Sunday, September 28, 2008
Carl Hiaasen, The Miami Herald
Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: “If Palin were a male candidate…” – A different take on the obviously eclectic joys in gender bashing.
Mr. Hiaasen,
“If Biden was a Republican candidate…” Note please the absence of the subjunctive. Only heads up their ass modern American Liberals are allowed to use it. Something about conditional nuances, whatever the Hell they are.
“If Biden was a Republican…”do you suppose someone, anyone would ask him about Franklin Roosevelt being President in 1929? Do you suppose someone, anyone would ask how Roosevelt could go on TV before it was invented? The man, for whom the word “boob” is enjoying a renascence, did say that. You could look it up and ask him ‘cuz [cuz? Cuz I like talkin’ like an embittered gun totin’, God clingin’, snake handlin’ Good ole boy Redneck, who Honest Injun, drives a red pick up truck, dontchaknow?] the toads who get chills up their legs when Senator B. Hussein Obama preaches sure as Hell ain’t.
“If Biden was a Republican…” do you think someone from the Democratic Party or its lap dog media suckups would ask him why he doesn’t want coal burning power plants in America? Since 50% of the electricity generated in this country comes from coal burning power plants does that mean he doesn’t want Florida to have air conditioning? Does that mean that he wants the people who mine coal in West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois, to lose their jobs? I don’t know if idle coal mines can be used to grow arugula, arugula being the favorite green veggie of Senator Bambi from Chicago. Chicago is/was/shall be the home of the famous “make every vote count only as often as it is needed” machine, remember? Is that what “community organizers” do there?
“If Biden was a Republican…” do you think someone from the Democratic Party or its lap dog media suckups would ask him how his kid got a $1,200,000 gig as a lobbyist? Mrs. Thomas Daschle needed a U-Haul to carry her swag out the door when she was – Summon the Exorcists! Fetch the holy water! Get a stake and a sliver bullet! – a lobbyist. Did I mention that her husband ran the United States Senate? I didn’t? I must have forgotten. Do you think the Democratic Party or its lap dog media suckups would have “If Daschle was a Republican…”?
I remember in 1960 President-elect Kennedy standing in front of his low income, blue collar house in inner city Georgetown announcing that he was naming his brother Bobby as his Attorney General. He said, “I want to give him some legal experience if he ever needs a job.” The press, you’ll be surprised to know, loved it. You say “If Palin were a male candidate she’d be asked why she put another childhood friend in charge of a money-losing, state subsidized creamery…” Maybe her friend knew the difference between the elusive curds and the wily wheys. I don’t know. I do know that Bobby Kennedy loved to wire tap Martin Luther King. Considering that his first job in Washington was as lead Counsel to Senator McCarthy [Joseph of Wisconsin, not Eugene of Minnesota] it would be fair to say that acorns never fall far from the tree, don’t you think?
“If Biden was a Republican…” do you think someone from the Democratic Party or its lap dog media suckups would have asked why he couldn’t make the guy in the wheel chair “walk”? Senator Edwards told us in 2004 that if Senator J. Forbes Kerry is elected wheel chairs would be made obsolete by his administration. In all fairness he did say it would require a second Kerry term to cover blindness and the repeal of that irksome Amendment about term limits to get to a return of Resurrections. Senator Curley Biden – I call him Curley in honor of the smartest of the 3 Stooges – has had some problems with the Catholic Church lately what with his incorrect utterances on Church doctrine. Do you suppose that “Payback is a bitch” is now ex cathedra? Don’t you think someone should ask?
“If Biden was a Republican…” do you think the fact of his cheating in law school and the plagiarizing of his speeches would be fodder for the big cannons of the modern American Liberal press? They would have a picture of this Chia-haired dunce on the walls of the Ethically Challenged Hall of Fame.
“If Biden was a Republican…” don’t you think someone, anyone would have pointed out that the only time “blue collar” could be used by him would have been if he spoke of his fondness for Brooks Brothers.
“If Biden was a Republican…” don’t you think someone, anyone would have asked why he was raised in a section of Wilmington still known as “Chateau Country”?
“If Biden was a Republican…” do you think someone from the Democratic Party or its lap dog media suck ups would have asked why, after averaging more than $250,000 a year in salary for a decade, he and his wife never voluntarily paid more in taxes than they had to?
Since Biden isn’t a Republican do you think the term “non-malodorous fecal matter” can be used to cover all of this nit-wit’s gaffes, non-sequiturs, malapropisms, and a foot so far down his mouth that it could kick his colon to death to cover all of his peculiarities? Wannabet he can’t spell potato?
Biden did vote in favor of Hanoi occupying Saigon in 1975.
Biden did vote in favor of Havana occupying Managua in 1983.
The lap dog media suck ups will never ask him about those votes.
He’s making us all long for the “paradigmatic template” of Vice Presidential candidates, Geraldine Fellini-Zuchini. Her husband, Gepetto, what with stealing money from old ladies and giving Sicilians a bad name, wasn’t exactly a day at the beach. What in the name of Harry Truman qualified her to be Vice President?
Speaking of and for “right wing gas bags who trashed Hillary Clinton” I tell you that as founding member of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” I loved Hillary.
Let me outline her career.
#1 – Her husband is elected as Attorney General of Arkansas.
1A – She is hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas.
#2 – Her husband is elected Governor of Arkansas.
2A – She becomes a partner in the largest law firm in Arkansas.
It happens as often, as Jeeves used to say, “Finding a trout in the milk”.
She perfected the art of lap dancing in the electric chair when she “calmed” brain damaged Ricky Ray Rector as he was led – Isaac like – to be sacrificed on the altar of “Liberals can be tough on crime”. Remember?
If Hillary had her way Sister Souljah would have gotten a 3rd eye.
Sarah Palin wouldn’t have farmed the job out.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
“One of you is going to be President.”
That’s what the moderator said last night at Oxford, Mississippi.
Funny thing about modern American Liberals. A Republican candidate for President campaigned there once. He was accused of being as racially insensitive as any of those hard line Southern Senators. Names like Fullbright, Gore, Ervin, and Sparkman came flooding back. Not a peep last night. I guess History doesn’t count.
Of the many differences between modern American Liberals and Conservatives of any stripe is that Conservatives know that “Men are not Angels”.
Who knows? Maybe Pakistan deserves to be invaded. Senator B. Hussein Obama told us last night that the war in Iraq was wrong. He told us that the war in Afghanistan was good. Further, he told us that he would invade Pakistan.
We do know that it is not a nice neighborhood there. We do know that thugs rule there. We do know that Adolf Akmajinidad, of recent UN fame, Columbia University seminars, and CODE PINK picnics, wants nuclear weapons. We do know that he wants to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. One of the past rulers of Pakistan said that “his people would eat dirt” if that’s what it took to get a nuclear weapon. They go one then they hanged him. Then they blew up his daughter. Like I said, “It’s not a nice neighborhood”.
