October 22, 2009
Fred Grimm
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: Approaching the “barking mad’ stage of public discourse. Some comments on your column about the racial composition of this year’s entering class at the Univeristy of Florida School of Medicine
Mr. Grimm,
I am shocked, shocked that it took you so long to find out that money buys influence – politicians like to cal it “access”, particularly when they are on the catching end of all that loot – up to and including medical school admissions.
Then you use your training in formal Logic to deduce that the 2 and only 2 Black, African-American, Negro, and/or Colored students in this year’s class at the University of Florida School of Medicine [1.56% as cardiologist Edward Holifield, M.D. reminds us] is proof positive of pernicious, deep rooted, systemic racism. As soon as the paucity of Black actuaries, the shortage of Blacks in the ongoing Serbian/Croatian dustup, the absence of Black bassoonists, and the total absence of transgendered Black Chasidic Jews is revealed it will be a short step to blame Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, the great Reagan, and, of course, Nixon for all these woes. I can predict with great confidence that the solution to the above will involve a substantial tax increase particularly among the undeserving rich.
I remind you, probably to no avail, that correlation is not causation. I could include a bit of post hoc ergo propter hoc but that would probably be a bit too much.
Speaking of statistics, how about an article on all those potential non-White medical students who have been aborted since 1973? Black women make up 6% of this country. They have had 35% of the abortions performed. That number is about 15,000,000. That’s 15 million fewer potential entrants into the underrepresented class at medical school. Margaret Sanger would have been proud. Her goal was to “cull the herd”. Hitler liked her ideas so much he used them as the basis for his 1934 Nuremberg Race Laws. Modern American Liberals have made abortion the major sacrament in their secular church. Is this an example of too much Affirmative Action?
Speaking of money, influence, and how they supersede Affirmative Action can you tell me how Teddy Kennedy got into Harvard? OOPS! Permit me an addendum. How did he get into Harvard twice?
Blacks being but 1.56% of the incoming class at the University of Florida School of Medicine suggests something other than racism. To suggest otherwise is akin to saying that the oceans are not rising, polar bears are not drowning, and, further, that Global Warming is a good thing. [The last time we had a significant upward spike in temperature we got the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Dante?]
I run the risk of excessive opprobrium and being pelted with billingsgate but I have to do it lest the terrorists, both foreign and domestic, win.
Blacks being 1.56% of a first year class at any medical school suggests that there are factors other than racism to blame. I can state – hopefully in a “non-divisive” manner that we may have to look elsewhere.
Because all my capital is tied up in debt and because my accountant tells me that I will qualify neither for TARP funds nor will I qualify for “shovel ready” Stimulus stuff I have decided against being a minority owner of a National Football League franchjise.
#1 – Where’s Dad?
“The obvious and true have got to be defended” as Orwell told us. Families need fathers. Families function better with fathers. I suggest the evidence of your eyes as a clue as to why Black families are dysfunctional.
#2 – Public schools suck.
Inner city schools, a euphemism for Black schools, don’t work. The teachers, the administrators, the Boards of Education are not doing their job. For years I have been trying to get Broward County educationists held to the same standard as football coaches. Begin with the fact that it is an offense to Logic that a bad teacher is paid as much as a good teacher. That brings up the unasked and apparently unanswerable question as to why bad teachers are paid at all. If it were simply a question of finances the daughters of Lord Barack the Beneficent and blessed be his name would be enrolled at one the world famous Washington, D.C. public schools. D.C. spends almost $25,000 per student per year. I believe a quick fix would be to mandate that the children of everyone who takes a Federal paycheck in Washington attend D.C. public schools. The Obama girls have parents who pay over $1,000 a week to keep them out of those educational sewers.
Something about that stinks.
As to minority med school students, I have had several major heart procedures in the last 16 months. I have had a dark skinned Black man, a not so dark skinned Mexican, a swarthy 3rd worlder with an unpronounceable name, a Vietnamese [not from the North] plus a couple of average White guys [“average”, like Obama’s grandmother] from countries other than this one poking and prodding at me. Also there was a White guy from Georgia and a White guy from the Bronx. You know how they are.
I don’t know how they got into medical school.
I like to think that some knowledge of inorganic chemistry was required.
It didn’t hurt if you picked the right set of parents who also picked the right set of parents.
That brings us back to Teddy Kennedy again, doesn’t it?
Did race, money, and political influence have something to do with it? Of course it did.
Now what?
By the way, how many of the non-minorities in the underrepresented class do you throw out to make everybody feel good? What criteria will you use? Will there be quotas for the progeny of Dead White European Males who specialize in treating endometrial cancer?
Get back to me before we have a “public option” based on the health care system of Haiti.
Kevin Smith
Thursday, October 22, 2009
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