?] It is always good to have a refresher course that focuses on the fundamentals.

I was interrupted by news of Congressman Russ Carnahan [D-MO] telling Congressman Lacy Clay [D-MO] to engage in the anatomically impossible act of monogenesis. The exact language was “Go fuck yourself”. I don’t know whether that could be construed as a hate crime but I do know that no Member may be held accountable in any other place for anything said on the floor. Thus, when Congressman Clay said, “Fuck me? Fuck you!” there could be no untoward consequences save for the fast disappearing notion of civil discourse and reasoned debate.

You were like a modern day Jeremiah when you told us that “bile and vitriol were tearing us apart at the seams”.

Was the exchange “bile”? Was it “vitriol”? Which seams were being rended?

The preponderance of evidence says it was neither Rhetoric nor was it Sophistry. It was just 2 potty mouthed modern American Liberals who didn’t get your memo about being nice, particularly if you are a Republican. No big deal.

Yesterday, Lord Barack told a room filled with college students – perhaps whining narcissists would be a better way of describing them – that “we can’t spend what we don’t have”. The students nodded approvingly. A quick survey would have confirmed that Women’s Studies, 3rd World Karma, Black Studies and Veganism – A Way of Life were the predominant Majors. If the Emcee
- said “Free Ockham’s Razors” there would have been a stampede to the beauty supply store.

Most of them would have bet that the word “fallacy” was first found in “The Vagina Monologues”.

He did this while he still had writer’s cramp from signing a budget that has a projected deficit of $1,400,000,000,000. I hope I have enough zeros. The projected deficit of $1,400,000,000,000 is almost four times the actual deficit of President Bush’s last budget. You’ve been in Congress long enough to know that projected and actual are like parallel lines: they never meet.


Oh filthy lucre but I love writing that number. I would normally mention a drunken sailor but that demeans drunken sailors. They earn it before they spend it. Lord BoBo borrowed it.


If I keep writing that I will need massive doses of ObamaCare for carpal tunnel syndrome. [I understand that the secret protocol he signed on his Muslim apology tour last year includes the adoption of Sharia rehab practices. “If thy hand is cramped cut it off, praise Allah!”] OOPS! I forgot. You think the term ObamaCare is offensive and should be banned as being “disrespectful” to the President. I don’t know whether it falls into the ordure emanating vat labeled “bile” or into the noxious urn labeled “vitriol”.

Would you think it “ironic” – Damn those Greeks! – that the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner has the jailer of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner over for dinner? And in the White House?

This week’s message should be the new islands. Talk about Going Green!

Don’t send the cops after me. My wife is unwell.

Kevin Smith

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 17, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Do let’s be beastly to the Brits!

Dear Debbie, Debbie, the Doyenne of Democratic Divas

I know how devoted you are to over representing under represented groups, in particular any group that has never enjoyed a prostrate gland. That’s why I have some bad news for you.

The only way a girl gets to be Queen of England is when she kills her brothers.

Who knew?

I am not talking about marrying the King. I am talking about opening Parliament, having all those Guards Regiments salute you, and having your mug on coins, currency, and stamps. If there are any British war ships left the letter “H” on the stern stands for you.

The Crown of Saint Edward will not be worn by any Edwina unless she takes a cue from that old crookback, Richard the 3rd, and kills her nephews. Subtlety was not his strong suit. He had their throats sliced in the game room of the Tower. Who says a chick can’t do it? Think Lady Macbeth.

Henry the 5th, AKA “The Scourge of God”, did not exhort the “band of sisters” to kill the French. It’s time to put an end to centuries of discrimination. If the UK can survive an Edward the 8th it can survive a Queen Gaga.

Use the above as a brief History lesson.

Although you claim to have 2 degrees in Political Science your public statements and subsequent actions would suggest that your knowledge of politics begins with Tammany Hall scams, Hudson County kickbacks, and Cook County recounts. It ends with purple shirted SEIU Nazi thugs beating up old people in wheelchairs and treating America to Kristallnacht Lite.

The perfect codicil would include “You suck” and “You’re fucking dead”.

Maybe you were right when you said “bile and vitriol are tearing us apart at the seams”.

Since your lack of knowledge about Political Science is painfully obvious I shudder if your knowledge of History were ever subject to independent measure. An adult FCAT, if you will.

Hence, the thumbnail History lesson of English monarchial succession. Since it is Palm Sunday consider it an act of Christian charity.

It’s easy to point out a problem. In this case it’s as blatant a case of gender discrimination this side of Mecca. If you are a girl and the first born of a reigning monarch your shot at prime time hinges on one word – vasectomy.

Having pointed out the problem I now proffer a solution.

It will not involve “kinetic military action”.

It will be a burn your bra, ERA forever, I’ll hold my own Goddamn door, so what if I have to sit down to pee, let Princess Ann be a striker for MAN-U, full blown chickies only, MASS MOON when Kate and Billy Boy get married.

A gaggle of females gathering in front of the British Embassy in DC, the one where Kim Philby worked, will do a massive “drawer drop” when those crazy kids get married.

As befitting your position as head Hecate you will be in charge.

Some names leap to mind.

Hillary Clinton and her rechanneled buddy, Eleanor Roosevelt. Just to show that there are no hard feelings, Monica Lewinsky. Nancy Pelosi. Madeline Albright. Barbara Mikulski. Whoopi Goldberg. Janet Reno. Cher. Bella Abzug. Kate Smith [no relation] Aunt Jemima. Barbara Boxer. Sonia Sotomayor, and if she can’t make it, Elena Kagan.

Tight. Ax handle and a half wide. Dead. Steatyagonous. Homeric. Black. Frequently scratched. Never snuggling. Maybe you should have an open casting call.

The highlight, the show stopper, will be Michele Obama.

You may need the Marine Chinook helicopter to get her there. She’s the only woman I know whose foundation garments are also known as flying buttresses. Her sun glasses look like they came from Chartres. Her sun hat doubles as a main sail on a 12 meter yacht. Scratch the last one. Since we’re berating the Brits let’s say her sun hat is such that Nelson could have used it at Trafalgar.

If we can get a skilled Torah writer her keister could contain the Declaration of Independence, the Paris Treaty of 1783, the Lend Lease Act, and all the Rolling Stone lyrics.

British governments have fallen for less.

