September 29, 2010
Representative Jim Waldman
4800 W. Copans Rd.
Coconut Creek, FL 33063-3164
RE: Who farted?
Yo! Jimbo!
As someone on the back nine of life, as someone raised in the maelstrom of Hudson County, NJ politics, as someone who knows the difference between the buttered side and the dry I shouldn’t feel seduced and abandoned.
I do. I do.
In correspondence and conversation I thought I had found the head of the Mr. Rogers wing of the Broward County wing of the Democratic Party. Instead I found the friggin’ Cookie Monster.
It is a small thing, “no bigger than a man’s fist on the horizon”, but it gives you an automatic “F” on the Bag Test. Bag Test? Send a SASE.
You join the distinguished herd of modern American Liberal Democrats – Did I just repeat myself? – who don’t live in the district that they represent.
Bobby Kennedy, Senator Joe McCarthy’ first lawyer and Fatso Kennedy’s older brother, didn’t establish New York residence until he was elected to the United States Senate in 1964.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, a lady known to order pastrami on white toast with bacon, lettuce, and tomato plus plenty of mayonnaise, a lady who could have the Yankees logo tattooed on one of her not quite steatagynous buttocks and a schematic of the not yet finished 2nd Avenue subway tunnel on the other, is as much a New Yorker as I am the Mayor of Mecca.
You have leg up on Toad Wexler – and what a shit he was/is – in that at least you still live in Florida. That contemptible poltroon lived in Maryland. At least you still live in the same area code.
Is it chutzpah, is it cojones, or is it some strange multi-cultural cross polonization that enables you to say “It’s no big deal”? If it’s not such a big deal, if it’s “small potatoes” as the late Hyman Roth of Miami once said, why do you go to the bother of renting an apartment in the district that you represent? Next you’ll say that you get your shirts done [no starch, on hangars] a few blocks from the house you don’t live in and that your favorite Chinese take away is in the district.
It all comes down to honor, “a gift we give ourselves”.
An accounting of your stewardship finds you woefully short.
It is the thread most common to modern American Liberals.
Shame on me for thinking you were different.
Kevin Smith
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinel
September 29, 2010
Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: FDR myths updated. Would you be so kind as to forward this to Sidney Shapiro?
At the end of “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence” the reporter throws his notes into the stove and says “Print the legend”.
Thus it is with FDR and the New Deal.
It is an inconvenient truth but facts are hard things.
By any measurable standard – GNP [a term that later became GDP], employment, stock market indices, employment, bankruptcies, new businesses, construction permits, inter alia – the United States was worse off after almost 8 years of the New Deal. A strong case can be made for the Depression beginning to end when Boeing went to 3 shifts at their Wichita plant. It made B-17s.
This may surprise you but Herbert Hoover ran in 1932 on a platform promising more deficit financing. Roosevelt promised to balance the budget. You can look it up.
He didn’t like the way the Supreme Court scrambled his alphabet agencies so he tried to pack said Court.
He lied, as did one of his predecessors and one of his successors – Wilson & Johnson – about American involvement in foreign wars.
That Roosevelt was a superb war time leader there can be no doubt. He had no “exit strategy” when he sent Admiral Nimitz to Pearl Harbor in late December, 1941. His orders were simple and direct. Don’t come back until you have sailed into Tokyo harbor.
He hired George Marshall who hired Dwight Eisenhower.
Despite personal differences Eisenhower let Patton lead two very successful “surges” a la Sherman. 11 months and 2 days after D-Day Germany surrendered. Although he didn’t live to see it he sent 2 balls down the chute that ended the war against Japan. The United Sates and Great Britain were taking 1000 casualties a day up until August 6, 1945. His 1944 firing of Henry Wallace and his hiring of Harry Truman, a man who led other men in combat, guaranteed the greatly quickened conclusion of the war against Japan.
I say this because a distinction must be made between Mr. New Deal and Mr. Win the War, names that he gave to himself.
Mr. Shapiro says that “Republicans hated FDR and fiercely fought every one of his efforts to get things done”. The record says otherwise. Congressman Robert Kean, a Republican from New Jersey, shaped the final legislation covering Social Security and got it passed. FDR himself called him “Mr. Social Security”.
It is well to note that FDR was given to many private anti-Semitic comments and jokes. He let the St. Louis sail back to Germany. That gave its passengers a one way ticket to the ovens. He appointed Hitler loving Joseph Kennedy to become this country’s ambassador to Great Britain. Kennedy advised FDR to side with Germany against England.
In his tirade against Republicans Mr. Shapiro conveniently skips over the glory days of Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter.
The mantra in 1964 was that if Goldwater had been elected this country would have had 500,000 men in Vietnam and race riots all over America. Who did win that election? Jimmy Carter, a man attacked by a giant rabbit, a man who threatened to kick Teddy Kennedy’s ample ass, a man who couldn’t get 5 helicopters to work, was the worst President in the 20th century. He did one thing well. He made the country eager to elect Reagan.
Come to think of it if I were a Democrat I’d try to forget them too.
Mr. Shapiro’s view of the Clinton years suggests that he may be a leader in the fight to legalize marijuana. You have to be about 6 tokes over the line to believe in the Clinton “surpluses”.
First, the Federal budget has no recognition of capital items. Thus, the expenditures for food stamps and aircraft carriers are treated the same. Second, when responsible families come into a windfall the first thing they do is pay down debt. At no time during the Clinton Presidency did the Federal debt ever go down by as much a single penny. That is a matter of public record. He can look that up too,
Surprisingly he leaves out one of the great achievements of the Clinton years. Who can forget the many lasting benefits of “Midnight Basketball”? I can’t.
Mr. Shapiro anticipated “our next great miracle” with the election of Obama. What was the first one?
Kevin Smith
Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: FDR myths updated. Would you be so kind as to forward this to Sidney Shapiro?
At the end of “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence” the reporter throws his notes into the stove and says “Print the legend”.
Thus it is with FDR and the New Deal.
It is an inconvenient truth but facts are hard things.
By any measurable standard – GNP [a term that later became GDP], employment, stock market indices, employment, bankruptcies, new businesses, construction permits, inter alia – the United States was worse off after almost 8 years of the New Deal. A strong case can be made for the Depression beginning to end when Boeing went to 3 shifts at their Wichita plant. It made B-17s.
This may surprise you but Herbert Hoover ran in 1932 on a platform promising more deficit financing. Roosevelt promised to balance the budget. You can look it up.
He didn’t like the way the Supreme Court scrambled his alphabet agencies so he tried to pack said Court.
He lied, as did one of his predecessors and one of his successors – Wilson & Johnson – about American involvement in foreign wars.
That Roosevelt was a superb war time leader there can be no doubt. He had no “exit strategy” when he sent Admiral Nimitz to Pearl Harbor in late December, 1941. His orders were simple and direct. Don’t come back until you have sailed into Tokyo harbor.
He hired George Marshall who hired Dwight Eisenhower.
Despite personal differences Eisenhower let Patton lead two very successful “surges” a la Sherman. 11 months and 2 days after D-Day Germany surrendered. Although he didn’t live to see it he sent 2 balls down the chute that ended the war against Japan. The United Sates and Great Britain were taking 1000 casualties a day up until August 6, 1945. His 1944 firing of Henry Wallace and his hiring of Harry Truman, a man who led other men in combat, guaranteed the greatly quickened conclusion of the war against Japan.
I say this because a distinction must be made between Mr. New Deal and Mr. Win the War, names that he gave to himself.
Mr. Shapiro says that “Republicans hated FDR and fiercely fought every one of his efforts to get things done”. The record says otherwise. Congressman Robert Kean, a Republican from New Jersey, shaped the final legislation covering Social Security and got it passed. FDR himself called him “Mr. Social Security”.
It is well to note that FDR was given to many private anti-Semitic comments and jokes. He let the St. Louis sail back to Germany. That gave its passengers a one way ticket to the ovens. He appointed Hitler loving Joseph Kennedy to become this country’s ambassador to Great Britain. Kennedy advised FDR to side with Germany against England.
In his tirade against Republicans Mr. Shapiro conveniently skips over the glory days of Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter.
The mantra in 1964 was that if Goldwater had been elected this country would have had 500,000 men in Vietnam and race riots all over America. Who did win that election? Jimmy Carter, a man attacked by a giant rabbit, a man who threatened to kick Teddy Kennedy’s ample ass, a man who couldn’t get 5 helicopters to work, was the worst President in the 20th century. He did one thing well. He made the country eager to elect Reagan.
Come to think of it if I were a Democrat I’d try to forget them too.
Mr. Shapiro’s view of the Clinton years suggests that he may be a leader in the fight to legalize marijuana. You have to be about 6 tokes over the line to believe in the Clinton “surpluses”.
First, the Federal budget has no recognition of capital items. Thus, the expenditures for food stamps and aircraft carriers are treated the same. Second, when responsible families come into a windfall the first thing they do is pay down debt. At no time during the Clinton Presidency did the Federal debt ever go down by as much a single penny. That is a matter of public record. He can look that up too,
Surprisingly he leaves out one of the great achievements of the Clinton years. Who can forget the many lasting benefits of “Midnight Basketball”? I can’t.
Mr. Shapiro anticipated “our next great miracle” with the election of Obama. What was the first one?
Kevin Smith
Carl Hiaasen The Miami Herald
September 28, 2010
Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
RE: “Memory Pills”, “Thanks for the Memories”, “Who are those Guys”? – Some comments on the concupiscence of court house construction as pointed out by you in your column on Sunday last.
Mr. Hiaasen,
Here I am, “in the pleasant land of counterpane”, after tying the world record for hip replacements, said record being two, when my wife, my long suffering wife, brings me the Herald as her contribution to my rehab.
You tell me about the “Court House Boys” doing what they do best – being “Court House Boys – in the construction of – Can you believe it? – a new court house in Tallahassee.
People from Hudson County normally don’t need “memory pills” when it comes to the chicanery connected to the construction of public buildings. Since I am on so damn many drugs now I figured that one more couldn’t hurt so I took it.
Since your political comments show you to be most identified with the Mother Theresa and Saint Francis of Assisi wing of the Democratic party let us stipulate to the fact that, with the possible exception of Zabar’s on a cool Sunday morning, there is no more modern American Liberal place in America than Broward County.
We are but 2 or 3 election cycles away from manatee suffrage. Broward blazed the trail giving pregnant pigs more constitutional protection than pregnant bi-peds. Dr. Mengele would win in any election he ran in because of his progressive views on abortion. I don’t think I am overstating the point but 3 member minyans are the rule at the Broward Republican Jewish Bar Association.
I have sweaters that are older than the existing Broward County Courthouse. I hasten to add that I know of no more scurrilous group of scroyles and poltroons than the combined Broward County judiciary but that is a different story.
The current Court House, a symbol of the glorious days of the Carter administration – I have learned that Carter was just hospitalized. Let me say once more, before the rules of de morituis kick in, that he was the worst President of the 20th century. The only thing he did of not was that he made it easier for the great Reagan to save America and beat the Russkies – is falling down. It leaks, it stinks, it is filled with mold and is overrun by rats, both four legged and two. It is well to note that the Davis-Bacon law, surely the most anti-Black Federal law passed in the 20th century, was enforced with a vengeance in its construction. In other words, a Dem honey pot.
The replacement is so tumescently anticipated by the Broward Courthouse gang that the cement mixers, bond salesmen, lawyers, consultants, union thugs, facilitators, and assorted and various public construction bottom feeders keep an extra pair of pants nearby lest they be thought of as lunch time lap dance devotees.
Then the “memory pill”, not the “eclectically indignant” one so beloved of modern American Liberals, kicks in.
Forget about Boss Tweed. How about Justice Breyer?
He was the Chief Appellate Judge in Boston and, as such, the man in charge of the construction of the new Federal Xanadu.
Steam rooms [wet and dry], salmon streams, marble worthy of the Parthenon, hurricane proof, wine cellars, ski slopes, bowling alleys, basketball and racquet ball courts, alas no pistol ranges, it was the inspiration, like a dry run, for the legendary Boston “Big Dig”. Sometimes it pays to work for Fatso Kennedy.
