November 27, 2009
Congressman David Obey
1401 Tower Avenue #307
Superior, Wisconsin 54880-1553
RE: Taxes, carbon foot prints, “The Hound of Heaven”, and you.
Congressman Obey,
I read this morning of your plan to increase income taxes on the hated, mendacious rich. It is your way to pay for the “good” war in Afghanistan as opposed to the “bad” war in Iraq.
Raising taxes is never a popular idea, Raising taxes in the middle of a recession is a head up your ass dumb idea that only a modern American Liberal could love. You may wish to consult History to see if any country was able to tax itself either out of a recession or into prosperity.
Despite bowing, scraping, and repeatedly kissing the proffered boot President B.O. was told by the fiendishly clever Chi-Coms that his allowance was being cut.
There may be another solution.
Your official bio and various press accounts say that you are a Roman Catholic.
May I suggest a tax on all Roman Catholic politicians every time they say something about abortion that conflicts with the teachings of Holy Mother Church? Amounts, like the Stimulus program and the proposed Health Care package will be worked out later.
If carbon dioxide is a bad gas – there goes photosynthesis! – think how many polar bears you’ll save from drowning if you button your lip when the subject comes up. They’ll probably eat more baby seals but, what the Hell, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
Some dead White European male said “Free men speak with free tongues”.
I take that to mean that there can be no fetters on speech, particularly on political speech.
You or any politician - Why does Congressman Kennedy’s name come to mind? Your bio speaks proudly of your “blue collar” roots. Do think Congressman Kennedy and I hope he isn’t as dumb as he seems ever wore a “blue collar” that wasn’t from Brooks Brothers? – can say whatever they want about abortion. The boat Hell bent to Avernus has room for Speaker Pelosi and Senator Kerry.
The problem is when fraud politicians and your name heads the list want to eat their cake and have it too.
Christ himself said, “Thou art Peter. Upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”
Like it or not the Roman Catholic Church is not a Chinese menu. You can’t choose one item and discard another. You are in it or you aren’t. There is no such thing, forgive me, as being a little bit pregnant.
My favorite Christmas movie is the 1951 production of “A Christmas Carol” starring Alastair Sim. The story is about redemption. “It was said he could keep Christmas well if any man alive knew how to.”
Being a Roman Catholic and a politician are not mutually exclusive terms. It is said quite correctly that politics is the art of compromise. That is why honorable men can differ on things such as trade and tax policies.
As a Roman Catholic you know, or should know, that there are things on which no compromise is possible. Is this not one of them? Hopefully, the sound you hear is “The Hound of Heaven” gaining on you.
As we enter Advent my prayers are with you that you may be receptive to God’s grace.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year to those unborn who will see the New Year.
Kevin Smith
Sunday, November 29, 2009
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