July 24, 2016
[With thanks to Ben Zimmer for his column in today’s Wall Street Journal]
To the person in charge of gender neutrality on whom we rely for the correct word in today’s uber sensitive society.
What the Hell do we do about “boycott”?
I “led the fight” to make “male mail men” person persons.
The tide may be turning on why “man-hole cover” is not verboten. “Person hole” is a strong contender but I prefer “human hole”. Since the question of Mede versus Persian still exists I’ll let the market decide.
I understand you have added Professor Irwin Corey to your staff. Good move. Maybe he can clear things up, particularly for a confused “deplorable”.
How about castraticott?
PS – Some good news on the never ending assault on the “glass ceiling”. I watched enough of the Iowa/Rutgers game to give a thin voiced chick a leg up, so to speak. Football fans of a certain age may recall Chris Schenkle as the worst football TV game announcer ever. It’s time to take his bust off the shelf in the media Pantheon. Congratulations to Beth Cowins! She is this generation’s worst announcer. Nobody will win silver. Maybe we should bolt her bust down in anticipation of her being there a long, long time. Could this be a good sign for Hillary?