Let the record show that it proved to be no hindrance to his ascension to the Supreme Court. Let the record further show that his wife’s family being a “name” at Lloyd’s proved to be no hindrance either. That fact should have caused him to recuse himself from every case concerning banking, investment firms, and insurance companies. That conflict would never have passed the Bag Test if he were a Republican.
The “memory pill” just hit passing gear.
A guy I knew from Bayonne got his father a job in the new County Courthouse in Jersey City. His employee job description was elevator operator. The fact that the elevators were all automatic in up to date Jersey City proved to be no deterrent. His father showed up and tried to run an automatic elevator. Things like that made this country great.
“I doubt that people in the Legislature had any idea what they were doing” is ascribed to one of the legislative architects of Ozymandius’s new home. At least now we know from where Nancy Pelosi [“We’ll have to pass Obamacare to see what’s in it”] gets all her great lines.
Kevin Smith
Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
RE: “Memory Pills”, “Thanks for the Memories”, “Who are those Guys”? – Some comments on the concupiscence of court house construction as pointed out by you in your column on Sunday last.
Mr. Hiaasen,
Here I am, “in the pleasant land of counterpane”, after tying the world record for hip replacements, said record being two, when my wife, my long suffering wife, brings me the Herald as her contribution to my rehab.
You tell me about the “Court House Boys” doing what they do best – being “Court House Boys – in the construction of – Can you believe it? – a new court house in Tallahassee.
People from Hudson County normally don’t need “memory pills” when it comes to the chicanery connected to the construction of public buildings. Since I am on so damn many drugs now I figured that one more couldn’t hurt so I took it.
Since your political comments show you to be most identified with the Mother Theresa and Saint Francis of Assisi wing of the Democratic party let us stipulate to the fact that, with the possible exception of Zabar’s on a cool Sunday morning, there is no more modern American Liberal place in America than Broward County.
We are but 2 or 3 election cycles away from manatee suffrage. Broward blazed the trail giving pregnant pigs more constitutional protection than pregnant bi-peds. Dr. Mengele would win in any election he ran in because of his progressive views on abortion. I don’t think I am overstating the point but 3 member minyans are the rule at the Broward Republican Jewish Bar Association.
I have sweaters that are older than the existing Broward County Courthouse. I hasten to add that I know of no more scurrilous group of scroyles and poltroons than the combined Broward County judiciary but that is a different story.
The current Court House, a symbol of the glorious days of the Carter administration – I have learned that Carter was just hospitalized. Let me say once more, before the rules of de morituis kick in, that he was the worst President of the 20th century. The only thing he did of not was that he made it easier for the great Reagan to save America and beat the Russkies – is falling down. It leaks, it stinks, it is filled with mold and is overrun by rats, both four legged and two. It is well to note that the Davis-Bacon law, surely the most anti-Black Federal law passed in the 20th century, was enforced with a vengeance in its construction. In other words, a Dem honey pot.
The replacement is so tumescently anticipated by the Broward Courthouse gang that the cement mixers, bond salesmen, lawyers, consultants, union thugs, facilitators, and assorted and various public construction bottom feeders keep an extra pair of pants nearby lest they be thought of as lunch time lap dance devotees.
Then the “memory pill”, not the “eclectically indignant” one so beloved of modern American Liberals, kicks in.
Forget about Boss Tweed. How about Justice Breyer?
He was the Chief Appellate Judge in Boston and, as such, the man in charge of the construction of the new Federal Xanadu.
Steam rooms [wet and dry], salmon streams, marble worthy of the Parthenon, hurricane proof, wine cellars, ski slopes, bowling alleys, basketball and racquet ball courts, alas no pistol ranges, it was the inspiration, like a dry run, for the legendary Boston “Big Dig”. Sometimes it pays to work for Fatso Kennedy.
Let the record show that it proved to be no hindrance to his ascension to the Supreme Court. Let the record further show that his wife’s family being a “name” at Lloyd’s proved to be no hindrance either. That fact should have caused him to recuse himself from every case concerning banking, investment firms, and insurance companies. That conflict would never have passed the Bag Test if he were a Republican.
The “memory pill” just hit passing gear.
A guy I knew from Bayonne got his father a job in the new County Courthouse in Jersey City. His employee job description was elevator operator. The fact that the elevators were all automatic in up to date Jersey City proved to be no deterrent. His father showed up and tried to run an automatic elevator. Things like that made this country great.
“I doubt that people in the Legislature had any idea what they were doing” is ascribed to one of the legislative architects of Ozymandius’s new home. At least now we know from where Nancy Pelosi [“We’ll have to pass Obamacare to see what’s in it”] gets all her great lines.
Kevin Smith
Senator Jay Forbes Kerry
September 28, 2010
Senator Jay Forbes Kerry
222 Milliken Place
Fall River, MA 02721
RE: Giving Gigolos a bad name.
Senator Kerry,
A lot of Americans think that President Obama ain’t so Akbar.
A lot of Americans – how many will be determined in less than 6 weeks – think that Nancy Pelosi makes all the Shakespearean witches look like Cabbage Patch Kids.
You know why this is so. I twice heard you give the reason.
Americans are dumb.
I guess the only thing bigger than your hair and nose are your cojones.
Absent the release of your DD214 – that’s the record you get on your last day of active duty service, that’s the one that you promised to deliver 6 years ago, that’s the one that gives the details, “warts and all”, of what you did during your times in the service – a case could be made for you being an agent of the Viet Cong. Maybe you were planning to hook up with Jane Fonda and Bill Ayers and blow up Bunker Hill. Quien sabe?
I know that you twice married well.
What’s the word for male courtesan?
A few nights in the kip and you have a wallet the size of Fenway Park. It sure beats the Hell out of working for a living, doesn’t it? Triathletes run around it to get in top shape. Potential suicides ask if they can jump off it.
Anyway, now that Fatso Kennedy appears to be securely entombed, I now bestow on your two of my most coveted honors. These awards are not given lightly. There is no Affirmative Action here. You get them the old fashioned way.
I use Ted Williams as an example when explaining the art and science of hitting a pitched baseball, surely on the hardest things to do in all of sport, to Englishmen. To his last time at the plate he made it look like so easy, so effortless.
So do you.
Kevin Smith
PS – Rumors abound that Tess, your madcap Gypsy lady wife and God but I miss her so, will be having you as her personal food taster. What with the chimes at midnight this New Year’s Eve signaling the return of the Death Tax with a vengeance not seen since Bush’s surge in Iraq Tess figures to err on the safe side. You keep asking her to eat the mushrooms. You offer her some Kool-Aid with them. If she has you keelhauled I’ll volunteer to be on that jury. It will only take one dumb guy, a guy like me, for her to walk.
Senator Jay Forbes Kerry
222 Milliken Place
Fall River, MA 02721
RE: Giving Gigolos a bad name.
Senator Kerry,
A lot of Americans think that President Obama ain’t so Akbar.
A lot of Americans – how many will be determined in less than 6 weeks – think that Nancy Pelosi makes all the Shakespearean witches look like Cabbage Patch Kids.
You know why this is so. I twice heard you give the reason.
Americans are dumb.
I guess the only thing bigger than your hair and nose are your cojones.
Absent the release of your DD214 – that’s the record you get on your last day of active duty service, that’s the one that you promised to deliver 6 years ago, that’s the one that gives the details, “warts and all”, of what you did during your times in the service – a case could be made for you being an agent of the Viet Cong. Maybe you were planning to hook up with Jane Fonda and Bill Ayers and blow up Bunker Hill. Quien sabe?
I know that you twice married well.
What’s the word for male courtesan?
A few nights in the kip and you have a wallet the size of Fenway Park. It sure beats the Hell out of working for a living, doesn’t it? Triathletes run around it to get in top shape. Potential suicides ask if they can jump off it.
Anyway, now that Fatso Kennedy appears to be securely entombed, I now bestow on your two of my most coveted honors. These awards are not given lightly. There is no Affirmative Action here. You get them the old fashioned way.
I use Ted Williams as an example when explaining the art and science of hitting a pitched baseball, surely on the hardest things to do in all of sport, to Englishmen. To his last time at the plate he made it look like so easy, so effortless.
So do you.
Kevin Smith
PS – Rumors abound that Tess, your madcap Gypsy lady wife and God but I miss her so, will be having you as her personal food taster. What with the chimes at midnight this New Year’s Eve signaling the return of the Death Tax with a vengeance not seen since Bush’s surge in Iraq Tess figures to err on the safe side. You keep asking her to eat the mushrooms. You offer her some Kool-Aid with them. If she has you keelhauled I’ll volunteer to be on that jury. It will only take one dumb guy, a guy like me, for her to walk.
Douglas C. Lyons, Senior Editorial Writer The Sun-Sentinel
September 11, 2010
Douglas C. Lyons, Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “We can’t lose belief in tolerance” – Why we always need a new lamb every evening when the lion decides to bed down. Some comments on your column on the need for still more cheeks to turn.
Mr. Lyons,
You say, with a bit more hint of smarmy snideness than necessary, that the hick pastor from outside Gainesville, and to the delight of all modern American Liberals straight from central casting as to what hick pastors from outside Gainesville should look and sound like, that a “sign from God” would be most welcome.
I don’t suppose “chickens coming home to roost”, a memorable phrase from Reverend Wright, a phrase that parishioner Obama never heard, could substitute for “a burning bush” or “a blurb on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page”.
Tolerance is a relative thing.
When a gang of turbaned thugs saw, not chop, saw the head off of Daniel Pearl did Americans burn down any embassies of Muslim countries? While they were sawing they were shouting “Allah Akbar”. Did Americans burn down any mosques here?
Speaking of tolerance when a dozen naked men masturbate in front of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate Gay Pride did any closeted latent heterosexuals fire bomb Fire Island?
How “tolerant” was the Muslim murderer who sliced and diced Theo van Gogh into Dutch sushi for suggesting that maybe Allah wasn’t so Akbar and that maybe Muhammed spent some time shagging sheep? If the Frogs could make a sit down sized Cuisinart guess who buy them?
There is an inherent contradiction in saying that 50,000 GIs in Iraq and 80,000 in Afghanistan would be in double jeopardy should a sacred, holy Koran be burned. As long as they remember to put the sharp end up the breech first they’ be in no worse shape next week that they were last week.
“Who steals my purse steals trash…” could be followed by “Who burns my sacred, holy Koran burns trash…” If the words in the sacred, holy Koran are true burning the book that contains them can do no harm. Alas, Islam is a religion – Insert “one of the world’s great religions” and/or “a religion of peace” – that has permitted no internal criticism in 1000 years. External criticism is dealt with a ferocity unseen since Tours. Lepanto, or Vienna.
These people announce that if we don’t bow down they will kill us. The have been doing this for almost 15 centuries. 600 years ago they said that they would stable their horses in the Saint Peter’s Basilica. They use poison gas on each other. Flying an airplane into a building gets them an unlimited pass to a Knocking Shoppe filled with infidel virgins.
May I suggest if burning a holy, sacred Koran can cause the Rockies to crumble and Gibraltar to tumble that we use a bit of trickeration? Get a sacred, holy Koran. Put a wrapper on it that says Christian bible. Put it in a microwave on high for 60 seconds. A win/win all around!
Would it be intolerant of me to say that there is no more tolerant place on earth than America? It’s been some time since doing the horizontal nasty with someone other than your spouse led to stoning the chick. The idea of slicing the pudenda off of prepubescent girls probably won’t gain traction here. We ended slavery 145 years ago. The descendants of the Muslim slave traders still have slavery in 5 countries run by Sharia law.
After outlawing balloons and whistling why do I feel that multiculturalism and diversity will not be the order of the day should Abou bin Adhem get the whip hand anywhere?
How are the plans for the shul in Mecca coming along? Should the Baptist church be built first? Will there be a Gay outreach centre in Medina?
Not all of us live in a country determined to drink the toxic Kool-Aid. Not all of us will hand these rapeful demons a sharpened knife and then ask them to like us.
Sometimes it takes a hick preacher to make modern American Liberals uncomfortable. I love to see what the boys and girls with the knotted knickers say when their Kumbaya certitudes are made to stand upside down.
God Bless him.