If that doesn’t work we can ban all products with the name Macallan on the label. Next to go will be bangers and mash followed by Spotted Dick and Boxing Day

If that doesn’t change their perfidious ways – What do you expect from a country nicknamed Albion? – we’ll bring back Guy Fawkes.

Queen GaGa the 1st has a regal sound, doesn’t it?

Kevin Smith

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 16, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: “Are manners dead”?
Dearest Debbie-Debbie,

It is, of course, a play on words, words snatched from a movie line.

In “The Private Lives of Henry the Eighth” Charles Laughton, playing the King superbly well even though he was cast against type, tears a roast chicken apart as he complains about the crudity of his court. “Manners are dead”, he roars.

On March 19, 2011 Lynn Martinez, a local TV anhcorette, interviewed President Obama, AKA Lord Barack the Beneficent.

Two things became instantly obvious:

#1 – He did not stand up when she came into the room.
#2 – He did not know her name.

I know we are still trying to get our etymological arms around “kinetic military action”. I know that $4.29 a gallon gasoline and deficits that are uncountable, while horrendous when the President’s name is Bush, are OK when the President was a community organizer and an alumnus of the Chicago School of In Your Face Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight Interpersonal Relations. I know that 100% of the Democratic Senators who voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006 will vote 100% for it in 2001. [Don’t bother checking. There was a Republican in the White House in 2006] I knot that a special “Chicks Only” wing is going to have to be built at the Broward County Pokey to handle all the indicted, convicted, and imprisoned distaff crooks, all of whom are modern American Liberals.

What I don’t know is why no one ever told your boss, that swine, anything about manners.

Even if you only had an “average White grandmother” you would have been told to get up when a woman entered the room. Perhaps cross cultural differences can explain it; perhaps not. He has a half-brother living in a mud hut who bites the heads off chickens and an aunt in Boston who has worked the system as well as he has. Maybe it’s a genetic thing.

Presumptively, the Secret Service knew what Sra. Martinez had for breakfast and what color her bloomers were. Couldn’t someone have written her name on a 3x5 card and given it to him? Maybe part of his culture discourages manners.

I haven’t yet decided whether to call him BaBa or BoBo.

Either one will not change the fact that he is an ill mannered lout.

Why don’t you put together a “Miss Debbie-Debbie’s Guide to PC Etiquette”? Skip the part about which fork or spoon to use.

Just tell him he shouldn’t pick his nose [in public]

I hope it is not necessary to tell him that he shouldn’t pick his friend’s nose either in public or in private.

Tell him anyway.

Kevin Smith

Gary Stein The Sun-Sentinel

April 13, 2011

Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: What were you thinking? Some comments on your column about elections, the legislature, and the people, God Damn them.

Mr. Stein,

On a day when Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, a person #3 on the list to sit in the Oval Office should a disaster of Homeric proportions have befallen Washington, says “elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do” you compound her gaffe by revealing another modern American Liberals secret when you cite uber Liberal Florida State Senator Nan Rich thus:

“She really wanted to get it settled in the courts,
where it belongs.”

Where it belongs?

I suggest that the political turmoil surrounding abortion would have been less if it had gone through a legislative process rather than being imposed by judicial ukase.

In the end, abortion is the only sacrament and the only major creed in the church of modern American Liberalism. You can vote for or against debt ceilings depending on which party has the White House. Also, invading a Muslim country is OK as long as your name isn’t George W. Bush. No one, but no one, dares to break ranks with the NARAL play book. So strong is the blood oath that modern American Liberals, particularly the noxious Broward County version, take that Dr. Mengele would win any Democratic primary he entered here. He was decades ahead in his progressive views on abortion.

This country is a representative Democracy. “A Republic, if you can keep it”, being Benjamin Franklin’s still valid answer when asked what was given to the country in 1787 by the Constitutional Convention.

Would you be so sanguine about getting it “settled”, getting anything settled, in a Court where the majority opinion was authored by Justice Scalia? Would you use Justice Alito or Justice Breyer as the paradigmatic template for the one perfect Judge?

I would mention Edmund Burke and The Federalist Papers but I fear you might think me an elitist. Why is the Rule of Law thought to be from one of Jupiter’s minor moons?

In February, 2009, when asked a question by a Republican Congressman, Lord Barack the Beneficent said, “There was an election. We won.” The people began to reverse 2008 in 2010.

The people of Florida will have a chance to reverse 2010 should they so desire. Perhaps you feel, a la Nancy Pelosi, that “elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do”. Didn’t the President say that the Chinese have a better way of doing things?

I guess one of the problems that modern American Liberals always face on any Election Day is that sometimes the wrong guys win.

Should we bring back literacy tests?

Kevin Smith

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 15, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Tax Day, the anniversary of the RMS Titanic failing to make port, happy talk, and Broward county Pols who will soon have their own chapter in the next Guinness Book under the heading “Girl Pols Gone Wild”.

Debbie, Debbie,

You may not have noticed what with having to keep Curly Biden – Curly? Named in honor of the Smartest Stooge and the rumor that you should address is that he wears dark suits because he wets his pants a lot – awake when Lord Barack the Beneficent is telling lies in public but some other turds are popping up in the punch bowl. For the record let me say that I know that he is lying in public because there is a teleprompter in front of him and, yes, he is moving his lips. It is a Fail-Safe test. When his pants go on fire it’s like gilding a lily.

It’s been a tough month for Broward County pols, particularly the ladies, and may I say God Bless ‘em. These broads are running out of glass ceilings to crash through. Even though Broward County pol and thoroughly modern American Liberal are interchangeable terms it is always good to announce who and what they are.

Tom Eliot, that old English cat lover, was right.

“April is the cruelest month…”

Diana Wasserman-Rubin, Broward’s first Juban to have a mug shot taken, with her husband tip-toeing up the steps of the Federal Court House to the door marked “plea bargains”…

Sylvia Poitier, and if Gone With The Wind has a second life there will be no need to call Central Casting, whose husband may not be a Prince but that’s his name…

Stacy Ritter, Lois Wexler, Deputy Mayor Calabash Tobasco-Flashman, Beverly Gallagher, Cindi Hutchinson, inter alia. The reason why I feel like I am in a coven of felonious Amazons who belong to a sorority with an initiation rite of stealing the pennies off a dead man’s eyes is because I am.

I speak for my gender when I say it is time for some male crooks.

