Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 23, 2013
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pines Blvd – B Building
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: Say what? – Some comments on your op-ed article about those nasty Republicans and how they want to starve babies, kill seniors, and kill senior polar bears.

Congressperson Wilson,

I thought today would be a great day for making manatee sausage. The babies are yummy plus they are low fat and low sodium. And a big shout out to Michelle Obama for guiding us on the path to better living through tofu.

Then I read your article.

One of your on-line bios says that you have two degrees. One Bachelor’s degree and one Master’s degree. Reading your article I was certain that neither was in Logic or Math.

Several things leapt to mind.

#1 – Don’t you think you should begin calling your most recent degree a Mistress of Elementary Education? If chicks can grab a weapon and go face the elephant and maybe play catch up ball at Arlington Cemetery don’t you think society should reflect their unique contributions?

#2 – A Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in education ranks somewhere between the widest building in Wichita and the world’s tallest midget. I was going to include “the smartest bear in the zoo” but I didn’t.

Further, you say that you were elected “overwhelmingly” by your constituents. Alas, the way your district was rigged the woman convicted of killing Rilya Wilson would have been elected. O.J. Simpson or Step-n-Fetchit would have won 2 to 1.

First, the lesson in Logic.

I know that you support increasing the minimum wage from $7.15 an hour to $9.00 an hour. I am trying to piece together a construct on how that will affect a single mom, usually a woman of color, with children in need of a good Ritalin program who are too far away from Midnight Basketball.

Train wreck, tsunami, disaster, all spring to mind.

Inner city youth – That’s one Hell of a euphemism, right? – are unemployed and, worse, unemployable at $7.15 an hour. Why would Apple and Google suddenly lust after them at $9.00 an hour?

Logic would dictate that if $9.00 an hour is good $19.00 an hour would be better. Why stop there? How about $36.50 an hour? Good, better, best.

History screams at us that the single most racist piece of Federal legislation signed into law in the 20th century was the minimum wage act. Look it up.

Now it’s time for Math

The Federal budget is three trillion six hundred billion dollars. Put in plain numbers that is $3,600,000,000,000. Evil sequestration, a Republican plan to put yet another lash on the backs of the undeserving poor, amounts to eighty eight billion dollars. That is $88,000,000,000 over 2 years. That is approaching a rounding error. [“Rounding error”? Send a SASE]

Your article says that 1,145,600 people will have to live on fish heads and rice until they get Food Stamps.

Perhaps you could tell me why President Obama campaigned for it and gleefully signed it into law? Perhaps you could tell me why he threatened to veto any Congressional attempt to change it? Perhaps not.

My Uncle Adam said “What is prudence in running the affairs of a household can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”. Uncle Adam? SASE

Speaking of budgets you do know that 42% of every dollar we spend is borrowed, don’t you? Every day that Hillary Clinton was in the Senate she raled against borrowing money form the Chinese. The first foreign country she visited was China; She took Monica Lewinsky with her. Monica had certain “negotiating” skills that melted the heart of Ming, the Merciless Mandarin Moneylender.

I mention that because candidate Obama promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. I remember that. Do you?

You call for “targeted spending to proactively protect our cities”. Allah Damn it but that’s a mouthful. I won’t comment on the split infinitive. Some referees might flag me for piling on.

As people leave Detroit coyotes have returned. Like the Pilgrims of old they have quickly become self-sufficient. In addition to “cooling the earth and lowering the seas” we were told that the country would change dramatically and fundamentally. Who are we to say that suffrage is limited to bi-pods? Modern American Liberals in Broward County want manatees to vote. Why not coyotes in Wayne County?
The only cities more under control of a single unwavering political philosophy than Detroit in the Northern Hemisphere are Rome and Havana.

Forbes Magazine gave Detroit its equivalent of a Michelin 5 Star rating. It wasn’t the dirtiest. It wasn’t the most corrupt. It wasn’t the poorest. It wasn’t the most crime ridden.


Your reflex solution, one that is genetically imprinted in the DNA of all practicing modern American Liberals is simple. In the typical mush-brained Boob McNutt way you and your Lodge sisters in the “Balloon Juice” factory you say, Spend more money!

