August 12, 2012
Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” - Some comments on the theory posited by you that plaid is the favorite color, the only possible color, of card carrying modern American Liberals when discussing the Constitution in today’s screed in the Sun-Sentinel.
Big Stein,
I know. I know.
You missed me.
In order to avoid the Obamacare Death Panels I chose to have elective surgery last month. A few things happened post-op that prevented me from administering several well deserved floggings for your perpetual use of tautologies taken directly from the sacred script of modern American Liberalism.
I am back because of your typically eclectic m. A.L. interpretation of the Constitution. Also, your subtle, 12 volt battery through the window, suggestion that knuckle dragging, gun loving Tea Partiers having never read the damn thing should begin to read it.
Let’s begin with this.
I read it. All the time. I am never far from a copy in either home or office.
Little nuggets that are favorites of mine include Article 1, Section 10, Part 1. That’s the one that permits the use of letters of marque and reprisal, gold and silver being the only basis for currency, and benign neglect towards the content of contracts but a fierce devotion to upholding the freely entered into parts of same.
There’s another section that guarantees each state a Republican form of government AND protection from invasion. You can look that one up. A little exercise never hurt anyone.
Can we stipulate that some parts are observed more in the breach?
I intentionally have omitted the part known as “enumerated powers” lest it drive you mad.
My crown jewel of the early cases that shaped it is Gibbons v Ogden. It involves New Jersey, of which I am a proud native son, and, mirabile dictum, political corruption. I am pleased to see that corruption is no longer something unique to my Garden State.
Before Snooki and the Sopranos white envelopes were being exchanged in various city halls. It was like tipping the waiter before the meal.
There is a lesson in here about human nature but that’s not why I write. That having been said it is time to focus on the entrĂ©e, the First Amendment.
The key to understanding it is to focus on the first five words of the sentence. Let me amend that thus: “The first five majestic words of the sentence”.
This divinely inspired document did not appear full blown in Philadelphia in 1787. 22 centuries before those words were set down a DWEM [and a combat wounded veteran, to boot] said
Natural law tells us that certain rights are ours “from beyond the stars”. The Constitution did not give us those rights. No government can. In fact, History shows that one of the main functions of government, any government, is to take away rights. Our Constitution simply codified them.
It is indeed fitting and proper to note that the Constitution, a work product of James Madison, spells out exactly what the government can do. The Bill of Rights, with George Mason being the main author, tells us what government cannot do.
If, as you write, the idea of preventing Chick-fil-a from opening stores because of their views on same sex marriage – Could the word irony be better defined than by saying that their views were exactly the same, tit for tit, tat for tat, as the one shared by President Obama as recently as June? – was “wrong” and “was panned by even by liberals, a question remains.
How would you classify Chicago Mayor Foul Mouth Emmanuel? Chicago is a city where 4 year olds are gunned down in drug turf wars. The Mayor actually begged teen age hit men to look before they shoot lest they kill infants. Would Chicago “values”, the ones that Chick-fil-a don’t share, allow an odd/even day gunfight schedule?
How would you classify Boston Mayor Mumbles Mush Mouth Menino? If Chick-fil-a were to open some stores in Boston in this, lest we forget, the 3rd Summer of Recovery, environment would those “created” jobs be twice counted? Is it true that the hardest job to keep filled at City Hall is the one that requires a visual inspection of the Mayor’s mouth to prevent the dopey bastard from putting his teeth in upside down and backwards?
If those two mooks are modern American Liberals woe betide the country.
“And when you cut down every law to get at the devil and he turned round on you where would you hide, the laws all being flat?”
Thank God for the Constitution!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Leonard J. Pitts, Jr. The Miami Herald
August 15, 2012
Leonard J. Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
RE: “Call It What It Really Is” – A word or two about your column today that says “right-wing terrorists” are the source of evil, all evil, in the modern world. Plus, it doesn’t take a huge leap of faith to see the connection between “right-wing terrorism” and teenage bullying, polar bear drownings, the brutal drought, and the continuing baffling success of Chick-fil-a.
