Friday, June 24, 2016

June 22, 2016
Loretta Lynch – Attorney General
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20530-0001

RE: Love & Compassion in the War against redacted terrorism

Ms. Lynch,

Love & Compassion in the war against I*L*M*C terrorism? By Crikey, that’s so God Damn dumb it makes my hair hurt.

Did Love & Compassion overturn the Dred Scott decision?

Some of the men of the Irish Brigade, those “wrapped in their faded coats of Blue” who are still at Gettysburg, might disagree. Since they died on July 2, 1863 they can’t. [I have an ulterior motive in mentioning this. Should the President issue an Executive Order authorizing reparations for descendants of slaves I claim a carry forward tax credit from them and then to offset any tax liability that may accrue to me as my “fair share” of the settlement.]

Imagine Love & Compassion stopping the 1st Alabama at Little Round Top. Imagine Joshua Chamberlain using his secret weapon, a 19th century version of James Taylor chortling “You’ve Got a Friend” at the blood thirsty rebels. By the by, “Imagine” is certainly the worst song ever written in the 20th century. Also, the 19th & the 18th. It’s too soon to add the 21st to its laurels.

The Naval Aviators of Torpedo Squadron 8 attacked the Japanese Navy at Midway with water balloons and a capella renditions of “Amazing Grace”, right?

Didn’t Malcolm X tell his disciples that the doctrine of “by any means necessary” was to be their marching orders? Did that include them singing “Kumbaya”?

Did you eat a lot of lead paint when you were a child?

Scratch that.

Among the many benefits of being a modern American Liberal is that up is down, hot is cold, black and white are interchangeable, “eclectic indignation” rules, “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” is the invisible coat of armor, and that you can say the most Homerically dumb things and expect that nobody will notice, right? After all, the “red line in the sand” and “you can keep your doctor” went past the American public at warp speed, right?

How about getting the good version of “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”, the one with kids of Walmart serfs and indentured servants wailing because they are hungry.

How about bean bag bullets for SWAT teams?

How about giving the demonstrably feral inner city youth of Chicago a quart of ice cream a day? Ice cream makes everybody feel warm and fuzzy and about themselves. Maybe they’ll stop shooting each other. Just kidding.

How about you stop pissing on my back and telling me it’s rain?

Kevin Smith

PS – On an upbeat note, I am enclosing my plan for closing the pokey at Gitmo. Get some powerful PA systems installed. Play continuous loops of Hillary Clinton cackling. Play continuous loops of Janet Yellen reading anything. Play continuous loops of Hillary Clinton barking like a bitch in heat. Play them backwards a la Abbey Road. In less than 6 hours they redacted terrorists will circumcise themselves and become 105% Hasidic Jews. They may even start to eat pork so they can give it up to adhere to kashrut. Case closed.
Then you can move on to the really big problems of teenage bullying cum obesity and the never ending heartbreak of psoriasis, particularly since they disproportionately affect women and minorities, many of whom are single moms with children in need of a good Ritalin program who cannot avail themselves of the benefits of Midnight Basketball because of aging infrastructure and a lack of public transportation.

To show you that whatever my sins might be misogyny ain’t one of them. I hereby name you Boobette of the season.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016
Helen Wolt
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE:  “County nonprofits awarded $1,100,000 by Walmart” – Some comments on your report on the transfer of money from the haves to the have-nots in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Ms. Wolt,

I enjoyed your news story on why the profit motive is not only good but that it is great and highly moral.

Thank God Walmart makes a lot of money. And thank God that a majority of shareholders of Walmart countenance the idea that is OK to take money that is theirs and give it to groups that they may oppose on religious, political, or moral grounds.

I guarantee you that with the exception of the people who work there no one is in favor of all the groups that the United Way gives 3rd party money to. 

But here’s the money question.

If the choice is $15 an hour for new employees versus $50,000 for the United Jewish Community of Broward Food, presumptively non-trayf, Pantry which side would you come down on?