Kevin Smith
Douglas C. Lyons, Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “We can’t lose belief in tolerance” – Why we always need a new lamb every evening when the lion decides to bed down. Some comments on your column on the need for still more cheeks to turn.
Mr. Lyons,
You say, with a bit more hint of smarmy snideness than necessary, that the hick pastor from outside Gainesville, and to the delight of all modern American Liberals straight from central casting as to what hick pastors from outside Gainesville should look and sound like, that a “sign from God” would be most welcome.
I don’t suppose “chickens coming home to roost”, a memorable phrase from Reverend Wright, a phrase that parishioner Obama never heard, could substitute for “a burning bush” or “a blurb on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page”.
Tolerance is a relative thing.
When a gang of turbaned thugs saw, not chop, saw the head off of Daniel Pearl did Americans burn down any embassies of Muslim countries? While they were sawing they were shouting “Allah Akbar”. Did Americans burn down any mosques here?
Speaking of tolerance when a dozen naked men masturbate in front of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate Gay Pride did any closeted latent heterosexuals fire bomb Fire Island?
How “tolerant” was the Muslim murderer who sliced and diced Theo van Gogh into Dutch sushi for suggesting that maybe Allah wasn’t so Akbar and that maybe Muhammed spent some time shagging sheep? If the Frogs could make a sit down sized Cuisinart guess who buy them?
There is an inherent contradiction in saying that 50,000 GIs in Iraq and 80,000 in Afghanistan would be in double jeopardy should a sacred, holy Koran be burned. As long as they remember to put the sharp end up the breech first they’ be in no worse shape next week that they were last week.
“Who steals my purse steals trash…” could be followed by “Who burns my sacred, holy Koran burns trash…” If the words in the sacred, holy Koran are true burning the book that contains them can do no harm. Alas, Islam is a religion – Insert “one of the world’s great religions” and/or “a religion of peace” – that has permitted no internal criticism in 1000 years. External criticism is dealt with a ferocity unseen since Tours. Lepanto, or Vienna.
These people announce that if we don’t bow down they will kill us. The have been doing this for almost 15 centuries. 600 years ago they said that they would stable their horses in the Saint Peter’s Basilica. They use poison gas on each other. Flying an airplane into a building gets them an unlimited pass to a Knocking Shoppe filled with infidel virgins.
May I suggest if burning a holy, sacred Koran can cause the Rockies to crumble and Gibraltar to tumble that we use a bit of trickeration? Get a sacred, holy Koran. Put a wrapper on it that says Christian bible. Put it in a microwave on high for 60 seconds. A win/win all around!
Would it be intolerant of me to say that there is no more tolerant place on earth than America? It’s been some time since doing the horizontal nasty with someone other than your spouse led to stoning the chick. The idea of slicing the pudenda off of prepubescent girls probably won’t gain traction here. We ended slavery 145 years ago. The descendants of the Muslim slave traders still have slavery in 5 countries run by Sharia law.
After outlawing balloons and whistling why do I feel that multiculturalism and diversity will not be the order of the day should Abou bin Adhem get the whip hand anywhere?
How are the plans for the shul in Mecca coming along? Should the Baptist church be built first? Will there be a Gay outreach centre in Medina?
Not all of us live in a country determined to drink the toxic Kool-Aid. Not all of us will hand these rapeful demons a sharpened knife and then ask them to like us.
Sometimes it takes a hick preacher to make modern American Liberals uncomfortable. I love to see what the boys and girls with the knotted knickers say when their Kumbaya certitudes are made to stand upside down.
God Bless him.
Kevin Smith
Michael Mayo The Sun-Sentinel
September 12, 2010
Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Could this be a Damascus moment? – Some comments on your column on the unfairness of being fair as it relates to Broward County real estate taxes.
Mr. Mayo,
A Damascus moment is not to be found in the holy, sacred, and as of dawn today, unburnt Koran.
My favorite old time rabbi was Saul of Tarsus. [That he changed his name to Paul for business reasons doesn’t make him a bad guy. Think Jack Benny and George Burns] He was knocked from his horse on the way to Damascus. When he got up he had gone from being very “anti” to being very “pro”. The rest, as is oft times said, is History.
Your Damascus moment may have come in your column this AM when you announce that 5.5% of all condos in Broward County pay zero – as in none – property taxes. This is not to say that the taxes due on these properties aren’t paid; the remaining 94.5% now pay 100% of all the taxes.
It is well to note that falling real estate values plus legislatively mandated tax exemptions have created a new entitlement class. That the beneficiaries of this serendipity will fight ferociously to continue this is a given. The Emergency Rent Control Act that was passed in 1942 in New York City is renewed every year. Having defeated the Germans, the Japanese, and the Italians in 4 years the New York City Council has been unable to defeat an entrenched entitlement class, AKA “renters”. The law has expanded to include rent stabilization. All that has been “controlled” and “stabilized” are the laws governing gravity. It’s easier to say, a la Reverend Wright, “God Damn the landlords”. Would I be ill thought of if I were to point out that there are far more tenants than there are landlords? 80 tenants to each landlord becomes a no-brainer on Election Day. Wasn’t it Red Smith who said “rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel”? Landlords should consider themselves lucky that they haven’t been sent to Abu Ghraib or Camp Gitmo.
Doctor Johnson, the first great blogger, said that “any public policy that involves robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support”. We just can’t get away from Paul, can we?
The one great mantra of modern American Liberalism is equality and the never ending quest for it. Next up is fairness. That both mimic the horizon and Utopia in that one is never to be gotten to and the other literally means nowhere is no impediment to true believers. Sometimes they run into the Constitution. Equal protection under the law is a keystone of our traditions. The problem comes when some people are more equal than others.
When one citizen is able to jump the line and get first dibs on the perpetually lactating public teat it means someone else is going to have to do with less. The unintended consequence of it is that those denied their “fair share” use whatever means are necessary to protect what is on their side of the table. Patrick Kennedy is listed as the next trustee of a trust created in 1936 to benefit his father. His grandfather, Joe the Corsair, may have been a Hitler loving anti-Semite but that didn’t mean he was stupid when it came to taking care of his own. Thank god this lout is without issue or it would have gone to the 4th generation. Modern American Liberals are in love with the “death tax” save for when it reaches out and touches one of their own.
The lesson to be learned here is that tweaking the tax system, any tax system, in such a way that favors a class whose lamentations of impending doom should it not result in special treatment, ends in chaos, confusion, and resentment.
It is possible both to have our cake and eat it. We cannot eat our cake and have it.
I was never prouder to be a citizen of Florida then when we gave Constitutional protection to pregnant pigs. I don’t imagine that the Tea Party will soon be supporting manatee suffrage. The lesson here is that taxes reflect what we spend.
The component parts of the recently received tax bill are intentionally obfuscatory. It is as if the politicians, after doing what they were instructed to do by a caring, sensitive, environmentally conscious, culturally diverse out-reaching electorate, are somewhat embarrassed by the cost.
Alex Sink announces that she will cut all wasteful spending.
I have yet to hear back from her as to which of the existing programs she labels as “wasteful”. I am not sure what “cut” means from someone who was at the heart of the mortgage meltdown. That her boss was Hootie Johnson, the misogynistic mastermind of the Masters, is one of those little gems of public life that should be looked at by someone with a loupe and a scalpel.
The lesson is obvious. If you want to cut taxes you must cut spending.
What could be fairer?
It’s easy for a modern American Liberal to confuse the horse’s head with the horse’s ass. When you mount Dobbin its head should be in front of you.
Kevin Smith
Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Could this be a Damascus moment? – Some comments on your column on the unfairness of being fair as it relates to Broward County real estate taxes.
Mr. Mayo,
A Damascus moment is not to be found in the holy, sacred, and as of dawn today, unburnt Koran.
My favorite old time rabbi was Saul of Tarsus. [That he changed his name to Paul for business reasons doesn’t make him a bad guy. Think Jack Benny and George Burns] He was knocked from his horse on the way to Damascus. When he got up he had gone from being very “anti” to being very “pro”. The rest, as is oft times said, is History.
Your Damascus moment may have come in your column this AM when you announce that 5.5% of all condos in Broward County pay zero – as in none – property taxes. This is not to say that the taxes due on these properties aren’t paid; the remaining 94.5% now pay 100% of all the taxes.
It is well to note that falling real estate values plus legislatively mandated tax exemptions have created a new entitlement class. That the beneficiaries of this serendipity will fight ferociously to continue this is a given. The Emergency Rent Control Act that was passed in 1942 in New York City is renewed every year. Having defeated the Germans, the Japanese, and the Italians in 4 years the New York City Council has been unable to defeat an entrenched entitlement class, AKA “renters”. The law has expanded to include rent stabilization. All that has been “controlled” and “stabilized” are the laws governing gravity. It’s easier to say, a la Reverend Wright, “God Damn the landlords”. Would I be ill thought of if I were to point out that there are far more tenants than there are landlords? 80 tenants to each landlord becomes a no-brainer on Election Day. Wasn’t it Red Smith who said “rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel”? Landlords should consider themselves lucky that they haven’t been sent to Abu Ghraib or Camp Gitmo.
Doctor Johnson, the first great blogger, said that “any public policy that involves robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support”. We just can’t get away from Paul, can we?
The one great mantra of modern American Liberalism is equality and the never ending quest for it. Next up is fairness. That both mimic the horizon and Utopia in that one is never to be gotten to and the other literally means nowhere is no impediment to true believers. Sometimes they run into the Constitution. Equal protection under the law is a keystone of our traditions. The problem comes when some people are more equal than others.
When one citizen is able to jump the line and get first dibs on the perpetually lactating public teat it means someone else is going to have to do with less. The unintended consequence of it is that those denied their “fair share” use whatever means are necessary to protect what is on their side of the table. Patrick Kennedy is listed as the next trustee of a trust created in 1936 to benefit his father. His grandfather, Joe the Corsair, may have been a Hitler loving anti-Semite but that didn’t mean he was stupid when it came to taking care of his own. Thank god this lout is without issue or it would have gone to the 4th generation. Modern American Liberals are in love with the “death tax” save for when it reaches out and touches one of their own.
The lesson to be learned here is that tweaking the tax system, any tax system, in such a way that favors a class whose lamentations of impending doom should it not result in special treatment, ends in chaos, confusion, and resentment.
It is possible both to have our cake and eat it. We cannot eat our cake and have it.
I was never prouder to be a citizen of Florida then when we gave Constitutional protection to pregnant pigs. I don’t imagine that the Tea Party will soon be supporting manatee suffrage. The lesson here is that taxes reflect what we spend.
The component parts of the recently received tax bill are intentionally obfuscatory. It is as if the politicians, after doing what they were instructed to do by a caring, sensitive, environmentally conscious, culturally diverse out-reaching electorate, are somewhat embarrassed by the cost.
Alex Sink announces that she will cut all wasteful spending.
I have yet to hear back from her as to which of the existing programs she labels as “wasteful”. I am not sure what “cut” means from someone who was at the heart of the mortgage meltdown. That her boss was Hootie Johnson, the misogynistic mastermind of the Masters, is one of those little gems of public life that should be looked at by someone with a loupe and a scalpel.
The lesson is obvious. If you want to cut taxes you must cut spending.
What could be fairer?
It’s easy for a modern American Liberal to confuse the horse’s head with the horse’s ass. When you mount Dobbin its head should be in front of you.
Kevin Smith
Commissioner Scott Newton, City Manager Joseph Gallegos
September 11, 2010
Commissioner Scott Newton
City Manager Joseph Gallegos
2020 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors, FL 33305
RE: Is it a “slippery slope” or a “chilling effect”? – Some comments on the article in today’s Sun-Sentinel about “racist” E-mails.
Mr. Newton & Mr. Gallegos,
Commissioner Newton’s uncle Isaac only had to be hit once in the head by a falling apple to grasp the gravitas of gravity. The Commissioner apparently chains himself to the old apple tree trying to earn consideration for the next edition of the Guinness Book. His desired goal is to be known as a
“Dying is easy; comedy is hard.”
We can stipulate that the E-mails were sent from computers owned by the City of Wilton Manors. Further, there was no realistic expectation of privacy.
One E-mail that was deemed racist and offensive was published in its entirety in today’s Sun-Sentinel. What Wilton Manors finds offensive the Sun-Sentinel doesn’t. Perhaps it is an example of “de gustibus…” Perhaps not.
