October 28, 2011
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: The rise of “working class” status as a necessary stepping stone to success as a modern American Liberal politician – Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald.
Ms. Carlson,
First, I won’t mention that you called all overseas deployed American military personnel “tax cheats” after the 2000 election. Some of them may have come home and gone back. Some of them may have been wounded. Some of them may have been killed. As an aside, will there be an asterisk on the headstone if the GI died in the “good” war under Obama rather than the “bad” war under Bush?
Don’t you think it passing strange that Obama’s foreign policy successes consist of Americans shooting bad guys, one of whom was an American citizen, in the head? Was GITMO filled? Wouldn’t the Arab world become Baptist if we had captured bin Laden and sent him to re-hab.
Your desire to see Vice President Alpha Gump, he of the unreleased shakra and tumescent poodle fame, get into the White House in 2000 was such that you tossed out a blood libel as if it were yesterday’s newspaper. Being a modern American Liberal means that lying is good if it produces a desired end. Having no knowledge of the “permanent things” makes it easier.
Your later apology, “I’m sorry if I offended anyone”. Is typical of the breed.
But, as I promised, that’s not why I write to you today.
The major premise of your article on Curly Biden – I call him Curly in honor of the smartest stooge – is that he isn’t a world class, call the Guinness hotline, horse’s ass.
You’re wrong.
He is.
Whom do you think told the President that there were 57 or 58 states? Who told B.O. about Austrian, the glorious language of Goethe and Hitler?
He wears his Chia Pet hair proudly. His teeth, made from ivory taken from elephants that died peacefully in their dotage, glisten and gleam.
In the end, to paraphrase Johnson – Samuel, not Lyndon – “the man’s a boob and that’s an end to it”.
Twice you use the term “working class” as if it were a call to prayer or as evidence of miracles sure to happen.
You say that Curly Biden was “born into a working class family”. Later in your article you say that Hillary Clinton would be good for Obama because she would “shore up his standing with ‘working class’ white women”. Why you exclude black, cafĂ©-au-lait, oriental or unclassified swarthy 3rd worlders is not explained. Do you think Hillary could get some wavering Tea Partiers to vote for B.O.?
If “working class” or its evil twin “blue collar” is a necessary first step to political success as a modern American Liberal how did the Kennedys overcome their lack of it? Congressman Patrick Kennedy, son of Tosspot Ted, AKA Senator Lard Kennedy, would not know the business end of a shovel from a ball peen hammer .Can you picture him shaping up on a loading dock? How did Senator Rockefeller become Senator Rockefeller? Did he burn his family’s money? Nancy D’Alessandro Pelosi’s family had so much cash that people could commit suicide by jumping off her father’s swag bags. The only “blue collar” these people were familiar with came from Brooks Brothers. Later, Ralph Lauren took over.
The Vice President, the only man I know who can put his foot in his mouth and his head up his ass simultaneously, attended Auchmere Academy. [His classmates still call him “Cheesedick”.] Thel tuition now is $25,000. I don’t k now what it was when he went there but I guarantee you that he never took any shop classes or carpentry courses.
As to Hillary Clinton’s “working class” connections, I must ask you if we are talking about the publically abused wife of Handsome Billy from Hot Springs. He was also known as Big Bill, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes, when he was in the White House having “a bit of the gobble” with Monica before he sold pardons and stole the silverware.
If memory serves, her father paid for her to go to 2 of the most expensive schools on the planet. There is no record of either scholarship assistance or student loans. A “blue collar working class” ‘60s chick would have had both. Perhaps she was so traumatized by her lack of “working class” credentials that she wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky.
Her attempts to crash the sit down to pee glass ceiling are closely tied to her husband’s political career.
A cynic might point out that she was hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas – Is that like being the world’s tallest midget? – after her husband was elected Attorney General. Would it brand me as a cad if I were to point out that she was made a partner after her husband was elected Governor?
The trailer parks in Posssum Fart, Arkansas are filled with “working class” broads. That these ladies have gotten this far in life without the wonders of modern dentistry is a testament to American exceptionalism. They regularly turn $1,000 into $100,000 in the cattle futures market. They stay in their “double wides” – their Air Streams, not their asses – to hide their wealth.
Only in America can a “working class” lady, one who testified that she had no knowledge of how a business is supposed to be run –Whitewater, remember? – be asked to serve on the Board of Directors of TCBY and WAL*MART. Would you think less of me if I were to suggest that her husband, then the Governor, flung her through the glass ceiling? The facts would support the interpretation that he wanted her out of the house so he could have advanced saxophone lessons.
I just put on my “vast Right-Wing conspirator” cap. It is my way of honoring Hillary. Her quest to find out who bankrolled the hit job on her husband is going as well as OJ’s search for the real killers. I twice transited Delaware this week. My hat for Curly Biden was “I’m With Stupid”.
I have a nephew who is being deployed to Afghanistan. Should he vote early and often? Since you don’t want his vote to count in this country would it be OK for him to register in Kandahar?
Kevin Smith
Sunday, October 30, 2011
October 7, 2011
#1 – The good guys beat the bad guys at Lepanto.
#2 – I was born.
#3 – Let us raise a TE DEUM for both.
Such is my love for potatoes – boiled, mashed, roasted, fried, baked, raw - that I will tolerate any spelling to support my favorite tuber. Thus, it was no great concern to me when Vice President Quayle stumbled over an extra “e”. That it caused modern American Liberals to become visibly tumescent had an unintended benefit: The creation of the spelling police.
Yesterday I heard the President of the United States obfuscatorily answer a question about “Operation Fast and Furious”.
