September 23, 2008
Professor Michael Dukakis
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
RE: Franklin Raines is Willie Horton?
Professor Dukakis,
Three days after the “Trousered Apes” on Saturday Night Live did a sketch about Todd Palin, Alaska’s First Dude, ‘doing’ his daughters with nary a whisper of outrage from the “non-malodorous fecal matter” modern American Liberals who ooze with contempt for the ubermenschen who make up the country I awake to your statement that Franklin Raines is Willie Horton.
Let the record show that it was neither Bush 41 nor was it Lee Atwater who first put Willie Horton’s name, his remarkable resume, and your oh so typical modern American Liberal response to his Maryland rape and murder furlough before the American public. Let the record show that he was furloughed from a Massachusetts prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder. That it happened on you watch is beyond dispute.
Let the record show that it was Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. who first told America about Willie’s fabulous adventure. Despite the demands on his time – Do you think inventing the Internet is easy? – soon to be Vice President Alpha Gump figured out that you let a feral predator loose on the American public. By the way, Willie Boy was just as Black then as he was a few months later when the TV ads ran. [It was too early to say you were “Swift Boated”. You weren’t “Borked” because the ads against you were true. It’s an open category looking for a name, preferably a gerund.] He told the story during the New York Primary in the spring of 1988.
If you’ve forgotten maybe it’s because you kept banging your head – sans tank helmet – trying to convince Iowans to raise endives. Presumably, your campaign for succotash subsidies is still a thing of the past.
Franklin Raines, as far as I know, to paraphrase Senator Clinton’s response to the admittedly loaded question “Is B. Hussein Obama a towel headed, goat humping, woman stoning, bomb throwing, Jew hating Muslim”? is not a raping murderer on furlough from a Massachusetts prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder, as far as I know.
One thing is for sure, thanks to you. Franklin Raines is Black. I can’t tell you about Willie Horton but he is, by Curley Biden’s standards, “clean and articulate”.
His crime was looting Fannie Mae 6 ways to Sunday. He had to make a “ledger adjustment” of $80,000,000 – that’s 80 million dollars - or he would have faced criminal charges a la Willie. On second thought maybe you were right. Maybe he is Willie Horton with a better tailor. Maybe you are on to something.
As I recall his getaway driver was Jamie Gorelick. You would need a trowel and 5 pounds of lipstick to make her porcine puss palatable. I don’t think Todd Palin would “do” her without a quart of Tequila, a Viagra IV, and several paper bags for her head in case the first two broke. A coyote ugly chew off your arm lest you wake her doxie with the soul of a felon who followed her Mandingo boss to fortune. God, but I love America!
Read this carefully. I’ll write slowly.
If there is no one in Boston who knows anything about the Trivium there must be one book left that discusses it. Find that book. Go to the part on Rhetoric. Look for the term tu quoque. See if you can figure out what’s going on here.
20 years, a score as Lincoln said, later and you still are in denial about Willie Horton’s Odyssey. Considering that your 1988 answer to the hypothetical question about what you would do if your wife was raped and murdered covered all the third rails of modern American Liberalism – motivation, background, intention, pre-school nurturing, self esteem, high fat diet, Was he bullied as a child, non-competitive schools, peer group pressure, residual institutional racism, undiagnosed ADD or ADDHD and no Thorazine in sight – perhaps I can see why you still can’t accept Orwell’s fundamental truths.
“…the solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard.
Water is wet. Objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s center…”
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the other Fannie Mae ad features James Johnson.
He’s White.
Did he murder anyone?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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