Now I know why you wear those silly assed Dale Rogers cowgirl hats. Whatever common sense that was drilled into you as a child has been draining out of an unclosable occipital aperture. You line the hat with Duck Tape, Crazy Glue, and Velcro to keep it on to stop anything from falling out.

Accordingly, I hereby name you


I know that God blesses and loves America. I also know that he has a great sense of humor. I am sure that when He looks at you he is sorely tempted to wash His hands and start over at where the Pioneer Space Probe is headed for.

The only positive thing you’ve done today is to save a manatee.

Kevin Smith
February 22, 2013
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Free Speech – How far out will that envelope go?

Mr. Mayo,

As long as the genie is out of the bottle I have been trying to get a big time media mogul to sponsor the following event. Some background is necessary.

Broward County is Ground Zero, the crucible where Progressives can blossom, the last bastion of true believers that Midnight Basketball is sound public policy, and a place where it is known that with one last big push the 49 year long War on Poverty can be won. The only divine presence in the Temple of Modern American Liberalism is Gaia, the Mother of us all. It is a place where lions and lambs lie down together. It is true that they have to get a new lamb every night but people blessed with good intentions and a unwavering belief that gravity is temporary are close to solving that problem also. There is a pilot program to make the Lion King a vegan. Results are mixed but some additional funding from the 1% will teach Simba the joys of arugula and tofu.

Who can doubt that manatee suffrage is only 2 or 3 election cycles away from fruition? And yes, interspecies dating will be encouraged.

The egregious gerrymandering that would elect O.J. Simpson or Jumbalaya Mumia, the Philly cop killer, to whichever office they ran for, is a testament to truth, justice, and the American way.

Dr. Mengele would probably win by shutout in the primary because of his strong views on women’s reproductive rights.

I won’t miss this year’s Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Memorial Walk for Justice.

Supposedly rational adults believe that if a Black teenager is unemployed and, worse, unemployable at $7.25 an hour he will have Apple and Google stalking him to hire him at $9.00 an hour. Honest. They really believe that.

With the possible exception of Barbra Streisand’s gazebo, the big one by the environmentally correct abalone rehab clinic, the one with the solar powered wind mill to shoo the furbish louseworts away without harming them, and Zabar’s on a cool, crisp Sunday morning, there is no more thoroughly modern American Liberal place North of Havana than Area Code 954.

That’s why I think it is time for this blow for freedom to be struck.

We know that burning an American flag is good.

We know that burning a bible is better.

Why not burn both of them at the same time?

I propose to wrap the bible in an American flag and burn it on the steps of the Federal Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale.

In case the fire gets out of control – We were just told that the evil Republican sequestration and how did they get Obama to sign that into law, weren’t we and that fire departments would be shut down, right? - I will have a large container of liquid available to quench it. Pig pee sounds about right.

One thing more.

Since Broward County is a recognized leader in the quest for mutli-cultural diversity – Remember Elections Supervisor Miriam Oliphant as the Poster Girl for Hire the Handicapped? I do - let’s include a copy of the sacred Koran. [Maybe you can tell me why everything those camel jockeys have is either sacred or holy?] Let’s burn them all. “God will know His own.”

If the Nazis can march in Skokie and those wing nut snake handlers can picket dead soldiers’ funerals why can’t I do the above?

Eagerly anticipating your public support, I remain


Friday, February 22, 2013

February 21, 2013
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Free Speech For Me But Not For Thee” – Some comments on your column about whether or not Colonel West should be allowed to speak in a public arena, particularly one funded by taxpayers.

Mr. Mayo,

You may recognize the above as the title of a book on free speech by Nat Hentoff.

In 2000, when I lived in Lauderdale by the Sea, the town council debated a speech bill. They wanted to pass an ordinance banning all “crude and offensive speech” at public meetings.

In a back and forth with “them” I asked what would happen if I were to tell the female clerk to “get thee to a nunnery”? When Hamlet told Ophelia to do so “nunneries” were short hand for French Knocking Shoppes”, AKA whore houses.