Didn’t you prattle on about your generation – “particularly females” – being “underrepresented”? Imagine if the ERA had passed. We would be building prisons on the friggin’ moon to keep these thieving “Colonels’ ladies and Rosie O’Gradys” locked up.

Don’t tell that to the defense lawyers, bail bonders [note the androgynous term], and people who tailor the orange suits so favored by “alleged perps” when they come shackled to their arraignment.

Forget about any Mexican cartels.

This is the Little Women, and who says you need testicles to have Big Brass Balls, Ladies with Red Hats, the hats doubling as Loot Bags, and the steps at City Hall are up for grabs, sewing circle and remember that Fagin and Dismas had daughters marching society, book club, and doyennes of the Five Finger Discount Ladies’ Auxiliary. Imagine if the ERA

We may have to use some “kinetic military action” to get “regime change” in Broward County. It sounds like a job for Wonder Woman. Why don’t you try it?

As ChairChick of the National Democratic Party I feel it is my duty to tell you that some of your charges are going off message.

You gave a speech in January about civil discourse and reasoned debate. You said “bile and vitriol” were “tearing us apart at the seams”. The net result was one Democratic member of the Wisconsin legislature shouting “You suck” at another member. That was followed up with a member screaming “You’re fucking dead” at another member. Alas, there is no mystery here. The “bile and vitriol” pitchers were both Democrats. The catchers were both Republicans.

Now we have a Democratic member, Margo David, of the Pennsylvania legislature who asked while she was on the Floor and the Assembly was in session if it would be “OK to blow Republican member Daryl Metcalfe’s brains out”. In Ms. David’s defense let it be said that she did not engage in hate speech. It is a well known fact that Ms. David believes that Islam is a religion of peace.

Since today is the traditional Tax Day I think you should tell Secretary of State Clinton to file an extension. [I am pretty sure that her husband, Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, now a citizen of the Republic of Soros files his taxes on the Kingdom of Sark.] She owes anywhere from $400,000 to $7,000,000 to Democratic pollster Mark Penn since 2007. The reason why the discrepancy is so huge is that the crack green eye shades from Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, Sallie Mae, and Daisy Mae are doing the books. This may shock and amaze you but pollster Penn got several millions of dollars form the hugely successful Obama Stimulus Program. Nothing like finding a “shovel ready” job when you really need one.

The Titanic reference is straightforward.

Sometimes things right in front of you can’t be seen.

There is an iceberg forming now that is the size of Rhode Island. Pretty soon it is going to be as big as New England. By November, 2012 it is going to be so big that the only valid comparison will be with the deficit, the debt, and the cascading realization that the guy with his hand on both the button and our wallets is a horse’s ass.

All ahead full!

Kevin Smith

Senator Barbara Mikulski

April 13, 2011

Senator Barbara Mikulski
212 W. Main St, #200
Salisbury, MD 21801

RE: Debt ceiling vote and “Easter Duty”

Senator Mikulski,

I read your bio before writing this letter.

You say that you are undecided about your vote on raising the Federal debt ceiling. Further, you say that Republicans are “extreme” and that “they don’t know anything about economics”.

From your bio it seems that you missed a chance to learn economics from the ground up.

Your parents ran a corner grocery store. At the end of the day the cash register told them whether they had made the right choices. Cheese. How many kinds? Salads. What kind of pickles? How much rice pudding compared to tapioca. Who gets credit? Rye with seeds versus without. Chrischicki. Prune or cheese Danish. How many of each? Who doesn’t get credit? At some point the books had to balance or the key wouldn’t work the next day. The cash register was the umpire. It was a game without Mulligans.

Too bad you didn’t learn from them.

My Uncle Adam said it perfectly.

“What is prudent in running the affairs of a household
can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire.”

As to Easter Duty…I count 16 years of Catholic education fused into your DNA. How do you square the circle of abortion for a modern American Liberal who was a Catholic before debt ceilings became important? Either it’s a sin or it isn’t. Easter Duty, anyone?

Kevin Smith

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 13, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: The hits just keep coming!

Darling Debbie, Debbie,

You probably don’t even now where the Executive John – Excuse me. The Executive Jane. – is and already your plate is filled.

Before I get to some of the foot in mouth national Democrats – Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid – I have some refreshing news from Broward County.

Deerfield Beach Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, nee Broward County Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, she of the minority hotel scam, is about 2 or 3 “embarrassing short and curlies” away from being indicted.

To her credit she was trying to help her brother.

He was owed $47,000 by an “out reach” agency. The mission statement of all political entities with the words “out reach” in them is to make Mother Teresa seem like Scrooge at his pre-redemption best. They are best at “out reaching” into the tax payers’ pocket. Thus, they are a favorite cul-de-sac for modern American Liberal pols to get a promising new comer some valuable community organizer experience. They have been known as a place to give an aging hack one more bite of the public apple before he heads to the sunset. Sometimes debts are settled via the public teat.

Her brother was owed $47,000 by one such nest of vipers. How he got $47,000 and why he lent it to them is the stuff of afternoon TV. She tried to get a $75,000 grant to cover his bill and to provide some walking around money. The problem is simple. She didn’t tell any one that the swag would benefit her brother. Now she’s telling it to a Grand Jury. Look for her to be making the Perp Walk shortly.

Don’t you just hate it when bad things happen to bad people?

I’ll say this for her.

She ain’t just another pretty face.

But I digress.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a woman who was on the short list to become President if a disaster were to befall Washington, said she didn’t much like elections. To be precise:

“But the fact is that elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do.”

The presumption, much buttressed by facts, “the evidence of your own eyes” so to say, is that she knows better than the Great Unwashed, untermenschen all. She will help them even if they don’t want to be helped. After all, they are just “bitter clingers”, aren’t they?

“Are you serious?” was her response to a question about where it said in the Constitution that ObamaCare was within the province of Congress. [You may wish to familiarize yourself with the antique concept of “enumerated powers”.]

The woman reeks of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Search and rescue dogs begin to howl like crazed canine Banshees if they come within a quarter mile of her.

You have your work cut out for you today.

I expect you to stand in front of a national TV camera and say that while she said it she didn’t mean to say it and are you going to believe me or your lying ears.

Your problem with Senator Reid is small potatoes.

When he recites the Pledge of Allegiance he omits the words “under G-d”.

Solzhenitsyn, a victim of G-dless statism if ever there were one, said that man’s woes began when he “turned away from G-d”. Modern American Liberals are very uncomfortable when talking about any deity save for Allah.