Mr. Pitts,
If, as you enumerate not quite in its entirety, dead people are more dead when they are shot by “right-wing terrorists”, which pew of the Church of Ayn Rand would you put Lee Harvey Oswald in?
Would Sirhan Sirhan be an usher, an elder, or an elder castrati cum usher in the choir at the same church?
I will stipulate that the statute of limitations has run on the cases of McKinley, Garfield, Lincoln, Julius Caesar, Socrates, and the Cain/Abel dustup. It doesn’t mean that you can’t stop thinking about yesterday. Didn’t “right-wing terrorists” do Hector in?
Jared Loughner, the snakes for brains wing-nut who lit up the Tucson mall when he shot a bunch of people including Congresswoman Giffords, had six weeks of Thorazine enemas, Prozac bran muffins, and a perpetual Ritalin/Dilantin IV before he could stand before a Federal Judge without evacuating both bowel and bladder through his ears and plead guilty to these murders most foul. Was he a member of the Robert Byrd Memorial KuKluxKlanKlavern or was he a lone wolf “right-wing terrorist”?
The bug-eyed Army shrink who was yelling Allah Akbar when he shot a baker’s dozen of his fellow soldiers was a mind numbed robot who danced, shot, and killed those infidels while dancing to a diabolic tune set down by Rush Limbaugh, right? Maybe it was Glenn Beck. Maybe Alan West.
Your “Eclectic indignation”, a condition that enables you to tip-toe blindfolded through the mine fields of facts contra your thesis, a condition that demands that a 1000 voice chorus follow you intoning “You are a horse’s ass” is, a mental disorder requires constant dunking and eternal pelting with flaming bags of flaming cat scat, doesn’t preclude me from seeking your help about the assassination attempt on President Reagan.
Did the scoundrels who blew up the World Trade Center do it?
Kevin Smith
Leonard J. Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
RE: “Call It What It Really Is” – A word or two about your column today that says “right-wing terrorists” are the source of evil, all evil, in the modern world. Plus, it doesn’t take a huge leap of faith to see the connection between “right-wing terrorism” and teenage bullying, polar bear drownings, the brutal drought, and the continuing baffling success of Chick-fil-a.
Mr. Pitts,
If, as you enumerate not quite in its entirety, dead people are more dead when they are shot by “right-wing terrorists”, which pew of the Church of Ayn Rand would you put Lee Harvey Oswald in?
Would Sirhan Sirhan be an usher, an elder, or an elder castrati cum usher in the choir at the same church?
I will stipulate that the statute of limitations has run on the cases of McKinley, Garfield, Lincoln, Julius Caesar, Socrates, and the Cain/Abel dustup. It doesn’t mean that you can’t stop thinking about yesterday. Didn’t “right-wing terrorists” do Hector in?
Jared Loughner, the snakes for brains wing-nut who lit up the Tucson mall when he shot a bunch of people including Congresswoman Giffords, had six weeks of Thorazine enemas, Prozac bran muffins, and a perpetual Ritalin/Dilantin IV before he could stand before a Federal Judge without evacuating both bowel and bladder through his ears and plead guilty to these murders most foul. Was he a member of the Robert Byrd Memorial KuKluxKlanKlavern or was he a lone wolf “right-wing terrorist”?
The bug-eyed Army shrink who was yelling Allah Akbar when he shot a baker’s dozen of his fellow soldiers was a mind numbed robot who danced, shot, and killed those infidels while dancing to a diabolic tune set down by Rush Limbaugh, right? Maybe it was Glenn Beck. Maybe Alan West.
Your “Eclectic indignation”, a condition that enables you to tip-toe blindfolded through the mine fields of facts contra your thesis, a condition that demands that a 1000 voice chorus follow you intoning “You are a horse’s ass” is, a mental disorder requires constant dunking and eternal pelting with flaming bags of flaming cat scat, doesn’t preclude me from seeking your help about the assassination attempt on President Reagan.
Did the scoundrels who blew up the World Trade Center do it?
Kevin Smith
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