As near as I can figure it out “Fast and Furious” was a program designed to see how long it would take a gun to make the trip from Washington, DC to Huejutla, Mexico and then to East Los Angeles. Things of a logistical nature were tested. Did FedEx positively, absolutely deliver overnight? How many BARs or mortars would it take before arousing suspicion? A Sidewinder missile can be fired by one person but can it be classified as a personal weapon? Should napalm be shipped in a Haz-Mat container? Most importantly, what should be done if a Federal Law Enforcement Agent gets killed with a gun, a gun that began its odyssey in the mail room not 20 yards from the office of Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Holder has done 2 notable things in his professional life. #1 – As a big time Clinton ass kisser he provided cover for the bought and paid for pardon of Marc Rich on the last day of the glorious reign of Bill and Hillary. Speaking of that pardon if you remember the way Mrs. Rich blew the saxophone there can be no doubt how she got Big Bill’s attention. Monica taught all her followers well.
Since the reptiles occupying the cistern of modern American Liberal journalism have made the weight of New Jersey Governor Christie fair game can I say retroactively that Hillary Clinton’s steatyagonous role model was Secretary of State Madeline Albright? Hillary never reached the legendary “ax handle and a half wide” status by which Arkansas measures female arses. That must be taken as a testament to Spandex, 2 fat sucking lamprey eels, and having Rosie O’Donnell chase her around the Lincoln bedroom. If memory serves, Janet Reno – “Janny” to her friends, as cold as the month she was named after - was no slouch in the pound department either. You weren’t going to find her hanging out in the petite department at Burdine’s. Speaking of bountiful booties, FLOTUS is about one week of extra mac & cheese away from having “a bum you could set a ashtray on”. #2 – Holder told us in his capacity as Attorney General that White folk still don’t much like Black folk. He also told us that as long as the club wielding thugs were Black it was OK for them to intimidate White voters.
What POTUS said brought back memories of Jimmy Durante trying to sneak a 10 foot tall elephant past a policeman. “What are you doing with that elephant?” asks the startled copper. “Elephant? What elephant?” answers the great Schnozola.
President B. O. said that he had never heard of “Fast and Furious” until he heard Rush Limbaugh mention it. He said he called his BFF, the Attorney General, and said “Wazzupwidis?” Holder said “Say what”. The President then said if he had heard of it he would have “forbaded” it.
Too many potatoes – potatos? – Whatever – might qualify as “forbaded fruit”, no?
At the same press conference he answered a question about Solyndra and the 587,000,000 American taxpayer dollars, dollars that we borrowed from the Chinese .It has gone to the “undiscovered country” of Chapter X1. The Chinese will get their money back because they hold a first mortgage on Nantucket Island. The American people will get it in the neck. Maybe we can borrow money from Greece.
The President then said, “We knew there was risk.”
Where does it say in the Constitution that the government of the United States is allowed to be in the risk taking business? How does the Government measure the risk-reward ratio? Dr. Johnson wrote of “the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice”. Men regularly “risk it all on one turn of pitch and toss”. If they win society benefits. Having won they hire people to help them keep what they have. Then they hire people to help them get more. There is a penalty for failing. In a world where “stones are hard and water is wet” when you fail you go the back of the line and start over. It is in the nature of man to see what is beyond the horizon. All any government can do is slow the column of progress. There is no penalty to be paid by the government because Solyndra failed. After all, $587,000,000 is less than $2 per person. If you exclude the non-tax paying portion it is still less than $4 per person. If it had succeeded it we could, maybe, perhaps, have saved drowning polar bears. The baby seals may not have benefited but that’s the price you have to pay when Ned Lud becomes your God.
That’s the price paid when “The Gods of the Copybook Ledgers” are ignored.
I have a play want to bring to Broadway.
Its plot includes putting an absolute dunderhead, a man with no experience save for “running his mouth” and getting his wife a $4,000 – four thousand dollars American – a week raise in exchange for getting her employer a $1,000,000 “earmark”, in charge of America. Also, it was said that his “sharply creased trousers” would serve us well when he got to the Oval Office.
What he has done is to give horses’ asses all over the world a bad name.
If Broadway can have a hit musical about an Argentinean hooker why can’t it have one about a morospoph ohmadan who has his finger on the nuclear trigger? Maybe Homer Simpson could play Curly Biden.
Nah. Who would believe it?
Besides, I don’t want to spoil my birthday.
#1 – The good guys beat the bad guys at Lepanto.
#2 – I was born.
#3 – Let us raise a TE DEUM for both.
Such is my love for potatoes – boiled, mashed, roasted, fried, baked, raw - that I will tolerate any spelling to support my favorite tuber. Thus, it was no great concern to me when Vice President Quayle stumbled over an extra “e”. That it caused modern American Liberals to become visibly tumescent had an unintended benefit: The creation of the spelling police.
Yesterday I heard the President of the United States obfuscatorily answer a question about “Operation Fast and Furious”.
As near as I can figure it out “Fast and Furious” was a program designed to see how long it would take a gun to make the trip from Washington, DC to Huejutla, Mexico and then to East Los Angeles. Things of a logistical nature were tested. Did FedEx positively, absolutely deliver overnight? How many BARs or mortars would it take before arousing suspicion? A Sidewinder missile can be fired by one person but can it be classified as a personal weapon? Should napalm be shipped in a Haz-Mat container? Most importantly, what should be done if a Federal Law Enforcement Agent gets killed with a gun, a gun that began its odyssey in the mail room not 20 yards from the office of Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Holder has done 2 notable things in his professional life. #1 – As a big time Clinton ass kisser he provided cover for the bought and paid for pardon of Marc Rich on the last day of the glorious reign of Bill and Hillary. Speaking of that pardon if you remember the way Mrs. Rich blew the saxophone there can be no doubt how she got Big Bill’s attention. Monica taught all her followers well.
