February 1, 2010
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: Move over Jimmuh Carter. More mush from the wimp. Some thoughts on your continuing descent into territory marked by warnings not to handle heavy machinery or work with sharp objects. Sunday’s offering in the Sun-Sentinel is called “Time for the Party to send the GOP reeling”.
My dear Professor,
Can we stipulate that the last good Republican was Abraham Lincoln?
The names Javits and Weicker have been struck from the register. Danforth may have made the cut except for his sponsorship of Clarence Thomas. That leaves Jeffords and Specter. I don’t expect that either will be in the new edition of “Profiles in Courage”. You can have them.
Perhaps you can explain to my why, if deficits under Bush were bad, deficits under Obama are good?
You say that the stimulus money “created or saved an estimated 87,000 jobs”. Could you tell me the methodology you used to get to that number?
You say that “employment will improve when 524 stimulus-funded highway projects begin” in Florida.
Has the term “shovel ready” been sent down the memory hole so beloved of modern American Liberals? It is now more than a year since the stimulus package became law. We were told that unemployment would level off at 8%. It is now above 10%. What happened? Where did the money go?
Why should the Chinese continue to lend us money to build roads in Florida?
You say that “it’s time to end [what should be illegal] fixing of district lines”. Maybe you were taking Kumbaya bel canto lessons. Maybe you were trying to pass the ERA. Perhaps you were ministering to non-gendered illegal aliens. Maybe you were working on manatee suffrage and 5th trimester abortions. Whatever you were doing you missed the bargain struck by an electoral Mephistopheles. With prominent Democrat Elbridge Gerry as the guide a number of exclusively Colored, Negro, African-American, Black seats were created.
Districts were drawn in such a manner that a candidacy by O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson would be successful.
Congresswoman Carrie Meek willed her seat to her son Kendrick Meek-lite. That she did so while breaking the first rule of Probate Court – Somebody has to die – is a testament to a new chapter in estate planning.
Florida bypassed the time required for new members of Congress to get felonious intentions. The election of Alcee Hastings, an already convicted felon, is a testament to good husbandry.
You say that “Florida’s $1,500,000,000 investment in places like Scripps and Max Planck will never work”. They might not. Why then do you think “524 stimulus-funded highway projects” will work?
Speaking of Republicans do you think there is any hope for Scott Brown?
Thank you for translating “mitzvah” for the goyim among us.
After Obama finishes his much anticipated English-Austrian dictionary he can work on English-Yiddish. He’ll have no trouble defining “putz”.
Your picture is worth 1,000 words.
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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