Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 28, 2015
Taren Ruggiero, R.N.
Department of Nursing
Holy Cross Hospital
4725 N. Federal Highway
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308

Ms. Ruggiero,

Just as much as modesty is an overrated virtue sloth is an underappreciated vice. There can be no excuse other than unconquerable concupiscence that can be used to explain the delay in writing this note to you.

I was a patient in Holy Cross Hospital from June 6, 2015 to June 11. 2015. My MR number was M0007850089 and my acct. number was Hooo214 968131. My attending physician was George G. Boctor, MD. My last trip to Holy Cross was my 6yh overnight stay.

I am not writing about the food because it was phenomenal. And yes, I mean it.

I wish to write of your nurses.
I was well attended to by a bevy of physicians who were graciously competent and professionally adept in the discharge of their duties

Your staff went far past the standards expected of health care providers in the front ranks. That may sound like a strained description but my daughter is an L&D RN in Texas and told me to be on my best behavior.

I was not a difficult patient but if I were my praise would have been higher and more effusive. I am a garrulous, engaging, oft-times curmudgeonly, calorically challenged, handsomely bearded raconteur.

Your people handled me superbly well. In fact, I asked 3 of them to marry me. I told #2 and #3 that my parents were Muslim/Mormon so there would be no problem with polygamy.

Other than ignoring my requests for cigars and cognac all I can say is that whatever you are doing keep doing it.

I mention no one in particular for fear of slighting someone by omission, an omission due to an unexpected senior moment.

Should I decide to build my own hospital I shall begin by hiring anyone who treated the most grateful patient in Room 357, bed 1.

Kevin Smith
July 29, 2015
Lyons, Stein, Mayo, and Steinbach – Troubadours all!
OK guys, I’m coming clean.
I’m a “bitter clinger”. I am also a “climate change denier”. Perhaps this came about because of the three years I spent in Wichita, Kansas, the sacred spot of the Koch Brothers. Wichita is close to Bentonville, Arkansas, where Sam Walton was mixing his noxious brew. Maybe that got to me.
Let me also confess that I fracked my first oil well in January, 1974.
As such, I was low hanging fruit for, as Big Stein calls them, “the clowns at FOX News”. [The thought of George Will and Charles Krauthammer with orange hair, a big red nose, baggy pants, and size 40 floppy shoes would make me reach for the PAY-TV button]

From time to time I have expressed my displeasure with the imbecilities that modern American Liberalism demands of its votaries. If it weren’t for tautologies, circular reasoning, and post hoc ergo propter hoc you guys wouldn’t be able to think at all. It does, however, make my life simpler. “The upturned neck awaits the ax.” On several occasions you have seen fit to publish my notes.

But now comes a perfect storm in a world where abortion is a sacrament and tax rates should begin at 105%.

Speaking of abortion…For years I have been writing that should Dr. Mengele, he of Auschwitz fame, present himself to the Democratic voters of Broward County in any primary he might pitch a shutout. [I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. I know whereof I speak.]  Considering the recent release of the film noir home movies about Planned Parenthood and the deafening silence of modern American Liberals to this holocaust, I may have been too cautious in my voting outlook. I think perhaps that Hanna Arendt was right. In the end evil becomes banal. Also, Walker Percy, the noted American man of letters, was obviously right when he said that the back door of an abortion abattoir leads straight to Auschwitz, the aforementioned Dr. Mengele’s last place of gainful employment.

The “storm” is worthy of Mel Brooks, Swift, Oedipus and Lear, Professor Irwin Corey, and Joyce as the tour guide using the rules of the George Costanza School of Personal Conduct and Public Policy as the tie breaker.

New York magazine has a cover with 36 women on it who say they were drugged and raped by Bill Cosby.

Tom Brady recycles his cell phone and non-New Englanders want to bring back the Salem witch trials. [As an aside, how long has it been since Salem was bothered by witches?]

A double cover of the old Life magazine would be needed to fit all the ladies who got an up close and personal view of Bill Clinton’s one-eyed trouser snake. It was said that he would hump a snake if someone held its head.

While Brady is being fitted for a shroud there is not a peep, not a sigh about Hillary Clinton throwing her server into a wood chipper. Now the only ones who know what State Department secret stuff was on it is the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and several hundred Red Chinese CIA types who have had their lips shut by industrial strength Gorilla Glue lest they burst out laughing and gave the game away.