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 7, 2016
  I used to bring my children to Judge Smith’s courtroom, particularly when he was sending people to jail. They knew him better as Poppy.
Later on, I came across Alexander Bickel. I was hooked. I gave his books to at least 5 different lawyers. Sorry, Mike.
The segue from Bickel to Bork was deliciously simple.
Bork was a Sitting Federal Appellate court Judge. 90 minutes after the announcement of his nomination to the Supreme Court he was accused on the floor of the United States Senate of being a secret Nazi, a plague spreader, a dirty movie addict, a public misogynist, a seral cigar  smoker, and a degenerate poker player.
During his confirmation process it was revealed that he did some free-lance writing to earn some extra money. That he did this so that his cancer-laden wife could die a bit more gracefully and somewhat less painfully, a situation with which I am most familiar, did not stop the vitriolic billingsgate from being tsunamied on him. Modern American Liberals are highly skilled in using the escape hatch that “eclectic indignation” allows them. Simply put, if you are identified as a bad guy, with a bad guy being someone who doesn’t think that urinals should be destroyed, your ass is grass. It’s OK and commendable to pole-ax the “bad” guys”.
In the political arena, Judge Clarence Thomas, then a sitting Federal Appellate Court Judge, became a Justice on the Supreme Court for 2 reasons:
#1 – Senator Lard Kennedy, a toad who gave fat, drunken lecherous Irishmen a bad name, was in no position to criticize anybody’s sexual proclivities, be the real or imagined.
#2 – Judge Thomas told his persecutors – Senator Curly Biden, primus inter pares, no? – that if they were going to lynch him he wasn’t going to give them the rope. Senator Danforth of Missouri distinguished himself as an honorable man while Senator Moynihan of New York fell far, far short on that scale.

The point here is that Judges have always been criticized in this country.
Chief Justice Marshall and President Andrew Jackson were mortal enemies who regularly called each other out in a most vicious manner.

Franklin Roosevelt didn’t like it when the 9 member Supreme Court ruled against him. Why wait for the actuarial tables to help him he said, just add 6 members, all of whom would be appointed by him. I believe the term was “court packing”.

In 1988, while appearing in a Chapter 11 proceeding in the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court, the sitting Judge, Prudence B, Abram, a woman proud of the fact that hot water, shampoo, and her hair seldom met, would regularly bellyache in her court that she had to spend 10 hours in preparation for each hour in the court room. I was never good at math but that worked out to 43 hour days, 12 day weeks, and 46 day months.

In 1993, in my 6th year on trial in the United States Tax Court, and thank God I have an appreciation of things absurd what with the courthouse being across the street from the DC’s largest homeless shelter, Judge Carlton Powell would refer to litigants in his court room  - the official term was “petitioners” – in less than civil terms. In a house keeping procedural manner he would ask “which rock did these people crawl out from under?” These people, American citizens all, were fighting for their financial lives. Why didn’t that get them a bit of judicial respect?

My attorneys turned their eyes and ears away from such sights and sounds because of one simple fact. The Bankruptcy and Tax Court practices are tight-knitted, exclusive enclaves. Pissing in other people’s soup is frowned on and discouraged. Failure to adhere to the rules can get you shunned. And that’s how the real world operates. 

Why shouldn’t Judges be criticized? If the non-Gringo Federal Judge in Indiana can’t be criticized why does the California Stanford swim team rape trial Judge need a police escort to get to and form work? The same people who are canonizing the Hoosier Judge want to draw and quarter the California Judge.

I am very proud of my time with Judge Carole Ferentz, a New Jersey State Superior Court Judge who sat in Newark.

I was ill served by counsel in a billing dispute that went to trial.

 I fired him and went pro se. I presented the newly found evidence to the New York State Appellate Court and had the trial Judge’s decision reversed. I brought that notice to Judge Ferentz again on a pro se basis. [I think it adds to the story that while I was wearing a custom made, monogrammed shirt with a Turnbull & Asser tie my Gucci loafers were in tatters.]
She actually began to froth at the mouth when I presented her with the New York document and the actual language from the Constitution, the one written in 1787. She seemed to be unaware of Article 4 Section 1 that said each state must recognize “the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state”. Since it seemed to be terra incognita to her I took the opportunity to thank James Madison for his work on the matter.

She took great delight in insulting people, lawyers, litigants, witnesses, and on one instance a bailiff, in her court room. She snarled at me that “what goes around comes around”. I took that as a threat that should I ever appear in her court room 

She was a nasty, vicious, bruja-like harridan who gave hecates a bad name.

Her ass, while not quite at steatyagonous proportions, would require 2 broomsticks, a gallon of Gorilla Glue, 5 yards of Duck Tape, and a dozen well placed industrial strength brads to get her air-borne.

“Free men still speak with free tongues”, right?

Let me add that I honored her by naming her the first


It is an award that has grown in stature over the years. She got hers the old fashioned way: She earned it.

The United States government takes tax dollars from its citizens and subsidizes art tours. One features a piece called “Piss Christ”. It is see-through container that is filled with pee. A crucifix is suspended in it. That a lot of Americans think that the Man on the Cross is 1/3rd of the Blessed Trinity, and thus Divine is of no great import

If it is OK to criticize and belittle God why can’t this Zapata wanabee take a few shots for the team, the team being free speech?