People in your job have to spend some time in the barrel.

Good luck.

I’ll be taking notes.

Kevin Smith

PS – About your hair. I think you risk losing part of your message if your audience thinks you are auditioning for “Dancing with Medusa”.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 13, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: The hits just keep coming!

Darling Debbie, Debbie,

You probably don’t even now where the Executive John – Excuse me. The Executive Jane. – is and already your plate is filled.

Before I get to some of the foot in mouth national Democrats – Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid – I have some refreshing news from Broward County.

Deerfield Beach Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, nee Broward County Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, she of the minority hotel scam, is about 2 or 3 “embarrassing short and curlies” away from being indicted.

To her credit she was trying to help her brother.

He was owed $47,000 by an “out reach” agency. The mission statement of all political entities with the words “out reach” in them is to make Mother Teresa seem like Scrooge at his pre-redemption best. They are best at “out reaching” into the tax payers’ pocket. Thus, they are a favorite cul-de-sac for modern American Liberal pols to get a promising new comer some valuable community organizer experience. They have been known as a place to give an aging hack one more bite of the public apple before he heads to the sunset. Sometimes debts are settled via the public teat.

Her brother was owed $47,000 by one such nest of vipers. How he got $47,000 and why he lent it to them is the stuff of afternoon TV. She tried to get a $75,000 grant to cover his bill and to provide some walking around money. The problem is simple. She didn’t tell any one that the swag would benefit her brother. Now she’s telling it to a Grand Jury. Look for her to be making the Perp Walk shortly.

Don’t you just hate it when bad things happen to bad people?

I’ll say this for her.

She ain’t just another pretty face.

But I digress.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a woman who was on the short list to become President if a disaster were to befall Washington, said she didn’t much like elections. To be precise:

“But the fact is that elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do.”

The presumption, much buttressed by facts, “the evidence of your own eyes” so to say, is that she knows better than the Great Unwashed, untermenschen all. She will help them even if they don’t want to be helped. After all, they are just “bitter clingers”, aren’t they?

“Are you serious?” was her response to a question about where it said in the Constitution that ObamaCare was within the province of Congress. [You may wish to familiarize yourself with the antique concept of “enumerated powers”.]

The woman reeks of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Search and rescue dogs begin to howl like crazed canine Banshees if they come within a quarter mile of her.

You have your work cut out for you today.

I expect you to stand in front of a national TV camera and say that while she said it she didn’t mean to say it and are you going to believe me or your lying ears.

Your problem with Senator Reid is small potatoes.

When he recites the Pledge of Allegiance he omits the words “under G-d”.

Solzhenitsyn, a victim of G-dless statism if ever there were one, said that man’s woes began when he “turned away from G-d”. Modern American Liberals are very uncomfortable when talking about any deity save for Allah.

People in your job have to spend some time in the barrel.

Good luck.

I’ll be taking notes.

Kevin Smith

PS – About your hair. I think you risk losing part of your message if your audience thinks you are auditioning for “Dancing with Medusa”.

The Editors Human Events

April 17, 2011

The Editors
Human Events
One Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

RE: America’s Sweetheart – Debbie Wasserman-Schultz


The picture of Little Debbie shows her in her not quite open casting call mode for Medusa – The Musical.

Standing behind her is former Congressman Kendrick Meek.

What ever her faults, and they are legion, Debbie Debbie is bright and shrewd. He much reminds me of a box of hammers. Plus, he couldn’t find his ass using both his hands. His shoes have notes on them that say “toes to the front”. His mother, former Congresslady Carrie Meek, isn’t exactly a day at the beach either.

Debbie and I go back a long way.

I enclose two letters, one of which is dated September 18, 2001. The other is of more recent vintage. There have been many more before and in between.

I’ll say this for her: She never lets you down.

Kevin Smith

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 12, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: News from the home front plus a new threat from an old enemy

Ms. Debbie-Debbie,

This morning’s Sun-Sentinel has a headline that says, “In Florida, women make $7,013 less than men”.

Yesterday, the same paper reported that you stood for the “Middle class and less fortunate”. Further, you said that you ran for office to help a “generation of under-represented women”.

This wage disparity cannot stand. Why having a penis is worth almost $600 a month than a vagina is incomprehensible.

The thought that lady teachers, lady letter carriers, lady basketball players, lady talk show hosts, lady neurosurgeons, and lady members of Congress are paid $7,013 less than their piggish male counterparts – How in the name of Kumbaya and “Can’t we all just get along” and “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow” can Congressman Alan West make $7,013 more than you? - makes me want to have a big league hissy-fit. My knickers will be knotted for the rest of the morning, that’s how enraged am I.

The solution is simple.

Each year, at half time of the Orange Bowl, every female in Florida gets a check for $7,013. Although this will not qualify as a “shovel ready” job left over from the “summer of recovery” it will go a long way to easing the burden of the undeserving poor. How many unemployed, underemployed, and underunemloyabled census workers do we have? Quien sabe? Once they distribute the checks they will qualify for life time unemployment benefits. In fact, a case can be made for unemployment checks being made perpetual. Once you’re in the system they become part of your estate. You can will them to your heirs. You remember that former Speaker Pelosi – “former Speaker Pelosi” defines euphony, doesn’t it? - told us that the two quickest ways to stimulate the economy were food stamps and unemployment checks.

The hardest part of this job will be to convince Uncle Wong, our Cheshire Cat smiling Chinese banker, to lend us the money. Since you are known for your charm, your wit, your sense of humor, your grace, your jennysayqwa, you may want to take a shot at the old guy yourself. Besides, I hear the food is great. If he demurs tell him you’ll tell the world about foot binding.

As always, you go girl!

The “new threat from an old enemy” is far more serious.

I remember how your eyes went up and down and side to side like a Seminole slot machine when oil went to $147 a barrel and gasoline was $4.25 a few years ago.

The reason this happened when George W. Bush was President was simple: His Vice President, Darth Cheney, in league with his evil invisible twin, the satanic Vlad Cheney, manipulated the oil market and then the gasoline market. We both thought they were gone when Lord Barack the Beneficent ascended into the White House. Silly us!

