Monday, May 12, 2008

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard

Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028

RE: The gift that keeps on giving – You and Hillary

My dear Congressperson,

“Senator Clinton continues to demonstrate that she has what

to win the Presidency…while Senator Obama does well in areas

and demographic groups that the Democratic candidate

will win anyway.

Tampa Tribune


Italics mine

Perhaps Senator Clinton does have “what it takes to win the Presidency”. She does have quite a record, 35 years worth, of achievement.

In her first job as an attorney with the Federal government she argued that the accused did not have a right to counsel. So much for Escobedo and due process.

She was hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas when her husband was elected Attorney General.

She was made a partner in that law firm when her husband was elected Governor.

Although she was listed as an outside director she was a bought and paid for and “in management’s pocket” during her time on the board of WAL*MART.

She had a broker named “Red Bone”.

Whitewater? A scheme to defraud dumb White red necks.

Hold on. It gets better.

“I am not Tammy Wynette.”

“Don’t just fire those travel agents. Indict them.”

“Thanks for letting me bollix up health care, Big Bill. It’s the least you could have done to make up for all those White trash, trailer park Bimbos who kept erupting.”

“Didn’t Janet Reno, 3rd Choice Janny, do a marvelous job at Waco.”

“Live from the tarmac at Tuzla.” INCOMING!

“I stood by my man, a man who would hump a snake if someone held his head. Elect me to the Senate.”

“The last time I checked, while I have cojones, I still don’t have a prostate gland. Elect me President.”

One Hell of a resume.

Would I be risking a macaca moment if I were to suggest that the two demographic groups that you speak so confidently of are Blacks and Jews?

Can we stipulate that the last time Black and Jews felt comfortable together was when Sammy Davis, Jr. was still performing? To be redundant, performing live.

Do you remember when Woody Allen said he belonged to a shul that was so reformed the Cantor was a Nazi?

Why not have Reverend Wright, Senator B. Hussein Obama’s pastor, tour some of the more progressive temples in South Florida? Maybe Jimmy Carter of Israeli Apartheid fame could be the opening act. The topics could be Affirmative Action and why oppressed women are just as badly treated as Blacks. Maybe the topic of “obliterating Iran” could be discussed. Maybe, since Black children have reversed brains and learn differently than White children, the repeal of Brown v The Board of Education could be discussed. Maybe it’s time for a return to Plessy v Ferguson [“separate but equal”, remember?]

Kugel and hog maws. Pulled pork and rugelach. Perfect together.

PS – About Hillary doing shots and beers with the boys…pay attention in case she calls on you to do the same. If she is so opposed to NAFTA why was she fondling a bumper of Canadian whiskey? The real “little brown guy” should have been Fleischman’s. Unblended American whiskey [If there’s no ‘e’ in whiskey it wasn’t made in this country. Don’t be photographed drinking it] with a Jewish name. Sounds like something Karl Rove would have thought of had he been a Democrat. Plus, if you’re going to do it, do it. Don’t sip it. It ain’t Chartreuse. Remember, if you have to handle a gun an unloaded one fires once a month. A broom stick fires once a year. Reach for the small shooters only when the real 6 gun shooter is back in its case.

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