Since the reptiles occupying the cistern of modern American Liberal journalism have made the weight of New Jersey Governor Christie fair game can I say retroactively that Hillary Clinton’s steatyagonous role model was Secretary of State Madeline Albright? Hillary never reached the legendary “ax handle and a half wide” status by which Arkansas measures female arses. That must be taken as a testament to Spandex, 2 fat sucking lamprey eels, and having Rosie O’Donnell chase her around the Lincoln bedroom. If memory serves, Janet Reno – “Janny” to her friends, as cold as the month she was named after - was no slouch in the pound department either. You weren’t going to find her hanging out in the petite department at Burdine’s. Speaking of bountiful booties, FLOTUS is about one week of extra mac & cheese away from having “a bum you could set a ashtray on”. #2 – Holder told us in his capacity as Attorney General that White folk still don’t much like Black folk. He also told us that as long as the club wielding thugs were Black it was OK for them to intimidate White voters.
What POTUS said brought back memories of Jimmy Durante trying to sneak a 10 foot tall elephant past a policeman. “What are you doing with that elephant?” asks the startled copper. “Elephant? What elephant?” answers the great Schnozola.
President B. O. said that he had never heard of “Fast and Furious” until he heard Rush Limbaugh mention it. He said he called his BFF, the Attorney General, and said “Wazzupwidis?” Holder said “Say what”. The President then said if he had heard of it he would have “forbaded” it.
Too many potatoes – potatos? – Whatever – might qualify as “forbaded fruit”, no?
At the same press conference he answered a question about Solyndra and the 587,000,000 American taxpayer dollars, dollars that we borrowed from the Chinese .It has gone to the “undiscovered country” of Chapter X1. The Chinese will get their money back because they hold a first mortgage on Nantucket Island. The American people will get it in the neck. Maybe we can borrow money from Greece.
The President then said, “We knew there was risk.”
Where does it say in the Constitution that the government of the United States is allowed to be in the risk taking business? How does the Government measure the risk-reward ratio? Dr. Johnson wrote of “the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice”. Men regularly “risk it all on one turn of pitch and toss”. If they win society benefits. Having won they hire people to help them keep what they have. Then they hire people to help them get more. There is a penalty for failing. In a world where “stones are hard and water is wet” when you fail you go the back of the line and start over. It is in the nature of man to see what is beyond the horizon. All any government can do is slow the column of progress. There is no penalty to be paid by the government because Solyndra failed. After all, $587,000,000 is less than $2 per person. If you exclude the non-tax paying portion it is still less than $4 per person. If it had succeeded it we could, maybe, perhaps, have saved drowning polar bears. The baby seals may not have benefited but that’s the price you have to pay when Ned Lud becomes your God.
That’s the price paid when “The Gods of the Copybook Ledgers” are ignored.
I have a play want to bring to Broadway.
Its plot includes putting an absolute dunderhead, a man with no experience save for “running his mouth” and getting his wife a $4,000 – four thousand dollars American – a week raise in exchange for getting her employer a $1,000,000 “earmark”, in charge of America. Also, it was said that his “sharply creased trousers” would serve us well when he got to the Oval Office.
What he has done is to give horses’ asses all over the world a bad name.
If Broadway can have a hit musical about an Argentinean hooker why can’t it have one about a morospoph ohmadan who has his finger on the nuclear trigger? Maybe Homer Simpson could play Curly Biden.
Nah. Who would believe it?
Besides, I don’t want to spoil my birthday.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Douglas C. Lyons The Sun-Sentinel
October 17, 2011
Douglas C. Lyons
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: Photo IDs and a post racial society
Mr. Lyons,
An article by Jason Schultz in today’s Sun-Sentinel [Page 5B] on “boundary jumping” in Palm Beach County caused me to reread my October 8th note to you.
Was I showing my “cultural arrogance” by saying that requiring a photo ID of prospective voters need not be prima facie racist? After all, banks, DMV offices, liquor stores, and post offices require it.
`The article says that as much as 8% of the students in certain Palm Beach County schools may be “boundary jumpers”. Let us stipulate that “boundary jumpers” are enrolled in schools that they are not legally entitled to attend.
Brookdale School is 2 blocks from where I live. In addition to being an “A” rated school it had some serious renovations last year. By all accounts it is a desirable place to send your child to school
Since ethnicity is now an integral part of our Census data it is easy to profile citizens racially on a city, zip code, neighborhood, block, and an individual building basis. The evidence of your own eyes would suggest that there is a serious discrepancy between the students’ declared addresses and where they actually live.
I suggest that a parent motivated by his rational self-interest – a concept that is both alien and forbidden to worshippers at the Church of Modern American Liberalism – by being a “boundary jumper” is to be praised. Why should a parent settle for second best for his child when a bit of legerdemain could profoundly affect a student’s life?
It should be a self-evident fact that this educational osmosis will never see students jumping from a “good” school to a “bad” school. Why not offer bonuses – How does 25% sound – to teachers, “good” teachers only, to teach at the “bad” schools. If “bad” is too harsh a word, a word that could cause self-esteem issues, I’ll settle for “underperforming”.
If schools were to require photo IDs of parents and students would that be as racist as requiring them of prospective voters?
Douglas C. Lyons
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: Photo IDs and a post racial society
Mr. Lyons,
An article by Jason Schultz in today’s Sun-Sentinel [Page 5B] on “boundary jumping” in Palm Beach County caused me to reread my October 8th note to you.
Was I showing my “cultural arrogance” by saying that requiring a photo ID of prospective voters need not be prima facie racist? After all, banks, DMV offices, liquor stores, and post offices require it.
`The article says that as much as 8% of the students in certain Palm Beach County schools may be “boundary jumpers”. Let us stipulate that “boundary jumpers” are enrolled in schools that they are not legally entitled to attend.
Brookdale School is 2 blocks from where I live. In addition to being an “A” rated school it had some serious renovations last year. By all accounts it is a desirable place to send your child to school
Since ethnicity is now an integral part of our Census data it is easy to profile citizens racially on a city, zip code, neighborhood, block, and an individual building basis. The evidence of your own eyes would suggest that there is a serious discrepancy between the students’ declared addresses and where they actually live.
