September 28, 2017
Eleanor Holmes Norton
2235 Shannon Place SE
Washington, DC 20020
Ms. Norton,
So there is no misunderstanding, I am addressing you as “Ms” as opposed to Congresswoman or Representative ‘cuz you ain’t. It is a vile, condescending form of racism, one that allowed guilty Whites, mostly modern American Liberals, to give you an office in the House, to give you a Congressional salary, but no vote. It is akin to Lucy holding the football for dumb-ass Charley Brown who will always fall on his sad=sacked sorry ass. Of course, the district that you represent would have sent Step-n-Fetchit or Willie Horton to fill your seat.
The Founders, doubtless White supremacists all plus DWEM descendants, decided with their God-given wisdom, that the capitol city was to be outside the regular country. 3 other major countries have decided likewise. We are now ion the 4th century of this arrangement. Get used to it. It’s not going to change.
But that’s not why I write.
You said that the best way to get the calorically challenged NORK – Did you give Kim the name of your barber? – to give up his nuclear weapons is for us to give up ours. And for us to give up ours first.
For that statement alone you have earned one of my most prestigious awards. You are hereby named
I quickly add that there was no Affirmative Action here. There were no set asides, no quota-less goals, none of that Sophistry-soaked balderdash. You got your award the old-fashioned way;
You earned it!
I suppose I could suggest that the DC police give up their weapons, hoping that the armed and dangerous feral Black youth of Baltimore and Chicago would not cross the Potomac and the Anacostia in search of target-rich environment. I won’t do that because that would be like clubbing a one flippered, learning disabled baby seal.
Pop quiz – Did former DC Mayor Marion Barry say “Other than the murder rate, DC is a very safe city” before or after he said “The bitch set me up”?
When can I expect you to lead a bombing raid on the Jefferson Memorial?
Kevin Smith