Commissioner Newton says “there will be consequences”. He then adds that “the City Manager will do what is appropriate”.
City Manager Gallegos says “there will be consequences”.
The obvious question is who writes their material
Is Mr. Gallegos the official censor of Wilton Manors? If he is what special qualifications does he have for the task?
Does he know Lysistrata? Juvenal? Dante? Cervantes? Swift? Moliere? Toole?
I ask that, and this is going to shock you, because the First Amendment is in force even in Wilton Manors. The First Amendment begins with the majestic words “Congress shall make no law…”
What if I were to go the library on 26th Street in Wilton Manors and ask for a copy of Dick Gregory’s excellent autobiography? Would I be allowed to ask for it by its name? Its name is the “dreaded ‘N’ word”, the word that no White man dares use. [The only exception to this was Senator Byrd but since he just died we’ll forget about it] Would the librarian also be in trouble? Would there be “consequences”? Maybe you could double the sales tax on books with “offensive” or “racist” words in them. That way you could fund an obligatory class – like after you get a speeding ticket – to sensitize the insensitive. We keep raising the tax on tobacco. How about taxing the bejeezus out of “racist” or “offensive” speech.
Do we really need Mark Twain?
Hamlet, after seducing, ravaging, and then abandoning Ophelia, says to her, “Get thee to a nunnery”. In Shakespeare’s time “nunnery” meant whorehouse, like the one that Barney Frank ran in his cellar, remember? Will the City Manager take a stand against Shakespeare? I’ve always felt that King Lear was a bit over the top. Henry the Fifth’s speech at Harfleur is not exactly family friendly. The problem with Othello is that medieval miscegenation leads to murder. The first two, featuring violence, are offensive”,
The last one is “racist”.
Are those lessons lesson we want a post racial society to learn?
Will Gallegos become the new Will Hays?
There was a Chinese agrarian reformer who said “Let a thousand flowers bloom”.
Will Wilton Manors become the Grim Reaper of cutting edge thought?
I guess the modern day Catos would frown on a combination flag, bible, and a Holy Sacred Koran burning.
I don’t care if the “slippery slope” was a “shovel ready” project. It is starting to get mighty “chilling” out there.
Kevin Smith
PS – Since it all depends on whose Gore is being oxed is there any chance of avoiding “consequences” if we have a Koran burning if front of the library to protest Islamic homophobia?
Commissioner Scott Newton
City Manager Joseph Gallegos
2020 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors, FL 33305
RE: Is it a “slippery slope” or a “chilling effect”? – Some comments on the article in today’s Sun-Sentinel about “racist” E-mails.
Mr. Newton & Mr. Gallegos,
Commissioner Newton’s uncle Isaac only had to be hit once in the head by a falling apple to grasp the gravitas of gravity. The Commissioner apparently chains himself to the old apple tree trying to earn consideration for the next edition of the Guinness Book. His desired goal is to be known as a
“Dying is easy; comedy is hard.”
We can stipulate that the E-mails were sent from computers owned by the City of Wilton Manors. Further, there was no realistic expectation of privacy.
One E-mail that was deemed racist and offensive was published in its entirety in today’s Sun-Sentinel. What Wilton Manors finds offensive the Sun-Sentinel doesn’t. Perhaps it is an example of “de gustibus…” Perhaps not.
Commissioner Newton says “there will be consequences”. He then adds that “the City Manager will do what is appropriate”.
City Manager Gallegos says “there will be consequences”.
The obvious question is who writes their material
Is Mr. Gallegos the official censor of Wilton Manors? If he is what special qualifications does he have for the task?
Does he know Lysistrata? Juvenal? Dante? Cervantes? Swift? Moliere? Toole?
I ask that, and this is going to shock you, because the First Amendment is in force even in Wilton Manors. The First Amendment begins with the majestic words “Congress shall make no law…”
What if I were to go the library on 26th Street in Wilton Manors and ask for a copy of Dick Gregory’s excellent autobiography? Would I be allowed to ask for it by its name? Its name is the “dreaded ‘N’ word”, the word that no White man dares use. [The only exception to this was Senator Byrd but since he just died we’ll forget about it] Would the librarian also be in trouble? Would there be “consequences”? Maybe you could double the sales tax on books with “offensive” or “racist” words in them. That way you could fund an obligatory class – like after you get a speeding ticket – to sensitize the insensitive. We keep raising the tax on tobacco. How about taxing the bejeezus out of “racist” or “offensive” speech.
Do we really need Mark Twain?
Hamlet, after seducing, ravaging, and then abandoning Ophelia, says to her, “Get thee to a nunnery”. In Shakespeare’s time “nunnery” meant whorehouse, like the one that Barney Frank ran in his cellar, remember? Will the City Manager take a stand against Shakespeare? I’ve always felt that King Lear was a bit over the top. Henry the Fifth’s speech at Harfleur is not exactly family friendly. The problem with Othello is that medieval miscegenation leads to murder. The first two, featuring violence, are offensive”,
The last one is “racist”.
Are those lessons lesson we want a post racial society to learn?
Will Gallegos become the new Will Hays?
There was a Chinese agrarian reformer who said “Let a thousand flowers bloom”.
Will Wilton Manors become the Grim Reaper of cutting edge thought?
I guess the modern day Catos would frown on a combination flag, bible, and a Holy Sacred Koran burning.
I don’t care if the “slippery slope” was a “shovel ready” project. It is starting to get mighty “chilling” out there.
Kevin Smith
PS – Since it all depends on whose Gore is being oxed is there any chance of avoiding “consequences” if we have a Koran burning if front of the library to protest Islamic homophobia?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Jaweel Kaleem The Miami Herald
September 8, 2010
Jaweel Kaleem
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
RE: There’s holy and then there’s holy – Some comments on your Page 1 story about literary recycling in Gainesville.
Mr/Ms Kaleem,
I still don’t know what gender you are. I do know that if you are female but it will pose no official impediment to your advancement in your profession here. If you are you can use it for rapid advancement. By the way, are there any female reporters with Page 1 stories in the Mecca Herald? Are there any female reporters anywhere in, let’s start with, Saudi Arabia. The Miami Herald had a reporter who wrote articles about the homosexual community in South Florida. His readers knew his sexual orientation. Are there any homosexual reporters, non-gender specific, in any country ruled by Muslims? Do you know whether La Cage aux Folles will be staged in Medina?
Should a Muslim homosexual couple living in Florida seek to adopt a child would they be fatwaed? Theo van Gogh was neither Muslim nor was he homosexual and he was cut up like a snitch from The Sopranos.
Fraud can be committed two ways. Commission is the most common way but omission, particularly of a material fact, makes you just as guilty. If you are a Muslim I think it is a material fact and should be disclosed.
Bernardo Oliveros was a native born Algerian. He was a Cistercian of Strict Observance, a Roman Catholic monastic order. They are also known as Trappists. Thomas Merton was the best known American Trappist. The Order can trace its roots back to Saint Benedict. You may not know it but Saint Benedict did all his work 100 years before the founding of Islam.
6 Muslim thugs hacked to him to death as he prayed in his chapel. They yelled “Allah Akbar” as the cut off his head, his arms, and his legs.
In a world saturated with something called moral relativism why is the murder of one presumptively holy man in a sacred place deemed less important than the destruction of one book? The Christian World did not rise up and kill Muslims in the streets because of this murder most foul. 12,000 miles away, in Indonesia, several thousand fanatical Muslims burned property belonging to Americans. And that was before any books were burned. What do they do for an encore? We know what they did to a Catholic priest in his chapel. Is what’s past prologue?
Would it be acceptable to burn a Christian bible in a country ruled under the precepts of Sharia Law?
I am told that there is an Islamic theological debate about what size rocks can be used when stoning an adulteress to death. If they are too big, or so I read, the harlot dies too quickly. If they are too small it takes to long for her to die. Do American Muslims have a position on this? If they have can you tell us what it is?
America sees Islam as a religion that permits no internal criticism. It reacts to external criticism with a feral ferocity that beggars description. A Dutch film maker is knifed to death on a city street. An American reporter has his head hacked off on TV. Where is the outrage at those evil deeds? When did the Imams condemn those acts?
Did Islam become a religion of peace after Tours? After Lepanto? After Vienna? After Omdurman?
There is a bit of humor to be found in this contretemps.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that everybody condemns the burning of the sacred, holy Koran. “Even”, she said, “Jewish Rabbis.” I didn’t think there was any other kind but, what the Hell, this is a big, noisy country with room enough for everybody, right? I can’t find any Buddhist or Shinto Rabbis. Are there any Muslim Rabbis? Should one appear would he [or she] be Sunni or Shia?
As a curmudgeonly White American Christian male I wish, “on the whole”, that T.E. Lawrence had stayed in Tunbridge Wells with Dryden.
Kevin Smith
PS - Speaking of “holy” and “sacred” why is Qom, a mud hut village in Iran, always called either “holy” or “sacred”? If Qom, a city that appears to be without the benefits either of indoor plumbing or modern dentistry is “holy” or “sacred”, where would Rome be on the “holy” or “sacred” scale? I mention Rome because since St. Peter’s Basilica was built Muslims have always said that they would stable their horses there.
Jaweel Kaleem
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
RE: There’s holy and then there’s holy – Some comments on your Page 1 story about literary recycling in Gainesville.
Mr/Ms Kaleem,
I still don’t know what gender you are. I do know that if you are female but it will pose no official impediment to your advancement in your profession here. If you are you can use it for rapid advancement. By the way, are there any female reporters with Page 1 stories in the Mecca Herald? Are there any female reporters anywhere in, let’s start with, Saudi Arabia. The Miami Herald had a reporter who wrote articles about the homosexual community in South Florida. His readers knew his sexual orientation. Are there any homosexual reporters, non-gender specific, in any country ruled by Muslims? Do you know whether La Cage aux Folles will be staged in Medina?
Should a Muslim homosexual couple living in Florida seek to adopt a child would they be fatwaed? Theo van Gogh was neither Muslim nor was he homosexual and he was cut up like a snitch from The Sopranos.
Fraud can be committed two ways. Commission is the most common way but omission, particularly of a material fact, makes you just as guilty. If you are a Muslim I think it is a material fact and should be disclosed.
Bernardo Oliveros was a native born Algerian. He was a Cistercian of Strict Observance, a Roman Catholic monastic order. They are also known as Trappists. Thomas Merton was the best known American Trappist. The Order can trace its roots back to Saint Benedict. You may not know it but Saint Benedict did all his work 100 years before the founding of Islam.
6 Muslim thugs hacked to him to death as he prayed in his chapel. They yelled “Allah Akbar” as the cut off his head, his arms, and his legs.
In a world saturated with something called moral relativism why is the murder of one presumptively holy man in a sacred place deemed less important than the destruction of one book? The Christian World did not rise up and kill Muslims in the streets because of this murder most foul. 12,000 miles away, in Indonesia, several thousand fanatical Muslims burned property belonging to Americans. And that was before any books were burned. What do they do for an encore? We know what they did to a Catholic priest in his chapel. Is what’s past prologue?
Would it be acceptable to burn a Christian bible in a country ruled under the precepts of Sharia Law?
I am told that there is an Islamic theological debate about what size rocks can be used when stoning an adulteress to death. If they are too big, or so I read, the harlot dies too quickly. If they are too small it takes to long for her to die. Do American Muslims have a position on this? If they have can you tell us what it is?
America sees Islam as a religion that permits no internal criticism. It reacts to external criticism with a feral ferocity that beggars description. A Dutch film maker is knifed to death on a city street. An American reporter has his head hacked off on TV. Where is the outrage at those evil deeds? When did the Imams condemn those acts?
Did Islam become a religion of peace after Tours? After Lepanto? After Vienna? After Omdurman?
There is a bit of humor to be found in this contretemps.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that everybody condemns the burning of the sacred, holy Koran. “Even”, she said, “Jewish Rabbis.” I didn’t think there was any other kind but, what the Hell, this is a big, noisy country with room enough for everybody, right? I can’t find any Buddhist or Shinto Rabbis. Are there any Muslim Rabbis? Should one appear would he [or she] be Sunni or Shia?
