January 30, 2019
While I was momentarily enraptured by a picture of David “Little Boss” Hogg, the chinless little shit who was not shot at Margery Stoneman Douglas High School – 2 things: - #1 – Yes, I have been in a gunfight. June 3, 1993. Essex County Courthouse. One dead Newark Detective, one grievously wounded Sheriff’s Deputy whose life I saved and who, 2&1/2 years later, danced at my daughter’s wedding, and #2 – Not enough attention has been paid to Marjory Stoneman Douglas, noted Public Nuisance and doyenne/docent who successfully changed the name of the swamp between Fort Lauderdale and Naples to the Everglades. When she died, at the age of 108, I lobbied unsuccessfully to continue her legacy of giving to and helping to preserve the swamp creatures that she tended to in a most Assisi-like manner. I wanted her to be strapped to a motorized raft, perhaps festooned with a few cadaverous hindquarters of “Mad Cows” from England, to attract the man-threatened but still noble, Florida Panther [Panthers are cursory hunters and need moving targets] to give her a half-assed Viking funeral. Alas, it failed to gain a foothold. I am used to that since my plan to Cuisinart a dozen manatees a day to make sausage for the homeless has remained traction less – when I caught a glimpse of an article written be Alicia Colon. Its title was simple and direct.
Catholic Church Leaders Are a Bunch of Cowards.
The Catholic Bishop of Kentucky apologized yesterday for condemning the students of Covington Catholic for being intolerant turds and, in particular, intolerant White Catholic prep school, anti-Injun MAGA hat wearing – and you know what that means – turds. He said he was “pressured” into so doing. “Pressured”? By whom? Here is a man who can dispense 6 of the 7 Sacraments, a gift from God [Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church, remember?] shared by fewer than a thousand people and he felt “pressured”? I guess Henry the Second was right when he said “wearing purple does not make you a king”]
The above is another example of why the epitaph of Vatican still rankles. Mater si, magistra no. But that’s not why I write.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, of Archbishop Malloy High School and Fordham University, like his father Mario before him is a public Roman Catholic, picking and choosing which doctrinal tenant to embrace or reject. He tumescently signed into law a bill that would have permitted babies to be aborted up to the end of their Baptismal receptions. [To show we are truly catholic, substitute briss for baptism]
I asked Governor Cuomo pere, after he gave his famous commencement address at Notre Dame University, the Catholic school, the one where he said that while he was opposed to abortion personally, he would permit, indeed encourage it, because it was the law of the land.
The Supreme Court ruled that fugitive slaves, Dred Scott for instance, must be returned to their owners. That made it the Law of the Land, didn’t it? I asked both father and son if they would have put his felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia if he had been captured in a pre-Sanctuary City in New York. [As an uncomfortable aside, and as an inconvenient truth but it is empirically self-evident that the philosophical and judicial forebear of Sanctuary Cities, Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, is the same one that clashed with reality at Fort Sumter. Modern American Liberals always find this hard to believe but there it is, like an unsinkable turd in Grammy’s pretty punch bowl.]
Neither answered.
Governor Junior still hasn’t answered form when I asked him in 1999 if HUD, he was the Secretary, ever got any of the 200 air conditioners he “lent” to the Section 8 tenants in Pompano Beach in the famous heat wave of 1998. That was where, so help me God, Handsome Billy Clinton, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes, and in between hummers from the zoftig intern perjuring himself, said that it was hot in August in Washington, DC because of Global Warming which was caused, and isn’t it obvious so why would you ask, by hot days. Quod erat demonstratum, but if it weren’t for tautologies moronic modern American Liberals, screaming mimi assholes all, would never have to use their brains. Big Bill made this announcement at the same time that Donna Shalala told us in 1998 that we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years. That was in 1998. 21 years ago. At least she’s back in DC where we can best keep an eye on her.
And, also inconveniently, it was Global Warming that ended the last Ice Age and it was the last mini Ice Age that gave us the wood in the Mediterranean that Stradivarius used to make Bach sound almost divine. Which is why, when my dermatologist demanded that I wear a hat, I have one that says PROUD GLOBAL WARMER.
In the article, Sra Colon says that New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says “it would make no sense to excommunicate him”.
As a Roman Catholic I say, yes, it would
I learned the difference between de facto and de jure when Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe. A famous person, by reason of his notoriety, is de facto excommunicated, if he commits a public sin and causes the Church to suffer public scandal. A court need not be convened.
There will be no trial, public or private, of Cuomo fils, the public sinner. The Church has no stomach for it.
When a Roman Catholic goes to the front of the church to receive what is still nostalgically called by several hundreds of millions of people Holy Communion, the priest says “Body of Christ”. At the very least, this public display should be denied to Cuomo until he makes a public confession.
People may have the “right” to unfettered entry to this country. People who exercise the “right” may have an additional right to premium Cable but the “right” to membership in the Catholic Church still requires an invitation and acceptance. Part of this process, for one not born into the Faith, requires adult acceptance of certain rituals and rules. If you find these unacceptable, don’t join. If you are a member by birth and you find something unacceptable, have the good grace to leave before you piss in the Church’s soup and then expect ecclesiastical approbation, sort of like a lay man’s nihil obstat plus imprimatur.
Nobody is making you stay.
Pass this on to Pelosi, la bruja.
Kevin Smith