My intent was to show that language is a living organism. I was even going to tell them what Yeats meant when he spoke of “dying”. I never did get to Molly’s “Yes” soliloquy. That would have gotten us to Ezra Pound who edited both of them and that would have been an invitation to the notorious chilling effect.

Hentoff told me to get arrested and that he would write a column about me in the Village Voice.

“That’s easy for you to say” was my response.

Your Voltaire-like defense of Colonel West puts you on the slippery slope to having your membership in the modern American Liberal ink-stained wretch cabal revoked. Those poltroons don’t like anyone, particularly those thought to be “theirs”, wandering off the reservation. You may have to spend some time “getting your head straight”.

On September 18, 200i, Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges and guns as my wife was quick to point out, came to my home because of something I wrote to the paradigmatic template of modern American: Liberalism, then Florida State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

It was the classic good cop-bad cop routine as any former Bayonne resident could tell you. Agent Mineva, the bad cop, told me – A – to stop writing to Little Debbie and –B – stop writing to all public officials.

My response, “Free men speak with free tongues”, was good advice when it was given by one of those pesky, still dead, White European males 2&1/2 millennia ago. It fell on deaf ears.

3 years later, when Broward Deputy Sheriff Joe Kessling came to my house about something I wrote to Miriam Oliphant [Allah almighty but that woman was world class dumb, wasn’t she?] the first thing he said to me was “You’re not in trouble”.

“What do you mean I’m not in trouble? You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I’m not in trouble?”

Do you see a pattern developing here?

If Christians are offended because a tax-payer supported play, “Corpus Cristi”, a play that says that Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel with Judas Iscariot, we are told that artistic freedom trumps your feelings.

Saturday Night Live is being criticized because for a satiric skit about the crucifixion of Christ. The criticism is marginalized because “they”, Neanderthal bitter clingers all, have no sense of the aesthete, no sense of artistic expression.

Can you imagine the uproar if Mohammed were to be portrayed as a goat humping pedophile?

I can’t either because it would never happen. Never ever. Never.

Free speech is like pregnancy. Either it is or it isn’t; either she is or she isn’t.

Have you heard the one about 2 85 year old men, one Black and the other Jewish, fighting in the street? Myron Cohen tells it better. It seems that the Black guy asks the Jew….


Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 14, 2013
Letter to the Editor
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 333132-1693

RE: The world is turned upside down – Some comments on the first section of today’s paper.


A faceless internet [Again, thanks to Vice President Alpha Gump] allows people to praise a killer in California.
Waiting in line to vote is now considered malum per se and prima facie proof of racism.
A gazillionaire wants the undeserving poor of Miami/Dade County to pay for his new workplace.
The shocking, shocking news that another Democratic Congressman from Hudson County, NJ would steal a hot stove after taking the pennies off a dead man’s eyes.
Indians, the ones with the red dot, not the ones with tomahawks and casinos, are aborting baby girls.

But then I got to your editorial page.

Judge Scott Silverman tells us that Franklin Roosevelt “led our country out of the great Depression…” Thank God we’re in Florida and Thank God this sad ssack sorry ass is of the bench. It takes huevos grandes for him to say say that because of one reason. It ain’t true. By any economic indicator, including some that weren’t even invented yet, the country was in worse shape 6 years after he was inaugurated. Look it up, Your Honor. Get back to me.

Next up is Senator Bill Bradley, AKA “Mumbles”. He speaks about Social Security. Should Cecil Rhodes suddenly reappear he would want his money back. I cite the following as the first count of the indictment.

“The next commissioner, unlike some predecessors, should
bring to the job a detailed historical knowledge of Social Security –
of decisions that have made the system stronger and of others
that have weakened it.”
The Miami Herald
Page 19A
Bradley OP-ED

Which predecessor[s] weakened it? How was it weakened?

History tells us that it was destined to be weakened for 3 reasons.

#1 – When it first started the country had 30 people paying in for each person receiving a check. Then it was 20. Then 10. Now it is 3 to 1. Do the math.

