March 20, 2010
Rachel Patron
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “Trying to decipher Biden’s strange trip” – The cognitive dissonance of American Jews as manifested by you in today’s Sun-Sentinel.
Ms. Patron,
Forgive me for presuming that you are Jewish. I base it on statement about the Ultra Orthodox Jews in Israel. If a Christian were to say that they were draft dodgers, welfare cheats, and religious hucksters who lead a strange life style the word police from the Anti-Defamation League would set fire to my house. Thus, my presumption.
I’ll try to “decipher” Curley Biden’s “strange trip”. I call him Curley, not because of his Chia Pet hair plugs, but to honor Curley, the smartest Stooge.
I’ll write slowly.
#1 – If Harry Truman had listened to his State Department in 1947 the wandering Jews would have broken the record held by Moses for 30 centuries. You can look it up.
#2 – Golda Meir said that of the 4 American Presidents with whom she dealt the only one to keep his word totally and unequivocally was Richard Nixon. The Yom Kippur War was, to quote the Iron Duke, “a damn close run thing”. Pease Air Force Base was converted into the El-Al American FBO. As quickly as the planes were flown in they were filled with as many military supplies as could be loaded into them.
#3 – If a Republican candidate for President had a public supporter who said that Judaism was a “gutter religion” he would have been sent to Elba. If a Republican candidate for President had listened for 20 years to a pastor who denounced Jews for 20 years from his pulpit he would have been sent to St. Helen’s.
#4 – The most frequent foreign visitor to the Clinton White House was Yasser Arafat. This was the same White House where the excesses of Bernie Nussbaum, Esq. after the suicide of Vince Foster were labeled those typical of a “New York lawyer”. Modern American Liberals accuse those who don’t believe in Midnight Basketball that they use “code words” to imply their hidden meanings. Everyone in Manhattan knew what the Clinton White House meant by that. If you don’t send a SASE.
#5 – Try to imagine President Bush 41 or President Bush 43 ever comparing Israel to pre-Mandela South Africa. Try to imagine either of them ever saying that Israel practices “apartheid”. You can’t, can you?
#6 – Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this most recent contretemps is that it mocks the claim that Jews are “too smart”. We saw Congressman Toad Wexler, he of the Maryland address and the Palm Beach Congressional district, spend 2008 proclaiming at every seder in every shul in every shtetl in Florida that Obama was “transformational”. He said at each place and every occasion that Jews could trust Obama because he, as a Jew, did. That wasn’t smart. That was stupid. Apparently he was able to find a lot of stupid Jews who believed him.
Speaking of “stupid” do you remember who the President was when the ocean liner St. Louis was turned away from America ports?
#7 – In a week where the Secretary of State is lectured for 15 minutes in public by the chief thug in Moscow, in a week where people in Cuba are dying trying to be free, in a week where Iran is closer to nuclear weapons that will not be aimed at Pakistan, in a week where Google was chased out of China, Israel becomes the piñata for using their Stimulus program to try to build affordable housing.
Go figure.
I hope that explains matters.
If you have any questions use the same SASE.
Kevin Smith
Monday, March 22, 2010
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