Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street
Washington, D.C.20071

Sirs or Madame,

As President of the Broward County North of the Airport/South of Las Olas POO [Perpetually Outraged and Offended] I compliment you on your jihad against the damned 1%ers – doubtless all of whom are in some sort of thralldom to the notorious Koch Brothers – who benefit from the continued use of the name “Redskins” as in Washington Redskins.

You are a beacon to the Wretched of the Earth, to those who are perpetually Under the Lion’s Paw, to those who were/are/will be “unlucky in life’s lottery”, to those who clean the bed pans, who tend to the elderly and the infirm, to those who wipe the noses and the bums of the neglected children of the layabout rich.

Keep fighting the good fight.

May I suggest some new targets now that the rice is cooked in the brouhaha over the “Redskins”?

It’s time for retroactive outrage to rule the day. Vengeance and retribution are mine, say modern American Liberals, our coal mine canaries when it comes to really important things.

Fix your beam of righteous indignation on these 3 names.

Senator Richard Russell
Senator John Stennis
Congressman Carl Vinson

They are remembered and celebrated today by the Richard Russell Senate Office Building, by the USS John Stennis, and by the USS Carl Vinson.

Everyone has good traits.

Hitler was the 20th century’s first public vegan. He banned smoking in his presence. Plus, his love for animals and his kindness towards non-Semitic children was legendary. A good start by today’s standards, no?

Hindsight is always 20/20. We know now that he had some blind spots.

Thus the careers of Senator Russell, Senator Stennis, and Congressman Vinson should be viewed in their entirety.

That they were polite, even courtly, well-educated Southern gentlemen was a given. That they served their country according to a Code of Honor that is now forgotten is also stipulated to. That they were paragons of probity and propriety still redounds to their credit.

That they were stone cold racists who spent their entire public lives trying to stop little Black boys from going to school with little White girls by trying to repeal the 13th, the 14th, and the 15th Amendments to the Constitution must never be forgotten.

It is an inconvenient fact that requires constant sunshine to be thrust on it but they were not alone. Add Senators Ervin, Gore, and Fulbright to that Honor Roll also. They got there the old fashioned way: they earned it.

Start by denaming those ships.

Shirley Chisholm, Saul Alinsky – and I am still trying to get a copy of Mrs. Clinton’s senior thesis on him – Bella Abzug, Alger Hiss, Walter Jenkins, Henry Wallace, Walter Duranty, and Mary Jo Kopechne are some names that leap to mind for possible replacement names for them.

Get Russell’s name of that building. Maybe Senator Harrison Williams should get a good look. Skip Senators Eastland, Long, Bilbo, and Sparkman. Can it be just a coincidence that all the elected officials I named were Democrats. Nah.

Nat Turner, Mr. Bojangles, Trayvon Martin, and now Michael Brown cry out for justice.

There is no time to waste.

Meanwhile, how about the Washington Woblies?

Kevin Smith

Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014
Mitchell Berger, Esq
Berger, Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: As promised…

Mr. Berger,

First, the good news.

In a rare display of political comity a prominent Republican and a prominent Democrat have reached across the aisle, each to help the other. By this public display of harmony they may have made it possible to, if not to make government more productive, at least to make it less rancorous.

Republican Governor Chris Christie had lap band surgery last year enablinghim to lose more than 100 pounds. That loss did not go to waste. Czarina wanabee Democrat Hillary Clinton was the first to find it, She promptly added it to her waist. [Since I am calorically challenged I get a “get out of jail free” card so there

Governor Christie, known as a fierce advocate of recycling, worried that his pre-surgery suits would go to waste, so to speak. He tried to give them to America’s Cup yachtsmen to use them as sails for their 12 meter boats. The declined because the New York Yacht Club prohibits plaid sails, however muted and understated they may be.

Anyway, as soon as the Governor found out that Mrs. Clinton, having been reclassified as freight, was racking up frequent flyer miles on flying the friendly skies with UPS and FedEx.

Hillary is proof that nothing succeeds like excess. 6 rumkins of crème brulee, a gallon of whipping cream, an extra-large sausage pizza, and 2 quarts of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream being force fed to her every day as if she were a feral thug at Camp Gitmo will do that

It seems that her childhood idols – Oliver Hardy, Buddha, Alfred Hitchcock, Pooh, inter alia – served as role models. It is not unusual for her to have un grande media noche, 2 short stacks, and a pound of bacon before she heads out to the all you can eat buffet breakfast at the Injun casino

How fat is she?

She has spandex handkerchiefs.

One of the serendipities of her wearing Christie’s suits is that she won’t need a gallon of WD40 to get those thunder thighs into the pants. By the time it gets to the 2016 campaign she is going to have an ass so wide that you could set a chowder bowl on it.

Fairness and diversity requires me to say that Michelle Obama’s ass is getting close to Bella Abzug territory.

It should be quite a bidding war between Weight-Watchers and Nutri-System for her in 2017.

Who says the Voice of the Turtle cannot be heard in our fair land?

But I digress.

As promised….

We are, as Churchill said, “in a time of limitless peril”. It’s our fault. We, not I mind you, but we, voted for him twice. His skills as a community activist have not served him or we well. Indeed, the only concrete thing he ever did was to get a one million dollar – that’s $1,000,000 – earmark for the University of Chicago Hospital, his wife’s employer. Would it make me a cad to point out that she got a two thousand dollar – repeat - $2,000 a week raise right after the check cleared?

Coincidence? Sure. And the Cubs will win the World Series this year, too.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Putin looks at him and says “What a putz!”

He then says he has “no strategy”. It’s a shame we outlawed flogging.

There was a time when a Democratic President had, if not a strategy at least a plan, for this country.

He said were “tempered by war and disciplined by a bitter peace”. You may wish to look it up but the main theme of his campaign was to close the “missile gap”. [That the sitting President, having led 10,000,000 into battle and having Hitler eat his gun 11 months and 2 days after he landed in France would allow this nation to fall into peril is almost laughable but it worked, didn’t it?]

He said “we dare not tempt them with weakness”. It is another lesson, if we have the time, that we will have to learn again.

Finally, he said it “…is a long twilight struggle, year in, year out” that we are engaged in. Apologizing to all the thugs in the world and then wondering why they still piss in our soup, ignoring our Constitution and shunning the Rule of Law, and not having a clue as to what makes the dog hunt when it comes to “creating” jobs is a one way express ticket to Avernus.

Sir Arnold Lunn, surely one of the great men of the 20th century, coined the phrase “eclectic indignation” to describe the thought processes of modern American Liberals.

A Black teenager shot dead by a White policeman is evil and proof positive of racism. A White teenager shot dead by a Black policeman is down the memory hole never to see sunlight again.

Matthew Shepherd is mourned and idolized. The name Jesse Dirkhising is forgotten.

Koch Brothers – Bad. George Soros and Tom Steyer – Good.

Big oil – Bad. Solyndra – Good

Warren Buffett – Good. OOPS. Warren Buffett – Bad

No wonder ObamaCare encourages chiropractors.

Your backs make cork screws look like the 50 yard line.

Kevin Smith

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 27, 2014
Mitchel Berger, Esq.
Berger, Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Sometimes the easy answer is the right one. More delightful musings from a local fan of Publius.

Mr. Berger,

Ockham lives! Willie’s parents would be proud.

If, as you say, “ocean addification, AKA climate change and global warming”, has led to “seal level rise”, the solution may be obvious.

If “ocean addification” leads to the drowning of polar bears and the subsequent “seal level rise” might not ocean subtratification lead to an increase in polar bears? What is obvious is that wherever there in an increase in polar bears the question of ‘seal level rise” is solved. Apex predators, when left to their own devices, keep the neighborhood neat and tidy.

