August 12, 2018
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
RE: A target-rich environment – Everything except the classified ads enters the ten ring in today’s Sun Sentinel plus the serendipitous arrival of the New York Times. Modern American Liberalism at its tumescent best.
Ms. O’Hara,
Where to begin?
Let’s start with “Should Broward School Superintendent Runcie be fired?”
For decades I have been advocating that educators be held to the same high standards that are demanded of high school football coaches.
17 people were killed on his watch.
Eisenhower wrote a letter of resignation in case D-Day turned out like Dieppe. Either Killer Cruz was in the Promise Program or he wasn’t. It can’t be both. Runcie tried to square that circle. [Am I the only one to notice that Promise, an evil spawn of Obama, Holder, and Duncan, is predicated on the bed-rock modern American liberal premise that man is perfectible and that human nature, unlike the stripes on a cat, can change? It may work if Father Flanagan is the paradigmatic template for forming social policy, with a thankful bow to the George Costanza School of Public Policy and Personal Probity, but only if you forget the Chicago example of this weekend. That’s the one where the adage “Never bring a knife to a gun fight” and its corollary, “Get in their face” was proved empirically correct.
Let me ask, somewhat gratuitously, ‘cuz I know the answer, whether those 3 DC swells sent their children to public schools? Don’t be silly. And since Obama lived rent-free in public housing he was better able to afford the $60,000 tuition, lunch included, for each of his children in a school that was redolent with classic White Privilege.
As to Runcie, “Fire his ass”. Yesterday.
Doug Hyde, your lachrymose sports commentator who really, really wants to toil for the Nation – Whatever happened to just telling me who won the Goddamn game? – just informed me of the right of NFL players to protest. They don’t have that right. If they choose to protest and are willing to accept the consequences – think Socrates, Saul of Tarsus, Abelard, Thomas More, Sydney Carton, Joseph Smith, Thoreau, Norman Thomas, Gandhi, Maximillian Kolbe, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Curt Flood – go for it.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? si. Long snapper, wedge buster, or 3rd down nickel back? No.
Your endorsement of Ashley Moody for Attorney General in the Republican primary includes the damning with faint praise, dog whistle words “smart, attractive and well spoken”. That’s almost as good as Curley Biden’s praise of Senator Barack H. Obama, noted Chicago community activist, whose first job as a Senator was to get his wife a $4,000 a week raise, paid for by a $1,000,000 earmark to the University of Chicago Hospital where she was in charge of midnight shift bed pan inventory and single-use plastic environmentally sensitive disposal procedures, taking into account the wishes of the indigenous population. Biden said Obama was “clean and articulate”.
You may want to look both up.
You condemn her opponent, Frank White, thusly: “White has never so much as prosecuted a single case.”
Neither did Bobby Kennedy.
Earl Warren and William O. Douglas never donned silk until their nominations to the Supreme Court. [Indeed, Brennan was a recess appointment] Eric Holder’s main experience was vetting pardons – a task for which Hillary Clinton’s brothers were well paid, remember? – for President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes.
Would it be showing a bit too much cheek if I were to point out that before Senator Hugo Black became Justice Black he was a cross burning, Nigrah whippin’, lynching Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan? Ditto Senator Robert Byrd [D-WVA] who despite being a top recruiter for the Klan went on to become the “Cicero of the Senate”. If he had he would not have died in his bed.
You criticize Frank White for spending his family’s money. How did we wind up with a plague of Kennedys in pubic office? Is it morally neutral for Jeff Greene to spend his own money, money made by betting against the American housing industry? What about Murphy of Pam Beach, proud member of the Lucky Sperm Club, who used his daddy’s swag to contend for a statewide office? Tom Steyer, he of the sainted resistance, made his swag by selling “dirty” coal, coal which could not be legally burned in any state in this country, to the Chinese and the Red Dot Indians. What the Hell, they’re “lesser breeds”, right? George Soros went from being a zonderkommando for Hitler to being a party apparatchik for Stalin before he started to rob banks. I don’t recall any highly dudgeoned modern American Liberal editorials condemning his money
Greene made a fortune betting against American homeowners while Steyer actively supported the release of millions of tons of sulfur dioxide. Baby seals must love him because he killed so many polar bears that the seals are about to invade Minnesota, Michigan, New York, and Maine. Maybe we should rethink getting rid of ICE, no?
