Monday, January 26, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein

January 24, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein
800 East Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Camp Gitmo and …and…what’s that word?

Congressman Klein,

I suppose it would be more fruitful “Waiting for Godot” than it would be waiting for the simple courtesy of a reply from you. After all, I am only a constituent of the district that you represent.

I write this with the sincere hope that you can get a message to the Big Guy in the White House.

He’s in charge. If he wants Camp Gitmo shut down tell him to imagine he’s back in Chicago and his name is Daley. “The wish of the Prince has the force of law” is just as valid in Chicago as it was in Florence. All the Mayor would have to do would be to whisper in one ear and the place would be broom swept and muzzein free in 3 days, 4 tops.

That leaves one vexing question.

What’s to be done with the prisoners?

How about bringing some of the really bad ones to the Super Bowl?

Weld them to some smart bombs, being sure to cover them in pig fat, and try to hit the logo on the 50 yard line. It would be the Logical next step in the tired Punt, Pass, and Kick contest. The winning pilot gets to lead the bomb run on Mecca

Too harsh?

OK. OK. Bring them to Broward County.

We have a lot of empty condos and apartment units. I am sure they would qualify for Section 8 subsidies. I know it could be construed as a bailout for land lords but look at the good side.

Broward is committed to diversity. It’s possible we could have the filthy WOG who cut Daniel Berg’s head off in an empty Century City condo. He could run for Condo Commando. I can see a Broadway musical and maybe a TV series coming out of this.

I may be over thinking this.

There may be a simpler solution at hand.

Cut a hole in the fence and send their sad sacked sorry asses to Cuba. Either they go to Cuba or, if they stay, they have to listen to Michael Moore talk over and over and over and over. And over. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment! They’ll be begging to be waterboarded.

I got it! I got it!

The word I’m looking for is…is…bullshit.

President Bambi is doing what President Lincoln, his idol, did.

#44 closes Gitmo except he doesn’t. #16 freed the slaves where he couldn’t and kept them in chains where he could have freed them.

The only difference I see is that the Democrats and the New York Times hated #16. You knew that, didn’t you? In fact, the Times called him a baboon. It will be a while before the Times calls Barack a baboon, don’t you think? It was acceptable, however, to compare Bush with Hitler.

Saint Augustine, another African of note, asked God to “make him strong but not just yet”.

When should we expect to be overwhelmed by change?

In anticipation of the courtesy of a reply I remain

Your most humble constituent,

PS – The Congressional Budget Office says that 2/3rds of the money in the current stimulus bill can’t be spent until 2011. How will that “create” jobs in 2009? Could it be that the theme of this note is valid again?

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