I have fallen under the Homer Simpson mantra. “Don’t make me choose.” Should I don my “Proud Global Warmer” hat or is it time for my “Right-Wing Conspirator” cap to reappear?

Only a highly trained and very successful modern American Liberal could say that “preparation and change of habit and innovation are what is needed right now to propel us to a better future for our descendants”. I did not know that you had hired Professor Irwin Corey to write for you. Only a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal could, deep down, believe and proselytize such stuff and nonsense.

Then you say, supposedly with a straight face and rubber knickers to help when you pee in your pants as you chew through your tongue waiting for multiple cream pies to slam into your mug, “Our ancestors used these qualities to get us where we are. Don’t we owe the same to future generations?”

One of the traits, one of the most annoying traits, common to modern American Liberals is guilt, both collective and individual. You say “these phenomena [High tide? Really, really high tides? Teenage obesity? Bud Light? Disintermediation? The Ebola 2 Step? Krakatoa? Cholera? Lactose intolerant underemployed LGBT community advisors? The electoral college? Acid rain? Well done ribeyes? Leisure suits? Predatory lending? Rap music? The Kardashians? Debbie Wasserman Medusa? Non-White Christmases? The Tea Party? The Republican House? White after Labor Day? Autumn leaves? Fracking? Malaria?] are happening and they are traced to human conduct.”


Only someone who IVs Narcissism, only someone who yearns for a Solipsism enema believes that you have done, can do, and will do things that “will cool the planet and cause the sea level to drop.” after you have done something to cause them to happen.

If you were a woman you would always be pregnant.

This is a form of intellectual cocaine for which there is no 12 step program. In the real world, in the world where “stones are hard and water is wet”, polite people turn away from such balderdash. That they do so at their peril is abundantly clear.

Your penance is to ride backwards on a burro down Las Olas Boulevard wearing a sign that says “I am a horse’s ass. Fling bags [no plastic, please] of cat shit at me.”

Skip the cap conundrum.

It’s time to dig out my “Sounds like Bullshit to me” tee shirt.

My forefathers were thankful for the chance to clear the land, to drain the swamps, to plant the fields, to mine the coal, to fight the wars, all the while nurturing an American exceptionalism that is the envy of the world. If that not so why do people still risk death to get here? Twice in the 20th century saved the world. They codified the rights, not given to us by any king, but those that were ours at birth, “gifts from beyond the stars”. Along the way they planted the country “thick with laws, from coast to coast” to protect us from each other and, most importantly, from the heavy hand of government.

Indeed I find it passing strange that while lawyers may be knowledgeable about case law they are woefully ignorant of the Constitution. Put simply, the Constitution tells us what our government can do while the Bill of Rights tells us what government cannot do. In case you haven’t noticed the First Amendment begins with 5 majestic words. “Congress shall make no law…”

I say this because I have 3 granddaughters, collectively known as My Texas Ladies. If I have any patrimony to pass on to them it will be the Trivium, the other jewels of Western Civilization, the Athens/Jerusalem/Rome axis, the scientific method, the Rule of Law, reasoned discourse, the 2500 year old declaration that “free men speak with free tongues”, and the simple truth that “man will not only endure but he will prevail”.

If the furbish lousewort or feral Muslims interfere with that transfer History has told us what to do.

I am going to my local Burger King for a snack that Michele Obama would outlaw if she had the chance. I am proud to say that since I discovered the 20th century’s first public vegan was Adolph Hitler I never let a day go by without pledging allegiance to PETA. [That’s short for People Eating Tasty Animals.]

I am glad to see the Constitutional proscription in re bills of attainder still applies. That Willie Horton’s 4th child, Tom Horton, was able to move to Canada and open a restaurant business so successful that American businesses are scrambling to be owned by him is proof positive that sins of the father are not visited upon the son.

The next tutorial will be about the relearning of lessons first given to us in the inaugural address of John Kennedy. I promise I won’t mention his love of tax cuts.

Had any close shaves lately?

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014
Rhonda Swan
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some comments on your unlinkable column on race and murder in the Sun Sentinel on 8/25/14.

Ms. Swan,

In medieval times cartographers, having run out of names to put on the edges of their flat maps, put the words terra incognita on the margins. It meant no one knows what is there. Further, it oft-times included the words sunt leones there. They meant that should you get there safely watch out that the dragons don’t ruin your day.

Thus I take pen in hand, somewhat warily, because of past experiences with irate modern American Liberals, and enter the “R”, as in Race, gauntlet. These are lists where White entrants are judged not by results or even expectations but solely by the perceptions of those holding the cudgels.

“Are you a racist” will be answered right after “When did you stop beating your wife” is answered.

As Yeats, another prototypical 20th century DWEM, said,

“I prefer order to chaos”.

You say

“The protestors want the lives of young black men to matter.”

Now that Detroit has been dropped from the 3rd tier to unrated in the Premier League of American cities, Chicago is as modern an American Liberal city as can be imagined. Chicago waits breathlessly each month for the release of last month’s murder rates. The city fathers say Thank God and/or Allah be Praised when Baghdad retains its title as the murder capitol of the universe. If the feral WOGs there weren’t killing each other in a monotonously metronomic manner Chicago would no longer be the “Second City” in mayhem. [The police chief of Detroit has forever shattered the modern American liberal template of gun control is good by telling the citizens that they should arm themselves.

A quick look at those toe tagged in the murder corner of the Cook County Morgue shows, screams, that the victims are overwhelmingly young, overwhelmingly Black, and overwhelmingly male. That there should be a separate listing for the “alleged” victims 8 and under will be addressed in the next Summer of Recovery racially diverse budget planning committee.

“After the first death there are no others.”

While it is true that a White man wrote that it is equally true that

“Ask not for whom the bell tolls”

was also written by another melanin challenged bard.

tu quoque is a device much favored by Sophists to buttress a point. Are you aware of the similarities of the deaths of Michael Brown in Missouri and Dillon Taylor in Utah? Both were unarmed teenagers who were shot to death by policemen, Brown by a White policeman and Taylor by a Black policeman. Both unarmed teenagers are going to be dead for a very long time. On the surface there appear to be things in both worthy of national media attention. I am unaware of any calls for the home address of the Utah policeman. I may be wrong but I don’t think the Attorney General will be sending FBI shock troops to investigate.

Would I be tip-toeing in dangerous territory if I were to say that Blacks killing Blacks and Blacks killing Whites is worth a media yawn while Whites killing Blacks brings out vitriol unheard since racist Democrats ruled Congress?

I mention racist Democrats because while POO – The Perpetually Outraged and Offended – is greatly exorcized over the name Redskins Senator John Stennis [D-MI,], Representative Carl Vinson [D-GA] and Senator Richard Russell [D-GA] have been honored by their colleagues. The first 2 have nuclear aircraft carriers named after them and the 3rd one has his name on a Senate office building. Whatever else they were they were stone cold racists. The 3 of them would have done President Wilson proud. As Senator Dole said in 1996, “Where’s the outrage?”

Please tell me why one death in Missouri causes screams of outrage with calls for vengeance posing as justice while multiple murders in Chicago stand mute and unmourned? Take a shot, so to speak, at the events in Utah.

Kevin Smith
White non-Hispanic

August 24, 2014
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
350 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301

RE: Some impressions of “Risky Business” past the pretty pictures

Mr. Berger,

My devotion to James Joyce and how he changed the English language by yanking it by its “embarrassing short and curlies” and making it march in a new direction made me pause when I came across “addification” as in “ocean addification”. It was like watching “a new planet swim into my ken”.

My electronic search defined it – not by etymology but by example – by saying how more catsup enhanced the hamburger experience. I knew exactly what it meant when the second example was of how a tight sweater increased a lady’s zoftigness.