I suggest that a parent motivated by his rational self-interest – a concept that is both alien and forbidden to worshippers at the Church of Modern American Liberalism – by being a “boundary jumper” is to be praised. Why should a parent settle for second best for his child when a bit of legerdemain could profoundly affect a student’s life?
It should be a self-evident fact that this educational osmosis will never see students jumping from a “good” school to a “bad” school. Why not offer bonuses – How does 25% sound – to teachers, “good” teachers only, to teach at the “bad” schools. If “bad” is too harsh a word, a word that could cause self-esteem issues, I’ll settle for “underperforming”.
If schools were to require photo IDs of parents and students would that be as racist as requiring them of prospective voters?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Letter to the Editor The Miami Herald
October 15, 2011
Letter to the Editor
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132
RE: “Let’s Stop This Killer” - Some comments on today’s editorial on the perennial favorite disease.
“Breast Cancer Epidemic Can’t Be Ignored”
“Epidemic”? “Ignored”? I thought journalists were supposed to be precise with words. If breast cancer rates use of the word “epidemic” do you think it’s time to change what we called the Influenza scourge of 1918? Once the death toll reached 60 million – that’s 60,000,000 - in 18 months the world stopped counting. What word would best describe the number of deaths caused by bubonic plague 500 years ago? In fact, numbers weren’t used. Percentages were. 1/3rd of this area. I/4th of that country, ½ of that city, inter alia.
Can we stipulate that those were epidemics?
It was but 25 years ago when the words AIDS and epidemic were always used in the same sentence. 15 years ago Donna Shalala, now the head of the University of Miami, then the Secretary of Health and Human services, told us we would all die from AIDS in 10 years. Check the calendar. Even if your blood count is alop and askew it’s OK to buy green bananas.
If we were to adopt “statistical sampling”, once the darling new math of modern American Liberals, we would have to face the inconvenient truth that more Americans die of prostate cancer than of breast cancer.
I asked a lady swathed in pink – head band, shirt, striped shorts, and sneakers – which color was used for the prostate cancer ribbon.
No answer was forthcoming; I did not ask again.
Lest you think I am an insensitive curmudgeonly misogynist 2 facts need to be revealed.
#1 – Marie Smith, my mother, lived for 49 years after her breast cancer surgery.
#2 – Amy Smith, my wife, died of uterine papillary serous carcinoma on August 25, 2011. What color is her ribbon?
I know that since 1971 the people of America have paid almost as much money fighting cancer as has been spent paying farmers not to grow crops. If the starting date is 1978 the amounts spent on not finding energy sources – the Department of Energy – and not teaching Johnny how to read – the Department of Education – would have been sufficient to cure cancer, male pattern baldness, mixing plaids and stripes, and the horrors of overcooked rib-eye and single malt whisky diluted with club soda.
Who speaks for heart failure and diabetes?
Do you mind if I smoke?
Kevin Smith
Letter to the Editor
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132
RE: “Let’s Stop This Killer” - Some comments on today’s editorial on the perennial favorite disease.
“Breast Cancer Epidemic Can’t Be Ignored”
“Epidemic”? “Ignored”? I thought journalists were supposed to be precise with words. If breast cancer rates use of the word “epidemic” do you think it’s time to change what we called the Influenza scourge of 1918? Once the death toll reached 60 million – that’s 60,000,000 - in 18 months the world stopped counting. What word would best describe the number of deaths caused by bubonic plague 500 years ago? In fact, numbers weren’t used. Percentages were. 1/3rd of this area. I/4th of that country, ½ of that city, inter alia.
Can we stipulate that those were epidemics?
It was but 25 years ago when the words AIDS and epidemic were always used in the same sentence. 15 years ago Donna Shalala, now the head of the University of Miami, then the Secretary of Health and Human services, told us we would all die from AIDS in 10 years. Check the calendar. Even if your blood count is alop and askew it’s OK to buy green bananas.
If we were to adopt “statistical sampling”, once the darling new math of modern American Liberals, we would have to face the inconvenient truth that more Americans die of prostate cancer than of breast cancer.
I asked a lady swathed in pink – head band, shirt, striped shorts, and sneakers – which color was used for the prostate cancer ribbon.
No answer was forthcoming; I did not ask again.
Lest you think I am an insensitive curmudgeonly misogynist 2 facts need to be revealed.
#1 – Marie Smith, my mother, lived for 49 years after her breast cancer surgery.
#2 – Amy Smith, my wife, died of uterine papillary serous carcinoma on August 25, 2011. What color is her ribbon?
I know that since 1971 the people of America have paid almost as much money fighting cancer as has been spent paying farmers not to grow crops. If the starting date is 1978 the amounts spent on not finding energy sources – the Department of Energy – and not teaching Johnny how to read – the Department of Education – would have been sufficient to cure cancer, male pattern baldness, mixing plaids and stripes, and the horrors of overcooked rib-eye and single malt whisky diluted with club soda.
Who speaks for heart failure and diabetes?
Do you mind if I smoke?
Kevin Smith
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Douglas C. Lyons The Sun-Sentinel
October 8, 2011
Douglas C. Lyons
The Sun-Sentinel
RE The joys and perils of voting – Some comments on your article in today’s Sun-Sentinel
Mr. Lyons,
Alas, when the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
In your article about the electoral process and how some people are always stuck on hind teat I come with a different perspective.
#1 – I was born and raised in Bayonne, NJ. That’s on the good end of Hudson County. Voting districts reporting 110% of registered voters casting ballots were not uncommon. I had an uncle who voted until June, 1971 despite having died in May, 1956. That he voted “Row ‘A’ All The Way” - The Regular Democratic Organization should not come as a surprise. I saw a Congressman’s mother engage in “voter suppression” in 1958. After she punched a hostile questioner in the mouth the Bayonne police dragged the Republican agent provocateur out of the back yard.