As a curmudgeonly White American Christian male I wish, “on the whole”, that T.E. Lawrence had stayed in Tunbridge Wells with Dryden.
Kevin Smith
PS - Speaking of “holy” and “sacred” why is Qom, a mud hut village in Iran, always called either “holy” or “sacred”? If Qom, a city that appears to be without the benefits either of indoor plumbing or modern dentistry is “holy” or “sacred”, where would Rome be on the “holy” or “sacred” scale? I mention Rome because since St. Peter’s Basilica was built Muslims have always said that they would stable their horses there.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Amy Sherman The Miami Herald
September 6, 2010
Amy Sherman
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
RE: “Sticks and stones may break my bones…” – Is there a benefit to being thin skinned in a time when people line up to say that they want to kill us? Some comments of your Historical naïveté as shown in your article in the Miami Herald this morning.
Ms. Sherman,
Historians have said that the battle of Shiloh was like a “fist fight with guns”. The hero of Shiloh, the man who changed the Civil War, the man who ended the Civil War 18 months quicker than anyone thought was possible, was named Sherman. Any chance you are related to him?
Would you be so kind as to pass this along to Congressman Klein?
I say “pass it along” because even though I am a constituent of his he has stopped responding to my letters.
I trust you will see that my letter is clear and that it pays proper respect to grammar, style, and syntax.
You quote Congressman Klein thus:
“Some in Congress talk about taking money out of Social Security
and paying down the deficit or the war in Afghanistan,” said Klein.
I find it astonishing that Congressman Klein does not know that the Federal government has been doing that since 1964.
Each and every dollar taken from American employees and American employers since 1964 has gone directly into the general account of the United States government. Once a year the Treasury figures out how much it has taken and issues a chit, a marker, an IOU to the trustees of the Social Security system. The note says that it is payable on demand. It then goes into the legendary “lock box”. That’s the one that is stored safely on Mars. Some years it is sent to Uranus. Far up Uranus.
If the Miami Herald has a pension plan ask the Human Resources director what would happen if your employer did that?
I can tell you that the people who run the Herald would be frog marched out of the building in shackles.
By saying that “some in Congress want to take money out of Social Security” when Congress has been doing that for 46 years makes Congressman Klein a mountebank and a charlatan who is the political equivalent of a Bernie Madoff or a Scott Rothstein. The only other possibility is that he is a HORSE’S ASS of incalculable dimensions. Since he managed to be both a Florida legislator AND a registered lobbyist of the legislature of which he was a member I would put him in the Ponzi cheerleader class.
How about the Herald having a candidate’s night before the election? All the candidates could gather around a symbolic lock box on October 31st and say, a capella, “Anything for Halloween”. Perhaps you could have a distinguished Herald alumnus open the box. He would have to be in good shape because a bunch of clever Chinamen clutching T-Bills will come charging out yelling “Show me the money”.
As to the campaign being “more about insults than ideas” I find it astonishing that political reporters are so lacking in knowledge on the tome and tenor of political campaigns in this country.
In 218 years of national campaigns we have had exactly 2 that were absent [mostly] insults. They were when George Washington, AKA “The Father of his Country” ran.
The election of 1800 still holds the record for dirty campaigns. And to think that they did it before e-mails and twitters. In fact they did it when you needed Ben Franklin’s kite to get electricity. It is well to note that two giants of American History – Adams and Jefferson – went at each other like 2 cats in a bag.
Abraham Lincoln was routinely and regularly called a “baboon”. This may shock you but the Democratic Party and the New York Times acquiesced in this.
1876 was like afternoon TV when it cost $12 and took 45 days to get a letter from New York to San Francisco.
In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt told the German-American Mayor of Milwaukee that there was lamp post with his name on it.
1916 was the most bigoted campaign ever. If we are to believe Justice Marshall Woodrow Wilson lived up to and surpassed his hard won title as the most racist President in the 20th century.
The facts, post election, would support the conclusion that three times in the 20th century – 1916, 1940, and 1964 – the Democratic candidates for President, the winning Democratic candidates for President, lied to the American people about future involvement in foreign wars. You can look it up.
I disagree with Colonel West calling Congressman Klein, a hero of modern American Liberalism, a “momma’s boy”. In Florida there is only one candidate who deserves that title. Congressman Kendrick Meek inherited his seat from his mother. A serendipitous uptick for him and her was that he avoided the death tax by inheriting it while she was living.
Mud slinging is as American as apple pie.
Kevin Smith
Amy Sherman
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693
RE: “Sticks and stones may break my bones…” – Is there a benefit to being thin skinned in a time when people line up to say that they want to kill us? Some comments of your Historical naïveté as shown in your article in the Miami Herald this morning.
Ms. Sherman,
Historians have said that the battle of Shiloh was like a “fist fight with guns”. The hero of Shiloh, the man who changed the Civil War, the man who ended the Civil War 18 months quicker than anyone thought was possible, was named Sherman. Any chance you are related to him?
Would you be so kind as to pass this along to Congressman Klein?
I say “pass it along” because even though I am a constituent of his he has stopped responding to my letters.
I trust you will see that my letter is clear and that it pays proper respect to grammar, style, and syntax.
You quote Congressman Klein thus:
“Some in Congress talk about taking money out of Social Security
and paying down the deficit or the war in Afghanistan,” said Klein.
I find it astonishing that Congressman Klein does not know that the Federal government has been doing that since 1964.
Each and every dollar taken from American employees and American employers since 1964 has gone directly into the general account of the United States government. Once a year the Treasury figures out how much it has taken and issues a chit, a marker, an IOU to the trustees of the Social Security system. The note says that it is payable on demand. It then goes into the legendary “lock box”. That’s the one that is stored safely on Mars. Some years it is sent to Uranus. Far up Uranus.
If the Miami Herald has a pension plan ask the Human Resources director what would happen if your employer did that?
I can tell you that the people who run the Herald would be frog marched out of the building in shackles.
By saying that “some in Congress want to take money out of Social Security” when Congress has been doing that for 46 years makes Congressman Klein a mountebank and a charlatan who is the political equivalent of a Bernie Madoff or a Scott Rothstein. The only other possibility is that he is a HORSE’S ASS of incalculable dimensions. Since he managed to be both a Florida legislator AND a registered lobbyist of the legislature of which he was a member I would put him in the Ponzi cheerleader class.
How about the Herald having a candidate’s night before the election? All the candidates could gather around a symbolic lock box on October 31st and say, a capella, “Anything for Halloween”. Perhaps you could have a distinguished Herald alumnus open the box. He would have to be in good shape because a bunch of clever Chinamen clutching T-Bills will come charging out yelling “Show me the money”.
As to the campaign being “more about insults than ideas” I find it astonishing that political reporters are so lacking in knowledge on the tome and tenor of political campaigns in this country.
In 218 years of national campaigns we have had exactly 2 that were absent [mostly] insults. They were when George Washington, AKA “The Father of his Country” ran.
The election of 1800 still holds the record for dirty campaigns. And to think that they did it before e-mails and twitters. In fact they did it when you needed Ben Franklin’s kite to get electricity. It is well to note that two giants of American History – Adams and Jefferson – went at each other like 2 cats in a bag.
Abraham Lincoln was routinely and regularly called a “baboon”. This may shock you but the Democratic Party and the New York Times acquiesced in this.
1876 was like afternoon TV when it cost $12 and took 45 days to get a letter from New York to San Francisco.
In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt told the German-American Mayor of Milwaukee that there was lamp post with his name on it.
1916 was the most bigoted campaign ever. If we are to believe Justice Marshall Woodrow Wilson lived up to and surpassed his hard won title as the most racist President in the 20th century.
The facts, post election, would support the conclusion that three times in the 20th century – 1916, 1940, and 1964 – the Democratic candidates for President, the winning Democratic candidates for President, lied to the American people about future involvement in foreign wars. You can look it up.
I disagree with Colonel West calling Congressman Klein, a hero of modern American Liberalism, a “momma’s boy”. In Florida there is only one candidate who deserves that title. Congressman Kendrick Meek inherited his seat from his mother. A serendipitous uptick for him and her was that he avoided the death tax by inheriting it while she was living.
Mud slinging is as American as apple pie.
Kevin Smith
E.J. Dionne The Washington Post
September 6, 2010
E.J. Dionne
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20017
RE: “I Dreamt I Saw Joe Hill” and why your almost lachrymose column about the never existed Wonder World of unions in today’s Miami Herald was straight from Central Casting.
Mr. Dionne,
Other than raising the minimum wage as a way to increase employment and why the Davis-Bacon Act is, despite the fact that it was the most racist law ever passed by Congress in the 20th century, still good for the “working man” you hit all the major notes of Workers of the World Unite.
Whenever I read a modern American Liberal talking about the glory days of the Wobblies and other similar banal tripe it is a chalk bet [“chalk bet”? – Send a SASE] that he doesn’t which end of the shovel is the business end. Further, it is a lock that he never paid union dues to anything but SAG, AFTRA, the Writers’ Guild, or Local 12 of the Amalgamated Tree Huggers and Manatee Suffrage Supporters.
Let the record show that I paid dues to two unions – Retail Clerks and the Teamsters – and that I negotiated with another – the UMW – for several years. [On several occasions I paid my Teamster dues to the Local President, Anthony Provenzano, AKA “Tony Pro”, but that’s a story for a different time.]
You say, in a way that only mush brained modern American Liberals can ???, that the “extraordinary prosperity” of post World War 2 America was due “significantly” to “union contracts…that spread the wealth around”.
I’ll say this for you.
You’ve got your shibboleth wrapped head so far up your ass that you could give yourself a pneumonectomy.
I’ll focus on one.
Before wealth can be “spread around” it must first be “created”.
Since there is no record anywhere or anytime of any country taxing itself into prosperity when Lord Barack the Beneficent told Joe the Plumber, an authentic American Blue Collar hero, that that’s what he was going to do he was/is as much an economic tomnoddy as you. It will be of no use passing a new stimulus bill without passing a law that repeals all the rules governing gravity. The key part of that law is where it says that “rocks are hard…and objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s center…”
His concern with cutting the economic pie more “fairly” forgets, in typical modern American Liberal fashion, that you must first bake a bigger “pie”.
Speaking of unions….
Detroit was the paradigmatic template of union towns.
What the Hell happened?
Kevin Smith
PS – My lunch used to be at 1:00 AM at the Tunnel Diner in Jersey City, NJ. The way to get an extra slice of meat loaf on my plate was to be particularly sweaty and dirty. Since you grew up in a “union town” where was your Tunnel Diner? Just one more question. I’ve written to Michael Moore and Oliver Stone about it. Alas, neither has answered. If you know would you please tell me? Did Hugo Chavez, the noted Venezuelan Labor leader and resident thug, have an uncle, the late lamented Labor leader and lover of California lettuce, named Cesar Chavez?
E.J. Dionne
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20017
RE: “I Dreamt I Saw Joe Hill” and why your almost lachrymose column about the never existed Wonder World of unions in today’s Miami Herald was straight from Central Casting.
Mr. Dionne,
Other than raising the minimum wage as a way to increase employment and why the Davis-Bacon Act is, despite the fact that it was the most racist law ever passed by Congress in the 20th century, still good for the “working man” you hit all the major notes of Workers of the World Unite.
Whenever I read a modern American Liberal talking about the glory days of the Wobblies and other similar banal tripe it is a chalk bet [“chalk bet”? – Send a SASE] that he doesn’t which end of the shovel is the business end. Further, it is a lock that he never paid union dues to anything but SAG, AFTRA, the Writers’ Guild, or Local 12 of the Amalgamated Tree Huggers and Manatee Suffrage Supporters.
Let the record show that I paid dues to two unions – Retail Clerks and the Teamsters – and that I negotiated with another – the UMW – for several years. [On several occasions I paid my Teamster dues to the Local President, Anthony Provenzano, AKA “Tony Pro”, but that’s a story for a different time.]
You say, in a way that only mush brained modern American Liberals can ???, that the “extraordinary prosperity” of post World War 2 America was due “significantly” to “union contracts…that spread the wealth around”.
I’ll say this for you.
You’ve got your shibboleth wrapped head so far up your ass that you could give yourself a pneumonectomy.