They are small things, neither of which is  larger than a man’s fist held up against the horizon. But they are things which, if put in a bag and the bag put in a closet, would not pass the smell test.

I don’t know why this is. Perhaps Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural gives us a clue. I do know that the callous indifference to the sale of baby parts degrades our souls. If abortion, particularly for profit, is a morally neutral occurrence who cares about the Clintons? 

Kevin Smith

PS – In addition to drilling and fracking I spent 10 years in the coal business. Since you constantly hector about climate change and rising sea levels may ask if you have banned all A/Cs in your HQ? Coal was once the prime fuel used to produce the electricity needed to cool your building. It is a bit ironic that natural gas is replacing coal as the utilities main source of fuel. Ironic in that fracking has caused the reserves of gas to explode in the last 5 years. Gaia is going to be really pissed off. 

Also, if the oceans are rising why do 1%ers trample each other to buy waterfront property? Further, why should the Federal government subsidize the flood insurance absent which financing is not available? That money could be better spent on Pell grants for inmates, Midnight Basketball, the still not here Summer of Recovery, or enforcement of the Iran nuclear treaty. Of course, Phoenix-like, solyndra will be rising from the ashes of liquidation should Hillary the Hecate have her way.

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 25, 2015
Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: The not yet here Summer of Recovery and why it ain’t coming – Some comments on your unlinkable op-ed in today’s Sun Sentinel

Mr. Schultz,

Modern American Liberals aren’t dumb per se. It just helps them get through the day. As the great Reagan used to say, “There’s just so much that they don’t know.” Worse, there is – forgive me, Pandora – a box filled with empirically generated data. It sits out there, bobbing in the punch bowl, like an unwelcome turd.

You speak of Clinton’s “four surpluses” as if there were, you know what I’m saying, “four surpluses”.

Government budgets have no capital expenditure items as opposed to expense items. 

An example would be my experience with the Broward Board of Education budget.

In 1998 I went to Board HQ to get some budget information. The charming “flack catcher” gave me a pie chart with expenditures expressed in percentages. When I asked her for a print out of the capital items and the expense items she looked at me as if weevils were eating my nose from the inside.

I explained, gently, ever so gently, that the big shiny metal box in the kitchen, AKA the refrigerator, is a capital item because its use life is more than 3 years. The containers of milk – fat free, of course –in the big shiny metal box are expense items.

If you don’t make the distinction you have an accountant’s version of chaos.

Writ large on a Federal level the moneys spent on an aircraft carrier are treated the same as moneys spent on Midnight Basketball. They aren’t. Thus we have naifish modern American Liberals talking of “surpluses” as if they were real. Like the unreachable horizon or the bush that gives 4 seasons of balloon juice or rainbow stew it exists only in the minds of people who believe that human nature can be changed if enough good people believe it can be changed.

If we had “surpluses” why was there no reduction in the total indebtedness of the United States? Not a dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny. Look it up.

There is no record in History, nowhere, no place, of any country taxing itself to prosperity. If you know of one please show me.

If raising taxes is the preferred modern American Liberal way to prosperity would not Logic dictate that raising interest rates would jump start the economy? A $30 an hour minimum wage would lead us to the land of milk and honey, no?

[Permit me to dash another long held mAL myth. Corporations don’t pay taxes. They never have and they never will. Alas but the card carrying members of the school of “I won’t tax thee if you don’t tax me. Let’s tax that fellow behind the tree” don’t know that the rules governing gravity can neither be suspended nor can they be repealed. Taxes are an expense item. They are the same as salaries, insurance premiums, pension payments, raw materials, donations to the rescue squad or Planned Parenthood, 3 martini lunches, and legal fees. 

They become part of the cost basis of whatever product or service the corporation produces. The customer pays them. Look that one up.]

You say, in a somewhat smarmy ex cathedra style, that “only 28% of the $4 trillion dollar economy is discretionary spending”. Au contraire. 

When the Tribune Corporation, the parent company of the Sun Sentinel, went into bankruptcy I guarantee you that 100% of the expenditures became “discretionary”. As such, they were subject to a black robed executioner’s ax.

I recommend that the broadsides fired by President Zeus once he gets to the top of Mount Washington include such tasty targets as the Department of commerce, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Education. Executive orders ending the subsidies to Amtrak and the Post Office will have been issued coincident to the inaugural. They would go into effect just after the words “I do” were heard.

