July 17, 2009
Letters to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
RE: Maybe it’s time for a forced intervention. Doubtless, the vast Right-Wing conspiracy has caused him to turn to the dark side so beloved of modern American Liberals. Based on today’s column he’ll be singing the Horst Wessel song by Labor Day. A different take on Professor Steven L. Goldstein revealing his Nazi tendencies.
Humor has never been his strong suit. Satire must have been in the Lit section that he missed. That’s why I thought this morning’s column was by Max Goldstein, his evil Republican twin. Somewhere in his gene pool there is a smiling Janus. Then I realized the source of his glee. This week marks the 212th Anniversary of the Alien and Sedition Act.
Let’s focus on the Sedition part.
A good definition of it would be if the big guy doesn’t like what you are saying he knocks you down and puts his boot on your neck.
Goldstein the despot begins this morning’s screed with his call, his repeated call, for “strict control of messages”.
Too bad he wasn’t around when “The Crucible” was being cast. Can’t you picture him joyfully hauling out more stone?
There is a bill in Congress aimed at hate crimes. It is named after Matthew Shepherd. He was a 21 year old homosexual who was picked up in a gay bar by two [presumptively] heterosexuals. He was tortured and murdered. His body was then tied to a barbed wire fence.
Would Professor Goldstein exercise his “strict control of messages” if I were to suggest renaming it the Matthew Shepherd/Jesse Dirkhising bill?
Jesse Dirkhising was 11 years old when he was kidnapped by two homosexuals. He was kept alive for two days during which he was repeatedly raped and sodomized. He was strangled by forcing rags dipped in chemicals down his throat and then having his mouth and nose taped shut.
Which of these two victims is more dead?
Is there any amount of Federal legislation that will prevent the face of evil from presenting it self again? T.S. Eliot speaks of the eternal presence of evil. The Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, Lex Romanus, English common law, Sharia law, the Constitution, and the do-good intentions of mush brained modern American Liberals have not prevented these heinous crimes from happening over and over.
Why will this latest attempt be different?
It was made a crime to drink whiskey in 1919. Unemployment was outlawed in 1946. We declared war on poverty in 1964.
Modern American Liberals profess their love of precedent – Roe v Wade – when questioning a Judicial nominee.
I just mentioned 4 precedents.
“Eclectic indignation” allows mALs to forget the first 3 and concentrate on the last one. It is part of the cognitive dissonance that allows them to survive. That plus the universal 800 number for chiropractors. Their eternally aching backs are caused by political positions that require the suspension of all the laws governing gravity.
Which brings us back to Cossack Goldstein and his stance on free speech.
It’s free for him but not for me.
My solution for his speech is to criticize him.
His solution for my speech is to stop me from speaking.
The First Amendment, the one that begins with “Congress shall make no law…”, spells out rights that were mine before my birth or that of my country. The Declaration of Independence said that certain rights – “unalienable” – did not come from the King. The Constitution did not give me rights. If that were the case it could take them away just as easily. The Constitution enumerated them. The key to understanding the Bill of Rights is take it as a primer on what government cannot do. The rights are mine; it is a gift “from beyond the stars”. Speech Czar Goldstein, a Fuehrer in sheep’s clothing, has decided that he will stop me from speaking should he find what I say offensive. Further, he will stop me from supporting my candidates with my money.
26 centuries ago Greeks, stumbling in the Agora after fighting off invaders from the Fertile Crescent, decided that “Free men speak with free tongues”.
IL Duce Goldstein, emulating Mussolini, the favorite dictator of the 1930s version of modern American Liberals, puts limits on everybody’s speech but his
With the exception of the 3rd Amendment are there any others of the original 10 that he would permit in his new society?
Orwell was right when he said of Stalin that “all men are equal; some men are more equal than others”. Goldstein’s argument for “strict controls” is straight from Big Brother. “Quis custodiet ipso custodes”, straight from Juvenal, is still apt today. He should have it on his license. If that doesn’t work maybe he could be branded.
Bush was compared to Hitler. Lincoln was called a baboon. This country still has not had an election comparable to 1800 for its vitriol. 1876 was pretty good also.
Saint Thomas More said he “would give the devil the benefit of law for his own safety’s sake”. I can accuse HUAC-loving Goldstein of many things. Sainthood is not one of them. Maybe if he had his head cut off I would have a different view.
PS – Isn’t it time for him to come out of the closet and tell us how much he admires Joe McCarthy?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
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