I’ll focus on one.
Before wealth can be “spread around” it must first be “created”.
Since there is no record anywhere or anytime of any country taxing itself into prosperity when Lord Barack the Beneficent told Joe the Plumber, an authentic American Blue Collar hero, that that’s what he was going to do he was/is as much an economic tomnoddy as you. It will be of no use passing a new stimulus bill without passing a law that repeals all the rules governing gravity. The key part of that law is where it says that “rocks are hard…and objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s center…”
His concern with cutting the economic pie more “fairly” forgets, in typical modern American Liberal fashion, that you must first bake a bigger “pie”.
Speaking of unions….
Detroit was the paradigmatic template of union towns.
What the Hell happened?
Kevin Smith
PS – My lunch used to be at 1:00 AM at the Tunnel Diner in Jersey City, NJ. The way to get an extra slice of meat loaf on my plate was to be particularly sweaty and dirty. Since you grew up in a “union town” where was your Tunnel Diner? Just one more question. I’ve written to Michael Moore and Oliver Stone about it. Alas, neither has answered. If you know would you please tell me? Did Hugo Chavez, the noted Venezuelan Labor leader and resident thug, have an uncle, the late lamented Labor leader and lover of California lettuce, named Cesar Chavez?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News
September 3, 2010
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: Addenda – never errata - on candidates with “slim credentials”
Ms. Carlson,
In my haste to keelhaul Congressman Patrick “Little Shit” Kennedy, an endeavor which Christian charity demands that I place a limit on myself – How many baby seals can I harvest before “wretched excess” sets in? – I left out two things.
#1 – It pains me to say it but he does have a legacy. He has left footprints for others to follow. I have long pondered what the benchmarks, the paradigmatic templates, the “God but I want to be just like him” were for two of our mast revered youth. The two I am thinking of were able to overcome the rocky road of a privileged upbringing. It doesn’t take long to get used to someone cutting the crust off your toast or straining your orange juice lest you encounter some feral pits. That they have made a model for other similarly situated youths to follow is a tribute to the Prince of Pinheads, Congressman Patrick, the Perpetual Putz, Kennedy.
#2 – Was there ever a more “slim credentialed” candidate than his father? Lard Kennedy raised the bar so high it could only be topped by someone as good as himself. Since acorns never fall far from the tree it was only fitting and proper that his son reclaimed the ancient Golden Fleece. I feel uncomfortable implying anything Herculean when speaking of those two poltroons. Let me amend that. Herculean would apply to their appetites; never to their achievements.
Let’s take a look at Dad
Fatso Teddy spent the end of the Korean War as a GI not in Korea but in Paris. A little bird is whispering in my ear that Poppa Joe, the World Famous Corsair, had something to do with that.
He got tossed out of two schools for cheating. The only serious contender for that laurel was when Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., he of “unreleased shakra” and “sex crazed poodle” fame, flunked out of two graduate schools in one semester. Now that’s a record worthy of Guinness consideration!
Edward Moore Slojanowski? Edward Moore Goldstein? Edward Moore Obama?
Put any of those names on the Massachusetts ballot in 1962. Even the dead wouldn’t have voted for him. The loutish bastard probably wouldn’t have voted for himself.
The only way he would have gotten to the United States Senate would have been as Exhibit A for raising the drinking age to 46 or as a probationary John mopper.
He killed someone. Since he was already in the Senate when she was killed it wouldn’t be fair to mention her so I won’t
Little Patsy, Young Turd to his fans, had two uncles who did positive things before they were elected.
His Uncle John “saw the elephant” He led men in combat.
His Uncle Bobby worked for Senator McCarthy – That’s Joe of Wisconsin, not Gene of Minnesota – before turning to procreating full time. His second job as a lawyer was being named Attorney General of the United States. His most notable achievement was wire tapping Martin Luther King. His record for superior achievement was not topped until Janet Reno began her illustrious career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens at Waco.
And you say Ben Quayle has “slim credentials”?
“I’ll retire to Bedlam.”
Kevin Smith
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: Addenda – never errata - on candidates with “slim credentials”
Ms. Carlson,
In my haste to keelhaul Congressman Patrick “Little Shit” Kennedy, an endeavor which Christian charity demands that I place a limit on myself – How many baby seals can I harvest before “wretched excess” sets in? – I left out two things.
#1 – It pains me to say it but he does have a legacy. He has left footprints for others to follow. I have long pondered what the benchmarks, the paradigmatic templates, the “God but I want to be just like him” were for two of our mast revered youth. The two I am thinking of were able to overcome the rocky road of a privileged upbringing. It doesn’t take long to get used to someone cutting the crust off your toast or straining your orange juice lest you encounter some feral pits. That they have made a model for other similarly situated youths to follow is a tribute to the Prince of Pinheads, Congressman Patrick, the Perpetual Putz, Kennedy.
#2 – Was there ever a more “slim credentialed” candidate than his father? Lard Kennedy raised the bar so high it could only be topped by someone as good as himself. Since acorns never fall far from the tree it was only fitting and proper that his son reclaimed the ancient Golden Fleece. I feel uncomfortable implying anything Herculean when speaking of those two poltroons. Let me amend that. Herculean would apply to their appetites; never to their achievements.
Let’s take a look at Dad
Fatso Teddy spent the end of the Korean War as a GI not in Korea but in Paris. A little bird is whispering in my ear that Poppa Joe, the World Famous Corsair, had something to do with that.
He got tossed out of two schools for cheating. The only serious contender for that laurel was when Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., he of “unreleased shakra” and “sex crazed poodle” fame, flunked out of two graduate schools in one semester. Now that’s a record worthy of Guinness consideration!
Edward Moore Slojanowski? Edward Moore Goldstein? Edward Moore Obama?
Put any of those names on the Massachusetts ballot in 1962. Even the dead wouldn’t have voted for him. The loutish bastard probably wouldn’t have voted for himself.
The only way he would have gotten to the United States Senate would have been as Exhibit A for raising the drinking age to 46 or as a probationary John mopper.
He killed someone. Since he was already in the Senate when she was killed it wouldn’t be fair to mention her so I won’t
Little Patsy, Young Turd to his fans, had two uncles who did positive things before they were elected.
His Uncle John “saw the elephant” He led men in combat.
His Uncle Bobby worked for Senator McCarthy – That’s Joe of Wisconsin, not Gene of Minnesota – before turning to procreating full time. His second job as a lawyer was being named Attorney General of the United States. His most notable achievement was wire tapping Martin Luther King. His record for superior achievement was not topped until Janet Reno began her illustrious career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens at Waco.
And you say Ben Quayle has “slim credentials”?
“I’ll retire to Bedlam.”
Kevin Smith
Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News
September 2, 2010
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: “slim credentialed” candidates and what are we do about them. Some comments on your column of August 30
Ms. Carlson,
Lest you think me a stalker I usually limit myself to but once a week poleaxing of modern American Liberal ink stained wenches. It’s almost like spiking baby seals. Then I read your column about candidates with “slim credentials”. I know it’s dark and dangerous work but when you dress up like a piñata it becomes my duty to get out my Louisville slugger and eschew the blindfold. Your “slim credentialed” candidate was Ben Quayle. You say his most notable accomplishment is being the son of a “poor speller”.
“Slim credentials” pose no impediment to success in American politics.
What exactly did Barack Obama do before he became President?
He has a law degree from a prestigious university. Did he ever handle a real estate closing, a closing where an elderly relative – usually female – shows up at 4:00 on Friday with a sack filled with cash so her nephew could buy his first house? Did he ever try any felony cases? Did he ever win in Appellate Court? Was he General Counsel to a Fortune 500 company, a company that had to deal with a perpetual bête noire, the United States Government?
How successful was his time as a street organizer in Chicago? Since no one seemed to mind when Bush was compared to Hitler, the 20th century’s most notable street organizer, would it be totally out of line to say that Barack learned from Adolph? Did he toss the Mayor out? Did he change the way Chicago was governed? Did the Cook County Courthouse boys send him to Springfield because he was too good? If he did such a great job there why would he move 200 miles away? Chicago has a murder rate on par with Monterey and Kabul. How good could he have been?
He set a record in the Illinois legislature for not voting. Ever time there was vote the clerk automatically entered “present”. I’ll give him this. At least he wasn’t indicted. In Cook County that’s half way to sainthood.
He was in the United States Senate long enough for his wife to “feel proud”. Has anyone ever asked what or who she did to get a $4,000 a week raise? Her annual salary was increased by $200,000. Then he became President. Would you believe that her job, whatever it was, has been vacant since she moved to Washington?
Like I said, “slim credentials” are no impediment to success in America.
Before I enter the firing coordinates on the above target I must tell you that your comment on Ben Quayle being the son of a “poor speller” prompted an internet search.
His father, a man whose “shakra” quotient is unknown, a man who does not meet the breed standards of a “love crazed poodle”, won a gold medal in grammar school for geography. Memorizing 50 state capitols was hard enough. 57 or was it 58 would have been impossible especially since they don’t exist.
Since I can’t disprove it – a form of Logic that propels modern American Liberals to their imbecilely asinine conclusions - I believe that Ben’s father was a runner up in a foreign language contest in high school. One of the questions, a trick question to be sure, concerned the languages spoken in Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland. He nailed it. He even knew which part of Belgium spoke Walloon.
There is no record of his father standing in front of TV cameras for 30 minutes repeating, repeating, repeating, “There is no controlling legal authority”. There is also no record of his father raising $300,000 from discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns. The good sisters paid, if memory serves, by credit card. A sin, but only a venial one by modern American Liberal standards.
But wait. There’s more.
When speaking of “slim credentials” we must go the modern American Liberal paradigmatic template. Congressman Patrick Kennedy, AKA “Pea Brain” and/or “Pinhead”, and the Grand Emperor Emeritus, the President for Life of the Lucky Sperm Club is so God Damn “slim credentialed” that a chest x-ray shows nothing.
Bad enough that he is universally known as a little shit he compounds it exponentially by being a hypocritical little shit.
How does someone baptized by the Pope, a person who was graduated from a Catholic college, someone whose family wears not only its Catholic heart on its sleeve but has its Catholic Sacred Heart tattooed onto its family crest get a 100 grade from the National Abortion Rights League? Providence College, his alma mater, has Thomas Aquinas as one its intellectual forebears. One of his models said, “Something cannot be that which it is not”. I can’t speak to the condition of his soul but it is impossible to be a practicing Roman Catholic and be in the NARAL Hall of Fame. You are in one or you are in the other. You can’t be in both. Think of it this way: You can have your cake and eat it but you can’t eat your cake and have it. Maybe that’s why he is a big fan of adult pharmaceuticals.
At least his father set some records for hedonism in the Congress that should stand for a long time. “Patches” was elected to the Rhode Island legislature when he was still in college. It speaks ill of his classmates that would do anything, including inflicting him on the good people of Rhode Island, to get him out of the dormitory. On the other hand how many verses of Kumbaya could you stand in one day before you contemplated defenestration?
He would need lessons in how to mess up a two car funeral or how to ruin a wet dream.
His most notable accomplishment has been adhering to a save the world, save the rain forest, save drowning polar bears, save the manatees, save Tibet, save the ozone layer, save whoever needs saving by remaining childless.
I know it can’t be the Last of the Kennedys but one root gone dry and barren in the fertile soil of “slim credentialed” candidates is a good start, right?
Kevin Smith
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: “slim credentialed” candidates and what are we do about them. Some comments on your column of August 30
Ms. Carlson,
Lest you think me a stalker I usually limit myself to but once a week poleaxing of modern American Liberal ink stained wenches. It’s almost like spiking baby seals. Then I read your column about candidates with “slim credentials”. I know it’s dark and dangerous work but when you dress up like a piñata it becomes my duty to get out my Louisville slugger and eschew the blindfold. Your “slim credentialed” candidate was Ben Quayle. You say his most notable accomplishment is being the son of a “poor speller”.
“Slim credentials” pose no impediment to success in American politics.
What exactly did Barack Obama do before he became President?