#2 – My wife had relatives in Chicago. I was there in 1971 when the original Mayor Daley – King Richard the First – responded to a question about his family’s insurance agency getting almost all its business from City Hall on a non-bid basis. [Maybe Halliburton was taking notes.] He leaned over the podium and said, “You can kiss my ass”. Yet one more endorsement of the First Amendment! There is a story – perhaps apocryphal, perhaps not – about Daley. As a practicing Catholic he sought to cleanse his soul before he died. His biggest regret was fixing the 1960 election for Kennedy. He had become convinced that if he had let Nixon win Vietnam would not have played out the way it did. Elections, even rigged ones, have consequences.
#3 – You say “Arguably there hasn’t been any real voter fraud in Florida since the 2000 election”. The unspoken assumption then becomes another example of modern American Liberal group think: Republicans were acting like they were Democrats from either Hudson County or Cook County or both.
Let’s begin with the hard, unforgiving fact. Correlation is not causality. In the unreal universe occupied by modern American Liberals it is a commonly accepted truth – does the phrase “settled science” fit there? - that for every victim there is a villain. These villains, all of whom were founding members of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” before founding the even more sinister “Tea Party”, conveniently fit the parameters of your premise. Everybody “knew” that 2000 election was fixed. If it weren’t for tautologies modern American Liberals would not be able to think at all.
I heard former mAL idol, Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne, AKA “Emperor Kenneth the Short”, now a convicted felon and ex-con who failed the Hudson County “Stand Up” Guy test because he set up his secretary to take the fall, tell Civil Rights Commissioner Mary Frances Berry that not only was there no fraud in Broward County in the 2000 election but that there were no reports of fraud or intimidation
. The Miami Herald reported in January 2001 that not one vote had been fraudulently cast in Florida save for one example. Almost 8,000 registered voters in Palm Beach County also voted in Queens County, New York. Queens, Brooklyn, and The Bronx do not collectively have 8,000 Republicans. Whom do you think those presumptive felons voted for?
#4 – You end by implying that there is a cabal of gun-toting “bitter clingers”, most of whom are named Bubba, who gather at a hunting club hard by Lake Jemoke and perpetually plot how to keep the Brothers from voting.
Perhaps I am showing my “cultural arrogance” but how does requiring a photo ID as a prerequisite for voting become racist? The United States Post Office requires a photo ID to pick up a certified letter. A photo ID is required for gaining admission to a hospital. If you try to open a bank account or get on an airplane without one the banker or the agent will trip the silent alarm.
As to “African American [voter] turnout” it seems to me that Jesse Jackson has made a very good living from the Democratic Party for the last 7 Presidential election cycles. Every 4 years he promises vast voter registration among African-Americans. Every 4 years the Democratic Party gives him a platform and a credit card. Wannabet that next year it will be 8 in a row? By the by, is he registering the same voters over and over again? Would comparing the voter lists and the obituary columns be racist?
I confess to a personal polling peccadillo. I got 6 separate voter ID cards when Miriam Oliphant ran the voting bureau in Broward County. I wanted to see if you could go home again. You can.
2 things more before moving on to more productive hackle raising and the never ending buckling of myriad swashes.
#1 – If people have the right to vote don’t they have the right not to vote? Maybe those who present themselves to the electorate are found to be wanting. Maybe I don’t like any of them. Didn’t Sadam Hussein get 99.4 % of the vote the last time he ran? The only pols to get a higher percentage were Castro, Brezhnev, and whatever the name of the fat little Gomer running the prison in North Korea is. Of course, if the Hudson County Democratic Party ran the election the people wouldn’t have to go to the polls. The totals would be in before Election Day. No more “Hanging Chads”.
#2 – A trait common to all modern American Liberals is that the link in the double helix chain that governs reason and allows for experience to count for something other than a reprise of Golden Oldies is missing.
Somehow it has settled into the modern American Liberal orthodoxy that more people voting will result in better mail service and nicer Motor Vehicle agents. Everybody voting will guarantee a kinder, gentler IRS. Maybe if we all march to the polls singing “Kumbaya” the earth will cool and the oceans will recede. You believe with all your heart that it everybody votes – as many times as is necessary - it will take just one more great “surge” to win the War on Poverty.
Do you remember when you couldn’t get a drink on Election Day?
Maybe we should buy a round before anyone votes.
It can’t be any worse.
“How sad of all the things that men endure
How few laws or kings can cause or cure.”
Douglas C. Lyons
The Sun-Sentinel
RE The joys and perils of voting – Some comments on your article in today’s Sun-Sentinel
Mr. Lyons,
Alas, when the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
In your article about the electoral process and how some people are always stuck on hind teat I come with a different perspective.
#1 – I was born and raised in Bayonne, NJ. That’s on the good end of Hudson County. Voting districts reporting 110% of registered voters casting ballots were not uncommon. I had an uncle who voted until June, 1971 despite having died in May, 1956. That he voted “Row ‘A’ All The Way” - The Regular Democratic Organization should not come as a surprise. I saw a Congressman’s mother engage in “voter suppression” in 1958. After she punched a hostile questioner in the mouth the Bayonne police dragged the Republican agent provocateur out of the back yard.
#2 – My wife had relatives in Chicago. I was there in 1971 when the original Mayor Daley – King Richard the First – responded to a question about his family’s insurance agency getting almost all its business from City Hall on a non-bid basis. [Maybe Halliburton was taking notes.] He leaned over the podium and said, “You can kiss my ass”. Yet one more endorsement of the First Amendment! There is a story – perhaps apocryphal, perhaps not – about Daley. As a practicing Catholic he sought to cleanse his soul before he died. His biggest regret was fixing the 1960 election for Kennedy. He had become convinced that if he had let Nixon win Vietnam would not have played out the way it did. Elections, even rigged ones, have consequences.
#3 – You say “Arguably there hasn’t been any real voter fraud in Florida since the 2000 election”. The unspoken assumption then becomes another example of modern American Liberal group think: Republicans were acting like they were Democrats from either Hudson County or Cook County or both.