Highly reliable sources, sources that must remain anonymous, inform us that they are holed up in the Energy Department. They are disguised as upper level weenie bureaucrats. The reason they fit in so well is that their cover story says that they never worked a day in their lives, that they never spudded a well, that they never lost a tool down the hole, and that they never dealt with a cracked pipe. In other words, they never produced a barrel of oil. Other than having a government issued credit card that enables them to say “Fill’er up” with sassy insouciance they exhibit no knowledge, no knowledge as in none, of the energy business. What a perfect cover! Talk about hiding in plain sight!

Here’s my plan. I hope you adopt it.

You lead a raid on the Department of Energy.

The tip of the spear will consist of a brigade of Amazons who are paid $7,013 a year less than their male counterparts. Have the ladies of NPR with you. No offers of a truce to discuss terms, no nonsense about non-combatants being allowed to leave, none of the Geneva Convention clap trap about rules. Napalm, poison gas, Predators, looping tapes of The View, Star Wars, Big Bertha, Bigger Bertha, Biggest Bertha, most of Michael Moore fired from a Spud Gun, Colonel North strapped to the front of the lead tank, and former Congresswoman Carrie Meek leading the charge in her ill-gotten Escalade.

Once you are about to give the order to open fire one of those reluctant Boedacias from NPR will probably say that we have some friends in there. Your answer, the only answer possible or acceptable, will be “Kill them all. God will know His own.”

You may never again have to define “kinetic military action”

Kevin Smith

PS – About that $7,013 a year male/female pay differential…It has been documented that some male pole dancers have to pay $7,013 just to get a shot at the pole. I thought you should know.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Big Boss Lady Democratic National Committee

April 11, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Big Boss Lady
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Prime Time! It’s good to be Queen!

My dear Debbie-Debbie,

“I am someone who fights for the middle class and the less fortunate.”
The Sun-Sentinel

Since you co-sponsored legislation that directly enhanced your husband’s business [6/13/10 letter enclosed] and your income can we assume that bankers henceforth will be members in good standing of the “less fortunate middle-class”?

“I ran for office to be a voice for my generation which continues
to be under-represented, particularly for women.”

Speaking of “under-representation” and its evil twin “gender equity” take a stroll through Arlington National Cemetery. You won’t even have to take your shoes off to count how many chickies got there the old fashioned way.

“We are certainly going to campaign against [Governor] Rick Scott…”

Perhaps you’ve been away too long but Governor Scott is like a virgin in a whore house down here. Broward County, where we both live, can rightfully proclaim that “We’re #1” when it comes to political venality and mendacity. I know that you will rejoice when I tell you that there is a new show coming soon that will challenge “Policewoman of Broward County”. The final title hasn’t been picked yet but it will be some variation on “Crooked Lady Politicians of Broward County”. Full disclosure demands that I tell you that they are all, all as in 100%, modern American Liberals. Some are already in jail. Some are going to jail. Some are having defense fund receptions. Some are beating the record for the 40 yard dash to get to the Prosecutor to rat out their fellow chicks while there is still time. [“Fellow chicks”? – That’s another unacceptable term, isn’t it?] A Broward County Board of Education member, an elected official, uses the “dreaded ‘N’ word”, the word that White people dare not use – the exception being still dead Senator Robert Byrd, once a Grand Kleagle in the KuKluxKlan and President Pro Tem of the Senate, who used it twice on national TV and the nation yawned – and suffers no consequences. I can imagine the full wrath of Debbie-Debbie being brought to bear if Governor Scott were to be taped whistling Dixie.

Perhaps as head of the Democratic National Committee you can find out why deficits under the hated George W. Bush administration were anathema while deficits under Lord Barack the Beneficent are good, warm, and nurturing.

Then you can parse “kinetic military action”. You may want to do that before you visit Arlington National Cemetery. You won’t have to take your shoes off to count how many broads got there by “seeing the elephant”, not by marrying someone who did.

Would you ask Secretary Clinton why she took to the floor of the Senate to warn the nation for the 8 years she was Senator of the follies and dangers of borrowing money from the Chinese? If memory serves she was sworn in for about 45 minutes when she got in a SR-71 to fly to China to give Uncle Wong a lap dance so she could keep the credit card. “Birther” and “Truther” conspiracies aside, can you find out if she recruited an Amazon Brigade, a group of devoted Monica Lewinsky followers, to do, in a most diligent manner, the Mandarin House of Lords in the Forbidden City? If we can keep them happy we may yet have them pay us to lend us money.

You may want to ask Senator Reid if this war – Pick one: Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya – is “lost”. Damn that Bush for going to Congress before he sent Americans into combat. It’s so much easier just to send them, don’t you think?

You may want to ask Senator Durbin if the soldiers who hacked of the ears of the bad guys are Nazis. That’s what he said when the same thing happened when Bush was the Boss.

I await your ringing defense of the premise that gasoline approaching $4.50 a gallon for Lo-Test will reduce the 9% unemployment rate.

It’s probably been some time since you pushed a cart through Publix. The next time you’re there it will take about 45 seconds in the produce department and less than a minute in the meat department to tell you that, Ben Bernanke and Tiny Tim Geithner notwithstanding, the rumbling you hear from the prices being changed upward every 32 minutes presages a snarling roaring inflation not seen since the glory days of the Carter administration.

Your anti-free speech actions are well known, particularly to me. The sight of men with badges and guns coming to my house to ask me about my political beliefs is tattooed on my psyche. Criticism to you is like Dracula doing laps in a pool filled with holy water. Somewhere in your closet you have a brown shirt that you like to wear when you think no one is looking. These days you can keep it under wraps. I imagine you’ll be escorted by a flying squad of purple shirted SEIU thugs. Pray tell but what is the 21st century version of the very popular Horst Wessel song?

Do you think my proposal, simple but far reaching, that children of elected pols and leaders of both parties must attend public schools through high school will ever gain any traction? Your support, while not anticipated, would be appreciated and welcomed.

Would you care to join me on the steps of the Federal Court House on Broward Boulevard at noon on the 4th of July? I will have 3 bags. One will contain an American flag. One will contain a bible and a torah. One will contain a Koran, or as it is now known, a sacred koran I will shuffle the sealed bags so no one will know which is which. The one picked will be tossed into a roaring fire. Should the fire get out of hand I will have a supply of body fluids nearby to stop its spread.