Irela Bague tells us in her mini Op-Ed that the California fires were caused by the “trends of global warming of the last century”. Yet again the confusing conflation of causation and correlation and why, absent tautologies, modern American Liberals would never ever have to use their brain. It was Samuel Johnson who warned us of the troubles caused by “wretched, un-idea’d girls”. Is it too late to support Margaret Sanger’s ideas on eugenics?
But I digress.
All right-minded people hate political gridlock. Let’s run this up the old political flag pole and see who salutes. A Governor of one political party tells the Attorney General of a different political party to pursue a particular legal policy. He refuses. An unlike-minded AG gets a court order that the Governor refuses to enforce. And you think it’s bad in Washington? How about gun fights in Tallahassee?
All my Texas ladies are in town. In addition to some early Sunday AM goodies they got me the Sunday NY Times. It has not been in my house for 15 years.
I stopped doing the NYT crossword puzzle on Monday, October 3, 1999. I did my last puzzle, in ink of course, in ink, on a flight from Dallas to Fort Lauderdale. It was witnessed by Tom Fiedler, one-time Big Boss of the Miami Herald and now head of all the ink-stained wench and wretch wanabees at Boston University. When I stopped I was approaching B+ status.
I stopped reading the Times during the first week of March, 2003.
You may recall that the United States was preparing to go to war, a war that was authorized by some 3/4s of Congress, against Iraq. I stopped reading the NYT because, by then, it had devoted more Page 1 coverage to whether or not chicks would be allowed to join the August National Golf Club, home of the Masters. To coin a word – gravitas – a word made fashionable by Bush-loathing modern American Liberals – “Bush-loathing modern American Liberals”? Did I just repeat myself in a regrettably redundant manner? You betcha - in 2000 when he picked Cheney because he lacked gravitas and Cheney, despite his lamentable myriad faults, didn’t. Who cares about the ladies’ tees as long as they get the meat loaf right and the shirts lightly starched and ironed and only say no when someone tries to sell them magazines.
My decision to stop reading the NYT was not made lightly. Despite their acquiescence in calling Lincoln a “baboon” in 1864, coupled with their tacit approval of slavery the same year and then, 68 years later, their collusion with the Russkies, the wardens of the Evil Empire, in their attempt to take over the world [vide Walter Duranty] I grew up with the NYT. My father used to read the 2 Arthurs – Krock and Daley – to me every Sunday beginning when Truman was first President. Does anyone else remember that H.L. Matthews indeed did help Fidel Castro get his job? How about Harrison Salisbury canonizing Ho Chi Minh? How About Howell Raines canonizing himself? How about various Sulzbergers offering proof positive that there should be a 105% estate tax whenever the media is involved. Jayson Blair, who worked the Affirmative Action White guilt trip life plan, like a Swiss watch, Allesandra Stanley who couldn’t lie straight in bed, Ali Watkins, who minored in the famous Horizontal Tango and banged her way to the top, and now Sarah Jeong, who is the opposite of Will Rogers in that she never saw a Caucasian she liked are, to cite noted pundit Willie Nelson, “Reasons to Quit”, in this case the New York Times
It didn’t take a 12-Step program.
I don’t know whether it’s terminal but their “non-olfactory fecal matter syndrome” is suffocating. In Sunday’s NYT Book Review, a man named Michael Roth takes aim at Roger Scruton and his book “Conservatism” by saying that while Edmund Burke may have opposed slavery a lot of conservatives did not.
Pot, I would like you to meet kettle. Or maybe having a working knowledge of the NYT is not necessary to review books as long as the “good guys”, modern American Liberals all, come out on top.
Sandra Barnard-Bastien, in her mini Op-Ed takes somewhat neutral view on whether or not the Sandy Hook shooting occurred. Hillary Clinton implied that Obama may have been born in Kenya. Van Jones and Rosie O’Donnell said that the WTC was blown up by the Feds.
What is truth?
PS – Tell Fred Grimm that when Florida’s coral reefs finally, finally die I will say an environmentally sensitive kaddish for them. Also, the NYT business section is simply terrible. Basic info and its accompanying data are not to be found. If God is in the details maybe He is dead.