Let’s begin with the hard, unforgiving fact. Correlation is not causality. In the unreal universe occupied by modern American Liberals it is a commonly accepted truth – does the phrase “settled science” fit there? - that for every victim there is a villain. These villains, all of whom were founding members of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” before founding the even more sinister “Tea Party”, conveniently fit the parameters of your premise. Everybody “knew” that 2000 election was fixed. If it weren’t for tautologies modern American Liberals would not be able to think at all.
I heard former mAL idol, Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne, AKA “Emperor Kenneth the Short”, now a convicted felon and ex-con who failed the Hudson County “Stand Up” Guy test because he set up his secretary to take the fall, tell Civil Rights Commissioner Mary Frances Berry that not only was there no fraud in Broward County in the 2000 election but that there were no reports of fraud or intimidation
. The Miami Herald reported in January 2001 that not one vote had been fraudulently cast in Florida save for one example. Almost 8,000 registered voters in Palm Beach County also voted in Queens County, New York. Queens, Brooklyn, and The Bronx do not collectively have 8,000 Republicans. Whom do you think those presumptive felons voted for?
#4 – You end by implying that there is a cabal of gun-toting “bitter clingers”, most of whom are named Bubba, who gather at a hunting club hard by Lake Jemoke and perpetually plot how to keep the Brothers from voting.
Perhaps I am showing my “cultural arrogance” but how does requiring a photo ID as a prerequisite for voting become racist? The United States Post Office requires a photo ID to pick up a certified letter. A photo ID is required for gaining admission to a hospital. If you try to open a bank account or get on an airplane without one the banker or the agent will trip the silent alarm.
As to “African American [voter] turnout” it seems to me that Jesse Jackson has made a very good living from the Democratic Party for the last 7 Presidential election cycles. Every 4 years he promises vast voter registration among African-Americans. Every 4 years the Democratic Party gives him a platform and a credit card. Wannabet that next year it will be 8 in a row? By the by, is he registering the same voters over and over again? Would comparing the voter lists and the obituary columns be racist?
I confess to a personal polling peccadillo. I got 6 separate voter ID cards when Miriam Oliphant ran the voting bureau in Broward County. I wanted to see if you could go home again. You can.
2 things more before moving on to more productive hackle raising and the never ending buckling of myriad swashes.
#1 – If people have the right to vote don’t they have the right not to vote? Maybe those who present themselves to the electorate are found to be wanting. Maybe I don’t like any of them. Didn’t Sadam Hussein get 99.4 % of the vote the last time he ran? The only pols to get a higher percentage were Castro, Brezhnev, and whatever the name of the fat little Gomer running the prison in North Korea is. Of course, if the Hudson County Democratic Party ran the election the people wouldn’t have to go to the polls. The totals would be in before Election Day. No more “Hanging Chads”.
#2 – A trait common to all modern American Liberals is that the link in the double helix chain that governs reason and allows for experience to count for something other than a reprise of Golden Oldies is missing.
Somehow it has settled into the modern American Liberal orthodoxy that more people voting will result in better mail service and nicer Motor Vehicle agents. Everybody voting will guarantee a kinder, gentler IRS. Maybe if we all march to the polls singing “Kumbaya” the earth will cool and the oceans will recede. You believe with all your heart that it everybody votes – as many times as is necessary - it will take just one more great “surge” to win the War on Poverty.
Do you remember when you couldn’t get a drink on Election Day?
Maybe we should buy a round before anyone votes.
It can’t be any worse.
“How sad of all the things that men endure
How few laws or kings can cause or cure.”
Friday, October 7, 2011
Gary Stein The Sun-Sentinel
September 28, 2011
Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: “Booing Buffoons” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel about why the knuckle dragging GOP should be…should be…ashamed?
Big Stein,
God’s Holy Trousers but I just loooove it when a card carrying modern American Liberal goes into high dudgeon. Knotted knickers occur just before you have to reach for your handy drool cup when you tell us about the latest outrages perpetrated by those knuckle dragging poltroons, all of whom are Tea Party members
You take members of the audience at the most recent GOP “debate” to task for expressing their displeasure at things you yearn for. That list includes, but is not limited to, inter alia, the following: The right of 2 consenting GI adults to bugger each other – Would rank determine the role of the pitcher and/or the catcher unless it is a Tango Threesome in the PDA portion of this leisure time activity? If so, shouldn’t there be a law about that also? – hard by the stoning pit in Afghanistan without regard to its effect on the rest of the platoon shall not be infringed. After all “men in barricks ain’t plaster saints”. The other one, the right of killers t, y’know what I’m sayin’, to kill again still needs some work.
Let me give a long delayed shout out to then Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. for being the first politician to tell us about Governor Dukakis’s furlough program. That’s the one that let convicted rapist/killer Willie Horton out of prison where he – Can you believe this? – raped and killed again. You do remember the New York Democratic primary in 1988, don’t you?
Speaking of debates…Do you remember what Governor Dukakis said when he was asked what his reaction would be if his wife and daughter were raped and murdered? The only acceptable answer, even for a less than Alpha male, would be “I would track the bastards down and kill them.” Instead, Wee Mikey chose to channel Father Flanagan. “Was he abused as a child?” “Did drugs or alcohol have a part in it?” “Were his actions caused by the racist society he was raised in?” Finally, in a moment of truth seldom expressed publically by a modern American Liberal, “There is no such thing as a bad boy.”
Nobody booed. The whispered word “putz” swept around the room and the nation.
If, as you say, the “booing buffoons at the GOP debate should be ashamed” what about the Minnesota legislator – A Democrat, damnit – who began a dialogue with another legislator by calling him a “Motherfucker”?
Whatever else calling someone a “motherfucker” is it is not as bad as the Wisconsin legislator – another Democrat, damnit! – beginning his dialogue with a fellow legislator, doubtless a Republican, with “You are fucking dead”.