I think it would be fair to say that “ocean addification” is the same as a large balloon filled with pancake batter. When you push one side of it the contents shift to another side. No more, no less. Just rearranged, right?

In the same paragraph I saw “climate change” and “global warming” used as synonyms. My devotion to the great Dr. Johnson – Samuel, not Lyndon – caused me to create a new word: GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction. I don’t know whether you know it or not but a lot of strange things happen every year in September about 1,000 miles North of here. The leaves change color; temperatures drop; the wind picks up; apple cider appears; kids put on costumes for Halloween; year after year after year after year.


One of the action photos in your tract shows a woman in Galveston, TX being rescued from roiling waters caused by a hurricane. For the record is that the nameless hurricane of 1908, the one that got to Texas without any help from a rapacious, planet destroying, fossil fuel consuming despoiling selfish, mostly White, wanabee 1%ers, or was it from a later properly named one?

Incidentally, the action shot of the New York Stock Exchange “under water after Hurricane Sandy” has 2 errors, neither of which is larger than a man’s fist on the horizon. Hurricane Sandy was not a hurricane. It was not even close. The highest recorded wind was 57 MPH.

It may be de minimis but I am sure your firm has billed countless clients myriad hours parsing the difference between “may” and “will”, right?

Law rightfully uses curves and soft edges to make or prove a hard point. In science, any science, there can be no small errors. “Rounding errors” do not exist in the laboratory.

[One of my ideas to increase FCAT scores while increasing the self-esteem of inner city youth, many of whom live in single parent homes, usually run by women of color who are exploited by the low prices of Walmart and made more unemployable when modern American Liberals help her by raising the minimum wage, was to change
Pi from 3.1416 to 3.0. Geometry scores would soar. That buildings and bridges would fall down is of no great import. It would be reason for a never ending “shovel ready “ jobs program in a perpetual “Summer of Recovery”.

In another action photo you show a Black man wading in the street in Immokalee “after Hurricane Wilma”.

Have you ever been to Immokalee? How about Belle Glades? They are both less than an hour from the Breakers in Palm Beach and from Worth Street shoppes. [The Breakers and Worth Street are on par with the Dorchester and Jermyn Street, both in London]

I am positive that in the 50 years since Lyndon Johnson declared war on gravity no Hoplite-led phalanx of the brigades of the War on Poverty has ever been there. If they were and they used the typical weapon of money somebody should be arrested.

Hey! Rome had 3 Punic Wars. It took the British from 1775 to 1815 to settle the tab with the French. The Serbs and the Croats have been scrapping for 800 years. Ditto the Sunni and the Shias only with them it’s 14 centuries. The Greeks and the Turks have been avoiding conflict resolution seminars for 30 centuries. [To put that last number in perspective Ptolemy came and went as the unquestioned top dog in the “settled science” of astronomy] Modern American Liberals are right. Just because it didn’t work the first time doesn’t mean it won’t the second or the third or the fourth or the sixteenth or whatever. You go, Sisyphus!

It may be time for that mythical Washington Post headline

World Ending
Women and Minorities will suffer disproportionately

That’s enough for now. I’ll be back. You give me a target rich environment with no daily limits.

Kevin Smith

PS – Your 51 page multi-colored neo-Jeremiad tract is absolute irrefutable proof of one adage. 4 members of your team – Bloomberg, Paulson, Rubin, Steyer - share one common trait. That they are incalculably wealth is beyond doubt. Croesus would cringe in shame. There are not enough zeros and commas to accommodate their collective net worth. The empirically self-evident adage, the one my sainted mother told me, years ago, is

A fool and his money are soon parted.

PS2 – Everyone has the right to throw money off the back of a moving train. At least these 4 swells are tossing their own. Traditional modern American Liberals don’t care whose money gets the heave. That’s why in 2009 they thanked God and/or Allah for the existence of mendacious Mandarin money lenders.

PS3 – I read where your wife went to high school with Tom Steyer. Do you think she could find out if he ever filed any Subchapter ‘S’ tax returns? John Edwards, remember him, did it all the time. That way he ducked the Medicare tax. See if she can find out.

PS4 – What is the Rhodium Group? I see where they supplied you with all your data. I counted pictures of 17 doubtless multi-talented, multi-degreed individuals who make up the visible part of the Rhodium Group. What’s their payroll? Who funds them? Are they a for profit company? I ask this because any time a tree hugging brown shirted Cossack reads a report on the environment that does not condemn energy companies their funding is always thought to be tainted. Are tax returns and certified financial statements available? If not, why not. [In Rhetoric that is known as denying the major premise] Get back to me, OK?

PS5 – I’m going to tell you a secret that rational people use to discover secret boobs of the sky is falling school. Anytime anyone anywhere begins to say that correlation is the same as causation it is a sure sign that the dumb bastard couldn’t find his ass using both of his hands. Honest.

PS6 – Who caused the California earthquake? GW deniers or the Tea Party? Stay tuned.

PS6 – I must tell you that when I was typing this I donned my ball cap emblazoned with


Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22, 2014

Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singerman
350 E Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Mr. Berger,

I received your letter and a copy of “Risky Business” – not the Tom Cruise opus of the same name – this morning. I am most appreciative. I like it when the fish compete to see who can first jump into the barrel wearing a sign saying in flashing letters “Shoot me first, please.”

May I comment on 2 Risky Business Risk Committee members?

Robert Rubin formally withdrew as a partner of Goldman Sachs and liquidated his holdings on December 27, 1992. He became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury when Bill Clinton was sworn in as President. Lloyd Bentsen was the Secretary of the Treasury. I mention Bentsen because he was the Vice Presidential candidate in 1988. Wee Mikey Dukakis was the Presidential candidate. [Although he is remembered for many notable things – He was the Governor who furloughed a murdering rapist named Willie Horton who, can you believe it, raped and murdered again. What’s Willie boy doing these days? Some people never let you down. Who can forget the picture of Mikey driving a tank? I can’t. It stood unchallenged until Jay Forbes Kerry decided to dress up as a friggin’ rabbit, the better to capture the trans-gendered, lactose-intolerant Peter Cottontail/Easter Bunny vote in 2004. Honest. Look it up.] You may recall that Bentsen spent a lot of campaign time explaining why he was able to charge lobbyists $10,000…for breakfast. For 10 large I want to see that chicken lay ginormous Guinness Book eggs]

In March/April, 1993 Rubin recommended a personal income tax increase retroactive to January 1, 1993. Any pre-New Year’s Eve transactions slipped under the IRS radar. The hint of smarminess abounded.


I hope not. I was born and raised as an Irish-Catholic in Bayonne, NJ. That’s at the good end of Hudson County. My father, the legendary Judge Smith, used to tell me that “Men Working” signs in the street were Republican propaganda. One of life’s important lessons, learned coincidental with the weaning process, was the ability to tell the buttered side from the dry.


As Jeeves said to Bertie, “They happen as often as you find a trout in the milk”.

Anyway, by 2002 he and the Rasputin look-a-like, Paul Krugman, both were shilling for Enron. You have to hand it to those 1%ers. “Whose wine I drink whose song I sing” is a sweet tune indeed for those who hunt where the ducks are.

My favorite Donna Shalala moment – other than the tape of her audition as the parrot sitting on Janet Reno’s shoulder in the failed musical, Long John Silver, The First Disabled Pirate is of her in the Oval Office with President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs. It was August, 1997. He had just given a press conference in the Rose Garden. August in DC is either unbearably hot or unbelievingly unbearably hot. The President of the United States, a man with one hand on the nuclear trigger and the other one up Monica’s blue dress, told the nation it was hot because of Global Warming. He then said that Global Warming was caused by, you guessed it, hot days in August.

He was stretching the edges of the envelope labeled “Philandering Presidential Perjurers” to include “Tautologies As A Way Of Life – It Sure Beats The Hell Out Of the Scientific Method”.

