April 25, 2010
Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: Oy! What’s to be done with the noveau riche Florida aborigines – Some comments on your article about contracts and the noble Redmen.
Mr. Mayo,
You may remember the Rabbi who befriended Nixon just before he took his last living ride on Air Force One. I first saw him on local TV in NYC citing the Torah about how you can’t sue the King.
He didn’t know from sovereign immunity; he knew what the good book said.
Despite the Rabbi’s protestations, Senator Irvin, a man who spent his entire adult life keeping White 3rd grade school girls safe from the lecherous stares of Black 3rd grade school boys, and Congressman Rodino, a man who came an embarrassing short and curly from doing the perp walk and going inside with his roommate Congressman Addonizio, prevailed.
The facts are rather straight forward in the matter about which you write.
Miss Panofsky thought she had a contract with the Seminoles. In the end they said she didn’t. Further, they evicted her in a manner that would get any Florida landlord sent to Abu Ghraib on a one way ticket with “Help Me Howard” taking the Madam DeFarge part.
I am surprised that Attorney General Holder hasn’t ordered her to be flogged.
The thing about sovereign immunity – Pop Quiz – Does the bum kissing chattering class that still thinks that Barack the Beneficent and Blessed be his name should have the benefit of a new and updated Alien and Sedition Law? – is that it won’t go away.
Take the Post Office, the largest employer in the nation.
The numbers would suggest fertile ground for lawyers in the Workers’ Comp business. Not so. Try to find one who can build a practice representing injured Postal Workers. Not likely.
The reason is simple.
The Feds, the same bunch of swell guys soon to be in charge of health care, don’t respond to civil law suits.
If you trip and fall on the loading dock the sign on the door better be FED-EX or UPS or you’ll need that AFLAC duck to set up shop in your bedroom.
An unintended consequence of the Health Care bill is that it will solve the excesses of the medical malpractice law suits. Once the physicians become employees of the Federal government the same rules that the Post Office uses will apply to them. I am surprised that the Feds didn’t count the disappearing malpractice premiums as a savings toward bending the budget curve.
There’s the problem. Here’s one solution.
If the Down Low High Plains Gamboling Fugowis are a sovereign nation let’s treat them like one.
Sovereign nations control their borders as Arizona just reminded us. If they want to admit foreigners that’s their business. If they want to come back in to this country they damn well better have their papers handy.
If some one gets a bad clam at the buffet take him to their medicine man. Sovereign nations have their own hospitals, don’t they?
What if Cuba wanted to become a customer of Florid Power and Light? What would FPL do if they didn’t pay their bill? Send the American Navy? Tell the Injuns to generate their own electricity.
If a Gringo banker has a cow if someone tries to move $10,001 around how do we know what’s in those Brink’s trucks? Stop a few and find out.
Every car leaving a tax exempt cigarette teepee has to stop and listen to the state revenue agents tell the smokers that it is a sales and use tax.
If a crime is committed on their sovereign territory the Feds, the same guys who soon will be facing the “Too Much Salt is Never Enough” hardliners, should let the Constitution prevail.
Section 8, parts 10 and 11specifically enumerate the powers that the government can use to protect Miss Panofsky. The government can “punish piracies” and “grant letters of marquee and reprisal”.
We grant extraordinary powers to bail agents, powers that the good guys at Gitmo wish they had. Why not let Miss Panofsky benefit from them?
In any event my Aunt has found a new believer. Apparently the adage that made Hester Street famous, “Don’t pee on my back and tell me it’s rain”, doesn’t apply when it comes to noble Redmen.
Kevin Smith
PS – Speaking of standing up for what’s right is there any chance the Sentinel will publish those Mohammed cartoons?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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