He has a law degree from a prestigious university. Did he ever handle a real estate closing, a closing where an elderly relative – usually female – shows up at 4:00 on Friday with a sack filled with cash so her nephew could buy his first house? Did he ever try any felony cases? Did he ever win in Appellate Court? Was he General Counsel to a Fortune 500 company, a company that had to deal with a perpetual bête noire, the United States Government?
How successful was his time as a street organizer in Chicago? Since no one seemed to mind when Bush was compared to Hitler, the 20th century’s most notable street organizer, would it be totally out of line to say that Barack learned from Adolph? Did he toss the Mayor out? Did he change the way Chicago was governed? Did the Cook County Courthouse boys send him to Springfield because he was too good? If he did such a great job there why would he move 200 miles away? Chicago has a murder rate on par with Monterey and Kabul. How good could he have been?
He set a record in the Illinois legislature for not voting. Ever time there was vote the clerk automatically entered “present”. I’ll give him this. At least he wasn’t indicted. In Cook County that’s half way to sainthood.
He was in the United States Senate long enough for his wife to “feel proud”. Has anyone ever asked what or who she did to get a $4,000 a week raise? Her annual salary was increased by $200,000. Then he became President. Would you believe that her job, whatever it was, has been vacant since she moved to Washington?
Like I said, “slim credentials” are no impediment to success in America.
Before I enter the firing coordinates on the above target I must tell you that your comment on Ben Quayle being the son of a “poor speller” prompted an internet search.
His father, a man whose “shakra” quotient is unknown, a man who does not meet the breed standards of a “love crazed poodle”, won a gold medal in grammar school for geography. Memorizing 50 state capitols was hard enough. 57 or was it 58 would have been impossible especially since they don’t exist.
Since I can’t disprove it – a form of Logic that propels modern American Liberals to their imbecilely asinine conclusions - I believe that Ben’s father was a runner up in a foreign language contest in high school. One of the questions, a trick question to be sure, concerned the languages spoken in Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland. He nailed it. He even knew which part of Belgium spoke Walloon.
There is no record of his father standing in front of TV cameras for 30 minutes repeating, repeating, repeating, “There is no controlling legal authority”. There is also no record of his father raising $300,000 from discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns. The good sisters paid, if memory serves, by credit card. A sin, but only a venial one by modern American Liberal standards.
But wait. There’s more.
When speaking of “slim credentials” we must go the modern American Liberal paradigmatic template. Congressman Patrick Kennedy, AKA “Pea Brain” and/or “Pinhead”, and the Grand Emperor Emeritus, the President for Life of the Lucky Sperm Club is so God Damn “slim credentialed” that a chest x-ray shows nothing.
Bad enough that he is universally known as a little shit he compounds it exponentially by being a hypocritical little shit.
How does someone baptized by the Pope, a person who was graduated from a Catholic college, someone whose family wears not only its Catholic heart on its sleeve but has its Catholic Sacred Heart tattooed onto its family crest get a 100 grade from the National Abortion Rights League? Providence College, his alma mater, has Thomas Aquinas as one its intellectual forebears. One of his models said, “Something cannot be that which it is not”. I can’t speak to the condition of his soul but it is impossible to be a practicing Roman Catholic and be in the NARAL Hall of Fame. You are in one or you are in the other. You can’t be in both. Think of it this way: You can have your cake and eat it but you can’t eat your cake and have it. Maybe that’s why he is a big fan of adult pharmaceuticals.
At least his father set some records for hedonism in the Congress that should stand for a long time. “Patches” was elected to the Rhode Island legislature when he was still in college. It speaks ill of his classmates that would do anything, including inflicting him on the good people of Rhode Island, to get him out of the dormitory. On the other hand how many verses of Kumbaya could you stand in one day before you contemplated defenestration?
He would need lessons in how to mess up a two car funeral or how to ruin a wet dream.
His most notable accomplishment has been adhering to a save the world, save the rain forest, save drowning polar bears, save the manatees, save Tibet, save the ozone layer, save whoever needs saving by remaining childless.
I know it can’t be the Last of the Kennedys but one root gone dry and barren in the fertile soil of “slim credentialed” candidates is a good start, right?
Kevin Smith
Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel
August 29, 2010
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “God is not for man to scan; the proper study of mankind is man” – I love quoting Pope, Alexander, not The. Some comments on candidates and education all of which were caused by your delightful column this morning.
My dear Professor;
“The rest of us mortals need to ask God to save
us from what Jeb and Mario are about to do
to students and schools in
The Sun-Sentinel
The italics are mine. Jeb is the sainted former Governor Jeb Bush. Mario is Mario Rubio, the next Senator.
First, a style point, and then a multicultural observation.
Like the unemployed teacher who can’t find a job anywhere answered when asked by a prospective employer whether the world was flat or round, “I’m not sure but I’m prepared to teach it either way”, the raging question of God’s gender is not clear. The style point is that if God, whatever the shape or form, is divine your her should be Her.
The other point, the one with the multicultural “I love diversity and why can’t we all get along” mantra, is that I don’t think our Muslim brethren, including peace loving moderates, are quite ready for Allah to be, you know what I’m saying, a Cosmo Girl. These people are having a serious theological debate as to the size of stones to be used when stoning [to death]”a woman taken in adultery”. The suggestion that Allah will be entering the next Miss Universe contest in preparation for Her campaign to be the next Playmate of the Year is one I don’t you should be making or even implying, particularly in the holy month of Ramadan. I wouldn’t want someone to fly a plane into the Sun-Sentinel building to try to reason with you.
As to education…if moneys spent per pupil became the sole criterion that determined the quality of an education why are the schools in the District of Columbia not turning out 3 or 4 Nobel Prize winners a year? Every year.
Alas, this is not the case.
I have one solution... Quien sabe? It may work. If it doesn’t at least we tried.
Will you join me in mandating that all children living in public housing in the District of Columbia must – no exceptions, none – attend pubic schools? The first ones on the yellow bus will be the Obama girls. That’s something you can get behind, hopefully no too far behind, isn’t it?
Did you know that Congressman Kendrick Meek’s children attend private school in the District of Columbia?
Did you know that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s children attend private school in Broward County?
I’ll say this about modern American Liberals, and certainly those 2 must be considered in the top 10, they never let you down.
One of the most dangerous places in South Florida – no, not Liberty City or Overtown – is to be between Congressgal Debbie, Debbie and a semi thug from any teachers’ union in election season. As soon as that red light went on she is praising the underpaid, overworked teachers. All in time for the 6:00 news.
Mama’s Boy Meek raises an interesting point.
If we are to believe his press releases his children attend private schools close to the Potomac River. That’s the one between Maryland and Viriginia.
Congressman Toad Wexler [D-FL&MD] lived a double life for ten years. He represented a district in Palm Beach County while he lived and his children attended school in Maryland. Anonymous sources say that he resigned a step ahead of the Grand Jury having him in for a chat about violating election laws.
Has anyone ever seen Congressman Meek’s Florida license?
If he and his wife filed a joint tax return has anyone ever seen the address on it?
Meanwhile, in an example of why we should have ongoing “bag tests” for both candidates and elected officials, both of these churls continue to champion the causes of borrowing still more money from the Chinese to pay for salaries at schools that they would rather have hot needles stuck in their eyes or get a blood transfusion from Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin than have their children attend.
It is always good to quote James Madison. Doubly so since we are near to Constitution Day.
When asked what was the most important quality to look for in a
candidate for any public office his reply is still valid 2 centuries later.
“Character. Character is all.”
Would not their public stand versus their private choice on schools indicate that they are sadly lacking in character? Since their behavior is typical of modern American Liberals perhaps they should be held up as templates for the breed. Let the breed standards read
“Nothing lost save honor”
Kevin Smith
PS – In 1992 President George Bush’s apparent unfamiliarity with supermarket checkout price scanners was looked on as a disqualifying factor in the election. Am I the only one to comment on Congressman Meek’s trip to the Jewish deli in Miami with President Barack the Beneficent? Corned beef on rye with mayo? Isn’t that about a half step from supporting the mosque at Ground Zero? Meanwhile see if you can get some of those Mohammed cartoons, the ones with a feminine touch, like the one of him shagging a nanny goat.
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “God is not for man to scan; the proper study of mankind is man” – I love quoting Pope, Alexander, not The. Some comments on candidates and education all of which were caused by your delightful column this morning.
My dear Professor;
“The rest of us mortals need to ask God to save
us from what Jeb and Mario are about to do
to students and schools in
The Sun-Sentinel
The italics are mine. Jeb is the sainted former Governor Jeb Bush. Mario is Mario Rubio, the next Senator.
First, a style point, and then a multicultural observation.
Like the unemployed teacher who can’t find a job anywhere answered when asked by a prospective employer whether the world was flat or round, “I’m not sure but I’m prepared to teach it either way”, the raging question of God’s gender is not clear. The style point is that if God, whatever the shape or form, is divine your her should be Her.
The other point, the one with the multicultural “I love diversity and why can’t we all get along” mantra, is that I don’t think our Muslim brethren, including peace loving moderates, are quite ready for Allah to be, you know what I’m saying, a Cosmo Girl. These people are having a serious theological debate as to the size of stones to be used when stoning [to death]”a woman taken in adultery”. The suggestion that Allah will be entering the next Miss Universe contest in preparation for Her campaign to be the next Playmate of the Year is one I don’t you should be making or even implying, particularly in the holy month of Ramadan. I wouldn’t want someone to fly a plane into the Sun-Sentinel building to try to reason with you.
As to education…if moneys spent per pupil became the sole criterion that determined the quality of an education why are the schools in the District of Columbia not turning out 3 or 4 Nobel Prize winners a year? Every year.
Alas, this is not the case.
I have one solution... Quien sabe? It may work. If it doesn’t at least we tried.
Will you join me in mandating that all children living in public housing in the District of Columbia must – no exceptions, none – attend pubic schools? The first ones on the yellow bus will be the Obama girls. That’s something you can get behind, hopefully no too far behind, isn’t it?
Did you know that Congressman Kendrick Meek’s children attend private school in the District of Columbia?
Did you know that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s children attend private school in Broward County?
I’ll say this about modern American Liberals, and certainly those 2 must be considered in the top 10, they never let you down.
One of the most dangerous places in South Florida – no, not Liberty City or Overtown – is to be between Congressgal Debbie, Debbie and a semi thug from any teachers’ union in election season. As soon as that red light went on she is praising the underpaid, overworked teachers. All in time for the 6:00 news.
Mama’s Boy Meek raises an interesting point.
If we are to believe his press releases his children attend private schools close to the Potomac River. That’s the one between Maryland and Viriginia.
Congressman Toad Wexler [D-FL&MD] lived a double life for ten years. He represented a district in Palm Beach County while he lived and his children attended school in Maryland. Anonymous sources say that he resigned a step ahead of the Grand Jury having him in for a chat about violating election laws.
Has anyone ever seen Congressman Meek’s Florida license?
If he and his wife filed a joint tax return has anyone ever seen the address on it?
Meanwhile, in an example of why we should have ongoing “bag tests” for both candidates and elected officials, both of these churls continue to champion the causes of borrowing still more money from the Chinese to pay for salaries at schools that they would rather have hot needles stuck in their eyes or get a blood transfusion from Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin than have their children attend.
It is always good to quote James Madison. Doubly so since we are near to Constitution Day.
When asked what was the most important quality to look for in a
candidate for any public office his reply is still valid 2 centuries later.
“Character. Character is all.”
Would not their public stand versus their private choice on schools indicate that they are sadly lacking in character? Since their behavior is typical of modern American Liberals perhaps they should be held up as templates for the breed. Let the breed standards read
“Nothing lost save honor”
Kevin Smith
PS – In 1992 President George Bush’s apparent unfamiliarity with supermarket checkout price scanners was looked on as a disqualifying factor in the election. Am I the only one to comment on Congressman Meek’s trip to the Jewish deli in Miami with President Barack the Beneficent? Corned beef on rye with mayo? Isn’t that about a half step from supporting the mosque at Ground Zero? Meanwhile see if you can get some of those Mohammed cartoons, the ones with a feminine touch, like the one of him shagging a nanny goat.
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun-Sentinel
August 29, 2010
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Fearmongering” – Is it as American as apple pie? Some comments on your column about the reality of being perpetually outraged in America or so you say this morning.
