Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Hitler/Stalin Mutual Defense Pact & tax cuts - The connection.

December 7, 2010

The Hitler/Stalin Mutual Defense Pact & tax cuts
The connection.

My litmus test for modern American Liberals, at least those who have more than a modicum of knowledge about their despicably sordid past, at least for those who can hold their noses long enough to see evil writ large, involves that magic time, the “happy time” between August 22, 1939 and June 21, 1941.

In the summer of 1939 Foreign Minister Herr Ribbentrop and Foreign Minister Tovarich Molotov agreed on the details of a non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia. One week later, a bit more than 20 years after the war to end all wars ended, the world was at war again.

A tie breaking trivia question:

Q – Which was the last country to invade Poland?
A – Russia invaded Poland from the East 3 weeks after Germany invaded Poland from the West. It was in their treaty.

The dance that modern American Liberals did in that “happy time” was one that only a Dante could describe. If you start by believing in nothing eventually you will believe in anything. Walter Duranty gave them the first paradigmatic template by which modern American Liberals could swear.

One half of it was no problem. Since they already loved Stalin it was easy to love him more.

The hard part was easier than it was thought.


Having said to Hell with the Kulaks, having said to Hell with the coming perfidy of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs, having said the pick-axe in Trotsky’s head was OK, having seen the Scottsboro Boys denigrated by the Show Trials, it was easy to snuggle up to Hitler. After all, he was a Socialist, wasn’t he? After all, Stalin and Hitler were heading to same destination, weren’t they? After all, the “future” was where they wanted to go, wasn’t it? “It works”, we were told about Russia. Maybe it could work in Germany.

Sure, Hitler had some sharp edges but how else can you make an omelet or a paradise?

Margaret Sanger, an American heroine, and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes [“3 generations of idiots are enough” - Buck v Bell] gave him the cover for the Nuremberg Race laws. Guernica was a problem but other than a few artists, and Damn that Orwell, it could be overcome.

The big gulp, the sound of a snapping shut sphincter, was the one caused by Hitler and the Jews.

Perhaps Germany had a right to occupy the Sudetenland. Perhaps Germany had a right to occupy the Ruhr. Perhaps Germany had a right to occupy Austria. Perhaps Germany had a right to swallow Czechoslovakia. Didn’t Chamberlain say that “they were a faraway people of whom we know little”?

Kristalnaacht was a bit harder to swallow. They did. It was.

What was worse was that the first wave of Stukas and Focke-Wollfs had not yet returned to their bases when the first calls to Save Stalin sounded. The Panzers – the Tigers were to come later – had not yet burned their first tank of diesel when the term “Second Front” clanged out. Not all the 88s had gotten off their first shells when we were told that we must save the Soviets.

Say this for those vile varlets: The call for a 180 turn on 2 years worth of lying came and it was answered instantly.

Not quite 48 hours ago we were told that “tax cuts for the rich” were the reason for the tsunami in Thailand. Cholera in Haiti and the curse of low prices at Wal*Mart were directly attributable to the phasing out of the “Death Tax”. Teen age obesity and snarky comments about transgendered and nongendered teens lead straight back to the lesser rates on dividends if you connect the dots.

Today we are told that not only are they not bad but, in a Damascus moment not seen since August 22, 1939 and again on June21, 1941, they are not just good but that they are essential for our existence.

The hop, step, and the jump necessary to go from disliking Hitler, to loving Hitler, to hating Hitler was easy to make, particularly if you have no principles, no “permanent things” to guide you.

The “I hate tax cuts” to “I love tax cuts” was a snap.

Nothing changes.


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