Lord Keynes, a man more quoted than read, was a proponent of cutting taxes so as to release the “animal spirits” of business. It’s what makes the dog hunt.

Parnell was standing for election in his quite “rotten boro”. He came upon a group of men who were breaking rock. One of them was quite beside himself praising him as the greatest man in the world, as the savior of us all. “Calm yourself”, he said. “Next Monday I will be reelected and next Tuesday you will be breaking rock.

No man, not even a Pope, can change that. 

A system that enables the rock breaker to have other men break rocks for him is the only way to prosperity.

As the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne, the noted sportsman, inn keeper, and now an exemplary public servant still says, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”.

Kevin Smith

PS – Taxing yourself to prosperity is, as Churchill said, “like standing in a bucket and trying to pick yourself up by the handle”.
July 26, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some comments on your trip to the old country as reported in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel

Big Stein, 

I hope you, Little Stein, and Boss Stein enjoyed your trip to Israel.

You don’t have to be a Jew to love Israel. 1/3rd of the fragile, always in danger, 3 legged stool we call Western Civilization came from Jerusalem with the other 2 being from Athens and Rome.

As I like to say, “I’m not Jewish but the man who founded my church was”.

But on to the big old latke hiding next to the kasha.

Some time ago you wrote in a stiff-necked fashion, a column approaching the extreme manifestation of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. In it you said you were opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances.

“Israel hasn’t executed anyone since hanging 
Nazi monster Adolph Eichmann.
The Sun Sentinel

[I’ll save the shelling of Alexandria and the pursuit of the Munich assassins for a later time. G-d Bless Golda Meir.

It’s emmis truth time.

Should Eichmann  have been executed”

Try yes or no.

Kevin Smith

PS – Tell me about the gun control laws and same sex marriage in Israel.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015

All hail the New York Times!
It never lets you down.

Beginning in 1864 when the Times acquiesced in the Democratic Party calling Abraham Lincoln a “baboon” and then supported a negotiated peace with the South, a peace that would have let slavery stand, the Times has been a journalistic pustule attached to the body politic. It stinks and shines.
Their enthusiastic support of President T. Woodrow Wilson, who, if we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall, was the vilest, most bigoted publicly racist national office holder of the 20th century. Wilson’s White House screening of “The Birth of a Nation” was covered by the Times in its news section, its political section, its arts section, and its social section.
The New York Times’s Moscow Correspondent Walter Duranty, the Pulitzer Prize winner in 1932, was a bought and paid for spy of the KGB. He wrote of how the low carb, gluten free diet that Uncle Joe Stalin had the Ukrainian Kulaks on was actually quite good for them. [A synonym for Kulak was Jew] He starved between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 of them to death.
Watching very carefully was Adolph Hitler. Let it be stipulated that the Nazis were more precise record keeper than the Russkies..
It’s not too hard to connect those dots.
From 1933 to today the New York Times has refused to acknowledge the perfidy of its employee.  His Pulitzer star still shines proudly in its lobby. Imagine if the Pulitzer Prize winner for Foreign Reporting in 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Berlin correspondent of the Times, was working for the Gestapo? Just imagine. I can’t.
Herbert L. Matthews, Harrison Salisbury, and Anthony Lewis are three reasons why Google is so important.
Matthews got Castro his job. Salisbury thought the Viet Cong were “agrarian reformers”. Lewis said White folks criticizing Pol Pot’s killing of 1/3rd of Cambodians was out of bounds because of “cultural arrogance”’. 
“non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” is a trait shared by modern American Liberals everywhere. The Times, in a Mephistopholean bargain, is able to genetically implant it into their scribes.
I stopped reading the Times in March, 2003. I had/have very clear memories of my father, the legendary Judge Smith, reading the 2 Arthurs – Daley and Krock – to me on Sunday when Harry Truman was President.
[It is passing strange that Hillary the Hecate now says that even though she voted for “it” in October, 2002 she never thought the President would do “it”. Lurch Kerry, a man who successfully married up twice,  a man who could support himself by being a face model shill for a hatchet company, said with nary hint of sardonic wit, that he voted for “it” before he voted against “it”. Spare me Lord from prolific protestations of public people who proclaim profusely that plaid is their favorite color. It is no longer necessary to define “smarmy” as in “smarmy bastard”. Gender equity demanded that there be gender balance.]
For the 3 months, New Year’s Day to Saint Patrick’s Day, leading up to the war, the Times was more concerned with the pressing question of why chicks not only couldn’t tee them up at the Masters but were only allowed into the Augusta National club house either to make their magic meat loaf or iron the members’ shirts. In the almost 10 week run up to war the Times devoted more Page 1 space to whether or not ladies would hit from the whites than it did to this country going to war. 
That took cojones so grande that should publisher Pinch Sulzberger, AKA “Little Shit”, and with the possible exception of Senator Lard Kennedy, the best example of why the inheritance tax rate should begin at 105%,  sit down he could not stand up without the benefit of a fork lift., doubtless operated by El Frito Bandido, his Sugar Daddy.
Thus was the stage set for “TROUBLED YOUTH IN DOWNWARD SPIRAL”.
This particular “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” shot and killed 5 serving members of the United States Armed Forces.
2 weeks before a “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” murdered 5 Americans in Chattanooga another “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” murdered 9 Americans in Charleston. 
George Orwell, a repentant Bolshie who came to know the Baby Jesus, told us that “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”. Thus there was no surprise when Governor Mush Mouth O’Malley, a supremely spineless politician, spent 3 days apologizing for saying “All lives matter”.  His audience, all Black, booed him for saying that because the narrative, mostly set by the Times, says that Black deaths, particularly when caused by White folk, are more important than White deaths, particularly when they are caused by a possible feral Muslim thug. 
If it had been possible the Times would have led a night time raid snatching the White guy out of the lockup so they could flay him, disembowel him, and have him drawn and quartered because he is, presumptively, a red necked, gun loving White trash racist who wrapped himself in the Confederate flag.