Madeline Albright and Jimmy Carter convinced the Gomers in North Korea to give up their nuclear program, remember? Just kidding, just kidding. Can’t you take a joke? Those two rubes are lucky they came back with their shoes on. The American Army marched into Baghdad and Qadafi of Libya started to sound like he belonged to the Chamber of Commerce.
Imagine if the Israelis had not taken out the not quite finished nuclear plant at Osiris in 1981? General Schwarzkopf would have had a quite different set of facts staring at him after the other Hussein occupied Kuwait.. Grenada, Panama, Somalia, and Bosnia had some nasty characters. Imagine if they had nuclear weapons. Imagine if Iraq had them. Imagine if Iran gets them.
It is said that after Hitler invaded Poland a famous expert on Foreign Relations, a United States Senator, said, “If only I could have talked to him. This wouldn’t have happened.”
Thugs wet their pants when “useful idiots”, a Western species that will never, never be endangered, “talk” to them.
If we are concerned with what the Walloons, the Portuguese, the Maltese, the Beverly Hills swells, the tenured faculties at schools costing $50,000 a year to turn young brains into mush, the Editorial Board of the New York Times, and some left over burnt out aged hippies from Woodstock think about “us” then we should appoint Dr. Phil as our Talking Ambassador. The Duke of Wellington said, after reviewing some of his troops, “They may not scare the enemy but they terrify me.” I think William Ayres, a proud bomb thrower and good friend of the Democratic candidate, should talk to Hugo Chavez and any living Castro
I don’t much care if the new President doesn’t know the name of the temporary head of the Fugowi Province of Kafiristan. It is far, far better that this feral poltroon knows his name. And if that upsets the Catalans and the Dutch…too bad.
“A decent respect for the opinions of mankind” is good. As soon as all those swords are turned into plowshares and lions and lambs can lie down with each other without having to find a new lamb each night I’ll take another look at it.
Beethoven’s chorale was right. “All men should be brothers.”
It’s a tough world out there
Until that happens I think it would be wise to remember two Russian proverbs:
“Because the wolf shows you his teeth it
doesn’t mean he’s smiling at you.”
“Keep your ax handy.”
Who won last night’s debate?
The American people as soon as John McCain becomes President.
Barney Frank Did It!
“Eliminate the impossible; whatever is left,
however improbable,
is the answer.”
Barney did it.
The whole enchilada.
Not Barney, the purple skinned TV galoot for whom a TV extinction would be the highest rated reality show ever. Not Barney’s, the poor man’s Starbucks wanabee and will someone please tell me how Seattle became the coffee capital of the world? None of them, no way, no how.
Congressman Barney Frank caused the whole mortgage mess. The smoking gun for Fannie and Freddie can be traced right back to him.
Congresslad Barney from Bayonne decided some time ago to stick his big toe, it being his most underused appendage, into the private sector.
He chose something to which he had devoted his whole life – prepubescent, teenage, and adult.
He opened a male only French Knocking Shoppe in his basement. People from Bayonne would have called it a “Mad About the Lad Whore House”. As the business grew, I dare say “tumescently” would not be an inappropriate word, he knew that he had to make some capital improvements.
He wanted to add 6 ½ baths, 4 whipping posts, 3 bubble machines, a stage where Richard Simmons could lead exercise classes, a mechanical bull in honor of Catherine the Great, an anatomically correct Rock Hudson action doll, a Barbra Streisand/Anita Bryant perpetual Celebrity Death Match, a stuff the canoli with biodegradable environmentally sensitive body fluids photo booth, cocktail forks designed by Oscar Wilde, a Truman Capote bobble head doll, a tableaux with the Village People singing “YMCA” for ever and ever and ever, a cologne spray machine featuring the manly smell of Brut, a library devoted to the wit and wisdom of Cole Porter, oodles and oodles of lavender stuff, & Ken and Ken Barbie Dolls, inter alia.
Mortgages, “personal loans secured by real property”, were made for this, or so thought Barney from Bayonne.
Bruce, Barney’s banking buddy, had some doubts. He had warned Big B about the angst of premature withdrawals. He also told him that a business plan for rump wrangling, however deeply penetrating and all encompassing, would be a hard sell.
If you could hypothecate Hershey Highway bazaars why not crack houses?
Anyway, before we could get to loan to value ratios events intervened.
Barney got caught fixing parking tickets for his live in boy toy.
In the back of his mind he felt that the mortgage Gods blew the whistle on his inamorata du jour so they wouldn’t have to deny his application. They ticked off the wrong guy from Bayonne.
He made sure that everyone could get a mortgage. That way no one would never not get a mortgage. Got it?
He knew that dead people in Hudson County voted. He made sure that they could get mortgages. Why should death deprive someone of the American dream?
Meanwhile, President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs took care of some of the stout lads and lasses who stood by him when he was publicly perjuring himself.
Franklin Raines, “clean and articulate” to quote Senator Curley Biden praising Senator B. Hussein Obama; James Johnson, a man for whom the word “oily” was made; and Jamie Gorelick, the author of the Chinese Wall that led to 9/11 and the possessor of a porcine puss in need of pounds of lipstick were sent to the Federal National Mortgage Association. “Send a thief to catch a thief” doesn’t quite make it. Foxes and vixens in charge of the hen house would be more apt.
Barney made Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac his personal lap dogs.
Barney thought he must have been back in Hudson County.
Senator Dodd [D-Ct] was almost too easy. A couple of bucks for his campaign and a below market rate special lulu of a mortgage that he got because he was a “Friend of Angelo” and he was in the tank. He raised being a smarmy bastard to an art form.
Senator Obama got the second highest amount of swag. Since he did it in only two years an asterisk – sort of like a reverse of Roger Maris – should be attached to his name.
The three yeggs cooked the books 6 ways to Sunday. They have already given back $90,000,000 [That’s ninety million dollars] If they didn’t why did they give the money back?
Barney, Bayonne’s Busiest Bee, operated on a simple philosophy. “Any public policy that involves robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support.” Barney found a treasure trove of hitherto unknown Pauls. He found the mother lode. In fact, he created a whole new class of poor, pitiful Pauls. They didn’t have to worry about low credit scores; they didn’t have any. In many instances they didn’t even have jobs.
[If memory serves, George Stephanopolous got a 125% mortgage on commercial property in Washington, D.C. in 1993. What that means is that the bank lent him the down payment and some working capital. Then they converted it into a mortgage. One Hell of a deal for Georgie! At least he was working. The immediate supervisor listed on his mortgage application was the previously mentioned President Clinton.]
Jamie Gorelick, for whom a new wave of basitnadoers may yet be called to service, refinanced $963,000 through Countrywide Mortgage. She was a “Friend of Angelo”. Angelo Mozillo was the CEO of Countrywide Mortgage. She was also a grifter. Doubtless, in return for services rendered she paid 20% LESS in interest than the market rate at the time of her closing. The term of her loan was 10 years. That’s a lot of money. She’ll need it for lipstick. A lot of lipstick. At least you knew where you stood with Tony Soprano. This sanctimonious strumpet peed on your back and told you it was rain.
Maybe she could have gotten a job at Barney’s Basement.
Goniff, Shyster, Dip, Finagle, Tosher.