If Judges can ask for campaign donations when they run run for the Black robe and gavel shouldn’t they have to disclose how they would rule on certain topics? We know what Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will do in certain situations. Campaign donations are made to candidates who most resemble your views. Why should Judge elections be different? Should the Gods see fit to punish us further by making Hillary Clinton the President does anyone believe she will nominate a Judge who opposes Roe v Wade? Speaking of elections, what would be the reaction if a Republican woman candidate showed up at income inequality demonstration wearing a $13,000 Armani coat? Bernie Sanders hasn’t spent $13,000 on clothes in his entire life. Other than the fact that his wife is dressed by Omarina, the Queen of Plus Sizes, he would have been able to include her also. As the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne still says, “What a country! That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba!” 

Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of Judges who are less than honorable, retired New Jersey Appellate Court Judge Geoffrey Gaulkin still resists attempts to cleanse the blots from his escutcheon. It’s 30 year old, uncovered chit, one that is surely not enforceable in any court of law except the one whose motto says, “A promise made is a debt unpaid”. Move over Judge Ferentz. We may have another NJ Judicial Smarmy Bastard.

June 6, 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
7285 NW 88th Street
Tamarac, FL 33321

Mr. Mayor,

“What a putz.”

“Humans are directly responsible for
 the extinction of thousands of species.”
The Sun Sentinel

“Morons. I am surrounded by morons.”

The middle quote is from you. It concerns the shooting of a 450 pound gorilla who was about to tear apart a 6 year old boy. He probably wouldn’t have meant to but, after all, he was a 450 pound gorilla who never learned to play well with others, particularly those with whom he had no genetic connection. He was just doing what 450 pound gorillas do, after all. He does that because, bottom line you jack-ass, he’s a friggin’ ape. “Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly…” Harambe’s dance card for Lego play dates with kids and chess lessons has many open dates. One of the reasons for this is because, drum roll please, he doesn’t know he exists. “Extra mental existence” is an elitist DWEM idea that posits the extraordinary claim that knowing that there is existence outside of yourself is what separates man, you know what I’m saying, from the apes.

You chastise your fellow man for “the extinction of thousands of species”. Does that mean that you would be opposed to the man-made extinction of Zika bearing mosquitoes? I know that your typical modern American Liberal head up your ass Jeremiad forbids any thoughts other than those approved by your illuminati. What will happen if women, women infected with Zika, begin to deliver healthy babies all of whom have thimble-sized heads? 4th & 5th trimester abortions will soar but only if covered by Obamacare.

You give new meaning to the term Hobson’s Choice.

But wait. There’s more. You are like herpes, an affliction giving a new definition to the term “wretched excess”.

“Zoos for human entertainment should be abolished.”

I suggest one exception.

Why not jump-start the never quite arriving, Waiting for Godot Summer of Recovery, and build a zoo?

Let’s call it the Tamarac Zoo for Horses’ Asses.

Not only would you be its principal attraction but you would be its only attraction. An enclosure to include the imbecilic Broward County Board of Education and the equally embarrassing Broward County Commission would have to wait for the voters approving a bond issue.

My grandfather, the legendary Jack Smith, always marveled at the simple, observable, undeniable fact that there were more horses’ asses than there were horses’ heads. That ratio should always be 50/50. Damn “The Godfather” for messing up the perfect ratio!

One last movie reference.

“I made it, Ma. Top of the world!”

       Guinness is preparing a new edition. It will be named the Dressler Edition.

      There will be no written definitions in the chapter on boobs and ohmadahns.

Just your picture.

Kevin Smith

PS – What if an 18 foot python, a 14 foot gator, a pissed off black bear sow, and a Florida panther decide to see who rules the roost in front of City Hall? Will the police use hostage negotiators or, worse case scenario, rubber bullets and tranquilizer darts to show our solidarity with endangered predators? In this scenario the Florida panther, knowing that he is endangered, hoofs it back to the swamp. 

Harry! Extra credit. How do you spell TV? What color is an orange? Also, I say you couldn’t find your ass using both hands. Care to prove me wrong?

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 5, 2016
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel 

Big Stein, 

I am going to go out on a limb here. I may wind up where the regular buses don’t go. Maybe as far as when V.P. Curly Biden decided that not all Federal laws had to be obeyed. DOMA, remember? That prompted Big Boss Barack to say that “Maybe Joe got a bit out over his skis”. Here goes.

Are you Jewish?

If you are I would like you to answer but one question.

Don’t worry. It won’t be about whether your opposition to capital punishment would include Adolph Eichmann. 

