Saturday, July 10, 2010


July 7, 2010

Thank God for the word BULLSHIT

NASA, the guys with the “Right Stuff”, the guys who made a living bitch slapping gravity, the guys who volunteered to sit on top of the world’s largest gasoline can, the guys who went to the moon, walked around, hit some golf balls, and come home with a sack filled with souvenirs, have been charged with the task of reaching out to the Muslim world.

It is said that NASA should recognize the scientific achievements of a people who still perform cliteroidectomies on 10 year old girls using the bottom of a Coke bottle to excise the offending member.

A strong case can be made for Islamic scientific achievements…10 centuries ago.
Around then they began to turn inward. They began to eat their seed corn.

The West built the cathedral at Chartres, nurtured Dante, helped the beginnings of representative government, made the cello, recorded the deaths of Shakespeare and Cervantes on the same day, put art and the word majestic in the same sentence and discovered that it you don’t want to get hit by a falling apple don’t sit under the apple tree. Not bad for people coming out of what were mistakenly called the Dark Ages.

The Fertile Crescent provided horses, dates and figs, some great tents, really cool knives, women who were covered from head to toe in burlap, and men from whom the spark of potential genius was absent because there was a lack of vision, a lack of spontaneity, and, worst of all, a lack of desire to see what was on the other side of the mountain. And their good book told them so.

The last time the Taliban ran Afghanistan they outlawed whistling and balloons. They also blew up 2500 year old statues of Buddha. 5 Muslim countries in Africa still have slavery. An Iranian woman was acquitted of murdering her husband but was convicted by the Judge of committing adultery. He then sentenced her to death by stoning. Lest we think that they are total brutes there are strict rules governing stoning. The woman – there is no record of a man ever being stoned to death for adultery – is buried up to her neck. The size of the stones is strictly regulated. Not too big as to kill her quickly; not too small as to prolong her agony. I rather imagine that the only thing worse would be to be stoned to death at Camp Gitmo.

And these are the people NASA is to reach out to? For what?

Of the 588 Nobel Prizes awarded since 1901 there is only one single winner who can be indentified as a Muslim. 3 other Muslims have shared prizes. I would conclude that their gene pool needs to be refreshed.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the list of winners may be the best example of what happens when Affirmative Action goes on industrial strength steroids. There is an astonishing number of other “desert people” on the list. The number of Jewish winners exceeds in a most exponential manner their percentage of any population anywhere. “They” ran through the Goals barriers as if it weren’t there. Next, they blew away the Quota barrier. Not bad for a people that these WOGS have taken a blood oath to exterminate.

Reverend Wright notwithstanding but if I want to have someone to help get the country back into space wouldn’t it make sense to go to some B’nai B’rith meetings?

On the other hand wouldn’t it be nice, seeing as how Jews are overrepresented when the Nobels are given out, if they were limit themselves to two a year? The only way they win them is because of the well known Zionist Brotherhood Conspiracy. That way there would be some room to honor some WOGS who are still trying to figure out what comes after pi. That would be one way to put the recent misunderstandings with the Gazanians behind them. We could borrow some money from the Chinese and fund the Nearly Noble Nobel Prizes for Muslims.

There is a marvelous scene in “Lawrence of Arabia” that puts English engineers in the water works to run the damn thing while an Arab flag flies over it.

What’s the difference? Perhaps life does imitate art.

In any event we still have bullshit to explain matters.


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