No hot stove was safe.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Professor Michael Dukakis
Professor Michael Dukakis
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
RE: Franklin Raines is Willie Horton?
Professor Dukakis,
Three days after the “Trousered Apes” on Saturday Night Live did a sketch about Todd Palin, Alaska’s First Dude, ‘doing’ his daughters with nary a whisper of outrage from the “non-malodorous fecal matter” modern American Liberals who ooze with contempt for the ubermenschen who make up the country I awake to your statement that Franklin Raines is Willie Horton.
Let the record show that it was neither Bush 41 nor was it Lee Atwater who first put Willie Horton’s name, his remarkable resume, and your oh so typical modern American Liberal response to his Maryland rape and murder furlough before the American public. Let the record show that he was furloughed from a Massachusetts prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder. That it happened on you watch is beyond dispute.
Let the record show that it was Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. who first told America about Willie’s fabulous adventure. Despite the demands on his time – Do you think inventing the Internet is easy? – soon to be Vice President Alpha Gump figured out that you let a feral predator loose on the American public. By the way, Willie Boy was just as Black then as he was a few months later when the TV ads ran. [It was too early to say you were “Swift Boated”. You weren’t “Borked” because the ads against you were true. It’s an open category looking for a name, preferably a gerund.] He told the story during the New York Primary in the spring of 1988.
If you’ve forgotten maybe it’s because you kept banging your head – sans tank helmet – trying to convince Iowans to raise endives. Presumably, your campaign for succotash subsidies is still a thing of the past.
Franklin Raines, as far as I know, to paraphrase Senator Clinton’s response to the admittedly loaded question “Is B. Hussein Obama a towel headed, goat humping, woman stoning, bomb throwing, Jew hating Muslim”? is not a raping murderer on furlough from a Massachusetts prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder, as far as I know.
One thing is for sure, thanks to you. Franklin Raines is Black. I can’t tell you about Willie Horton but he is, by Curley Biden’s standards, “clean and articulate”.
His crime was looting Fannie Mae 6 ways to Sunday. He had to make a “ledger adjustment” of $80,000,000 – that’s 80 million dollars - or he would have faced criminal charges a la Willie. On second thought maybe you were right. Maybe he is Willie Horton with a better tailor. Maybe you are on to something.
As I recall his getaway driver was Jamie Gorelick. You would need a trowel and 5 pounds of lipstick to make her porcine puss palatable. I don’t think Todd Palin would “do” her without a quart of Tequila, a Viagra IV, and several paper bags for her head in case the first two broke. A coyote ugly chew off your arm lest you wake her doxie with the soul of a felon who followed her Mandingo boss to fortune. God, but I love America!
Read this carefully. I’ll write slowly.
If there is no one in Boston who knows anything about the Trivium there must be one book left that discusses it. Find that book. Go to the part on Rhetoric. Look for the term tu quoque. See if you can figure out what’s going on here.
20 years, a score as Lincoln said, later and you still are in denial about Willie Horton’s Odyssey. Considering that your 1988 answer to the hypothetical question about what you would do if your wife was raped and murdered covered all the third rails of modern American Liberalism – motivation, background, intention, pre-school nurturing, self esteem, high fat diet, Was he bullied as a child, non-competitive schools, peer group pressure, residual institutional racism, undiagnosed ADD or ADDHD and no Thorazine in sight – perhaps I can see why you still can’t accept Orwell’s fundamental truths.
“…the solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard.
Water is wet. Objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s center…”
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the other Fannie Mae ad features James Johnson.
He’s White.
Did he murder anyone?
Senator Joseph Biden
Senator Joseph Biden
@Obama for President
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: “Be a patriot. Step up and pay more taxes” or so you say
Senator Curley,
low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which
best pays the Treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to
increase one’s taxes. Over and over again the Courts have
said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to
keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and
poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public
duty to pay more than the law demands.”
Judge Learned B. Hand
United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Gregory v. Helvering
I mention the specifics – Judge, Court, and case – because you don’t hold attribution in the highest regard.
A bouquet, of schandefreude surrounds you – almost like Justice Douglas’s beloved permutations – when you open your gob. Who knows what is coming out next? The umbrella term covering it would normally be “rhetorical incontinence”. If I believed the clap trap nonsense about your “blue collar” roots I would call it “verbal diarrhea”. Since the only time “blue collar” would apply to you would be after a trip to Brooks Brothers Shirt aisle I can’t.
There is an urge to poleax you with the quote from Samuel Johnson – the original Doctor J, if you will – about “patriotism” but it would be out of context. Doubtless you are a “scoundrel” but it can’t apply to you in this instance. Drat.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been in any of the better “blue collar” bars in Bayonne, New Jersey. Suffice to say but if you stuck a finger in any patron’s chest and told him to “work on his pecs” you would have it snapped off and stuffed up your nose. I say nose because there may have been ladies present.
Is it true that you were raised in what was/is known as Chateau Country in Wilmington, Delaware?
Were there any shop classes at Archmere Academy when you were there? How about working on engines?
Do you and Senator Kennedy [D-Ma] and Senator Rockefeller [D-WVa] gather in a saloon, one that has a juke box and a pool table, tossing back some shots and beers and talk about the good old “blue collar” days? If you do it must be a hoot.
You and the missus – that’s the way “blue collar” guys talk about their wives – averaged about a quarter of million dollars a year in income in the paste 10 years. 10 X $250,000 equals $2,500,000, right? How many extra bucks did you send voluntarily to the Treasury in those 10 years?
If you sent none would that make you less of a patriot? Would it make you more of a scoundrel?
Maybe I should revisit the quote about scoundrels and patriots.
PS – Why do you have 2 offices in Delaware? Alaska has 5 golf courses, two of them Par 3s, bigger than your whole state
Scott Wyman, The Sun Sentinel
Scott Wyman
The Sun Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: “Minority Business Program is Mismanaged” – Your story in today’s Sun Sentinel
Mr. Wyman,
Shades of Casablanca!
“I’m shocked. Shocked.”
11 years ago, partly as a lark brought on by Broward County’s desperate attempt to give a hotel to a Black man, I lead an effort to –A- establish a minority owned company and –B- leach a la a lamprey eel onto the perpetually lactating mammary of minority set asides.
The part about the hotel, the Black man, and the eternally guilt ridden modern American Liberal Broward County Board of County Commissioners is Broward County writ large, isn’t it?
R. Donahue Peeples, and I still hope that the “R” stands for Rex as in Rex et Imperator, wanted to get a “free” hotel in Broward County. Having gotten a “free” hotel in Miami Beach he figured it would be “nothing but net” to euchre the rubes in Broward County.
Alas, unlike Miami Beach where he got an existing building for “free”, he would have to build a new one here. The simple solution would have been to sell his most favored spot at the Gravy Chain station to one of the major hotel chains. He would have toasted his great good fortune while the nit-wits who run this county could have come down from the Cross of White Guilt for at least a while.
Unfortunately he needed financing.