What could be the most fitting comment?
 I know


PS – The last best use for the Times is one that helps the fragile environment. Keep a few Week in Review sections in the smallest room in the house. Hold it in front of you. Admire it. Crumple it. Then put it behind you. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right?


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 21, 2015
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger, Singerman
350 E Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Maybe the world won’t end before Thanksgiving

Mr. Berger,

“Have you heard? It’s in the stars. Next July we collide with Mars.” With apologies to Cole Porter but his lyrics have awakened a different Muse.

Perhaps it is just a coincidence but when Tom Steyer, a classmate of your wife in what was, I think, an inner city school that was gang run and drug infested, stopped selling dirty coal to emerging nations who didn’t give a rat’s ass about CO2 or ozone layers but who just wanted to feed their people, good things began to happen in the Arctic.

I’ll try to be gentle.

The polar ice cap, the icebergs, the glaciers, and the precious polar bears, the only counterbalance to being overrun by those terminally cute baby seals, is in the early stages of a monstrous, Alaska-sized, comeback.

University College in London – the London in England, not the one in Kentucky – a 200 year old highly regarded research center, and one presumptively virgo intacta from the siren calls of the filthy lucre proffered by the vile Koch Brothers, used 5 years of data, empirical data, data subject to 3rd party analysis and scrutiny, data subject to independent replication, data gathered for 5 years from the Cryosat-2 radar satellite launched by and run by the European Space Agency.

It may be an inconvenient truth and I quickly add that the schadenfreude is tumescent but 2 things have now been proved that weren’t before.

#1 – The ice isn’t melting and, further
 #2 – It’s growing.

If I were a cad I would say something like “How do you like those apples, peckerhead”? I’m not so I won’t.

The sound you hear is like the one made by the competing drums at a Texas/OU football game. It is the sound made when the collective sphincters of all apostles of Ned Lud, Lysenko, Rachel Carson, Paul Ehrlich, VP Alpha Gump and all the phony bastards who have/had a hubris that the ancient Greeks could not imagine, one that says that man can “cool the earth and calm the seas” like the world’s largest ideological “lock box”.

I hope I am the first to tell you.

Kevin Smith
PS – I still haven’t read of your firm announcing that because the waters are rising that you will no longer handle any side of any real estate transaction on property that can be affected by tidal action. [The only exception would be if you have a client who has a buyer from Quebec} I suppose you are waiting for the Harvest Moon/high tide confluence so you can announce it from a kayak in your office. I am happy to hear that you have banned all coal powered A/Cs form your offices. You have, haven’t you?