#2 - My mother received checks, including her annual “raise’, until she was one month shy of her 95th birthday. Her sister went 4 years longer. Is it too late to shout that people are living longer?

#3 – In 1964, with the approval of both parties, the deductions from both employees and employers went directly into the general accounts of the United States of America. Once a year, the “trustees” of the Social Security system meet with the Treasury Department. [I hope it is under a bridge at night] I hope somebody brings some good liquor to this meeting. The Department of Treasury says this is how much money we took from you. They then issue an IOU, a chit, a marker. The saps who paid in have now become Wimpy’s greatest enabler. Wimpy was Popeye’s friend who would say without a hint of irony, “I will gladly pay you on Thursday for a hamburger I eat on Monday”.

It is well to note that if a private company, say McClatchy, were to do that, grim men with green eyeshades, badges, and guns would appear at your offices and begin to handcuff people and drag them out.

Would it not be incumbent on Senator Bradley to tell us who “weakened” the system and how did “they” do it?

Talk about trying to find invisible Easter eggs! Assuming I stumbled upon my own “lock box” There would be nothing in it. It would take a century of perpetual “Summers of Recovery”, coupled with Death Panels at least equal to those established by the previous century’s 3 most prominent community activists: Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, to approach solvency.

I enclose a copy of a letter I received from Senator Mumbles. If you can tell me what the second paragraph means it will end a quest lasting, like Ulysses’, 20 years.

Then I got to Kathleen Parker’s screed.

50 years ago, Betty Freidan, apparently the inspiration for Peggy Lee’s song “Is That All There Is”, acidly etched her “angst” at not being able to have it all. [The lesson that modern American Liberals of all stripes never learn is that it is called the horizon because, try, try, try the lesson of the Little Engine doesn’t cut it. The horizon can’t be reached. The Yellow Brick Road never gets to Oz. Thank God for Prozac.]

On Page 17A, the page just before the editorial pages, there is a story about “female feticide”. Talk about a place that needs an ERA! If you want to go to full term in the Punjab it is best to have a wang like a policeman’s billy. If I were in the baby clothes business I would never have to order pink. I’d rather be Ken than Barbie in utero.

One of my favorite authors said

“Focus on the absurd lest reality drive you mad.”

Sometimes the lines blur.

Anyway, thanks for starting my day.

Kevin Smith
February 15, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Close but no cigar – Some comments on your almost Damascus moment in today’s Sun Sentinel

My dear Professor,

Iwasthisclose to agreeing with you on your regular knotted knickers rant, this time about renovating JoeRobbieDolphinsLandSharkSunLifeStadium. Honest Injun!

I am rolling along thinking that my prayers have been answered. After decades of you preaching the values of modern American Liberal Kool-Aid I had my toes on the line of saying “I know that my Redeemer liveth” when I came to the part where everything went blah.

“Big football never wants to pay its fair share.”

I underlined football so it can replaced by oil, real estate, banking, utilities, defense contractors, pharma, “special interests”, gun manufacturers, phone companies,
agriculture….So many bad guys, so little time.

Since the original community activists lined up in the French tennis court the Amen corner has been yelling “fairness” as if it can be defined and as if it can be attained. In other words, “Once a horse’s ass, always a horse’s ass.”

Was it “fair” to start America’s longest war 49 years ago? Was it “fair” to keep sending cannon fodder conscripts over the top against the well-entrenched foe, Poverty, a most decidedly “unfair” enemy? No can count the treasure or lives wasted on this Quixotic quest for the Holy Grail of “fairness”.

Just as I was about to welcome you into the company of rational thinking free men you pulled a Lucy on me. There’s poor Charlie Brown [me] believing that Lucy, the paradigmatic template of “unfairness” [you], won’t fool him again.


Jeezus Haitch Keerist but I am too old to fall for that again. Or so I thought.

The thing that bitch slapped me back to reality was that your thoughts on government subsidies for favored businesses should have begun with….drum roll, please…Solyndra.

