Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Joy-Ann Reid The Miami Herald

September 30, 2010

Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1693

RE: On choosing a candidate for public office – Some comments on your OP-ED on the choice between Meek and Crist, what with Rubio being beyond the pale, in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Reid,

Your picture, that of a smiling African-American woman, is usually sufficient to stave off serious criticism.

Fortunately for you, because of your age I think there may be time for you to learn. I am of an age and condition where the threat of a Scarlet “R” holds no fear for me.

You say, with a spot on comment, that should Meek win he would have power beyond the 1% given to each of the 99 other Senators. He would have a marker on the White House that could lead to him making a run at the ability of Senator Byrd, the recently deceased former Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan, to turn “earmarks” into a 4 letter word.

Further, you say that he would “provide critical support for President Obama on issues like middle class tax cuts and immigration reform”. We both know that “middle class tax cuts” and “immigration reform” are buzz words for taxing the Bejeezus out of so called rich people and putting ads in foreign newspapers telling people to “Come on down. The gates are open.”

If he wins maybe he could get his Mom a Cadillac Escalade with a Prius power system.

All of the above are good reasons for electing him but they are secondary.

Heraclitus, one of those DWEMs – DWEM? Send a SASE – said “Character is destiny”.

James Madison, the giant of a divinely inspired group of men known as the Founding Fathers, when asked what was the most important characteristic to look for in an individual seeking public office, answered

“Character. Character is all.”

Suppose Meek, should he be elected, turns out to be a total turd? Worse, suppose he turns out to be lying turd?

Don’t focus on his vacillation on whether the minimum wage should be $12.50 or $13.50 an hour. Don’t focus on whether or not he thinks the price of a first class stamp should be predicated on the per capita income of the zip code from where it is mailed. Don’t focus on whether he thinks the 105% tax rate should be retroactive or whether he thinks it should be given a year to take effect. Don’t focus on whether he thinks immigrants – legal or not – should have the vote before they get a job, a license, or a fixed address. Focus on whether or not he is a man of his word. Focus on whether or not he has a base, a core of integrity.

Better to be governed by an honest man with imbecilic ideas than by someone with whom you agree whose favorite political philosophy is best described as plaid.

Perhaps a geography test could be the tie breaker.

President Obama is sure that there are at least 57 states, He thinks that there may be 58.

Has Congressman Meek settled on a number?

How would he say 57 or 58 in Austrian, the language of Mozart?

Kevin Smith

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