Meanwhile, back in the Oval Office, Ms Shalala was advising the President about “Midnight Basketball” or some such mush-brained, nit-witted modern American Liberal gravity defying public policy proposal, when she said “What difference does it make? We’ll all be dead from AIDS in 10 years.”

I am still thankful for the 10 extra years she gave me in 1997.

You may recall “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D., [of course, Ph.D, of course] in 1969.

He said we would all be dead by 2000. The only mystery was whether we would starve to death before we froze. I think that the absence of protein makes us more susceptible to hypothermia but what do I know?

Wait a minute!

Did I say “freeze”? You betcha.

In 1969 the “science was settled”. Global Cooling was the culprit.

Speaking of “settled science”, Ptolemy was the top dog in astronomy for 15 centuries. That’s 1,500 years. Whatever happened to him? Let me know if you hear anything about him. Him, Judge Crater, and the Malaysian air plane. Whodathunk.

How soon can we expect the announcement about your firm no longer handling real estate transactions that have anything g to do with water? Will you be turning off your A/Cs soon? When will you mandate public transportation only for your employees – non partners? You say “we owe it to future generations”.

How many more polar bears must drown before you show us the way?

I may need counsel. Although the statute has probably run you can’t be too sure when you’re dealing with tree hugging Cossacks. In the 1970s I used to finish my AM ablutions by firing a healthy dollop of Right Guard out the bathroom window. It was the least I could do to hasten the demise of the Ozone Layer. Before he became Vice President Senator Alpha Gump, the noted Tennessee slum lord who was raised in the Shoreham Hotel where he was served pulp free orange juice and toast with the crusts removed and cut diagonally by Uncle Ben looking Black men who wore white gloves, would hector the country about the dangers of a world free of Ozone.

I felt proud that I had done my part.

Anyway, having already been the victim of police visits because of something I had written to or about modern American Liberal politicians – Think Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Miriam Oliphant, to name 2 – who knows what these fans of furbish louseworts will do. [By the way, can you tell me why the EPA needs automatic weapons and trigger happy SWAT teams?]

Detective Joe Kessling of the Criminal Investigations Division of the Broward Sheriff’s Office told me I had “nothing to worry about”. I said, “You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I have nothing to worry about?” Satire in Broward County, in modern American Liberal Broward County, is an alien concept.

If you think my response is one toe over the line of argumentum ad hominen you are right. Since the arguments of the lunatic Luddites who want to do away with electricity and the snake oil grifters who speak for them always begin with some combination of argumenta ad absurdum and/or ad captandum I can’t afford the luxury of civil discourse.

Your assignment is to get your hands on and your mind around one of the oldest fallacies in the world. After 25 centuries it prospers because it is easier than thinking. The trait most necessary in a modern American Liberal is to confuse feeling with ideas. The Trivium takes no prisoners.


Lysenko would be proud.

Kevin Smith
August 21, 2014
Chan Lowe
The Sun Sentinel

Mr. Lowe,

At the core of modern American Liberalism, in the kiln where warp and woof are double helixed, is the certainty that helping people, particularly those who can’t help themselves, is a good and noble thing. It enables card carrying, fire breathing zealots – as if there were any other kind, particularly in Broward County, the home of manatee suffrage – to ignore facts that interfere with an argument and to never, ever judge things by results, only by expectations. With this comes the responsibility of being firm and resolute when the untermenschen won’t finish their tofu and endive smoothies or won’t take their organic sensitivity pill.

Alas, your cartoon depicting Governor Scott not subscribing to the school of “If we don’t drown we’ll burn to death” is unlinkable.

Since Broward County is the epicenter of modern American Liberalism, a place of muted enthusiasm as we end the 5th year without the Messiah of a Summer of Recovery” tap dancing down the Intracoastal, there is the heightened need and obligation to help somebody, anybody.

I have been asking the Sun Sentinel since 1997 to take the lead, to be a trailblazer, to “walk the walk” on Global Warming. My request has been simple: Turn off all you A/Cs and demand that all your employees use public transportation getting to and from work.

The reason is crystal clear a la Tanqueray.

45% of the electricity generated in this country comes from burning coal. 50% of that electricity goes to run A/Cs.

Ergo, if you turn off all you’re A/Cs you strike a blow against coal, the Koch Brothers, bitter clingers and Tea Party dudes and dudesses, It would be ungentlemanly of me to comment on modern American Liberal hedge fund gasillioniaire Tom Steyer who has mined and sold millions of tons of high sulfur, AKA “dirty”, coal to the Chinese and Indonesians so I shan’t. Also the serendipity is that you help undrown all those polar bears.

Every year I ask and every year you put your head in the sand.

I have a new plan.

Despite overwhelming evidence of rising sea levels there is no end to people who want to buy waterfront property.
An acre of bay front property on Biscayne Bay just sold for $1,000,000,000. That’s “B” as in Billion. I understand that he closing was at low tide lest buyer’s remorse scotch the sale

The rule of res ipso loquitur does not apply to waterfront property. I don’t know how the buyer came by his billion but just think how much better that money could have been spent. Midnight Basketball and Cash for Clunkers and Shovel Ready Jobs leap to mind.

Since the outright banning of buying waterfront property is still a bit of a reach why not have a 72 hour cooling off period? The used car business, the aluminum siding business, and the renascent time share business seem to be doing OK with it.

Certainly no one in his right mind would buy property if he knew that he was 2 or 3 genetically altered neap tides and a Global Warming enraged full moon from having lobsters and surfers calling it home.

That’s why Broward County must step in.

These people can’t help themselves. A lot of people think that modern American Liberals suffer from a head up their ass condescension that is both beneath and beyond contempt. I am proud to say “Count me out”.

Together we can make a difference.

Then we’ll ban vaccines, starting with Salk and Sabin anti-polio shots. The possibility of being border line autistic and lactose intolerant with an uncertain gender identity problem is a risk not worth taking.

After that we’ll ban plastic.

Kevin Smith

PS – Full disclosure requires that I tell you that I fracked my first well in 1974. Further, as I write this I am wearing a cherished Father’s Day gift. It is a blue ball cap emblazoned with the words


Monday, August 18, 2014

August 17, 2014
Dan Sweeney
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it” – Some comments on your unlinkable Page 1 news story about heat and cold in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Sweeney,

First, might you be named after Dan Sweeney, AKA “Snapper”, a WWI combat veteran who lived in Bayonne, NJ on East 26th Street?

A cherished Father’s Day gift this year was a dark blue ball cap emblazoned with gold letters proclaiming that the wearer is a “PROUD GLOBAL WARMER”. I hope this does not automatically label me a knuckle dragging, flat earth zealot. I’ll be devastated if it does.

Has anyone else noticed that UM Professor Ben Kirtman, doubtless a multi-degreed individual who is well respected in the Graves of Academe, has no sense of how History intrudes? Indeed, Clio can be a cruel companion.

He says “the warming since the 1950s is unequivocal”. In 1950 an English astronomer, Fred Hoyle, settled the science about the origins of the universe. “Steady state” was chiseled into the walls of every astronomy class in the known universe. Ah! The glory days of LP records, Willie, Mickey, and the Duke in center field in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Brooklyn, and summers free of Salk vaccine.

I hope, as Professor Kirtman says, that “two plus two equals four – 100 per cent certainty” still holds. If he thinks Ptolemy got a bad rap all bets are off.

The conundrum here is that, despite the anti-intellectual, anti-rational nit-wit nostrums of over educated jackasses, Global Warming has been and will continue to be a good thing for mankind.

Follow the bouncing ball. I’ll type slowly.