In the worst of all possible worlds, should the stadium get rebuilt, there might be a chance for the little people, those unfairly treated by Fortuna, the Wheel of Life, people like bartenders, working girls, carpet cleaners, linen salesmen, pool attendants, bus boys, cab drivers, program and popcorn sellers, to make a few dollars more than they would have. We could call it the Winter of Recovery, couldn’t we? That sounds “fair” to me

In the case of Solyndra’s extinct, as in gone forever like the carrier pigeon and, soon, America’s middle class, grub stake, a pile of dough totaling $586,000,000, the only winners were and will be the bankruptcy lawyers. Since we borrow 43% of all the money we spend somewhere inside the Heavenly Kingdom some mendacious Mandarin moneylenders are nodding their inscrutable noggins while chanting USA, USA.

As both a football player and coach – I picture you as a wedge buster on special teams and an offensive tight end – I think “fairness” dictates that the Dolphins get 5 downs to make a first down. Their opponents – think of the “unfairness” of having to play the Patriots twice a year – have 3 downs to go 15 yards to make a first down. Plus, 3 of their players have to wear shoes.

What could be “fairer” than that?

February 9, 2013
Anthony Orlando
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “uninformed, lying, or not very good at math” - The highlight of your article about the virtues of Leviathan in Friday’s Sun Sentinel


As poster boy for modern American Liberalism’s most persistent characteristic, “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” [Send a SASE] I know it would never dawn on you that you could be wrong. What’s the sense of being a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal if you don’t know you are always right all the time? I know that because you write that anyone who says you are wrong “is either uninformed, lying, or not very good at math”.

Before I give you examples of where the Federal budget can be poleaxed like a Saracen intruder I would like to address your faceless argumentum ad hominen.

I was good enough at math to become CFO – that’s Chief Financial Officer - of a public company. That means I signed the annual reports and the 10Ks [10Ks? Send a SASE]

Lying is subjective.

In the 20th century 3 Presidents told us that they would not send Americans to fight in foreign wars. Would you believe that they were all Democrats? [Send a SASE for their names] President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs said “is” either “is” or it “isn’t”. President B.O. said he would shut down GITMO, America’s first adult sleep away camp in one year. It’s still open. He said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. He didn’t. He said he would end waterboarding. He didn’t say he would use predator drones to kill Americans. Maybe Hillary Clinton was right when she said, “What difference does it make”? After all, didn’t the great Lord Keynes say “In the long run we’re all dead”?

As to “uniformed”, I know how to attack a 2 deep zone. I know the difference between Chiaroscuro and Caravaggio. When I take my gas guzzling, polar bear drowning, Seven League Boot carbon footprinting SUV across our fair land I always have Mozart and Willie Nelson with me. I know that the conflict of rights told to us by Antigone 25 centuries ago is still unresolved. In the ‘80s I “created” more jobs than all the companies on the DJIA [DJIA? – Send a SASE] I am an alumnus of Outward Bound and Jeopardy. I have flown the Concorde. My last gun fight was 20 years ago. I gave my wife an “E” type 12 cylinder Jaguar, wrapped in a red bow, for Mother’s Day one year. My current favorite single malt whisky is Cardhu. I have drunk Cheval Blanc ’47, Lafite ’61, and both Margaux and Latour ’66. I think the Talbot ’79 will be the best ever. I prefer moonshine from West Virginia to that from Kentucky. I once was paid $5,000 to have lunch. I know what Hamlet really meant when he told Ophelia to “get thee to a nunnery”. [SASE] I know why Oedipus went to Colonnus. I know that Madison wrote in the Constitution what government could do George Mason wrote the Bill of Rights saying what the government could not do. I know that FDR not only did not end the Depression, he made it worse. I know the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx. I have at least one granddaughter who thinks, other than her Dad, that I am the best guy in the world. Dogs like me. Women are enthralled by me. Men want my company. I am the favorite patient of 3 physicians. And, to really gild the lily, I am able to detect a horse’s ass when he is 2 zip codes away.

I won’t be coy.

You, despite your puerile visage, will soon make my Hall of Fame for Horses’ Asses. And, to your credit, you got it the old fashioned way: You earned it.