PPS – Here’s a prediction I will bet the ranch on. Martin O’Malley, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President has outdone Henry the 2nd for apologies. He apologized, profusely and prolifically, for saying “All lives matter”. The only conclusion we can make from this is that the murder of 5 servicemen in Chattanooga, with all the victims being White, doesn’t count as much as the deaths of 9 churchgoers in Charleston because the victims there were all Black. I say he will not be in the next edition of “Profiles in Courage”. Anybody want to bet that he will?
July 19, 2015 

Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd. 
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Stiff necked people with horns – It’s been a long time – Some comments on your column that exudes narcissism it the point of solipsism or why I can’t get enough of modern American Liberals.

Mr. Mayo

“…Then again, I was more than a little shocked
when I told a woman I was Jewish and she asked – 
in complete seriousness – if she could see my horns.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 1B

I am not Jewish but the Man who founded my Church was.

Forget about the 4 Source Theory of Pentateuch Composition. Forget about Arthur Koestler’s 13th Tribe. Forget about cooking all the flavor out of a noble rib-eye. Forget about my pal Max Katz being the reason for American anti-Semitism. Forget about the public love that Golda Meir showered on Richard Nixon. Forget about the 6 pound, 6 day old latke that American Jews had to swallow when a curmudgeonly Christian told them that Jesse Helms was the best friend Israel had in the Senate. Forget about the simple Israeli policy of “Shoot first”. Pray tell but where in the name of Shylock do you hide your horns?

Big Stein is on vacation. Wonderful Stevie got the sack. Schultz is a promising modern American Liberal ca-ca shill but needs seasoning. Because I am “bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden” I need industrial strength, mush-brained purveyors of “rainbow stew” jackassery to rile my Muse. 

Praise G-d that you have entered the 10 ring this morning.

I won’t be able to trap the baby manatees until the tide turns this afternoon so I have time on my hands. Allah be praised that gravity defiers, scribes such as you, are never far from public view. 

Mayo is offended because some people like to wear Confederate stuff – hats, shirts, flags, inter alia. As you say…”Even Germany has had the decency and common sense to ban swastikas”.

Here’s a flash, Mikey.

This country hasn’t. At least not yet.

The Supreme Court has ruled that Nazi wanabees, replete with swastikas,  death head insignia, jack boots goose stepping to the tune of oom-pah bands, shouting Todt Juden, in  a neighborhood filled with Holocaust survivors are OK

Mark Twain was right. Wagner’s music isn’t as bad as it sounds. Is it OK for me to listen to some of it?

Are you saying that red necks can’t dress up like Nathan Bedford Forest and shout Dixie because you are offended?

I say this as someone with 2 uncles 4 generations removed who went line abreast into the Wheat Field on July 2, 1863. Both were members of the 69th Regiment, the Irish Brigade. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.

Oliver Cromwell killed about 1/3rd of the people of Galway in the 1650s, That is where my people, as Irishmen are wont to say, are from. 

Does that mean I should stop reading Shakespeare?

Preston Henn flies the Confederate flag because he can. Maybe if people stop coming to his store he’ll choose to change his mind. Maybe not. Aren’t modern American Liberals always lecturing the “great unwashed” about the need for freedom of choice?

If it offends you turn your eyes away.


Kevin Smith

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 9, 2015
Daniel Henniger
The Wall Street Journal
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
RE: AAARGH! – “Hurricane Sandy” –  A comment or two on your Chris Christie column in today’s Wall Street Journal

Mr. Henniger,

Perhaps “God Holy Trousers” would have been a better way for an ex-Jersey guy – Bayonne, in particular, with sojourns in Sea Bright and Bayhead in the good old summertime – to express my displeasure at your error, your gross error, your turd in the punch bowl error, your error of Homeric size, sure to be included in the next edition of the Guinness Book in re the continuing Dracula- like never dying shibboleth named Hurricane Sandy.

The highest recorded wind speed in the storm was 58 MPH. As an alumnus of Hurrican Carol, Hurricane Dolly, the unnamed storm in 1962, the unnamed storm in 1984, Hurricane Katrina, and Hurricane Wilma I assure you that a 58 MPH is what experienced Fisher Island 24s drivers, a helmsman such as Frank Murphy of late and happy memory, live for.