Mr. Lyons,
This morning’s tutorial will consist of two separate but somehow related themes. I will draw them together with an astronomical codicil.
#1 – It is true that not all Muslims are 21st century anti-American terrorists. It is also true that all 21st century anti-American terrorists have been Muslim. There is a hint of traditional Logic there that all senior editorial writers should know.
Jesse Jackson once said that if see some young men walking towards him on a dark street at night he hopes that they are White. Since he said that in the “pre post-racial society” he gets a pass, right?
If I am in line at an airport ticket counter and I see five young men with an air of Whirling Dervish about them wearing the unisex version of a burqa using cash to buy one way tickets to the same place I am bound for am I allowed to gulp and ask myself if I really have to go to Chicago today? Would that make me a profiler? Worse, would it make me a stereotypical American profiler? If we meet at the airport answer me before I get my boarding pass, OK?
Let me add, for the record, that I am a White man.
#2 – “Will no one rid me of that troublesome recidivist Black jailbird?” with apologies to any offended Plantagenet but how is Willie Horton doing these days? Is he still in jail? Have any of his convictions been overturned? “Did the constable err” on any of his arrests? Why didn’t an earlier version of Johnny Cochrane show up in his hour of need? Can we stipulate that at one point Willie Horton gave feral Black youth a bad name?
All of this is prelude to the fact, a hard edged fact as real as your boot, an inconvenient truth of a fact, that it was Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. [D-TN] who introduced the sad tale of Willie Horton to the American public. He did this before he became Vice President Alpha Gump, before he became an Academy Award & Nobel Prize winner, before he became a “sex crazed poodle” whose “shakra”, while in a state of perpetual priapristic tumescence, was trained over the years to leave no carbon footprint when it suffered a sudden release.
He did it New York in March and April of the 1988 Presidential primary. He did it repeatedly. He did it while street campaigning and on TV. He used it to stereotype Massachusetts Governor Wee Mikey Dukakis as being soft on crime.
That this fact has gone down the modern American Liberal memory hole is because Progressive columnists, ink stained dudes like you, put it on the slippery slope of collective forgetfulness.
Let me know if Willie Boy has become Barack Hussein Horton or if he still is taking the Reverend Wright prison lecture course.
Now that would be a stereotypical American fearmongering profile, wouldn’t it?
Kevin Smith
PS – What time do you go to work in the morning? I saw the Moon/Mars show early this AM. The Moon with Mars looming large at its side during this holy season of Ramadan makes me want to fly a plane into a building. Almost. That’s it for now; It’s time for the Glenn Beck rally.
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Fearmongering” – Is it as American as apple pie? Some comments on your column about the reality of being perpetually outraged in America or so you say this morning.
Mr. Lyons,
This morning’s tutorial will consist of two separate but somehow related themes. I will draw them together with an astronomical codicil.
#1 – It is true that not all Muslims are 21st century anti-American terrorists. It is also true that all 21st century anti-American terrorists have been Muslim. There is a hint of traditional Logic there that all senior editorial writers should know.
Jesse Jackson once said that if see some young men walking towards him on a dark street at night he hopes that they are White. Since he said that in the “pre post-racial society” he gets a pass, right?
If I am in line at an airport ticket counter and I see five young men with an air of Whirling Dervish about them wearing the unisex version of a burqa using cash to buy one way tickets to the same place I am bound for am I allowed to gulp and ask myself if I really have to go to Chicago today? Would that make me a profiler? Worse, would it make me a stereotypical American profiler? If we meet at the airport answer me before I get my boarding pass, OK?
Let me add, for the record, that I am a White man.
#2 – “Will no one rid me of that troublesome recidivist Black jailbird?” with apologies to any offended Plantagenet but how is Willie Horton doing these days? Is he still in jail? Have any of his convictions been overturned? “Did the constable err” on any of his arrests? Why didn’t an earlier version of Johnny Cochrane show up in his hour of need? Can we stipulate that at one point Willie Horton gave feral Black youth a bad name?
All of this is prelude to the fact, a hard edged fact as real as your boot, an inconvenient truth of a fact, that it was Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. [D-TN] who introduced the sad tale of Willie Horton to the American public. He did this before he became Vice President Alpha Gump, before he became an Academy Award & Nobel Prize winner, before he became a “sex crazed poodle” whose “shakra”, while in a state of perpetual priapristic tumescence, was trained over the years to leave no carbon footprint when it suffered a sudden release.
He did it New York in March and April of the 1988 Presidential primary. He did it repeatedly. He did it while street campaigning and on TV. He used it to stereotype Massachusetts Governor Wee Mikey Dukakis as being soft on crime.
That this fact has gone down the modern American Liberal memory hole is because Progressive columnists, ink stained dudes like you, put it on the slippery slope of collective forgetfulness.
Let me know if Willie Boy has become Barack Hussein Horton or if he still is taking the Reverend Wright prison lecture course.
Now that would be a stereotypical American fearmongering profile, wouldn’t it?
Kevin Smith
PS – What time do you go to work in the morning? I saw the Moon/Mars show early this AM. The Moon with Mars looming large at its side during this holy season of Ramadan makes me want to fly a plane into a building. Almost. That’s it for now; It’s time for the Glenn Beck rally.
Bill Wyman The Tucson Citizen
August 31, 2010
Bill Wyman
The Tucson Citizen
4850 S. Park Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85714
RE: “What does Ben Quayle’s wife do”? – Judge Crater, call your office. Jimmy Hoffa wants to see you. Where’s my lockbox?
Mr. Wyman,
I don’t know what she does. It sounds like she soared past the glass ceiling shattered by trailblazers such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.
You may recall that whip smart Hillary was hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas – Is that akin to being the 3rd tallest building in Bentonville? – when her husband became Attorney General. That she became a partner after he was elected Governor is just one of life’s unexplained mysteries. Sort of like the Ozark version of the Bermuda Triangle, don’t you think?
I hope you won’t think me a cad if I point out that Michelle Obama got a $4,000 a week raise – repeat - $4,000 a week raise when her husband was elected to the United States Senate. That’s $200,000 a year. There’s no sense just getting your nose in the trough. Cannonballing off the 10 meter board straight into the slop is the Chicago way to do it. I guess she’d rather be hung for 3 sheep than one goat. Her husband made it OK because he got a $1,000,000 earmark for her employer, the University of Chicago Hospital. That way it could be said that the people of Arkansas helped Michelle to begin to be proud of her country. That we borrowed the money from the Chinese to do it is the subject of a different story. Since WAL*MART is the American satrap of the clever Chinese it is easy to see the Illinois/Arkansas connection.
I guess that’s the way the global economy works.
Try to find out if Ben’s wife is a player.
Get back to me, OK?
Kevin Smith
Bill Wyman
The Tucson Citizen
4850 S. Park Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85714
RE: “What does Ben Quayle’s wife do”? – Judge Crater, call your office. Jimmy Hoffa wants to see you. Where’s my lockbox?
Mr. Wyman,
I don’t know what she does. It sounds like she soared past the glass ceiling shattered by trailblazers such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.
You may recall that whip smart Hillary was hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas – Is that akin to being the 3rd tallest building in Bentonville? – when her husband became Attorney General. That she became a partner after he was elected Governor is just one of life’s unexplained mysteries. Sort of like the Ozark version of the Bermuda Triangle, don’t you think?
I hope you won’t think me a cad if I point out that Michelle Obama got a $4,000 a week raise – repeat - $4,000 a week raise when her husband was elected to the United States Senate. That’s $200,000 a year. There’s no sense just getting your nose in the trough. Cannonballing off the 10 meter board straight into the slop is the Chicago way to do it. I guess she’d rather be hung for 3 sheep than one goat. Her husband made it OK because he got a $1,000,000 earmark for her employer, the University of Chicago Hospital. That way it could be said that the people of Arkansas helped Michelle to begin to be proud of her country. That we borrowed the money from the Chinese to do it is the subject of a different story. Since WAL*MART is the American satrap of the clever Chinese it is easy to see the Illinois/Arkansas connection.
I guess that’s the way the global economy works.
Try to find out if Ben’s wife is a player.
Get back to me, OK?
Kevin Smith
James D. Davis The Sun-Sentinel
August 27, 2010
James D. Davis
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Mecca delenda est? - Some questions and comments on your Page 1 article on the travails of Muslims in America.
Mr. Davis,
For 6 years I have been writing to Muslims in South Florida looking for some answers., My letters were neither threatening nor were they obscene. They were also never answered.
Perhaps you could forward this.
In your article you quote Imam Shaikh Shafayat Mohammed as saying “Muslims wait to be interviewed after hate crimes happen”. Since he mentioned “hate crimes” would the good Imam stipulate that the murders of 9/11 were “hate crimes”? A yes or no answer is preferred.
The Imam may not be familiar with “Piss Christ”. It is a work of art partly subsidized by American taxpayers. It is a crucifix suspended in a see through plastic cylinder. The cylinder is filled, as the name implies, with piss. An astonishingly large number of people believes that Christ is divine.
There is a play, “Corpus Cristi”, partly subsidized by American taxpayers, that says Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel. It says the Christ and Judas were homosexual lovers. Judas, in a fit of pique, dropped a dime on Christ. He was crucified. An astonishingly large number of people believes that Christ is divine.
There is a painting, partly subsidized by American taxpayers, that shows Mary, AKA “The Mother of God”, covered with animal dung. There is an astonishingly large number of people, people who think that Christ is divine, who think that Mary is the Mother of God.
While bible burning is not as popular as flag burning rest assured that it will take but a one page opinion from a Federal Judge saying that it too is protected speech. A bible, a torah, a Koran. If there is difference perhaps the good Imam could explain it to me. Perhaps the good Imam can tell me if he favors fatwas.
Let’s include the cartoons about Mohammed. Those are the ones that people were murdered over.
Can you see where I am going here?
Why should American Muslims in general, and the Pembroke Pines Imam in particular, be insulated from the excesses that occur in a democratic Republic? The saying “Free men speak with free tongues” is still valid after 25 centuries.
This is the country they have chosen to live in.
If I chose to live in Saudi Arabia I would be barred from publicly professing my faith. I don’t know if that is a stoning offense but why risk it?
I’ll stay home.
Kevin Smith
James D. Davis
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Mecca delenda est? - Some questions and comments on your Page 1 article on the travails of Muslims in America.
Mr. Davis,
For 6 years I have been writing to Muslims in South Florida looking for some answers., My letters were neither threatening nor were they obscene. They were also never answered.
Perhaps you could forward this.
In your article you quote Imam Shaikh Shafayat Mohammed as saying “Muslims wait to be interviewed after hate crimes happen”. Since he mentioned “hate crimes” would the good Imam stipulate that the murders of 9/11 were “hate crimes”? A yes or no answer is preferred.
The Imam may not be familiar with “Piss Christ”. It is a work of art partly subsidized by American taxpayers. It is a crucifix suspended in a see through plastic cylinder. The cylinder is filled, as the name implies, with piss. An astonishingly large number of people believes that Christ is divine.
There is a play, “Corpus Cristi”, partly subsidized by American taxpayers, that says Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel. It says the Christ and Judas were homosexual lovers. Judas, in a fit of pique, dropped a dime on Christ. He was crucified. An astonishingly large number of people believes that Christ is divine.
There is a painting, partly subsidized by American taxpayers, that shows Mary, AKA “The Mother of God”, covered with animal dung. There is an astonishingly large number of people, people who think that Christ is divine, who think that Mary is the Mother of God.
While bible burning is not as popular as flag burning rest assured that it will take but a one page opinion from a Federal Judge saying that it too is protected speech. A bible, a torah, a Koran. If there is difference perhaps the good Imam could explain it to me. Perhaps the good Imam can tell me if he favors fatwas.
Let’s include the cartoons about Mohammed. Those are the ones that people were murdered over.
Can you see where I am going here?
Why should American Muslims in general, and the Pembroke Pines Imam in particular, be insulated from the excesses that occur in a democratic Republic? The saying “Free men speak with free tongues” is still valid after 25 centuries.
This is the country they have chosen to live in.
If I chose to live in Saudi Arabia I would be barred from publicly professing my faith. I don’t know if that is a stoning offense but why risk it?
I’ll stay home.
Kevin Smith
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