As to my suggestions for amputating various Federal appendages…

#1 – The Departments of Energy and Education must go. Let us apply the empirical evidence test [empirical? Send a SASE]

How many kilowatts of electricity has the Energy Department produced in 35 years?
Can Johnny read better after 35 years of a Department of Education?

Anyone who says that either our energy problem or our educational black hole has improved since their inception “is either uninformed, lying, or not very good at math”.

#2 – Why do we have 50,000 troops in Europe? The Cold War is over. We won. Bring them home. Now. A touch of isolationist xenophobia [Another SASE, no?] might be good for us.

#3 – It costs AMTRAK $16 to make a hamburger that it sells for $9.50. As is still said in Milan, “If no profit is possible the risk is obvious”. Don’t bother asking. You cannot make it up with increased sales. How about Starbuck’s? How about Subway? KFC? [The Colonel? Send a SASE] will be opening in Ghana. If they get to Africa feeding people on a train going to Boston from New York should be a walkover.

#4 – Here’s a thought for the USPS. Convene a corporate death panel and put a big DNR sign on it [DNR? Send a SASE] Maybe FedEx or UPS would be interested. It couldn’t be any worse and the counter people would be Hellaciously more polite.

#5 – Eagle Ford. Bakken. Marcellus. [Send a big SASE] These shale formations and, yes, I fracked my first well in 1974 in Texas, all of which are on private land, have the capacity to make this country energy self-sufficient in 15 years. We will be able to export energy in less than 10 years. We will be able to tell all those camel jockeys to drink their oil or shove it up their collective asses, whichever is preferable to them and their prophet. We could have a decade long “Summer of Recovery” [Send a SASE] All we have to do is keep those bird brain feather merchants in Washington in Washington. It will all come right in the end because it is in the rational self-interest of free men to do it. [Rational self-interest? [Send a SASE] My Uncle Adam said that. Who is my Uncle Adam? [Send a SASE]

Until the arrival of the great Reagan the United States did 2 things superbly well. Fighting World War 2 was the first. Being the GC on the Moon shot was the second, [GC? Send a SASE]

It is an inconvenient fact of History but, the past being prologue, if we were to put the government in charge of the desert in 2 years they would be importing sand.

America’s longest war is not Afghanistan. 49 years ago we declared war on poverty. How is that one working out?

The last time any government got the trains to run on time the express ran right to Auschwitz.


PS – When I get to “P” in my new dictionary – I am just finishing “H” – I will use your picture to define “putz”. Don’t forget to say Hi to the girls.

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 2, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Addendum – Breaking news about another “penny-pinching, selfish, insensitive ingrate” when it comes to taxes, particularly when it comes to paying them.

My dear Professor,

Whodathunk? Say it ain’t so, Stevie.

I know if Rupert Murdoch were to say that the sun rises in the East you would say nay. If he were to say “stones are hard and water is wet” you would say he was in collusion with the notorious Koch Brothers to lay another lash on the backs of the undeserving poor.

I must present you with the following quote.

“Under a law passed in 1932, FDR became the first
President subject to the income tax, but he refused to
pay an increased rate that he helped enact in 1934.”
Wall Street Journal
Page A15

If the great Lord Keynes had known about this – not FDR dodging the increased tax rate but the tax rate increase itself – he might have gone back to gambling and stock speculations, avocations which he was superb at. According to Keynes, raising tax rates in an economic downturn is akin to putting out a fire with gasoline. Honest. You could look it up. He was always in favor of cutting tax rates. Honest. You could look that one up also. The modern American Liberal memory hole, an eclectically indignant vortex from which no inconvenient fact ever emerges, is still unaware of the kennedy tax cuts. Honest. Look that one up also.

But back to that “penny-pinching, selfish, insensitive ingrate”, AKA FDR.

Can we stipulate that FDR did not share this upper crust, 1%, “only little people pay taxes” with his Fireside Chat audience? We can? Good

“he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”
The Constitution
Article 2
Section 3

The President takes an oath to uphold the Constitution; not just some of it; not a big heap of it; but, rather, all of it.