What would you have done if Donald Trump had insisted on putting Cornel West and James Zogby on the Republican Platform committee?

C’mon. Fess up.  It’s emis truth time.

Regards to Little Stein and Boss Stein


June 5, 2016
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

Mr. Mayo,

“I’ve got pretty thick skin.” Wasserman-Schultz said
 at a campaign kick-off event last week.
“You just have to tune out the noise.”
The Sun Sentinel

Some things are owed to the record. Always.

History tells us that the “fatal conceit” common to modern American Liberals and their philosophical forebears is that they know they are right. Further, anyone opposing the truth is not just wrong but is evil. That is why they have no problem in using force and intimidation to buttress their arguments.

[Exactly what did the lady wearing the Trump t-shirt in San Jose last Thursday do to suffer both verbal and physical abuse? If you say Trump started it you are using the Sophist’s argument known as tu quoque. It was fallacious when the Trivium debunked it. It still is. How about Mussolini was OK because Hitler was worse? Think “eclectic indignation”]

I suggest they she grew her thick skin after she sent Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to my house because of something I wrote. Let me repeat the money part of the previous sentence. “Something I wrote”

Does that qualify as both a “slippery slope” and a “chilling effect”?

I search in vain for a more tasteful synonym for “friggin” hypocrite” but none is to be found.

She claims to have 2 degrees in Political Science. Possibly the Florida School of Cosmetology granted them. How else could she be unaware of the 25 century old dictum?

“Free men speak with free tongues”

It would be akin to saying you love Bach but have never heard of a cello.

Oh wait a minute! Being a modern American Liberal means you never, ever have to say you are sorry.
Don’t Dump Debbie!

As long as she is in Congress I have a good idea of where she is. That way I can keep an eye on her.


PS –When the men with guns, badges, and the full majesty of the law left my house after the “good cop” & “bad cop” routine succeeded in scaring my wife I sent everything I wrote to or about her to Tom Fiedler, then the Big Boss Man of the Miami Herald. I promised my wife that if he found one threatening or obscene word I would apologize to her and never write to her again. I’m still writing.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 4, 2016
Michelle Obama, she of the $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week raise, a raise that she got about 45 minutes after her husband, then a United States Senator, got her employer, the University of Chicago School of Medicine a $1,00,000 “earmark”. [“Earmarks” have replaced cash stuffed envelopes changing hands at midnight in deserted parking lots. Think quid and quo, with a pro owning the middle] She said yesterday that she “wakes up every day in a house built by slaves”.
Who says that “satire closes on Saturday night”? Not I. It may not be Swift but it will do ‘til something better comes along.
“The upturned neck awaits the ax” is a great line from a forgotten movie.
One of the criticisms tossed at your husband in 2008, perhaps “hurled violently” might be a better way of saying it, and one that left righteous Caucasians dumbfounded, was that “he had no slave blood”. Please, please don’t throw me into the briar patch reserved for racists but unless you subscribe to the Sanger/Lysenko School of Eugenics was a ginormously dumb thing to say.
On the other hand….
Would it be completely beyond the pale of the acceptable limits of political commentary to suggest that someone with your husband’s paternal DNA may have had a hand in gathering up some of those soon to be slaves? How, pray tell, did all those African-Africans get from the interior to the coast from whence they began the long journey to become African-Americans? Is it more than a coincidence that 6 countries in Africa, countries living under the lash of Islamic Sharia law, still allow slavery? #BringBackOurGirls is 2 years old. How is that working out?
I suggest that a trip back, say 3 generations from his paternal grandfather, might find an entrepreneur in the field of human transportation. A Masai/Kikuyu Uber forebear dude perhaps.  
Speaking of fathers, isn’t it about time we honor your father-in-law? He has one son living in the White House, a place where he can spit on his English colonial background by banning Churchill, and another son living in a mud hut in Kenya where he makes a living as a bum.
 Father of the Year? Hell no! Father of the Decade or nothing!
But I digress.
My father’s father had 2 uncles who came from Ballyglass, Galway, Ireland – before it was a Republic – to free the slaves. They joined the 69th New York Regiment, a group of soldiers who came to be known as the Irish Brigade. Late in the afternoon of July 2, 1863 they marched into the Wheat Field at Gettysburg “line abreast”. One of them is still there “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”. I hope he died quick and I hope he died clean like my wife’s uncle, Corporal Putnam,  did on Okinawa.
I seek no survivor’s benefits.
I ask only that if reparations for slavery come to pass that my portion of that bill is settled by using the carry forward tax loss caused by the death in combat of a relative. 20th century probate lawyers may recall “flower bonds”.
Maybe a simple “thank you” should be included also. After all, it was the country of my forebears that first outlawed slavery. We did it 15 centuries ago. That’s a whole millennium and half of another one. That’s 1,500 years. Maybe somebody should tell the 1%ers who run Chad and Mali, inter alia, that slavery is an infamia.
Speaking of ironies…You remember that the Democratic Party was the one favoring slavery, don’t you? And that the New York Times called Lincoln a “baboon” when he ran for re-election in 1864? “Politically incorrect”? Don’t be silly! Even then modern American Liberals were able to defy gravity. It is an inconvenient truth for modern American Liberals but Lincoln’s 2nd term was made possible when General Sherman, Uncle Billy to the soldiers he commanded, led a lot of White farm boys from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, doubtless most of whom were “bitter clingers”, into Atlanta in the fall of 1864.
Civil discourse? Probity? Fuhgedaboutit.
One more thing.
Why didn’t you send your daughters to any of the really, really fine public schools in Washington? The children of every other tenant in public housing in D.C. had/have no choice. Why should school choice be limited to the 1%ers?
I hear that you have been offered a job as a litigator in the D.C. public defender’s office. If you take it, remember Rumpole’s First Rule: “Never plead guilty”.
You go, girl!