He had a quasi commitment from the Bank of Sark. It was written on a cocktail napkin with the appropriate stains and smudges. One of them erased the phone number. He had a promise from a bank in Death Valley that was only open on Tuesday nights. Their promise of construction financing was a contract that was only binding at parties and then only within the octave of one of our suns rising in the West. He, as Trollope said, “had no tin”.
I founded a company with 3 minorities as principals. The goal was to solicit minority set aside business.
I was immediately solicited by Broward County, the Broward County Board of Education, TRI-RAIL, the North Broward Hospital District, and the State of Florida. They wanted me to bid on an astonishing number of contracts. Each of the above named entities had people ready to help me in the bidding process. [Isn’t current County Commissioner Eggelettion on the public pad at the Board of Education as a “diversity expert”? Charles Dickens had a great line – “I’ll retire to Bedlam” – that would apply here.
I got the project to the point where lower case perjury would have been required to “matriculate the ball down the field”. Employees of several of the above named entities had perfected their blind eye routine. I chose to remember that “when a man is upon oath he holds his soul in his hands as if it were water. He opens them at his peril.”
Now I read that $37,700,000 of Federal Funds for air port and mass transit projects has gone walkabout.
Like I said, “I’m shocked. Shocked.”
One last thing.
You say “the agency lacked detailed procedures to set goals and then monitor participation”.
After all these years, after all those noble intentions, after all that money, can someone, anyone, tell me the difference between a “goal” and a “quota”?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Trudy Rubin. The Philadelphia Enquirer
Trudy Rubin
The Philadelphia Enquirer
400 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130
RE: Treaty obligations as commented on in your column in the Miami Herald today.
Ms. Rubin,
“Sarah Palin says we might have to go to war with Russia over Georgia.
I don’t really hold her responsible for this astonishing remark.”
The Miami Herald
Perhaps you’ve forgotten. For treaties to become law they must be confirmed by 2/3rds of the Senate. A long and sometimes contentious process is necessary before this country commits to it. Versailles? Rejected. SALT 2? Kyoto? Never submitted.
Perhaps you’ve forgotten. In 1960 there was a contentious foreign policy issue in the Presidential campaign. Perhaps you’ve forgotten your geography. Quemoy and Matsu are in sight of mainland China. They flew the flag of Taiwan. Mainland China used to bombard them on an odd/even bombing schedule to show their humanity. There was a question of whether or not the United States would go to war with Red China over them. Senator Kennedy said
“Any place is defensible if free men choose to do so.”
Perhaps I’ve forgotten. Refresh my memory. The difference between Quemoy and Matsu and Georgia is…is…what?
In 1805 a United States war ship was anchored in Tunisia. There was ongoing domestic unrest. The wife of an American citizen was in danger. The Captain asked, “Do you want the protection of the American flag?” She said, “Yes.”
Perhaps you’ve forgotten. Were we not told that “we will pay any price, bear any burden in defense of liberty”? We don’t get to pick and choose the places to keep our promises. Perhaps you’ve forgotten.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Your slip is showing
Suzanna Andrews
Vanity Fair
RE: Arthur Miller’s “courageous refusal in 1956” – “It ain’t necessarily so”, or so said Sportin’ Life.
Ms. Andrews,
In the current issue of Vanity Fair you speak of Arthur Miller’s 1956 “courageous refusal to Name Names before the House un-American Activities Committee”.
When he “courageously refused” to do so what happened to him?
Was he tried a la Bukharin in 1938? You may recall that Bukharin was found guilty and, in typical KGB protocol, was shot in the face on the way back to his cell. His family was billed for the cost of the execution.
Was he defenestrated – and if that isn’t one of my favorite words it’s close, glossololia being the other one – a la Jan Masaryk in 1948?
Was he Gulaged a la Alexander Solzhenitsyn for saying that the Big Boss Man had a moustache?
1956 was the year that the Soviet Union invaded Hungary wasn’t it? As I recall the only domestic use for the United States Army in the ‘50s was the occupation of Little Rock, Arkansas. Republican Eisenhower said that if Democrat Faubus would not enforce a Federal court order the United States Army would. I was a teenager at the time but I don’t recall the Army invading Greenwich Village to root out the malcontents, however irksome they may have been. Do you?
It seems that the only honorable thing Miller did with regard to his son was that he did not call out for “more stone” as an alternative therapy.
We're short a nail. Cross your feet.
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Have you ever heard of Jonathan Swift?
Precious Bambi,
It’s tough enough what with you trying to memorize the 57 or 58 states – How many ways can you spell potato? – while trying to find the seldom seen “Nitally Lion” in the embittered, gun clinging wilds of Pennsylvania. By now you realize that the perfect Joe Biden action doll will have but one foot. The missing one will be so far down his throat that it could give nuggies to his sternum.
It gets worse. I tell you, as a true friend and trusted adviser, that you have some absolutely moronic “moonbats” running around the country singing your song,
It’s almost as if Lee Atwater is leading a Halleluiah Chorus. How else can you explain why a whole bunch of mush brained celebrity farts begin to chant
Jesus was a Community Organizer.
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.
Does that mean that should Governor Palin become Vice President she would crucify you?
Perhaps a deeper knowledge of 20th Century American History could have prevented this gaffe. Your daughters go to a very expensive private grammar school. Maybe the school has a library you could visit. Maybe it has some books on the subject.
T. Woodrow Wilson – and his name cannot be mentioned without recalling that Thurgood Marshall always said he was the most racist President ever, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jimmy E. Carter, and William Jefferson Blythe Clinton were Governors before they became President.
President Wilson, after having a private viewing of “The Birth of a Nation” in the White House, said, “The film is History”. I can find no record of him favoring crucifixion. Floggings and lynchings, yes. Crucifixion, no.
The same for Roosevelt, Carter, and Clinton.
Wait a minute. I don’t mean they were in favor if floggings and lynchings. I mean that because they were governors it doesn’t mean that they were in favor of crucifixions. It’s confusing, I know.
How about this?
Republican Governors are in favor of crucifixions. Only one Democratic Governor was in favor of floggings, lynchings, and crucifixions, OK?
One more thing.
My extensive foreign sources, all of whom are confidential and will remain anonymous, have confirmed that you have more siblings than John McCain has houses. You should update your Kwanzaa list.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Altaf Ali and Why can't we all just get along?
Mr. Altaf Ali
@The Sun-Sentinel – OP ED
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: Freedom – A response to your OP-ED piece in today’s Sun-Sentinel
Mr. Ali,
Of the many hallmarks of Western Civilization – Western, not Far Eastern, mid Eastern, or Fertile Crescent based – is that “free men speak with free tongues”. Thus when I read your article this morning it was not extraordinary. In a calm manner you discussed several myths held by people who are not Muslims.
But always there is a persistent questioning about you religion and its practical effects.
I daresay that your article was published exactly as you wrote it. Can you name me one Muslim ruled country where I would be allowed to publish an article repudiating Islamic myths about Christianity? You are allowed to practice your religion as freely as anybody else in this country. Can you name one Muslim ruled country that would allow me to practice my religion as freely as you do so here? Do you think I could open a Catholic church in Mecca? There are mosques in Rome. Why aren’t there any non-Mosque houses of worship in Riyadh or Qom?
