May 21, 2010
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg New Service
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20005
RE: Tommy Atkins stumbles – Some comments on your column about Connecticut Attorney General Little Dick Blumenthal, AKA Vercingetorix, and the willingness of modern American Liberals to forgive everything but the truth.
Ms. Carlson,
One positive thing about Wee Dickie is, since he never served in Vietnam, he cannot be a tax cheat. The tax cheat reference is based on your statements during the 2000 election recount in Florida. You said that absentee ballots from American military personnel serving overseas shouldn’t be counted. Your reason for disenfranchising people potentially in harm’s way was simple; they were all” tax cheats”.
Since Dead Eye Dick didn’t go to Vietnam we can end the speculation that he was a tax cheat.
I loooooved your reference to Sarah Palin “quoting Madison from memory”. I am not sure where else you would quote him from but I’ll let that one go lest you think ill of me.
Do you suppose that Lord Barack the Beneficent and Blessed be his Name could quote “from memory” all 57 or was it 58 states? Then maybe he could recite the Austrian alphabet and show how it differs from the German. Those umlauts always get in the way.
You made one point for which I must criticize you.
You said that “Clinton lied under oath”. You also said that the Nutmeg State Audie Murphy wanabee was the “best Attorney General in Connecticut history”. He would know that lying under oath goes by a different name. Perjury has a quite different ring than fibbing, be they white lies or black.
Presidents are sometimes required to lie. My two favorite Presidential liars of the first half of the 20th century were T. Woodrow Wilson and F. Delano Roosevelt. I don’t have enough ink to do justice to the second half.
Having said that there is no requirement that a President perjure himself. When President Big Bill from Hot Springs was finding a new use for his burnished cheroot whatever he told Monica L. could never be classified as perjury.
Perhaps the following will explain it better.
“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands
as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”
Your judicious use of tu quoque in mentioning the lack of military service of either Bush or Cheney is de rigueur from modern American Liberals. I know of no instance when President Bush ever said he served in Vietnam. If he did perhaps you could tell me when and where.
You say that it is OK to lie if you are a “perfectionist”. Coincident to that is the fact the Tricky Dickie is one of the modern American Liberal good guys. His transition to Progressive will be of seamless web quality.
That is a very big step.
We all have some Wormwood in us.
Congratulations are in order.
You have just become the first Aunt Screwtape.
Kevin Smith
PS – AGRB argued a case in Federal Court that state laws should trump Federal law in certain instances. You would think that a Globe and Anchor tattoed Ivy League educated Rhodes Scholar combat hardened Devil Dog would know that that issue was settled at Appomattox, Virginia when Grant made Lee say “Uncle”. Tell him to look it up.
Monday, May 24, 2010
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