Sunday, March 8, 2009

Myriam Marquez, The Miami Herald

March 9, 2009

Myriam Marquez
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: Good law, bad law. How is a policeman to know? Your take on

Ms. Marquez,

means, in the first place, the absolute supremacy of regular
law as opposed to the influence of arbitrary power, and
excludes the existence of arbitrariness, of prerogative,
or even of wide discretionary authority on the part of government,”

The Law of the Constitution

A.V. Dicey

Let’s start there.

Why are the most active real estate buyers last year in Miami/Dade citizens of foreign countries?

Two reasons:

#1 – Bargain plus currency swings.
#2 – The deed is recorded in a court house above which flies an American flag.

No loud mouthed thug like Chavez saying who will survive and prosper. An entire continent – Africa – is now devoted to settling disputes with a policeman’s Billy club rather than a Judge’s gavel. The Rule of Law is the first casualty. Cui bono?

You say that street cops shouldn’t enforce Federal immigration laws. Would you be so kind as to publish your list of which laws they must enforce, which laws they should enforce weather permitting, which laws should or should not be enforced depending on the age of the alleged law breaker, and which other laws must never be enforced?

Because of budget restraints and cutback should a Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy come to the aid of U.S. Postal Worker who is being assaulted? Following your Logic, a difficult enough task under normal circumstance because you show no familiarity with the discipline, the policeman whose “lot is never a happy one” will now have to decide which laws to enforce. You ask “Is this what the public wants”?

Should the precinct pre-shift muster now include the results of overnight tracking polls?

Your culprit, the notorious 287G program of the Immigration and Customs Agency, has simple enough solution. Have Congress ban it. Change the rules if you must. Don’t have the referee change them every time the period ends to be “fair”” to the losing side.

“This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast. If you
cut them down…who would protect you when, the laws
all being flat, the Devil turned on you?”

President Grant said, “The best way to get rid of a bad law was to enforce it”.

You put the burden, unfairly, on the cop on the beat.

Like I said, Logic is not your strong suit.

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