1300 years after the birth of Christ Dante wrote The Divine Comedy. In it he depicted some of the evil people and practices of Christianity. It’s been a bit more than 1300 years since Muhammad died. Can you name the Islamic equivalent of La Commedia? Can you identify the Islamic Dante?
At least once a day I listen to Mozart. Can you name one, just one, Islamic Mozart? If there aren’t any why is that so?
In this country there is a sculpture called “Piss Christ”. It shows a crucifix suspended in a vat of urine. It was partially funded by American taxpayers. There is a portrait, also tax payer supported, that shows a picture of the Blessed Mother. The artist has flung dung on it. There is a play, Corpus Cristi by Terence McNally, also tax payer supported, that says Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot were homosexual lovers. Further, it says that the crucifixion of Jesus happened because of a lovers’ quarrel featuring Jesus and Judas. I find this, as a Roman Catholic, to be deeply offensive. My protests have gone unrequited. I have yet to kill anyone over this matter.
A few years ago a Danish cartoonist tried to publish some cartoons caricaturing Mohammed. The Muslim world went “barking mad” at this. Thousands of people, thankfully mostly Muslims, died. A Danish film maker, a Christian and a descendant of the great artist Van Gogh, was hacked to death on a public street by a Muslim outraged over his lack of respect for Mohammed. 1300 years after Mohammed appeared could you name one Muslim artist of the stature of Van Gogh? Of Michelangelo? We know that there are no Muslim Mozarts. How about an Islamic Bach? How about a Koran believing Cole Porter?
Are there any myths in what I have written? Are there any lies?
Incidentally, I have written to you some six times. I have never had the courtesy of a reply. Each of my previous letters has been as well reasoned and well mannered as this one. I address this one to the Sun-Sentinel. American newspapers are extremely sensitive to the “chilling effect” and “slippery slope” of prior restraint or censorship, be it self imposed or not.
Maybe they can get you to answer.
It is well to note that one of the charges being leveled against Governor Palin is that she “burned books”. There is no more serious charge for a modern American Liberal to make than that. That’s why the Sun-Sentinel has a permanent exhibit of those Danish cartoons on Mohammed in their lobby.
Just kidding.
By the way, how are the Muslims and the Hindus getting along?
PS – Because I did not mention Aquinas or Haydn or Shakespeare or Hemingway or Madison doesn’t mean I have purposely excluded them from this conversation. If, should you so deign, to answer my questions could you include a list of Muslim contemporaries? I say contemporaries because they have no peers, regardless of religion.
The slightly askew Moral Compass of Doris Kearns Goodwin
Doris Kearns Goodwin
@Parade Magazine
711 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10017
RE: A Moral Compass – Sometimes it’s tough to find True North
Ms. Kearns Goodwin,
Far be it for me to criticize a Pulitzer Prize for something she didn’t say but, alas, I owe it to the ledger.
In the pantheon of past Pulitzer Prize winners – Walter Duranty and Janice Cook leap to mind – the main criterion was what they said. In the case of the former the fact that Walter Duranty was a bought and paid for stooge for the KGB has never caused he New York Times to repudiate him. In case you’ve forgotten he convinced the world that Stalin didn’t cause the deaths of 8,000,000 million Ukrainians, Europe’s first Holocaust. In the case of the latter Janice Cooke created a tale about pre-pubescent drug dealing. It could have been taken from a whole cloth woven in the church where Senator B. Hussein Obama sat for 20 years and never ever heard Pastor Wrong Wright, the man who married him and his wife, and baptized his children spoke of such things.
Not to say something can constitute fraud. That was told to me by a law school classmate of your husband.
You wrote the following this morning in Parade Magazine. Your heading was the need for a Moral Compass.
“Republicans told Lincoln that unless he renounced his
Emancipation Proclamation, the Confederates never would
agree to peace talks without which he had no hope of re-election.”
Parade Magazine
And where were the Democrats in all this?
A case could be made that because they, and The New York Times, were opposed to the Civil War, they were in favor of slavery. Their candidate, McClellan, AKA “The Boy Napoleon, acquiesced in calling Lincoln a “baboon”. Lincoln asked him that if “he wasn’t going to use the army could he borrow it for a while”.
Speaking of war casualties, was it June or July of 1864 that the Union Army took 50,000 casualties? Perhaps it was both months.
Grant and Sherman led “surges” about 1000 miles apart. The Democratic Party was apoplectically opposed to both. Sherman’s second surge shortened the Civil War by 18 months. Had the Democrats been in charge neither would have taken place.
Funny how some things never change.
A few years ago you plagiarized another’s written word.
In this instance you show that your Moral Compass is still broken. This time by what you didn’t say.
Clio’s children, Herodotus, Thucydides Plutarch, and Gibbon wouldn’t be surprised. They would be a just a bit ashamed.
Bambi afnd The Right Stuff
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Text messaging and The Right Stuff
Senator Bambi,
Have you heard from Senator Curley Biden lately? To paraphrase Samuel Johnson, “The man’s an ass and that’s the end of it”. The dummy thinks Manual Labor is the dude from Huejutla who does his lawn. Do not – repeat – do not let him handle sharp instruments or operate heavy equipment without adult supervision.
But that’s not why I write.
The fact that Senator McCain will never be mistaken for a nerd or a geek plus the fact that he will pose no threat to Bill Gates is, to me, good news.
I don’t know how to fly a plane but that didn’t prevent me from getting on board and flying to Dallas last June to see my granddaughters last June.
I don’t know how to perform a cardiac catherization but that didn’t prevent me from having one last June in Dallas.
Here’s a pop quiz for you.
When Senator McCain was in his mid-20s he was trying to “catch the 3 wire”. What were you doing in your mid-20s?
I don’t think Senator McCain ever knew how to build a jet plane. He knew that the ideal carrier landing for a Naval Aviator was to “catch the 3 wire”.
Incidentally, people in the United States Air Force who fly jet planes are called pilots. People in the United States Navy who fly jet planes are called Naval Aviators. [A quick Google search for Torpedo Squadron Eight will show you why they can call themselves anything they want. A similar search of the United States Eight Air Force will show you why they can do the same.]
As to how you spent your time when you were in your twenties, the years that Churchill said were the most important, if your moveable feast of a resume is correct you were “community organizing” the Bejeezus out of Chicago. How did that turn out? Did you rid the place of those accursed Daleys? Did you toss the rascals out of office? Were you the one who sent Democratic Congressman Rostenkowski to jail? Were you the one who blew the whistle, so to speak, on pedophile Democratic Congressman Mel Reynolds? If memory serves he was convicted of child abuse, sentenced to prison, subsequently pardoned by President Clinton and hired by Democratic Congressman Jesse Jackson. Is this an example of Change we can believe in?
More importantly, were the people better off when you left then they were when you arrived?