Increasing temperatures make more land more arable. Arable land is the cradle, the nurturer of protein. Increased protein helps to make people smarter. 1100 years ago we had an uptick in temperature. 200 years alter we had the Renaissance. All those opposed to Dante and Michelangelo can leave the room. Just do it quickly and silently. Conversely, we had a “Little Ice Age” 200 years later. Whatever else it did it gave the wood to Stradivarius to make divinely inspired instruments.

Jeepers! The weather sure changes. And all that happened before we started to drown polar bears because of burning fossil fuels to give the rich 1% aggressive air conditioning.
Speaking of changing weather….

1821 was known as the “Year without Summer”. It snowed several times in Boston in June.
1908, 1925, 1938. Galveston, South Florida, and Long Island were leveled like when Noah was around.

How did this happen, there being far, far fewer automobiles, no summer ice skating, absolutely no fluorocarbons or long strand polymers? No one had ever heard of fracking and the Satanic Koch Brothers weren’t even born.

What caused them to happen? Stalin? FDR? Hitler? Which man made these things happen or did they just happen?

I think I’ll ask Professor Vivaldi, the noted Italian weather commentator. When he speaks it is settled.


Kevin Smith
August 17, 2014
Chan Lowe
They Sun Sentinel

RE: It’s about time –Some comments on your earnest, somewhat unartful, skewering of Florida Power & Light in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Lowe,

If fact, before modern American Liberals became codified, cemented, and ossified as fanatical true zealots who worship at the Church of 4th & 5th trimester abortion and who prostrate themselves into a rapturous state at the latest anti-rational dictum issued by the Elders, the construct, the paradigmatic template if you will, of utilities, entities such as Florida Power & Light, was highly praised by Progressives. Men such as T. Woodrow Wilson, the most racist President since Andrew Jackson, praised asthe best deal for the little guy. We know that “helping the little guy” is what makes the modern American Liberal dog, forgive me, hunt. Deep down – Can I still use the word “soul”? – the common thread that binds all the mush brained nit-wits who are still waiting patiently for the year’s perpetually late “Summer of Recovery” is that all problems are solvable if enough progressive legislators and compassionate Judges want it to be so.

Your last unlinkable paragraph, the one that proclaims that you are familiar with neither Juvenal nor Swift, the one that says the unindicted co-conspirators who run FP&L, the ones who support the Tea Party and take sacks of swag from the vile Koch Brothers, lowered the thermostat in their man-cave to 50 degrees, presumptively not Centigrade.

It fits the narrative of modern American Liberals and organs of misinformation to maintain, despite empirical evidence to the contrary, that temperatures and sea levels are rising.

The fact that an acre and a quarter of property on Biscayne Bay was purchased for $1,250,000,000 – that’s one billion two hundred and fifty millions of dollars – is ignored. Is it not possible that someone who can assemble $1,250,000,000 to buy a small piece of property would have done due diligence, in addition to a title search, to see if his property will soon be a haven for lion fish? In my other life I was an expert witness on mortgages on the Federal Court level. I guarantee that predatory lending and being a Friend of Angelo does not add a dime to the $1,250,000,000 “good funds” pot required at the closing. Honest.

Such is my concern for the environment, such is my devotion to Gaia that I have been asking the Sun Sentinel since 1997 to show us the way on saving the planet. To be fair, the problem of GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction is a moving target. Since 1968 – vide The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, PhD – does not lend itself to simple definition.
Circular reasoning, hoc post ergo propter hoc, endless tautologies do not a definition make.

The word consensus, when used in the same sentence with science, should make reasonable people reach for their concealed weapon. The consensus of 99.4% of the planet for 15 centuries was that Ptolemy was right. [Look it up]

Still, if they doomsayers are right, there are some things we can do. They may not work but they’ll make us feel warm and fuzzy about ourselves. Isn’t that one of the goals of modern American Liberalism.?

Why point out the problem if you can’t offer a solution? That’s why I have been asking since 1997 for you to show us the way. My suggestions are both simple and easily implemented.

#1 – The Sun Sentinel will immediately turn off all A/Cs in their building
#2 – Employees must use public transportation. No private automobiles.

I didn’t say it was going to be easy but someone has to go first, right?

What’s the sense of doing away with gender inequality, of doing away with income inequality, of doing away with both teenage obesity and the heartbreak of psoriasis, of making endive, kale, and arugula milk shakes OK for lactose intolerant transgendered youths, of getting lambs to volunteer for a sleep over with the Lion King, if we all turn into Krispy Kritters?

Show us the way to undrown all those polar bears.

After we do that we’ll ban vitamins, hormones, and antibiotics from human use. Why should chickens and cows be the only lucky ones?

After that we’ll ban plastic.

Think Globally. Act Locally.

Kevin Smith

PS – Don’t you think it is passing strange that Japan, the first and still the only catcher on an A-bomb traveling team, gets about 60% of its power form nuclear driven plants? If they didn’t need oil maybe there wouldn’t have been Pearl Harbor. Maybe that’s one way to end fracking. BTB, in return for getting state granted monopolies, the utilities agreed that states would regulate their rates. Part of the original agreements was the guarantee of a “fair and reasonable” rate of return. Can you give me a “reasonable” definition of “fair”?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 15, 2014
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singerman
360 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Happy Days are really, really here again, especially for modern American Liberal chiropractors who manipulate, 24/7, modern American Liberal lawyers enabling both to enjoy a never ending Summer of Recovery.

Mr. Berger,

How tough is it to be a modern American Liberal lawyer? A tumescent group of rutting reptiles doesn’t put as much strain on their spines as you do. Cervical, thoracic, lumbar – Oh your aching back but you are an equal opportunity contortionist, aren’t you? The demands that the elders make of modern American Liberal votaries require mental and spiritual contortions that are the bane of mere mortals.

A “decent respect for the opinions of mankind” demands that I explain myself.

On August 3rd you blamed Governor Scott for “sea level rise”.

Mean, nasty, and smarmy are traits necessary for the survival of modern American Liberals, more so for modern American Liberal lawyers. Since wit and satire are alien to people, people such as you, who believe that “Midnight Basketball” and “Cash for Clunkers” are both sound public policies and that raising taxes and the minimum wage will cause the unemployment rate to drop. I am left with no choice but to believe that deep down, Honest Injun, you really, really believe that. It is, of course, dreck but for hacks like you who believe that inconvenient facts must never interfere with a gravity defying argument, you leave me no choice.

I wrote to you on 8/3 – copy enclosed – suggesting that as modern American Liberal lawyer you should not represent anyone involved in any transaction where flowing water can be seen from any part of the building. I said that unless the buyers were les merdes du Quebec you had to tell them not to buy because if Governor Scott is reelected the property would soon be a place for halibut, hake, and haddock humping. If they insisted on buying you were morally and ethically bound to tell them to find another lawyer to represent them.

I read this morning that your firm was involved in the closing of property on the Intracoastal in Fort Lauderdale. The announced price was $21,600,000. Doubtless some of the units will be Section 8, no? There is no sense in being a half-assed 1%er, is there? Just be sure to be a hypocritical one though’

I hope you are resting comfortably. Being packed in ice while being in traction can be uncomfortable, particularly when the vertebrae realign themselves in an East/West axis. That’s why drugs were invented. I have some extra Oxys available at market price should you want an off the books transaction. Don’t let the residents do the epidurals.

It seems that “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” is more common than we thought in the control group known as “modern American Liberal lawyers” – Broward County gang. Your smarminess knows no bounds.

Your unctuous Jeremiad of 8/3/14 tells us of the dangers of CO2. Here’s a simple solution, dear to the heart of mush-brained statists.

#1 – Don’t exhale. It is industrial strength CO2.
#2 – Outlaw photosynthesis. Damn those green plants!