What about the Gandhi-like utterances of the less than irenic thug, Junior Hoffa? Although it is “settled science” it’s always good to validate Mendel. I search in vain for “Let’s take those sons of bitches out” in any of the Federalist Papers. Considering the fact that his father was a pioneer in the recycling business – he so loved his 1959 Ford that he decided he wanted to be buried in it before it and he went to Gillette to make a whole batch of razor blades – I expected kinder and gentler things from him.
Watching a “debate” is like watching NASCAR. Nobody cares how fast the car is going. The audience just wants to see it hit the wall. Thus, when Gerald Ford freed the Poles in 1976, Democrats went tumescent. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton began cackling in a way that would unclog arteries, Republicans began to think Big Bill was OK to step out on her. The NASCAR and the Debate rule would apply to bull fights also. No one cares how skillful the hombre in the girly man suit is. All they want to see is Manolete redux.
Campaigning is tough, particularly in a country that has been doing it as long and as viciously as we have.
The race between Brian Williams asking a dumb ass question and Big Stein having his sensitivities offended is never a pretty sight.
I hope the Republic will survive.
Kevin Smith
Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: “Booing Buffoons” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel about why the knuckle dragging GOP should be…should be…ashamed?
Big Stein,
God’s Holy Trousers but I just loooove it when a card carrying modern American Liberal goes into high dudgeon. Knotted knickers occur just before you have to reach for your handy drool cup when you tell us about the latest outrages perpetrated by those knuckle dragging poltroons, all of whom are Tea Party members
You take members of the audience at the most recent GOP “debate” to task for expressing their displeasure at things you yearn for. That list includes, but is not limited to, inter alia, the following: The right of 2 consenting GI adults to bugger each other – Would rank determine the role of the pitcher and/or the catcher unless it is a Tango Threesome in the PDA portion of this leisure time activity? If so, shouldn’t there be a law about that also? – hard by the stoning pit in Afghanistan without regard to its effect on the rest of the platoon shall not be infringed. After all “men in barricks ain’t plaster saints”. The other one, the right of killers t, y’know what I’m sayin’, to kill again still needs some work.
Let me give a long delayed shout out to then Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. for being the first politician to tell us about Governor Dukakis’s furlough program. That’s the one that let convicted rapist/killer Willie Horton out of prison where he – Can you believe this? – raped and killed again. You do remember the New York Democratic primary in 1988, don’t you?
Speaking of debates…Do you remember what Governor Dukakis said when he was asked what his reaction would be if his wife and daughter were raped and murdered? The only acceptable answer, even for a less than Alpha male, would be “I would track the bastards down and kill them.” Instead, Wee Mikey chose to channel Father Flanagan. “Was he abused as a child?” “Did drugs or alcohol have a part in it?” “Were his actions caused by the racist society he was raised in?” Finally, in a moment of truth seldom expressed publically by a modern American Liberal, “There is no such thing as a bad boy.”
Nobody booed. The whispered word “putz” swept around the room and the nation.
If, as you say, the “booing buffoons at the GOP debate should be ashamed” what about the Minnesota legislator – A Democrat, damnit – who began a dialogue with another legislator by calling him a “Motherfucker”?
Whatever else calling someone a “motherfucker” is it is not as bad as the Wisconsin legislator – another Democrat, damnit! – beginning his dialogue with a fellow legislator, doubtless a Republican, with “You are fucking dead”.
What about the Gandhi-like utterances of the less than irenic thug, Junior Hoffa? Although it is “settled science” it’s always good to validate Mendel. I search in vain for “Let’s take those sons of bitches out” in any of the Federalist Papers. Considering the fact that his father was a pioneer in the recycling business – he so loved his 1959 Ford that he decided he wanted to be buried in it before it and he went to Gillette to make a whole batch of razor blades – I expected kinder and gentler things from him.
Watching a “debate” is like watching NASCAR. Nobody cares how fast the car is going. The audience just wants to see it hit the wall. Thus, when Gerald Ford freed the Poles in 1976, Democrats went tumescent. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton began cackling in a way that would unclog arteries, Republicans began to think Big Bill was OK to step out on her. The NASCAR and the Debate rule would apply to bull fights also. No one cares how skillful the hombre in the girly man suit is. All they want to see is Manolete redux.
Campaigning is tough, particularly in a country that has been doing it as long and as viciously as we have.
The race between Brian Williams asking a dumb ass question and Big Stein having his sensitivities offended is never a pretty sight.
I hope the Republic will survive.
Kevin Smith
Robert Watson, Ph.D. American Studies Lynn University
September 27, 2011
Robert Watson, Ph.D.
American Studies
Lynn University
3601 N. University Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE: Addenda? Si. Errata? no – on your “10 Lessons” column in the Sun-Sentinel
My dear Professor,
Just to show you that I am a multi-cultural guy – Kipling is my favorite 3rd World bard – I believe that “only Allah can weave a perfect rug”. I used to say “Homer nods” but too many people thought I was referring to Simpson of Springfield.
In my letter to you dated 9/25/11 I quoted Admiral Halsey in connection with your Lesson #2 – “Fear is a powerful emotion”. He called the Japs “lousy yellow rat monkey bastards”. I put an asterisk after it to indicate a footnote. Alas, I did not complete it. The quote is to be found on Page 38 of “The Battle of Leyte Gulf” by Thomas J. Cutler. The book was published by Harper Collins in 1994. I called him “another proud son of New Jersey”. New Jersey, the land of the Sopranos and Snooki, paid Halsey its highest honor when it named a Turnpike toll booth – Exit 13 – after him. Vince Lombardi has a truck stop named after him.
Like herpes, a gift that keeps on giving, a second glance at your article reveals yet another egregiously erroneous modern American Liberal shibboleth.
You say that the “nation’s richest corporations” should pay more taxes. It is an article of faith for people who believe that an increase in the minimum wage is a good thing for poor people that corporations should pay more taxes. Whatever their “fair share” is it isn’t enough. It is “settled science” that no corporation ever pays enough in taxes. If General Electric would only pay its “fair share” the Feds could issue loan guarantees to 6 more Solyndras. Maybe it’s time for “Electric Windmills” to make a comeback.