Last week there was a news story that about 1000 inner city youth – that’s doublespeak for urban Black kids – from Chicago went to Wilmette and Winnetka to register for school. Is there something wrong with the public schools in Chicago? Wouldn’t they have benefited from “community organizing”? I must disclose that I am an honorary alumnus of the Catholic grammar school run in Chicago by Father George Clements.
Don’t you think it would be “cool” – your description of what government should be – if the schools worked in Chicago? Is that why you don’t send your girls to public schools there? If you are elected will your girls go attend any of the very fine grammar schools in Washington? If not, why not?
Anyway, as I’m sure you know by now, Senator McCain can’t text message or e-mail or use a keyboard because he had his arms and shoulders broken in North Vietnam. I am told that he can’t even brush his hair.
Stop the presses!
Somebody just told Curley Biden that Delaware wasn’t a slave state. He said he wanted to pull his hair out but his plugs, Gorilla Glued, “copper sheathed and iron bottomed”, won’t budge.
Maybe you should tell Whoopi Goldberg. Maybe Delaware won’t have to “succeed” from the Union.
PS – The same researcher who found out that Senator McCain couldn’t e-mail should try to find out if he attended the Tail Hook Convention in San Diego. That was the one where pilots who had qualified for carrier landings proved that Kipling was right. That will fly just as well as the smarmy, fecally aromatic bit about computers. Also, there is rumor that President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs sent only 2 e-mails in his time in the White House. One he sent several hundred times and the other he sent but once; “The coast is clear” and “Burn that dress”. Find out about that also.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bambi & Curly
It required knowledge of the Trivium, specifically, Logic. Then, with a combination of skill and cunning that enabled me to overcome no small dollop of danger, access to Alpha Gump’s Internet, and with a profoundly intertwined American exceptionalism in my DNA I filled in the blanks and connected the dots. Although I am engulfed in the divers hues and auras of penumbras and emanations of schadenfreude, not to mention what may be a terminal case of enuresis caused by my due diligence, I must announce the coming departure of Curly Biden from the ticket headed by Senator B. Hussein Obama. I call him Curly, not because of his silly ass hair, but because I always thought he was the smartest of the Stooges. It is akin to being the world’s tallest midget.
Follow this ballista as it goes dead center perfect into the 10 ring.
Congressman Robert Wexler [D-Florida and maybe Maryland] is a person about whom it is impossible to say enough bad things. He has caught the ultimate brass ring. I awarded him the glorious title of SMARMY BASTARD OF THE YEAR several years ago. He has more than lived up to it. His “official” residence is a senior citizen managed care facility called Del Boca Vista Grande in Palm Beach County. Presumably, his non-public grammar school attending children live in the trunk of his car. He is a man who, if he were to burst into flames, I would not pee on him to put it out. If you doubt my sincerity strike a match. In his spare time – he is the quintessential SOCCER DAD – he is the Chairman of the B. Hussein Obama + Curly Biden committee in Florida.
As soon as Governor Palin was named to the ticket – a moment’s digression must be taken to say that she never cheated in college and that she never plagiarized any speeches from any failed politician like Curly Biden – Congressman Wexler, and let me say for the record that he is meaner than cat shit, said in an ex cathedra manner that Governor Palin was a Nazi.
He said that Governor Palin “liked” Pat Buchanan. He said that Pat Buchanan was a Nazi. Ergo, Governor Palin was a Nazi.
I was going to give him a stern lecture featuring “Who steals my purse steals trash…”, high minded literary stuff like that, but I knew it would be pearls before swine for him. I thought of B. Hussein Obama and decided against telling him because he is still working on the water walking shtick that he promised for Halloween. I thought of taking an ad in the Chicago Tribune but since he community organized the Hell out of it the place is running like Switzerland. As an aside, whatever happened to the Daleys? I know he saved them from being drawn and quartered like Pastor Wrong Wright and Bill Ayers, AKA “Mad Bomber” Bill, wanted. Both were Homerically tumescent in anticipation thereof. Where are they? Did he send them to live with his brother in Kenya? Maybe we should put their pictures on milk cartons. Maybe we should post an award. How about “America’s Most Wanted”? I thought about Curly Biden but, experienced as he is, he still hasn’t quite mastered what to do with his thumbs. Why embarrass him more than he already has himself.
But then I thought that if Governor Palin is, by the strict standards of Weasel Wexler, a Nazi what would a look at the record tell us about Biden, AKA Boob du jour?
The facts would support the following interpretation of his voting record. For the following he is said to be experienced? A few more years of similar experiences and we’ll all be undone.
#1 – In 1975 he voted in favor of Hanoi occupying Saigon.
#2 – In 1983 he voted in favor of Moscow occupying Nicaragua.
#3 – In 1991 he voted in favor of Saddam Hussein
#4 – In 2006 he voted against winning the war in Iraq.
About #4…Although the Senate did not vote on it in 1864 it would be no great leap to infer that, had there been a vote, he would have voted against Sherman’s Surge. [Lord knows that the Democratic Party and the New York Times detested Lincoln. They wanted the Union to stop fighting the South. Lincoln was called a “baboon” so it’s easy to see where Wexler the Worm got his marching orders.] Since Curly Biden is a Democrat and since he just announced that Delaware was a Southern state and that he doesn’t much like “dot heads” the segue to him being opposed to the surge and in favor of slavery was right in front of my eyes, like a turd in the punch bowl. It’s easy to picture him rubbing the lawn jockey’s head for good luck when he led the hunt for the runaways. In his instance the lawn jockey was real. Can you imagine his 86 tooth grin in anticipation of giving Jemima a real grown up present for her 11th birthday? I can. More importantly, he can.
As soon as the Obama people find out that Curly Biden regularly won the slave whipping contest at the Delaware State Fair – Is it true that “Dixie” is his ring tone? – his White ass is History.
How about President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs as a fill in? Would there be a better way to turn Hillary the Hecate into Lizzy Borden? Just tell her that he ordered a gross of blue dresses for his staff plus a Viagra IV. Two stones with one bird.
Logic. Ain’t it grand?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Carl Hiaasen, The Miami Herald
Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: “Another vote fiasco…in guess where” – A longer view take on your “I’m soooo mad I could just spit” about why “they” just can’t get those votes right in Palm Beach County.
Mr. Hiaasen,
At last! A plausible explanation for the elections of Palm Beach Commissioner Addie Greene, a woman who could and does frequently get lost on a ladder and a woman who is permanently barred from having any involvement with 2 car funerals, and Congressman Robert Wexler, aka The Weasel and/or The Worm, about whom it is impossible to say enough bad things.
That’s how these two mendacious scourges got elected.
But I digress.
“For almost eight guilt-ridden years, we have suffered with the
knowledge that our bungled election altered the course of history.
The war in Iraq, misguided and then mishandled, has cost this country
nearly a trillion dollars and the lives of more than 4,300 soldiers. And
while it is impossible to know what an Al Gore presidency would have
wrought, it’s unlikely he would have responded to the 9/11 attacks by
invading a nation that had no connection to those terrorists.”
The Miami Herald
Page 5L
My father, the legendary Judge Smith, used to read to me. One of our favorite stories was The Virginian by Owen Wister. “When you call me that, smile” was a treasured line.