I hold no brief for Governor Christie but as a calorically challenged Garden Stater – Has anyone looked into the possibilities of the Governor and Hillary competing in the next Dancing with the Stars chapter? The proceeds would go for gastric by-passes for those poor unfortunates who are wider than they are taller who find themselves “unlucky in life’s lottery” but are unable to slip into the ObamaCare tent. These are the Road Warriors who are no longer able to dine at the nearby dumpster because if they get in they can’t get out. How they stay huge is one of life’s mysteries. – who lived for 26 years in West Orange, NJ, a town contiguous to Livingston, Christie’s hometown. I am sure we spent some pleasant times in Seymour’s Luncheonette, Eppes Essen, the Ritz Diner, Livingston Bagel, and the Chinese Restaurant on the Route 10 circle.

Before I wander too far into the word fen patrolled by poltroons and mountebanks such as Noam Chomsky let me advise you to watch your language or risk a luncheon menu limited to a knuckle sandwich…on wry.

Kevin Smith
July 18, 2015 
Randy Schultz
The sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Some observations and comments on your unlinkable Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel on vox populi and the rat bastard Republican legislators who refuse to abide by the wishes and commands of the people.

Mr. Schultz,  
Your unctuously oleaginous column about bad old White Republican legislators in Tallahassee who thwart the will of progressive people who want to make a system “so perfect that no one will have to be good” is, alas, a typically flawed modern American Liberal construct.

The dirty little secret, the turd in the political punch bowl that everyone knows Is there like Shamu the Seaquarium whale waiting for the dinner bell to sound so he can leap out of the water, is that all the players walked into the cigar smoke filled – I hope – back room to “create” safe seats for Blacks to occupy. The price that the non-urban legislators got for their compliance was the complementary “creation” of - can you believe it – safe Republican seats.

How else could Alcee Hastings, a famous Florida felon, a lout who had his Black-robed ass impeached and flung off the Federal bench for cause, could have been elected to the House of Representatives?

There are at least 3 districts that would send O.J. Simpson. Step-n-Fetchit, Mike Tyson, or Bill Cosby to Congress.

Isn’t that the way that a Democracy is supposed to work? Do some homework and see what Madison said in Federalist 10.

Bayonne, NJ, my hometown in the good end of Hudson County, solved the racial imbalance by cutting the Black section in half lengthwise and then bulldozed parts of both sections into urban renewal zones with greatly reduced population densities.

The only 2 places more Democratic than Hudson County would be a wine and cheese party at Barbra Streisand’s 1% digs or Zabar’s every Sunday at noon in good weather.

You say that the “Florida legislature has ignored direct orders from the public” in the matter of “fair” voting districts.

Does the same Logic apply to the overwhelming command of the people of Florida in the issue of same sex marriages? If memory serves 62% of the electorate voted it down.

OOPS. Silly me!

Being a modern American Liberal means that you never have to say you’re sorry for “eclectic indignation” and “my favorite color is plaid” school of public policy.

“Open and transparent” redistricting?

No wonder you are in favor of abortion. If you believe such clap-trap you would always be pregnant.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Fill me in, please

Big Stein,

“When I was sick and lay abed” a lot of things happened.

Since Professor Steven Goldstein has either been captured by Ethiopian pirates or did not share my good fortune in dealing with the ObamaCare Death Panels, the mantle of canary in the coal mine, card carrying, fire breathing face of modern American Liberalism has fallen on you. It is not known if an environmental impact statement was filed but that’s OK. MALs don’t have much use for the law.

Since you conflate correlation with causation – It sure as Hell beats thinking doesn’t it? – and since Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc is, along with 4th and 5th  trimester abortions and maybe Bernie Sanders is out where the regular buses don’t run but it will make Hillary come to like Castro and Chavez so it must be good I turn to you for some answers.

These questions are asked in the spirit of comity and good will. Honest.

