Friday, January 15, 2010

Senator Dan Gelber

January 11, 2010

Senator Dan Gelber
1920 Meridian Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

RE: “Are you serious”?

Senator Gelber,

I read recently of you getting your knickers in a knot because the Attorney General, Bill McCollum, believes that the proposed Health Care legislation is unconstitutional. Since we live in a most litigious society I can see no reason why this shouldn’t wind up in a court. Since you covet his office you would oppose him if were to declare himself on the side of the angels.

That’s politics. That’s why we have campaigns. It is good to hear free men yelling at each other.

A horse of quite a different color is the response of Speaker Pelosi to the question of does the Constitution give Congress the power to do what they are determined to do via health care. “Are you serious, are you serious”? was her response as if her questioner’s nose “was being eaten by weevils”.

I am serious. You are an attorney. You want to be Attorney General. Where does it say in the Constitution that Congress can do that? Also, buried deep in the proposed bill is a legal IED. It specifically forbids any future Congress from changing any parts of the proposed legislation. Do you think that would pass legislative and then judicial muster? If you are elected attorney General and the Florida legislature moved to bind the hands of a future Florida legislature would you defend said legislation?

Here’s a campaign tip.

If you could prevent the horde of rude, cheap, nasty, and generally rotten Quebecois from despoiling South Florida you would be elected in a landslide.

Get back to me on the first matter.

Kevin Smith

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