He also told me about opening ballot boxes in Bayonne, a city on the better end of Hudson County and, thus, a legitimate contender for the title “Pearl of the Hudson, and finding no votes for the Republican candidates. The hurried trips to City Hall, the sage advice from the elders, and the same answer…“Give the Republicans 8 votes. No, don’t take them from the Democrats”.
My mother’s brother, my Uncle Danny, died in May, 1956. His loyalty to the Democratic Party and Row A, a designation that “they” had from 1916 to the early ‘80s, was such that it raised “Death Be Not Proud” to a new level. He voted from the grave in North Arlington for 15 years. Can you believe he was stopped in 1971 by a Federal Judge? Full disclosure demands that I reveal that said Judge was a Nixon appointee.
One of the great, perhaps apocryphal, I hope not, stories about Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago – Maybe you, as a big time media mogul can find out what happened to his family. Since Senator B. Hussein Obama “community organized” the Hell out of the Windy City there has been no trace of them. Do you think foul play may have befallen them? – is that, as a practicing Roman Catholic [Gosh but I wonder what his stance on abortion would have been. I think it would have been different from Curley Biden and SanFranNan Pelosi] he sought absolution for his sins. Although he regarded keeping his vote tallies back until the Republican boobs in Southern Illinois revealed theirs and he could make the Cook County “adjustments” necessary to win as a malum prohibitum the gravity of it weighed heavily on his soul. He knew that if he hadn’t fixed the election in 1960 for Kennedy, Johnson AKA “Landslide Lyndon”, would never have been Vice President. If he hadn’t become Vice President would Vietnam have played out the way it did? Incidentally, the sobriquet “Landslide Lyndon” needs the Italianate hand of a novelist. Abe Fortas, The Duke of Duval County, bovine suffrage…Jeezus Haitch Keerist but who wouldathunk that a bit of Democratic perfidy in 1948 would have given us John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008?
But back to the shoulda/woulda consequences of the near hit/near miss of the FUBARing of Alpha Gump and Palm Beach County in 2000.
Thank God for euphemisms.
“Condo Commandos” is a term used in polite public conversation. Everybody knows what it means. Everybody knew what “New York lawyer” meant in 1993 when Bernie Nussbaum, Esq. cleaned out Vince Foster’s files after he ate his gun. [Incidentally, the quick tale of the newest Palin, the Down’s Syndrome child, being the Governor’s oldest daughter’s child calls to mind the story of Hillary Rodham Clinton grabbing Vince Foster’s ass at a Rose Law Firm Christmas Party and saying “I have to get laid more than once a year”.] “Condo Commandos” is a buzzword for Jews. Particularly New York City Jews. A “New York lawyer” means one thing and one thing only. The fact of the matter is that you want one on your side particularly if the other side has one.
What would the permanently outraged main stream modern American Liberal media have done if Pat Buchanan had said “New York Lawyer”? He would be in quick pursuit of the Pioneer Space Probe. That was the one launched in 1977. Wasn’t Jimmy Carter President that year? Didn’t he say that Israel sponsors apartheid? Have you ever heard of “eclectic indignation”?
That “these” people would have voted for Dr. Mengele because of his enlightened views on abortion there can be no doubt. That they would have voted, willingly, for Pat Buchanan is as likely to have happened as pulled pork sandwiches at a Lubavitcher bris. I don’t know if you saw Worm Wexler’s use of Logic with regards to Sarah Palin. He said that she supported Pat Buchanan. He said that Pat Buchanan is a Nazi. Ergo, Sarah Palin is a Nazi. The Trivium has never had such a frontal assault since the great unwashed feral savages came out of the Fertile Crescent to strangle the birthplace of Western Civilization.
“Was it June or July of 1864 that the Union Army had 50,000 casualties”?
Think of those Spartan Hoplites still at Thermopylae; think of Athenian sailors still with their “wooden wall” at Salamis; think of Charles Martel at Tours; think of Cervantes at Lepanto; think of the Austrians using croissants as a psychological weapon; think of how the Marines came to be known as “Leathernecks”, think of Churchill at Omdurman; think of Munich, 1972; think of the World Trade Center, 1993; think of 9/11.
I say the above as a student of History.
I give you the above line in fee simple, unconditionally, with no reservations, for your use should you decide to write a novel about the Civil War, the Democratic Party, slavery, the New York Times, and Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
As a Democrat he would have been opposed to the Civil War. The New York Times had news stories calling Lincoln a “baboon”. They also wanted a negotiated settlement with the South that would have preserved slavery there. The Democratic Party of 2006 – think Pelosi, Reed, and a former protégée of Bill “Mad Bomber” Ayres and Pastor Wrong Wright known as Senator B. Hussein Obama – was apoplectically opposed to the “Surge”. The New York Times – and if there is ever an example of why the estate tax should include capital punishment just look there – screamed against it everyday, just like it did to its predecessor, the surge led by Sherman. Gore, Nobel Prize notwithstanding, is the dumbest man in American politics. In a mirror lined phone booth, with a certified Life Coach giving instruction, he couldn’t find his ass using both his hands. One of his main problems with so doing is that he hasn’t yet figured out what to do with his thumbs. After voting for McClellan he would have opposed Sherman. He probably would have suggested giving back Atlanta as a sign of good faith.
If Sarah Palin is a Nazi Gore would have been a slave owner. He would have driven the get away wagon for John Wilkes Booth.
“What happened here in 2000 put George Bush in the
White House and it all started in Palm Beach County.”
I hate to be always correcting my betters but…but…in the words of the great Rumsfeld, “Not so. Not so.”
Have you forgotten Tennessee and Arkansas?
Alpha Gump, or as the Secret Service called him, “Cementhead”, a native born Volunteer, the son of Armand Hammer’s bag man, a noted slum lord and land despoiler, couldn’t even carry his own state.
President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, the King of the Oval Office One Eyed Trouser Snakes, couldn’t deliver Arkansas for Dumb Albert. He went on to win a Nobel Prize for, I think, flummery. It is a prize he shares with Le Duc Tho, Rigobertu Minchu, and Yasser Arafat. Wasn’t Arkansas’s motto “Mississippi is Worse”?
If either of those states had gone for Al & Joe the Easter Egg hunt would have been led by the charming Thumper Gump and all the Baby Gumpsters.
The other reason, the reason why George Bush became President, the one that rankles the asses of modern American Liberals, the one that ties their knickers into a knot of Gordian proportions, happened in 1987. Robert Bork. His name is now an eponym for a good man being grossly scandalized. “The little dogs were barking” that day.
He would have voted against taking the case.
You end your plea by exhorting us to “pray for a landslide”.
Prayers are always answered. Sometimes the answer is no.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Jeff Shain, The Miami Herald
Jeff Shain
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: It’s OK for Homer to nod but, God’s Holy Trousers, he ain’t Rip Van Winkle!
Mr. Shain,
her name at a luxury community being developed in
the Dominican Republic, but she will also play a
role in the design.”