Kevin Smith

PS – Here’s another thing you might be able to help me with. I was still living in New Jersey when I saw a Black woman in her ‘30s wearing a tee shirt in a super market that said “It’s a Black thing. You wouldn’t understand”. I saw her 3 or 4 times as we crisscrossed the aisles. Finally, I couldn’t resist. “You’re right. I don’t understand.” 30 years  later and I still don’t understand. Am I asking too much?
June 4, 2016
Michele Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Mrs. Obama,

Encloses is a note I sent to some fellow travelers this morning. It’s about your distress in living in a house “built by slaves”.

I just noticed that the address – The White House – probably caused some agida also. Sorry about that. Remember please that Mr. H. dumpty, noted wordsmith and political commentator said “those words mean exactly what I want them to mean. No more, no less.”

Is it true that the DC Public Defender’s office has offered you a job as a litigator? Good luck if you take it. Remember the wise words of Horace Rumpole: “Never plead guilty”

Kevin Smith

June 4, 2016
If “beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy” the Battle of Midway is proof that God loved us and wanted us to survive.
1942 proved that the Russians had more men that the Germans had ammunition. If the Germans had gotten through Stalingrad their next stops would have been India and China. When talking of hypotheticals, of tap dancing in the cosmic ballroom of “what ifs”, picture the Wehrmacht linking up with the Japanese. Since the Germans didn’t we need keep that thought in nightmare image only.
The American Navy, in 1942, had greatest year in naval History. Ever. I know, I know. Salamis, Lepanto, and Trafalgar are out there.
Those 3 battles, in chronological order, saved Western Civilization from being strangled in its crib, saved Christendom from radical Islamic terrorists – it didn’t begin at 9/11, and saved what we now know as representative Democracy. They were filled with feats of valor, of things heroic, and of things still sung about today but they were fought in less than 24 total hours and the battles could be watched from a single ship.
In April, 1942 the American Navy sailed 4,000 miles across the pacific and bombed Tokyo.
In June, 1942 the American Navy ambushed and sank 4 Japanese carriers.
[In “The Face of Battle”’ John Keegan writes, “At 10:25 Admiral Nagumo was poised to win the greatest naval battle of the 20th century.” By 10:30 he had lost not only his 4 carrier strike force but the ability to impose his will wherever his ships would take him.
One Naval aviator, Wade McCluskey, will stand for all of them that day. When he got to where he thought the Japanese navy would be they were not to be found. Through “skill and cunning” he found them and sank them. All of them. 
In a 6 week period – part of October, all of November, part of December – the United States Navy faced down the Japanese Navy. It filled a stretch of ocean that came to be known as Iron Bottom Sound. Both sides contributed to its rolls.
As a stand-in for all the Blue Jackets let Admiral “Ching” Lee be its voice. From the bridge of the USS Washington he sent a fleet order. “Stand aside. I am coming through.” He did and when he was finished the Japanese navy left forever.

It began with Midway.
June 4, 1942

“Where do we find such men?”

Kevin Smith

PS – Caitlin Hanson, my oldest Texas Lady, was graduated from Lovejoy High School in Allen, TX last Saturday. The loudest and longest applause was for the 4 seniors who announced their intentions to enlist in the armed forces of the United States on Monday.

“Almighty Father, strong to save,
Whose arm has bound the endless wave,
Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.”