What could be a better, more ringing affirmation of our freedoms, of rights that are ours “from beyond the stars”, than this? The odds are one in three that only a secular symbol will be destroyed. Thus the need for several dozen WOGs and dervishes to kill each other would be obviated. Modern American Liberals, secular humanists all, would cheer at the 2 chances in 3 that symbols that they hate will be destroyed. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Can I count on you being there? If you can’t make it would you send me a gift card from BP – no hard feelings, right? – to get some gas?

It is said that you are “indefatigable”.

So are plankton, MRSA, tsunamis, and jackasses.

Good luck in your new job.

I’ll check in from time to time.

Kevin Smith

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun-Sentinel

April 9, 2011

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Choices – Some comments on today’s column about how Florida, a state guaranteed to have a “Republican” form of government, functions.

Mr. Lyons,

A gaffe occurs in Washington when a politician accidentally speaks the truth. Who would have known that Senator Harry Reid was a closeted fan of an almost forgotten art form, “cowboy poetry”? Good for him. It gets mighty lonely in Searchlight, NV.

I read where, despite the spectacle of two bald men fighting over a comb, the government will not shut down. The sight of the Chinese bringing a bunch of flat bed trucks to repo the Washington Monument would not have been a pretty thing. Further, at the admonition of a local gal with a new title, Congresschick Debbie-Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the cherry blossoms will bloom by Sunday noon. Lysenko has nothing on her!

It is always good to note that today marks the anniversary of the repeal of the Dred Scott decision. The papers were signed at Appomattox, VA.

But I digress.

In the ink stained world of modern American Liberalism a gaffe occurs when a portion of the hidden agenda, the wish list held in camera, the “I can catch the horizon” silent mantras are revealed.

Thus, in a display of epistemological priaprism, you mention that if Florida were to “sharpen the edge of husbandry” it would collect 81.7 billion in revenue. To be precise that’s $81,700,000,000. Lord knows how many “shovel ready” projects are out there waiting to be funded, not counting Libya. That’s a lot of dough.

On the subject of “uncollected revenue” you inadvertently pull back one of the curtains that shield modern American Liberalism like night shields a vampire. “Uncollected revenue” is money that has escaped the clutches of the state. Before it can be spent on “midnight basketball” it must first be gotten.

For years the Sun-Sentinel used brave matadors, entrepreneurs who dodged oncoming traffic like modern day Manoletes, to sell its papers. Where have those brave lads gone? And since equality is a watchword of modern American Liberalism could you tell me how much sales tax was sent to Tallahassee? That would be the amount raised by your contractors. As a public company, albeit one in bankruptcy, that amount would have been highlighted in your 10K. Also, how much was raised from your sales in the kiosks. Perhaps you permitted your contactors to waive the tax. That would not relieve you of the obligation. Get back to me with that number, please.

You write that “Florida seems reluctant to even go after any uncollected revenue that’s owed the state, like the sales tax on Internet purchases…”

You may wish to become more aware of Gibbons v Ogden. The Supreme Court ruled that no state may tax a transaction of any other state. Besides settling revenue issues it a history of political corruption that even Broward County would be proud of. It is the law of the land. Until you change it you must obey it

If we were to tax transactions beginning in Kafiristan or Western North Dakota, one of those 7 or 8 extra states that President Obama told us about, would it not be fair for every state from here to Maine to tax every orange on every truck of same heading to Wiscasset or Darmiscotta?

Should Florida, forgive me, win the PowerBall, you would negate your “Hudson’s Choice” and fund both the developmentally disabled center and the cancer research center. You reveal the modern American Liberal solution: Spend more money.

“How sad of all the things that men endure
how few laws or kings can cause or cure.”

Are we undertaxed or do we overspend?

It appears that the voters think the latter.

The markets have already decided.

The evidence of your own eyes will tell you that with gold approaching $1500 an ounce, with the price of a gallon of gasoline having doubled since January 21, 2009 despite Darth Cheney having been locked up in an undisclosed location, something is rotten. It won’t take but 10 minutes in the produce and meat sections of Publix to confirm that we are on the verge of a late ‘70s burst of inflation followed by an upward run in interest rates. There is no lash on the backs of the poor, the old, the lame and the halt, that is more cruel than that of inflation. They cannot protect themselves.

The political expediency of “I won’t tax you if you don’t tax me, let’s tax that fellow behind the tree” can no longer apply.

Hudson’s Choice is an interesting word play on Hobson’s Choice. The country that gave us Hobson also gave us “3 squares” and “ripoff”.

If increased taxes were the answer the problem of solving the problems of the Post Office would be simple.

History tells us that the most successful anti-poverty program is a job. History also tells us that 7 years into the New Deal unemployment was higher than it was on March 4, 1933. The best way, the only way, to get companies to hire people is to tell them that they will not be penalized for adding an employee either by increased taxes or mind numbing regulation.


I forgot.

The same country that gave us those marvelous words also gave us the following:

“Any public policy that involves robbing Peter
to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support.

What happens if a cancer research center uncovers the tendency of developmentally disable persons to have multiple myelomas? Would ObamaCare cover that or would the Death Panels handle it?

Kevin Smith

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Classic WarriorBard - 2001 Letter to then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

September 18, 2001

State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
2500 Weston Road #101
Weston, Florida 33331

RE: Is it the “slippery slope” that causes the “chilling effect” or is it the opposite? Have Justice Douglas’s “penumbras” and “emanations” gone walkabout?

State Senator Wasserman-Schultz:

I had a visit this morning from Agent Pineva and Agent Thomas of the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement. They had badges, guns, and handcuffs. Policemen have a most difficult task. We ask them to keep the more feral members of society out of our sight. We ask them to form a “Thin Blue Line”, if you will. We ask them to accept the possibility of death as a condition of employment. There is no OSHA or EPA to “protect” them. Further, we ask them to remember the Constitution. Some politicians focus more on “whether the constable has blundered” than on the criminal, alleged or otherwise. The conflict in any society is between “order and freedom”, as Edmund Burke said. I’ll come back to him later. They told me that you had filed a complaint about against me because I had “threatened” you, said complaint having been filed perhaps as much as two months before the destruction of the World Trade Center.

I re-read a few of my notes to you. While I wish I could have had a good editor nearby with a blue pencil to crack my knuckles from time to time I will stand by every word I wrote. In one sense I can see how I could have “threatened” you. Modern American Liberals, of whom you are the Broward County standard bearer, suffer from “eclectic indignation”. They consider “non-malodorous fecal matter” to be a perquisite of office for those who labor to help the lesser breeds. [Let me, for the sake of this note, define the “lesser breeds” as those who believe that the Bill of Rights has served us well for more than two centuries. All ten of them.] Such gifts enable politicians, such as you, to square circles and defy gravity while offering nostrums like “balloon juice” and “rainbow stew” to the electorate.