The Miami Herald
Page 2D
[whiz bang italics mine]
While it’s possible for a principal to play a principled role it is etymologically impossible for a principle to play a principled role. Don’t bother to ask. A principle cannot play a principaled role either.
I know things are tough in the newspaper business. If you need some blue pencils let me know. In fact, if you need to know what to do with them let me know also.
Love note to Addie and the detective Friday, September 5, 2008 9:11 AM
The following emails were sent to Addie Greene and the Detective from a Warriorbard reader in Russia:
Sent via email to:
Commissioner Addie Greene
Palm Beach County Government Center
Palm Beach, Florida
Dear Commissioner Greene:
Attached is a note sent to Detective Mahoney of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office in the matter of Mr. KS a resident of Ft. Lauderdale who has recently corresponded with you.
It seems you have a problem with Mr. S exercising his free speech rights. He took you to task and you apparently cannot take the verbal heat. Let us not forget what the beloved Harry Truman said about heat in the kitchen. If you can’t stand it, get out!
Mr. S is never wrong about politicians. He has characterized you as a Horse’s Ass. Wear the title proudly for he has dissected your persona, motives, philosophy and political bearing. If he says you are a Horse’s Ass, then you are!
Please be mindful that the United States Constitution still is the law of the land. Politicians need to be prepared to bear the cross of criticism; and in your case face the searing truth that you are a deficient, obnoxious, liberal with no moral compass. Read on below.
Sent via email to: 4 September 2008
Detective Mahoney
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
201 N. Dixie Hwy.
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Dear Detective Mahoney:
I’m dropping you a note from my home/work in Yekaterinburg , Russia . Russia as you may be reading is not the most democratic place these days. Russian leaders have a problem with other countries around them exercising the principles of democracy e.g. the Georgian mess and the pending Ukrainian mess. Let’s hope that South Florida never reaches the level of control on speech that I see on a daily basis here in Russia .
I believe you have been in contact with Mr. KS of Ft. Lauderdale regarding his recent verbal broadsides against Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Greene; a colossal HORSE’S ASS if there ever was one!
A few things about Mr. S: He is an originalist in his ideas on how our government is supposed to work - his thoughts are not unlike those of the Constitutional framers or more contemporarily Judge Robert Bork or Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia. Second he is a brilliant thinker; he runs circles around all who have the pleasure of knowing him. He is a person who ponders things not in the context of the pop culture but in the perspective of the ages. Third, like Rush Limbaugh he is a harmless little fuzz ball and would not harm even a flea. Ms. Greene need only expect a tongue lashing from Mr. S and not the real thing; though it could be argued she deserves it! Fourth he is a huge supporter of law enforcement and has taken offense at Ms. Greene’s comment that police are killers.
Know that he does periodically correspond with politicians, usually those of the liberal stripe, whom he deems needing a trip to the proverbial wood shed for a proper verbal thrashing. Are you as a sworn officer, one who is obliged and (hopefully) enthusiastically supporting the United State Constitution, having a problem with Mr. S corresponding with Addie Greene? Is it now a crime to tell a politician that you disagree with him/her? As a former resident of South Florida Addie Greene’s case is unique and the concepts Mr. S raises about her comment may be beyond her grasp; a mentally deficient public servant if there ever was one and a dopey liberal to boot!
Let’s try and keep all this in perspective. Mr. S is a strong believer in the Constitution and the rights it affords concerning free speech. Mr. S is able to do what I am not currently able to do in Russia and that is to voice an opinion. Do you have a problem with Mr. S’s right to exercise free speech? Addie Greene is not unlike a boil you might develop on your ass that needs to be (verbally) lanced. There is no better man to perform the surgery than KS.
On a lighter note if you are interested in having an education on Single Malt Scotch Whiskies, KS is your go-to guy. He can be your perfect drinking companion and an educator on the history, lore and best brands of Single Malts. He is truly a remarkable fellow; some may call a Renaissance man and one that Addie Greene may want to listen to more closely. He has great ideas and a marvelous sense of humor to boot.
Best regards from Mother Russia,
Thanks, ML.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Senator Joseph Biden
Senator Joseph Biden
@ Obama for President
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 6080
RE: Erratum – Ouch!
Senator Biden,
I sent a letter to you yesterday [copy enclosed] in which I committed a gross error. Even though it was an error of omission it rankles still. An example of “Homer nods” but an error none the less.
In the letter dated September 1, 2008 I said “I don’t like motor mouthed middle age Roman Catholics who think they can pick and choose without consequences which Church doctrines they can safely believe in”. What I meant to say was “I don’t like mush brained motor mouthed middle aged Roman Catholics who think they can pick and choose without consequences which Church doctrines they can safely believe in”. I am sure you can see the difference the exclusion of “mush brained” made. The inclusion of “mush brained” raises it to a different level, right?
For a man of your IQ it would be no small thing. I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Senator Joseph Biden
Senator Joseph Biden
@Obama for President
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: About your high IQ…
Senator Biden,
“John McCain’s new VP nominee seems like a very engaging
person. But I’ve got to say, she’s opposed – like John McCain –
to equal pay for equal work. That doesn’t make much sense to me.”
You and Hillary Clinton are United States Senators. Are you paid more because you have a prostate gland? Is she paid less because she has a cervix? The world wonders.
Your wife has some kind of a doctorate in education. The practical effect of that is that she would probably need a blood hound, a flash light, and a GPS to find a class room.
Let’s use Delaware as an example. A 5th grade English teacher, a 10th grade math teacher, an 8th grade science teacher, and a 3rd grade language arts teacher are hired by the same school district on the same day. They were all graduated from the same school with the same degree and with the same grades. Two of the teachers are male; ergo, two aren’t.
Is there a school district in Delaware that pays the males more? The world wonders.
That discrimination exists is an undeniable fact.
I don’t like motor mouthed middle age Irishmen who call themselves Roman Catholics who think they can pick and choose without consequences which Church doctrines they can safely believe in. The reason I don’t like them is simple. They think no one is looking or listening.
“Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error.” Good advice when it was first given; better advice now.
I am sure in your instance there is a long gone Norbertine monk from Archmere Academy – Remember? – who is saying “Mr. Biden, that’s not what I taught you. Come back before it is too late. Meanwhile, I’ll pray for you. That sound you hear, the one that never goes away, is the Hound hot on your trail. Remember, Mr. Biden?”
Kimberly Brooks, apparently this week’s peripatetic “paradigmatic template” for modern American Liberal uterine perpetually caterwauling hecates, says of Governor Palin “…but her hair HAS GOT TO GO.” Perhaps it is a reverse Samson shtick but if it goes I urge her to send her shorn tresses to you. Who says Republicans don’t believe in recycling?
Senator B. Hussein Obama chose for his running mate [that’s you, Senator] someone who cheated in college, plagiarized political speeches, and chose to confront his folliclely challenged skull with all the forces that modern medicine could muster. [That’s you, Senator]
Would she have to report her fully depreciated hair as a campaign contribution?
As to your high IQ…What color is an orange? Too tough? How do you spell TV?