Friday, July 18, 2008

The “Dreaded ‘N’ Word”

July 17, 2008

The “Dreaded ‘N’ Word”
the “dreaded ‘n’ word”

Do you remember Dick Gregory?

He was a laugh out loud, almost make you pee in your pants Colored comedian in the ‘60s. I say “colored” because African-American or Black had not yet become the politically correct term of racial designation. He left the arena of comedy for the arena of politics, culture, and diet plans.

His autobiography has the interesting title “Dreaded ‘N’ Word”.

Do you remember Robert Byrd?

He is the Democratic Senator from West Virginia. Not to say he’s old but he fought with Andrew Jackson against some of America’s aborigines. Some of the survivors are well known gambling consultants. It seems almost unfair to bring up his KuKluxKlan past but what the Hell, if he could prance around in white robes and a pointed hat as a young Keagle I can mention it, can’t I? He is sometimes referred to as the United States Senate’s version of Cicero. A gimlet eye view of his record would suggest that the reference is geographical rather than Historic.

He went on TV a few years ago and called himself a “White Dreaded ‘N’ Word”. Then, to make sure there was no misunderstanding, he said it again.


Reports of a “macaca” sighting at the Kennedy Compound have been confirmed. He cooks and cleans the stables. He is anxiously awaiting his green card.

Everybody remembers Jesse Jackson.

He’s the big guy who has made a living out of making White people feel guilty. He has told them what to say and, more importantly, what not to say. He has made a living by shaking down large corporations for ungodly sums of money. He tells these dummies that if they he won’t say that they financed the boats used to ship slaves. For a few dollars more he will say that the officers and directors have memorized the words to Kumbaya. It’s indoor work. There’s no heavy lifting. He makes a nice living. Enough to support two families once he decided to have his own grandchildren.

Last week he sotto vocceed to another colored, African-American Black weeny that he wished he “could cut Obama’s nuts out”. I say “weeny” because he didn’t raise his voice when Jesse said it and it seems now that he has entered the Witness Protection program.

It then came out that he also said that Senator B. Hussein Obama was talking down to “Dreaded ‘N’ Word”s.

Attention must be paid to a spectacular rising star in Dallas, Texas. His name is Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price. He objected to the term “black hole” when it was used by a White Commissioner. The gringo Commissioner used the term “black hole” when describing the budget process. Commissioner Price, apparently dumber than a box of starch, said, “Hold up there, Whitey”.

It’s true that things are bigger in Texas. This boob came from relative obscurity to being one of America’s biggest horse’s asses in record time. Give this scatter brain a few more shots at Prime Time and Billy Bob’s won’t be big enough to hold him.

Can anything useful be gained from the above?

#1 – “All words are equal. Some words are more equal than others.” With apologies to George Orwell I think it means that it isn’t what’s said but rather who says it. It would be unwise of me to go to Broward County’s tax payer built and supported African-American Research Library and ask, in a loud voice, for a copy of “Dreaded ‘N’ Word”, the one by Dick Gregory. It’s OK for $10,000,000 a year NBA players to use the “Dreaded ‘N’ Word” as a noun, a verb, and adjective, and a participle. Should one of the round eyes who pays $200 for a cheap seat use it he would be bastinadoed.

On the other hand, Jesse Jackson can do an American Idol routine about nut cutting time and then sound like Huckleberry Finn doing a stage whisper and…and…nothing happens.

#2 – If White people are so smart, so rich, and so powerful why do we put up with this caca? 600,000 men are still “wrapped in the faced coat of Blue”. They died to undo the horrors of slavery. That war ended 143 years ago. When will the PAID stamp be put on that bill?

#3 – Now we have a post-racial [I have no idea what that means. If anybody knows what it means please call me collect.] guy from Illinois by way of Kenya, Kansas,
a madrassas in Singapore, Harvard Law School, and the genteel ways of Chicago politics. He’s been telling us that “we are the ones we have been waiting for”. Did I mention that Senator B. Hussein Obama is a half White, half colored, African-American, Black man? By the by, his wife got a $4,000 a week raise when he was elected to the United States Senate. She’s in charge of bed pan diversity. [For $4,000 a week I’ll use the bed pans to make soup] He got his wife’s employer a $1,000,000 earmark. I guess he’s not as dumb as that quasiAlfred E. Newman mug would lead you to believe. Say this for him: He told us out loud and up front that should he get elected he intends to tax us back to prosperity. That there is no record of this ever working is but a mere bagatelle to him. He suffers form the quite normal “fatal conceit” of statists everywhere. Like a political Lysenko he will make it happen as an act of will. It will be a triumph of his will.

He knows that if every colored, African-American Black person votes for him the only way he gets to the White House is on a tour.

He needs Whitey to get him to D.C.

He figures every time someone sees the cover of the New Yorker he gets a vote.

There was a song a while back called “Love is Sweeping the Country”.

Senator Bambi wants to be anointed to the airs of “Guilt is Sweeping the Country”.

PS – What Nobel Prize winner wrote a book with the catchy title “Dreaded Nigger of the Narcissus”? Hint. He was a Polack.

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