The reason for this real life lesson is going to shock and amaze you.
Corporations don’t pay taxes. They never have and they never will. Anyone who has ever signed both sides of a paycheck knows this from empirical observation. Taxes are an expense item. It is just like paying the insurance bill, the 3 martini lunch tab, the Super Bowl tickets, the retainers for the lawyers, the special interest lobbying fees, the private jet charges, the cost of raw material, and the wages of the blue collar workers all of whom are overworked, underpaid, and exposed to unknown toxic predators.
Taxes become part of the cost of whatever it is that you are selling. It makes no difference if your product is metaphysical or epistemological. If your customers buy your product they pay your taxes. If high taxes price your product out of the marketplace the rate is irrelevant. If you can’t sell your product and you go out of business to whose benefit does that redound?
You probably will shocked, shocked to learn that, as is said in Milan, “If no profit is possible the risk is obvious”.
Try to follow this bouncing ball. It is rooted in Logic. Logic to a modern American Liberal is like holy water to a vampire. Try anyway.
When was the last time a poor person hired anybody?
Rich people hire poor people for two reasons: #1 – They want to stay rich and #2 – They want to get richer.
Poor people work for rich people for two reasons: #1 – They want to get rich and #2 – They want to live better.
There is no record anytime, anywhere of a public policy predicated on making rich people poorer resulted in making poor people richer.
The great Lord Keynes, a man more quoted than read, would have been as strong as advocate for cutting taxes today as any of the first term Republican/Tea Party Congressmen. Further, he spoke of “animal spirits” as one way to get the dog to hunt.
Here’s a plan to think about. Shut down the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. They both are as useful as teats on a bull. Think of all the money, 43% of which is borrowed from the Chinese, we will save. Use that money, not to fund the next Solyndra, but rather to enable the “animal spirits” of the American enterprise system, the greatest economic engine yet seen, to come roaring out of their hibernation. The thought of someone becoming as rich as Croesus may be anathema to you but it sure beats the Hell out of “shovel ready jobs” and the Waiting for Godot “summer of recovery”.
Kevin Smith
Robert Watson, Ph.D.
American Studies
Lynn University
3601 N. University Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE: Addenda? Si. Errata? no – on your “10 Lessons” column in the Sun-Sentinel
My dear Professor,
Just to show you that I am a multi-cultural guy – Kipling is my favorite 3rd World bard – I believe that “only Allah can weave a perfect rug”. I used to say “Homer nods” but too many people thought I was referring to Simpson of Springfield.
In my letter to you dated 9/25/11 I quoted Admiral Halsey in connection with your Lesson #2 – “Fear is a powerful emotion”. He called the Japs “lousy yellow rat monkey bastards”. I put an asterisk after it to indicate a footnote. Alas, I did not complete it. The quote is to be found on Page 38 of “The Battle of Leyte Gulf” by Thomas J. Cutler. The book was published by Harper Collins in 1994. I called him “another proud son of New Jersey”. New Jersey, the land of the Sopranos and Snooki, paid Halsey its highest honor when it named a Turnpike toll booth – Exit 13 – after him. Vince Lombardi has a truck stop named after him.
Like herpes, a gift that keeps on giving, a second glance at your article reveals yet another egregiously erroneous modern American Liberal shibboleth.
You say that the “nation’s richest corporations” should pay more taxes. It is an article of faith for people who believe that an increase in the minimum wage is a good thing for poor people that corporations should pay more taxes. Whatever their “fair share” is it isn’t enough. It is “settled science” that no corporation ever pays enough in taxes. If General Electric would only pay its “fair share” the Feds could issue loan guarantees to 6 more Solyndras. Maybe it’s time for “Electric Windmills” to make a comeback.
The reason for this real life lesson is going to shock and amaze you.
Corporations don’t pay taxes. They never have and they never will. Anyone who has ever signed both sides of a paycheck knows this from empirical observation. Taxes are an expense item. It is just like paying the insurance bill, the 3 martini lunch tab, the Super Bowl tickets, the retainers for the lawyers, the special interest lobbying fees, the private jet charges, the cost of raw material, and the wages of the blue collar workers all of whom are overworked, underpaid, and exposed to unknown toxic predators.
Taxes become part of the cost of whatever it is that you are selling. It makes no difference if your product is metaphysical or epistemological. If your customers buy your product they pay your taxes. If high taxes price your product out of the marketplace the rate is irrelevant. If you can’t sell your product and you go out of business to whose benefit does that redound?
You probably will shocked, shocked to learn that, as is said in Milan, “If no profit is possible the risk is obvious”.
Try to follow this bouncing ball. It is rooted in Logic. Logic to a modern American Liberal is like holy water to a vampire. Try anyway.
When was the last time a poor person hired anybody?
Rich people hire poor people for two reasons: #1 – They want to stay rich and #2 – They want to get richer.
Poor people work for rich people for two reasons: #1 – They want to get rich and #2 – They want to live better.
There is no record anytime, anywhere of a public policy predicated on making rich people poorer resulted in making poor people richer.
The great Lord Keynes, a man more quoted than read, would have been as strong as advocate for cutting taxes today as any of the first term Republican/Tea Party Congressmen. Further, he spoke of “animal spirits” as one way to get the dog to hunt.
Here’s a plan to think about. Shut down the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. They both are as useful as teats on a bull. Think of all the money, 43% of which is borrowed from the Chinese, we will save. Use that money, not to fund the next Solyndra, but rather to enable the “animal spirits” of the American enterprise system, the greatest economic engine yet seen, to come roaring out of their hibernation. The thought of someone becoming as rich as Croesus may be anathema to you but it sure beats the Hell out of “shovel ready jobs” and the Waiting for Godot “summer of recovery”.
Kevin Smith
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