At the very least you must turn off all A/Cs. Almost 50% of the electricity generated in this country comes from burning coal. [At least Tom Steyer sold his high sulfur/dirty coal to China and Malaysia. Thanks, Tommy boy.] Half of that power goes to run A/Cs. If you and your ilk want to undrown myriad polar bears you must do this. Plus, you will feel warm and fuzzy about yourself.

The next step is that all employees in your firm – partners excluded – must use public transportation to get to and from work.

Think Globally and act Locally.

Let me amend that. It’s easier to be ethically challenged when you suffer from the Fatal Conceit of believing that the horizon can be reached if enough men of good will desire it. Ugh. That means that beyond being a varlet you are a hypocritical varlet.

Kevin Smith

PS – Do you remember when Czarina Hillary the Hecate said that there was a “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” out there doing all sorts of evil things? I do. Do you suppose that the knuckle-dragging, bitter clinging, homophobic gun nuts of the Tea Party, financed by the evil Koch Brothers, are behind all the bad stuff going on? I don’t. I bet you do.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 14, 2014
Rosemary Goudreau
Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Judicial elections

Ms. Goudreau,

I beg to offer 2 dissenting opinions.

#! – The election of Judges is an abomination. They can’t answer anything other than how much do you love Mom and do you like your apple pie with or without ice cream. The sight of trial lawyers throwing checks at candidates is, at best, unseemly. The admonition about Caesar’s wife is left unsaid. As a litigant I have been in the following courts: New Jersey Superior Court and the New Jersey Court of Appeals; The New York State Supreme Court and the New York State Court of Appeals, United States District Court, United States Court of Appeals, United States Bankruptcy Court, United States Tax Court, and the United States Supreme Court.. It would be safe to say that I have a sense of what makes a Judge a Judge.

Then I got to Florida

Let me say that the Florida Judiciary in general and the cabal that sits in the Broward Courthouse in particular is, in the truest sense of the word, unique. Broward Judges have the uncanny ability to look through a keyhole with both eyes.

#2 – Since Judge Efren is a card player it is a sad fact and an inconvenient truth that with him sitting on the Bench the good people of Broward County are always trying to fill inside straights. The reason why the people who run the casinos live in big houses, wear a bit too much jewelry, and have a tendency to collect ravishing blonde ladies is because people bet against the house that they can do just that.

I watched him on “County Line” hosted by Frank Loconto. I am not used to having people piss on my back and then tell me it’s rain. That’s what Lord Feren did. All that he needed was a powdered wig, a red robe, and a pillory behind him.

I enclose a copy of a letter I sent to him on Tuesday. If we must have Judges elected let’s start by unelecting this black robed churlish snoot.

Kevin Smith
August 11, 2014
Judge Steven Brian Feren
Broward County Courthouse
201 SE 6th Street
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: What’s that smell? If the President of the United States, and let me say that he is the best President we have, can say HORSESHIT so can I.

Judge Feren,

Auras, airs past penumbras, decidedly non-redolent emanations, fill the Broward Courthouse.

Who says “Trousered Apes” are gone? Not I.

Apparently when you – both universally “you” and particularly “you” – managed to get your sorry, sad sacked asses and ass wrapped in black a mighty power descended on you. The laws governing gravity are suspended when you speak. Ozymandias and Canute have nothing on you. In an Ebola-like outbreak of judicial solipsism you have replaced Caesar dixit with Magister dixit.

I saw you on “County Line” yesterday.

Host Frank Loconto neither set verbal traps nor did he throw “gotcha” questions at you. By making sure that you were the focus of the conversation he let you first admire your bayonet and then sit on it.

Your condescension was so fulsome, so noxious, that it came through the TV.

You said you have never made a mistake on the Bench.
Further, you said that jury verdicts are good when
you agree with them and bad when you don’t.

For us mere mortals, particularly those of us who have served on juries, the chance to touch your hem, to have your shadow fall upon us, is a consolation devoutly to be wished. Doubtless you have never been overturned on appeal. In fact, have any of your decisions ever been appealed? Samuel, Cato the Younger, John Marshall, Roy Bean, Arthur Vanderbilt…it’s a short list. I am sure they will welcome you to it.

And yes, the Greeks do have a word for that.


In Broward County, in modern American Liberal Broward County, a place soon to have non-photo ID manatee suffrage, a place where Dr. Mengele would be voted for because of his progressive views on abortion, it is oft-times called “Non-malodorus fecal matter syndrome”. You may want to send a SASE for the precise definition. A cat dead ten days and a dozen three week old randy knickers would be like spring lavender compared to the ordure coming from you.

Men with pitchforks, whips, and snarling hounds should drive you from the courthouse for fouling the air and despoiling the concept of Justice. How many times do we get to use the word “defenestration” correctly?

You won’t go empty handed. I hereby name you


To Hell with here comes the Judge! In your case it should be there goes the Judge. Permanently. Your future employment should be predicated on being an example in Judge school. A negative example. If not that there is always a need for a catcher on the Flaming Bags of Cat Shit traveling team.

Dickens said that “the law is a fool, the law is a ass”. Too bad he never heard about you.

Kevin Smith
August 14, 2014
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005

RE: “A target rich environment” – I’ll say this about modern American Liberals. “They never let you down.” Some comments on your offerings in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Carlson,

It’s been some time since I reminded you that you said that American GIs serving overseas were tax cheats who didn’t deserve to have their votes counted. Tempus sure fugits, doesn’t it?

I picked up my pen today because of your typical, I dare say prototypical, modern American Liberal smarminess.

“His opponent, Mitt Romney, didn’t have that foresight: He was
photographed jet-skiing past his lakeside mansion, reinforcing his
image as the kind of plutocrat who hides his money in the Caymans.”
The Miami Herald

Some say that tu quoque is so 1990s. I ain’t one of them.

I am not familiar with the picture of Mitt Romney jet-skiing. Is it as good as the one of John Kerry wind surfing?

You write that Romney looks like someone who hides his money in the Cayman Islands. Do you think Kerry stashed the loot that he saved by avoiding taxes on the boat his mad cap Gypsy wife bought for him? I can’t say if it still is the paradigmatic template for 1% wretched excess but how many other boats have bowling alleys, Starbucks, and a drive-in movie theatre below decks? By the way, did high unionized wages in New England cause her to have the boat built in New Zealand?

[My quest for the truth about the possible business connections between Mrs. Kerry’s grandfather and President Obama’s great-great grandfather is ongoing. Confidential informants who, perforce, must remain confidential say that they were involved with the planting, cultivation, training, and transportation of, shall we say, involuntary migrant workers. It was and still is a common practice in Muslim dominated countries. Alas, some of the hard drives containing information about it have gone walkabout.]

“How someone spends their time when freed from shirt,
tie, pantsuit and handlers give us a rare glimpse
of who they really are.”
op cit

That’s like an off speed, letter high, batting practice pitch to a power hitter. You have to guard against overswinging.

Did you see the picture of the Clintons walking on the beach? Who took the picture? My guess is that Elizabeth Warren, AKA Princess SummerFallWinterWarren, teamed up with favorite photographer of the Koch Brothers to do the dirty deed. Several things are self-evident.

#1 – The dog has been bribed. He seems like a good hound. The only way he would walk with those 2 grifters would be if he had been promised 2 hind quarters from a Brahma bull and a weekend with Lassie.
#2 – Ex President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs is on his cell phone trying to score an “afternoon delight”. Down South they’re called “Nooners”. Plus, someone should tell him to ditch the socks. He’s on a beach, fercristsaskes.
#3 – I know they were “dead broke” when they left the White House. Through bake sales, 50/50s, tutoring, foreclosure defense inter alia she was able to put $100,000,000 into her political tin box, the better to prepare for their golden years. With that kind of dough she should have been able to afford someone who would hit her with a bat before she could be photographed in public wearing that Brobdanaglian blue muumuu. It was last seen on the roof of a hurricane damaged Walmart super store. Yankee Stadium, home of her “favorite” team, remember, could use it as an infield trap to keep the rain off the base paths. If you want to cure teenage boys of daydreaming about perfecting their twerking skills put a picture of her in every boy’s room of every high school in America. The birth rate will soon be negative. Industrial strength Viagra IVed could not overcome that. One more crème brulee and she will look like Buddha. She would make Chris Christie look like Gandhi. If you want to lose weight run around her. And if you want to commit suicide jump off her wallet.