I point this out in the hope that you will see the error of your ways. Failing that, I find - as do others - some amusement in saying that if some - such as you - say that “my favorite color is plaid” that should not be the basis for public policy. It is in my nature to confront rather than convert. That is why I am never far from a copy of the Constitution. That is why I named James Madison as “Man of the Year” last year.

And for this you called the cops?

Your resume says that you have a Masters degree in Political Science. Does the Alien and Sedition Act ring any bells? Have you ever read “A Modest Proposal For
Preventing The Children Of Poor People From Being A Burden To Their Parents Or The Country”? For that matter, have you ever heard of it? Sometimes Swift is difficult to follow. I thought “A Theory of Justice” was the 20th century’s equivalent of it. Imagine how shocked, shocked I was when I found out that John Rawls meant every word!

Last week Michael Moore said, “I only wish that more Republicans had died”. Should a comment like that merit a visit from a Navy SEAL team or just a few Tomahawk missiles?

Of course, with you being the quintessential modern American Liberal, I wonder what took you so long. Beneath the surface of the “Why can’t we all get along?”, and “Let’s not be mean spirited”, and “Show me a victim and I’ll find you a villain”, and “Got a problem? No problem! I’ll pass a law! No problem”, lurks a power crazed fascist who regards the Rule of Law as an impediment to getting things done and, of course, “social justice”.

If that’s threatening then Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine - God’s Holy Trousers! [It’s still permitted to say “God”, isn’t it?] Imagine the two of them in the same sentence! - had better run for cover. Of course, I am assuming that you have read either of them.

My offer to teach your kids to swim still stands.

Pop Quiz. Complete this sentence. “Congress shall make no law....”.


Michael Mayo The Sun-Sentinel

April 2, 2011

Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: How can I miss her if she won’t go away? – Some comments on Miriam Oliphant and the Educational/Poverty Complex at its best. Alas, its “best” is our “worst”.

Mr. Mayo,

On a day when 12 people died 12,000 miles away in Pakistan, because a book was burned in Florida – Thank God it wasn’t the Bible or the Torah and how many nuclear weapons does Pakistan have and I know it’s true that it has the same number of votes in the UN General Assembly as we do – it may seem passing strange to comment on Miriam Oliphant’s release from Elba, her hiring and her firing by the Broward School system, and the obligatory hand wringing.

The preponderance of evidence would suggest that “ethically challenged” is a charitable description of what the elected officials of Broward County have become. The County Commission, the Board of Education, Mayors, and individual city commissioners have become the best example of well run “shovel ready” projects. All it takes is a bit of cash or a car lease or a club membership or a bottle of gin or a gift card from Wendy’s and these people would give up their mothers, they having already given up their souls. I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. I know the culture of “white envelopes”. What surprises me is that they do it here for a trifle, a pittance. It’s better to be hung for 3 sheep rather than 1 goat.

As to the endless debate over an ethics code I suggest that West Point has one that works. James Madison said, when asked what was the most important trait to look for in any candidate for public office, “Character. Character is all.” Golfer Bobby Jones said that you shouldn’t get a medal because you walk past a bank and don’t rob it. At the local, county, state, and national level these people don’t even live in the districts that they represent. 10 feet tall and bullet-proof used to be the last step of cocaine addiction. Here it is the entry level. An abundance of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” is a prerequisite for public office here. Human nature being what it is I know it may be difficult to overcome concupiscence. Surely a case can be made for “it” – “it” being the total disregard for any standards, even bad ones, of behavior – being caused by a 100% DNA pure gene pool of one party rule. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the marching orders by which internal Broward County runs are issued by the Church of Modern American Liberalism. Its canons say that we are only two or three election cycles away from manatee suffrage and that abortion if the only Sacrament. Such is their power that Dr. Mengele would win any primary he entered because of his progressive views on abortion.

Just as there is no such thing as being a little bit pregnant there is no such thing as being a little bit dishonest. I am told it has been months since any hot meals have been served in Broward County schools what with all hot stoves having been stolen.

It would have been better if the Grand Jury convened to examine the Broward Board of Education and the Broward County School Sytem had indicted someone, anyone. That way the coven would have convened and pointed a collective finger at the latest “perp walker” and hissed at the “rotten apple” in the barrel. Then we could go back to wondering why Johnny, Fatima, Etienne, but never Wong or Patel, can’t read. And, as always, the answer is, surprise, spend more money. Instead, it bemoaned the fact that stupidity, cupidity, venality, and minor league mendacity are not crimes. If they were we would have to build a new Gitmo.

I hate to club baby seals, particularly developmentally disabled ones. I’ll make an exception for Miriam Oliphant. It took 12 or maybe 13 seconds of conversation before it was obvious that she was swimming in the shallow end of the aforementioned gene pool. Are there any politically correct ways to say that she is dumber than a box of hammers? That she became the chosen one, the model, and the paradigmatic template of the modern American Liberal power elite that governs Broward County speaks ill more of them than it does of her. The evidence of your own eyes demands the judgment be made that she is the poster girl for the racist condescension of White liberals. Here is a woman who could not organize, let alone run, a two car funeral. For 15 years she was protected by the puppet masters who advanced her career to prove how virtuous they were. Not quite everyone has forgotten the minority owned hotel, an idea whose time and went quicker than the morning dew. Such was the need for chiropractors, a need caused by repeated and prolonged self back patting maneuvers, contortions worthy of Dante, leading to myriad acute shoulder, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar subluxations, that the Art Institute was thinking of opening a new division.

White modern American Liberals, and there is no end to them in Broward County, adopted her as the object of their affection. Attractive, well spoken as long as she kept her mouth shut, multi-degreed even if the degrees were laughable, she was Kumbaya personified. That she had notes in her shoes that read “Toes to the front” was just one more obstacle to overcome. To her credit she knew that when the right bus came along she need not have been a member of MENSA to get on it.