#1 – What happened in Iraq? Didn’t the President tell us in 2012 that we were leaving it a “secure country on the road to democracy”?
` #2 – Is ISIS still the JV squad or have they made it to the varsity?
#3 - When will the Summer of Recovery get here? Before Winter? Ever?
#4 – A melanin challenged loon killed 9 Black people in Charleston. He likes the Confederate flag. Naturally the mush brained media said that the flag made him do it. [Correlation and causation, remember?] There were 83 separate shooting incidents in Chicago this weekend with14 deaths. I am going to go out on a limb here but there were no White victims nor were there White shooters. Did the Confederate flag cause this? If so, how?
#5 – An undocumented Mexican illegal alien, 5 times deported and 4 times returning, shot a non-Black woman to death in San Francisco. Any flag involvement there? Was he basking in Alamo pride? Doesn’t this prove that Trump was right and probably should be President?
#6 – If 2 Muslim twin brothers want to get married in a mosque will the Imam have to or go to jail?
#7 – If a Lubavitcher shul refuses to rent me space in their parking lot to sell my pulled pork sandwiches on Shabos – The lot should be empty, right? – can a Judge force them?
#8 – Emmis truth time – Wouldn’t you really, I mean really, really like to see Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie do a few turns of Swan Lake or, at least, a Fred and Ginger look-back? I would. The two of them have enough wasted waist suet to keep the fires in Haiti burning for a week.
#9 – How is that “calm the oceans, cool the earth” bullshit coming along? It’s more than 6 years, amigo.

I am looking forward to getting the official party line.

I am 2 weeks late but won’t you join me in toasting the executions of the Rosenbergs? Don’t you think there should be a 24 hour armed guard – bayonets pointing in – at their graves lest those scroyles sneak out one dark and stormy night and do yet more harm to the Republic?

Kevin Smith

#10 – Was Alger Hiss guilty or was he railroaded by Nixon?
#11 – Why were the Kennedy tax cuts good but the Bush tax cuts bad?
#12 – Speaking of tax cuts, how do you give a tax cut to someone with no income?
#13 – The Duke Lacrosse team really did it, didn’t they?
#14 – Walmart became evil after Hillary Clinton resigned from the Board, right?
#15 - The thought of Dukakis as President made the USSR tear down the Wall, right?
#16 - Eliminate bus and train fares to save the planet.
#17 – Was Greece the victim of predatory lenders?
#18 – Guilt free crème brulee.
#19 – Scoreless ties in all games, except women’s soccer. 
#20– Yes we can reach the horizon…Maybe at the end of Chelsea’s 2nd term.

On the other hand…

“Of all the things that men endure how few
Laws or kings can cause or cure.”

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 5, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel 
RE: Fiat lux – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

It took all my skill and cunning, traits whetted and honed after decades of listening to the vipers slithering in  the covens of modern American Liberalism as they offend Logic, decimate critical thinking and reasoned discourse, poltroonish trolls all, who know that raising both taxes and the minimum wage is the time tested way to make the rich  poorer so the poor can be made richer – Way to go, Bernie! – to avoid the nefarious ObamaCare Death Panels this past month.

Having done so I feel fit to re-enter the arena in the never ending culture wars secure in the knowledge that in my absence B. Hussein Obama is still the best President we have, that Hillary Clinton, she of the exponentially expanding steatyagenous midsection – Is it true she uses WD40 to get into her pastel colored, reporter avoiding mumu? Oliver Hardy, Jackie Gleason, and Alfred Hitchcock, not Sir Edmund Hillary, were her childhood idols, no – is fully flummoxed by a functioning fax machine, and that Justice Clarence Thomas is, according to George Takei, nee Sulu of Star Trek, a “black faced buffoon”. 

Some things never change.

Yet there is one thing I must thank you for.

In your column in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel you solved, of course unwittingly, a problem of semantics.

As Broward County’s leading scrivener of ideological biliousness, AKA the interchangeable ukases and fiats of modern American Liberalism and its butt-boy butt- girl, the Democratic Party, you say that anyone opposed to abortion is “pro-life”.

If opposition to abortion makes one “pro-life” would not Logic dictate that “pro-death” must apply to all those in favor of abortion? [You may want to have Little Stein, your college student son, see if he can get his hands on a dog-eared copy of the Trivium, particularly the part covering Logic, for you.]

Sometimes a blind squirrel can find an acorn.

If you are opposed to abortion Big Stein, the man behind the curtain, proclaims that you are “pro-life”.

If you are in favor of Doctor Mengele, and you must know that he would win any Democratic primary he ran in in Broward County because of his progressive views on women’s reproductive rights, you are, according to Big Stein, “pro-death”.

Thanks for clearing that up. 

Bumper stickers coming soon.

Kevin Smith