In a show of support for diversity and inclusion Hillary is only a half a lap in front of Michele Obama, she of the blossoming booty. She is apparently grabbing all those unhealthy foods that teenagers crave and destroying them in an environmentally sensitive manner by eating them.

They’ll both be working for Nutri-System in a few years. They both use a lot of WD-40 if they want to get into their pant suits, into their Spandex pant suits. Not since the glory days of Bella Abzug has the word “steatyagonous” been heard in the land.

That’s all for now. I am starting the last leg of my summer vacation. I have so far been in 54 or 55 of Obama’s 57 or 58 states. My 2 Holy Grail quests – finding a Marine corpse and finding a copy of an Austrian/English dictionary - remain unfulfilled.

I’ll keep in touch.

Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of modern American Liberal hypocrites, let me be the first to tell about Tom Steyer. He said he will spend $100,000,000 of his own money to help elect candidates who care about the environment. He once ran a hedge fund. He wants to undrown cute and fuzzy polar bears. Unlike Mitt Romney who ran a bad hedge fund, he ran a good hedge fund. Can you believe that this friend of the polar bears and foe of air conditioning mined dirty coal in Australia and Indonesia? Then he sold it to Japan and China where it polluted the atmosphere, destroyed the besieged ozone layer, and gave us GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction. Stick around. It gets better. He made so much money for his clients that he advised them to stash it in – are you ready? - the Cayman Islands. “Non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”, no? It is true that while all hedge funds are equal some hedge funds are more equal than others, right?

Monday, August 11, 2014

August 9, 2014
Today is the 69th anniversary of the successful conclusion of 3 days of intense, extremely up close and immensely personal face to face negotiations between the United States and Japan.
Negotiations were begun in in the sky above Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
One follow up session was required on August 9, 1945. The talks were moved to Nagasaki because of wide spread black out at Hiroshima.
It marked the end of hostilities between the 2 countries. Alas, it was 76 days too late for Amy’s uncle, Corporal Leonard Putnam. He, a 42 year old piano salesman from Jersey City, N J, was killed on Okinawa on May 25, 1945.
No nuclear weapons have been fired in anger since August 9, 1945.
Sometimes you have to use a 2x4 before you can reason with someone.
Maybe it will end soon. Maybe not.
Either way…

The world thanks you

Friday, August 8, 2014

August 5, 2014
Chan Lowe
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL33394

RE: Next up, manatee suffrage, right?

Mr. Lowe,

My compliments on a marvelous, alas unlinkable, cartoon this AM.

It shows the evil Republicans, doubtless in thralldom to the Satanic Koch Brothers, gerrymandering Florida to further the aims of homophobic, bitterly clinging, Tea Party gun nuts.

Like the turd in the punch bowl that keeps popping up it raises 2 questions.

#1 – If they were so sinister and so powerful why couldn’t they protect Representative Alan West? Who else but a Black Congressman could criticize a Black President without being compared to the legendary Southern White Democratic Congressmen? Names like Eastland, Bilbo, Gore, Stennis, and Russell leap to mind. Why did they let him go? Why didn’t they wiggle the lines of South Florida’s resident Medusa, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Just make the harridan hustle a bit at election time.

#2 – Corinne Brown’s district is so narrow in parts that a good golfer could drive his Slazenger across it. If her district is reconfigured geometrically she will be out of work come November.

Alcee Hastings had his Black-robed felonious ass tossed off the Federal bench. A district was created for him that would have elected Little Black Sambo and/or Willie Horton. If it were possible both would have been sent to Congress. Talk about “rotten boros”! Redrawing his district using straight lines and the inevitable right angles will result in him making the foul smell he causes just being in Congress less so.

The end result will be 2 less Black members of Congress. I guess it’s OK for a mush-brained modern American Liberal to be a racist. Keep drawing.

From a Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith
August 7, 2014

Mitch Caesar, Esq.
Broward County Democratic Party
1832 N. University Drive
Plantation, FL 33322

Ave Mitch!

There you were last night, talking on TV, as if you knew what you were talking about. This time it was about never ending high tides. This ever growing perpetual tsunami, doubtless caused by the vile Koch Brothers and their evil plot to drown polar bears by burning coal to produce electricity to power all the A/Cs in Florida will soon make Wynona, MN the surfing capitol of America. The only possible solution, or so you said last night, is to elect Chucky Crist. I just know that the first line of his obit will be “His favorite color was plaid”.

[Is it possible to suggest in a world where Swift has gone down the memory hole that rising sea levels, assuming that they are rising, may give us some surcease from both the border problem and the Ebola problem? It isn’t? OK. Never mind.]

I enclose a letter I sent to Mitch Berger, Esq, a kindred spirit and a fellow traveling useful idiot, about a possible solution to a most vexing problem.

Despite hundreds, nay, thousands of drowned polar bears washing up on the beach of the Obama summer rental – a Tea Party plot to disrupt his vacation? I hope not – people still buy beachfront property. Party affiliations aside, I hope that contingency plans have been made to get him and his family out should the 654 foot high wall of water arrive early. As bad as President B.O. is the thought of VP Curley Biden trying to get his thumbs, apposable digits being an alien concept to him, working together on the nuclear launch codes, is truly terrifying.

But I digress.

Less than a month ago an acre and a quarter of land on Biscayne Bay was bought for $1,250,000,000 – that’s “B” as in billions. That’s $1,000,000,000 an acre. Presumably a shelter for pre-pubescent teenage alien interlopers from Central America will not be built there, right?

You and Mr. Berger, as mush brained modern American lawyers, should lead a crusade – that word is still Kosher, yes? – against giving legal advice on any real estate advice on properties that are within sight of water or properties that qualify for Federal flood insurance.

I mention that because the Miami Herald tells us this morning that 6 buildings on South Beach purchased in 2012 for $191,000,000 were just sold for $342,000,000. That’s a profit of $151,000,000, before legal fees. No wonder the “Fries with that?” folks at Mickey D’s want $15.00 an hour. [As an aside, do you think it’s safe to say that somebody is celebrating a past due Summer of Recovery? Go 1%! Do you think the profits will be “inverted”?]

You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?

Take the pledge.

“Anyone buying property on or near the water will do so without legal advice from me.”


From a Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith

Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 6, 2014
Lori Parrish
Broward County Property Appraiser
115 S. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: There’s hypocrisy and there’s “hypocrisy” – Some comments on your highly dudgeoned letter about 2 bald men fighting over a comb as reported in today’s unlnkable Sun Sentinel.

Ms. Parish,

When the hooker gets religion…Watch out!

Of all the rules governing hypocrisy 2 are paramount.

#1 – You, as the hypocrite, must have an eclectic memory. On a national level there were 3 Presidents in the 20th century who, after saying that they would not fight in foreign wars, fought in foreign wars. Honest. Look it up. Google 1916, 1940, and 1964. Yet Democrats proclaim themselves the party of peace. Hypocrisy is the mother’s milk of modern American Liberals. 126% of them favor 4th and 5th trimester abortions and would vote for Dr. Mengele because of his progressive views on infanticide= but are resolute in their opposition to the death penalty. Go figure. The President of the United States said – 24 separate times – that if you liked your doctor you could keep him. I can tell you that as of January 1, 1915 I will not be able to do that. I guess lying and hypocrisy are synonymous.