It is common for most Presidents to think that they are above the law. I can only think of one, Franklin Roosevelt or, as he is better known, a “penny-pinching, selfish, insensitive ingrate”, who did it for personal pecuniary gain.

You said yesterday that low taxes in Florida give us a “cut-rate way of life”. Further, you say that if you “don’t like taxes, move to Kabul”. At least you’ve updated “America – Love it or Leave it” – to “America – Pay up or Leave it”.

I hear strains of “Theme for the Common Man”, the theme of modern American Liberals and the one tune no Democratic Convention can go without. Wait a minute! There’s another sound I hear. It is the other shoe dropping.

More people were murdered in Chicago in January than were murdered in Kabul.

If life is so good in California, now officially the land of fruits and nuts, a land now run by the chief wing-nut moon bat, why have 3,500,000 citizens left it in the past 20 years?

GlobalCooling/GlobalWarming/ClimateChange? No. Professor Vivaldi will explain it all. Nixon? No. He’s still dead. Maybe Phil Mickelson is on to something. After all, if it is good enough for FDR it should be good enough for the rest of us, right?

Why don’t we raise the tax rate to 105%? That would balance the budget, wouldn’t it?

Modern American Liberals get their knickers in a knot when securing the border is mentioned. Should Mickleson and his foursome decide to learn a foreign language Nancy Pelosi will hire all the unemployed Berlin Wall guards to make sure they practice it here. Only here.

“Hey Lefty, you don’t need that passport, do you?”


Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Taxes – Some comments on your, as always, enjoyable column on taxes and why they are never high enough and why Mickelson should be ashamed.

My dear Professor,

If I were to say that Federal Judge Learned Hand said “It is a patriot’s duty to pay the least amount of taxes possible. Taxation is an enforced exactitude; it is not a voluntary contribution” would it get past the modern American Liberal mantra of “Tax and tax, spend and spend”?

Nah. It couldn’t.

If I were to tell you that the 20th century’s most successful community organizer, a dude named Lenin, said “People vote with their feet” would that register with the modern American Liberal maxim of “Children Are Our Future”?

Nah. It couldn’t.

You say that Phil Mickelson is a “selfish, insensitive ingrate”.

If he were to move to Texas, to Florida, to Monaco, or to one of Jupiter’s lesser moons to keep more of what he earned would he be breaking any law?

Nah. He wouldn’t.

Would you say that Secretary of State Jay Forbes Kerry who registered his $6,000,000 yacht, a vessel with 2 fireplaces, a yacht that was built in New Zealand because there are no unions there, in Rhode Island to avoid $500,000 in Massachusetts taxes was a “selfish, insensitive ingrate”?

Nah. You couldn’t.

[Nine years ago the Secretary said he had no money and lived on his paycheck. Last week he said he was worth $162,000,000. Do you think he used “Red Bone”, Mrs. Clinton’s successful commodities broker? Do you know how much money was paid in taxes as he went from zero to $162,000,000? I suppose his predecessor’s anguished cry, “What difference does it make?”, soon to become the anthem of modern American Liberals everywhere, applies. Maybe “60 Minutes” could do a story on that. Maybe my cousin the hunchback will straighten up.]

You advise Mickelson “For God’s sake, get good accountant. Tax laws are written with loopholes for the rich”.

The judgment of the calendar would argue against it but do you think the accountant who wrote the 1936 trust that Senator Suet Kennedy passed down to his layabout son, Patches Kennedy, is still alive? It’s been going for 77 years. Nobody knows what is in it. Nobody knows how much money has been spun out of it.

What we do know is that there ain’t no taxes been paid on the sucker.

That’s OK as long as “selfish ingrates” like Mickelson just pony up some more to pay for the Kennedy shortfall. Hey, it’s only money. He hits balls for a living. If he finishes 8th he wins $148,000 It’s not like the guy is an organizer for SEIU or is a full time protestor against Wal-Mart or some really hard job.

Shut up and pay up.

This time “Midnight Basketball” is going to work.

Speaking of “selfish ingrates”, how about renaming the entire Kennedy Kabal as such?


You’ll get a new foreskin before you would say that.