She fell upon hard times as the elected Supervisor of Elections. The reason was simple: she was a boob. She hired some incompetent friends and relatives. In Broward Country this is not necessarily a career killer. It is not unusual for a love interest to come to work late. It is not unusual for a love interest to have a few drinks at work. It is unusual, but highly refreshing, for a love interest to come to work two hours late and to be about 3/4ths down the chute, a chute made slippery by that old pirate, Captain Morgan. 24 hour appeals to White guilt couldn’t save her.

In defense of modern American Liberals it can be said that they try to recover their wounded. Think of Alger Hiss.

It took a while but a wedge, a niche if you will, was crested for her, in the Broward County School System. This is a true “shovel ready” job creating panjandrum. If a place can be found for a self styled diversity expert, if the former head of the Teachers’ union can be a pedophile, a place can be found for a victim of life’s circumstances, particularly if she is a highly visible Black woman who might have some skeletons in her closet that would embarrass the Broward Elders who advanced her career. Besides, who would begrudge her? She spent her time in re-hab, didn’t she?

The designated stretcher bearer was School Superintendent Notter. [By God’s Holy Trousers but it is owed to the ledger to note that Notter is a man for whom the word defenestration was invented. How many floors does the Board of Education building have? If it is less than 20 volunteer citizens bands should be recruited in the proper use of whips and dogs so that they may drive him form the building. He should be made to sit backward on a horse and paraded from school to school and pelted with bags of flaming cat scat. I say this not because he is an evil man. Surely at some point in his career he must have had a Damascus moment, a moment when he knew that modern education was like a dog walking on its hind legs. “It is not a question of how well it does it but why does it do it at all.” Like Javert in Les Miserables he had to have come to the conclusion that he had “plowed in the sea”. To be an administrator in a system that destroys rather than nurtures would make Sisyphus an enviable character. To be the overseer in a system where enforced mediocrity is the goal must be a gut wrenching, spirit destroying task.

The Big O was given credit for time served, for being the product of a “balloon juice” educational system, and for keeping her mouth shut. She was hired at the top end of the pay scale as a guidance counselor. Doubtless, her time in the barrel as a negative example would serve her in good stead in dealing with troubled youth. It was not to be.

“Fly not to the devil you know not.” If those Pakistani WOGs keep their killings on their side of the Kashmir Pass, so be it.

We have enough trouble with the “Trousered Apes”, the professional educators who couldn’t find a classroom with a GPS and a blood hound, who regularly ruin year after year of students. That they expect to be praised and rewarded for this shows us that the Road to Avernus stops at the Slough of Despond and that it is now a tax payer funded enterprise.

Kevin Smith

Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinel

April 7, 2011

Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

RE: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her quest to catch the horizon. Some comments on your editorial about a local gal hitting the really, really big time.


God has blessed animals and small children with a great gift: short memories. To that we must now add a most dangerous carnivore, a modern American Liberal with power.

All hail Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on her successful putsch! It is a coup worthy of inclusion in the Hudson County, N.J. Hack Hall of Fame. She is now the face of the Democratic Party.

I know that “politics ain’t bean bag”. Further, I know that fortune favors the brave. Having exhausted my truism quotient for the week let me focus on the “balloon juice” portion of your editorial.

You say she is “an unabashed liberal and spokesperson for Democratic ideals and issues”.

Speaking of “Democratic ideals”…During the American Civil War the Democratic Party wanted a settlement with the South. That meant that they were OK with slavery. They also called Lincoln a “baboon”. Their opposition to the Bush “surge” began when they were vehemently opposed to Sherman’s “surge”. There is a certain consistency of “ideals” there.

Since he is going to be dead for a very long time I feel a bit churlish for mentioning that Robert Byrd, the President Pro Tem of the Senate, rose to the rank of Grand Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan. He also went on national TV and twice used the “dreaded ‘N’ word”, the word that White folk dare not use. Nothing happened.

Any time the war tocsin sounds they slobber all over themselves looking for an “exit strategy”. The only exception was for America’s longest war. That was the one started by Lyndon Johnson against poverty in 1964. Maybe she can explain it.

I await, not quite breathlessly, her defense of “kinetic military action”. Perhaps she will give us a definition of it also.

Perhaps she can tell us why the dreaded deficits of the hated Bush administration have become the saving grace of the Obama administration.

Perhaps, on the way to the undiscovered country of “shovel ready” projects, she can tell us of the virtues of $4.20 a gallon gasoline.

Perhaps there is a rational explanation for the Obama administration subsidizing George Soros in his off shore drilling efforts in Brazil while it effectively stops drilling in our waters. Perhaps it is the Chicago Way writ large.

Speaking of off shore drilling, Cuba is about to spud 5 wells so close to Key West that Sloppy Joe’s has the lunch concession. Will the American Navy enforce the no drilling zone even if the Chinese are the tool pushers?

It would be a bit of a stretch for her to claim success in the brutal fight against teenage obesity because of parents being out of work. If you are a modern American Liberal correlation and causality are interchangeable terms. Watch for it.

But perhaps she can explain, as the paradigmatic template of modern American Liberalism, why she sent the cops after me on September 18, 2001. [I enclose my letter to her later that day.]

Modern American Liberals are judged on their intentions, never on their results.

2 men, both of whom had badges and guns, asking if they could come in and talk to me had a bracing effect. I never understood whether a “slippery slope” gave you a “chilling effect” or if it were the other way around

Using the classic good cop/bad cop routine one of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents told me that I should stop writing, not only to her, but to all elected officials.

Modern American Liberals react to speech not to praising them like Dracula being tossed into a swimming pool filled with holy water.

For someone whose resume states that she has 2 degrees in Political Science she was/is woefully ignorant of the History of Free Speech, particularly political speech. It all began in Greece. Claiming to have a Master’s degree in Political Science and not knowing of parrhesia – “Free men speak with free tongues” – is like saying you have a Master’s degree in Music and have never heard of Bach. Worse, you don’t know what a cello is.

Perhaps her degrees are from the Rangoon School of Proctology and Hair Dressing, [Being folliclely challenged removes the base charge of using an ad hominem argument. I want the name of her hair dresser because I want to draw a line through it unless she is auditioning for the lead role in Medusa. Perhaps Angie’s list should be notified] That would make her the ideal candidate for her new job as Empress of the Democratic Party.

If I were to suggest that the Empress is naked would a social call from Navy Seals be expected? Maybe they could explain “kinetic military action”.

A match made in heaven!

Debbie the Hecate with a national audience.

Hillary Clinton is starting to look like Cicero.

Kevin Smith