#2 – You, as the hypocrite, must hope on the local level that no one remembers your hypocrisy. It ain’t going to work out that way today.

Do you remember when you had 2 jobs in 1998?

You were an elected member of the Broward County Commission and you were an employee and an officer of the Swap Shop.

No conflict there, right?

The problem was that your private employer – “Whose wine I sing whose song sing” or, as is still said in Hudson County, N J “It’s always better to know the buttered side from the dry” – owed more than $300,000 to the Broward Sheriff’s Office. The Swap Shop would hire off duty, uniformed Broward Sheriff’s Deputies as security guards. The Sheriff would pay them and, in a more perfect world, the Swap Shop would reimburse them. I was shocked, shocked to find out that they didn’t.

I was, in my other life, the CFO of a public company. One of the ways of financing your operations was to dragoon your customers into becoming an unsecured lender. Any money not paid to them is positive cash flow to you. What you do with the money is irrelevant. Salaries, weekly vig, taxes, 3 martini lunches…What difference did it make? It wasn’t your money.

In a most mug-wumpish manner you had both your paws and both your mitts in both camps You were a creditor and a debtor. Nice work if you can get it and, sweetheart, you got it.

“Nobody pays their bills on time. It’s the American way” was the answer you gave to the Sun Sentinel when they suggested that it didn’t pass the bag test.

Did Broward County have to sue the Swap Shop to get its money? In essence you would be suing yourself. At least the county could have saved the fee for service of the complaint. Just walk across the hall and give it to you.

Suer and suee. It’s good to be the Queen, right?

Suer/suee is a new compound word that may be used one day as a one word definition de los cojones grandes, right? You said of the former Mayor, “What a hypocrite. One rule for him and one for his family”.

You should sniff around your undies drawer to see if it passes the smell test before you comment on someone else’s knickers, knotted or otherwise.

Kevin Smith

PS – “Suer and Suee”. There is one place where it is OK to shout that out. That place is at a University of Arkansas football game. Go hogs! Down here it means you’re just a pig

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 3, 2014

Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301

RE: They climate is changing, the sea is rising, the sky is falling, watch out for Y2K, antibiotics and hormones are bad in chickens but good in children, why can’t we all just get along? – What to do, what to do, particularly if you are a modern American Liberal lawyer who believes that the horizon can be reached if enough men of good will want it badly enough. Some comments on your brief Jeremiad in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Berger,

First, a cursory check of your CV shows that you have much time in grade in pursuit of Democratic Party politics.

Do you remember when former Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., AKA Alpha Gump, was dodging, and if results are the sole criterion, artfully some misunderstandings over campaign finance law? Do you remember, with grins all around, when he went to a convent of discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns and came out with $300,000 in credit card contributions?

I do.

When avoiding the puff ball jibes of an extremely compliant media – Some things never change, do they? – he kept using the phrase “no controlling legal authority”. I know that he was incapable of composing such a term. Did you? [As an aside, Clinton’s impeachment was bound to fail because America would tolerate a picaresque philandering perjurer before they would let that nit-wit get his hands on the launch codes. Same with President B. O. and his side kick Curley Biden. God, but he is dumber than a box of hammers, isn’t he?]

At the very least I suggest that you and your firm refuse to handle any real estate transactions where tidal water can be seen form any part of the property, particularly on the buy side. Some leeway can be given to representing the seller if the buyers are from Quebec.

Since the next really high tide will decrease the number of homes on the Post Office delivery routes I am sure there is an article in the Canons of Ethics that says a lawyer cannot let a client jump off a bridge even if it is only a financial span.

You say that “seven of 10 Floridians agreed that human conduct is a major cause of climate change and sea level rise” as if that was proof of something, of anything. More than six out of ten Floridians agreed that marriage was between a man and a woman. How much weight does that get? [Actually 62% of Floridians voted it into the Florida Constitution, remember?]

You mention Copernicus without mentioning Ptolemy. That may be civil fraud because a material fact was willingly withheld.

Ptolemy was believed by 99.6% of the world when he posited his findings on the universe. His science was “settled” for 15 centuries.

I was represented by a big-time DC law firm whose founder said, “No matter how thin you slice the baloney there is always 2 sides to it”.

Let us stipulate that 45% of the electricity produced in this country comes from burning coal. 50% of that power is used to produce air conditioning. Can you see where I’m going here?

At the very least you have to turn you’re A/Cs off. If you want to lessen your CO2 usage you have to open your windows and use hand held fans.

I never said it was easy being a modern American Liberal but since it is for the children it’s OK, right?

Kevin Smith

PS – Labor Day is within sight. When does this year’s Summer of Recovery start?
August 3, 2014

Commissioner Kristin Jacobs
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Commissioner Jacobs,
Sometimes the lily demands to be gilded. In its entirety…

“I’m not a scientist. I’m not a land-use planner, an economist,
an accountant, a social worker, an airplane pilot or a physician.
Yet, as an elected official I am entrusted – nay required – to make
decisions related to all of these areas. And I am a fully-trained
academic expert in none of them. As our state’s water systems
begin to collapse due to rising seas, it is not just irresponsible for
Gov. Rick Scott to claim that a lack of professional training forbids
action; it is downright dangerous.”
The Sun Sentinel

It is empirically self-evident from the above that literacy tests must become a requirement for elections, if not for the voters than absolutely for the candidates.

Since being gender specific may bring the dreaded Word Police down on me let me just say that you are a HORSE’S ASS of Homeric proportions. Once again the presses at the Guinness Book of Records have been stopped to get an up to date picture of you. When the newly released OED is opened to HORSE’S ASS your picture will serve as the only definition. People on distant galaxies will smirk and say res ipso loquitur. Your head is so far up your ass that you could remove your own tonsils….from below.

You confuse and conflate feelings and ideas. The scientific method, one of the great gifts of DWEMs, is unknown to you. “Correlation is not causation” is an extra-terrestial concept to you. The main article of faith, the one never changing tenet of true believers, is POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC. I used some big boy terms. You may want to get someone to explain them. If no one knows what they mean SASE.

Kevin Smith

PS – Have you turned you’re A/Cs off yet? Think globally. Act locally, particularly if you want to undrown polar bears

August 5, 2014
Chan Lowe
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL33394

RE: Next up, manatee suffrage, right?

Mr. Lowe,

My compliments on a marvelous, alas unlinkable, cartoon this AM.

It shows the evil Republicans, doubtless in thralldom to the Satanic Koch Brothers, gerrymandering Florida to further the aims of homophobic, bitterly clinging, Tea Party gun nuts.

Like the turd in the punch bowl that keeps popping up it raises 2 questions.

#1 – If they were so sinister and so powerful why couldn’t they protect Representative Alan West? Who else but a Black Congressman could criticize a Black President without being compared to the legendary Southern White Democratic Congressmen? Names like Eastland, Bilbo, Gore, Stennis, and Russell leap to mind. Why did they let him go? Why didn’t they wiggle the lines of South Florida’s resident Medusa, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Just make the harridan hustle a bit at election time.

#2 – Corinne Brown’s district is so narrow in parts that a good golfer could drive his Slazenger across it. If her district is reconfigured geometrically she will be out of work come November.

Alcee Hastings had his Black-robed felonious ass tossed off the Federal bench. A district was created for him that would have elected Little Black Sambo and/or Willie Horton. If it were possible both would have been sent to Congress. Talk about “rotten boros”! Redrawing his district using straight lines and the inevitable right angles will result in him making the foul smell he causes just being in Congress less so.

The end result will be 2 less Black members of Congress. I guess it’s OK for a mush-brained modern American Liberal to be a racist. Keep drawing.

From a Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith