March 12, 2011
Dana Millbank
The Washington Post
Washington, DC
RE: HUAC, Joe McCarthy, ALGER HISS & THE ROSENBERGS, The Red Scare and don’t you know that Congressman King can’t stand NPR. Some comments on your achingly formulaic column on the evangelical Neanderthals among us.
Mr. Milbank,
Einstein was right. This is a remarkable, I dare say “exceptional”, country. “Where else in the world can you read tomorrow’s news today”? Thus, when I read your column dated 3/13/11 on 3/12/11, I know why “people never swim to Cuba”.
You have a few errors of omission in your modern American Liberal screed. To say that you suffer from an excess of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” would be to give glitterati eructations a good name.
Real quick. No GOOGLE. Who was President during the original Red Scare? Who was his Attorney General? What did he do?
Wilson, a Democrat. Palmer, a Democrat. A pattern of trashing the Constitution was established that stood for 40 years. Bobby Kennedy broke it. Vide Castro, Hoffa, Monroe, and Martin Luther King. I’ll get back to Blessed Bobby.
It is always owed to the record that whenever the name of Woodrow Wilson is mentioned the words of Justice Thurgood Marshall must be recalled. He was the vilest, the most vicious bigoted racist ever to sit in the Oval Office. Did I say he was a Democrat? I did, didn’t I?
HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee, was passed with the support of an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress. It was welcomed with open arms by the Democratic President who signed it enthusiastically.
The 600 pound gorilla in the corner, the 1200 pound undrowned polar bear killing precious baby seals, and the 4600 pound turd in our punch bowl is how did the Russkies get those atomic bomb secrets. Do you suppose if the Janet Napolitano’s SS, the crack flying squad known as the Transportation Security Administration, had been guarding Los Alamos Julius and Ethel would have gone back to being community activists rather than being turned into Krispy Kritters?
Before we get to the horrors of having Hollywood celebrities refuse to answer questions it is well to remember that the same power to ask them was used to ask questions during Watergate and Iran-Contra. If memory serves there was only one witness – G. Gordon Liddy – who said he would not answer. The Democratic majority didn’t call him. I remember Colonel North answering every question asked of him, particularly those asked by that sap lawyer Nields.
Speaking of Senator McCarthy you must remember that his first counsel was Bobby Kennedy. There is a rumor that Old Joe fired him because the other Old Joe, Bobby’s father, couldn’t wait to get his hands on all those investigative files. The other rumor is that Senator McCarthy wanted to break out of the Irish Catholic Mafia. What better way than by hiring Roy Cohn, a Jew?
The obligatory disclaimer that not all Muslims are terrorists is offset by the inconvenient truth that all terrorists in the 21st century have been Muslims. Sharia law, fatwas, 72 infidel virgins, stonings, cliteroidectomies, amputations, slavery, honor killings, outlawing whistling and balloons – and that’s before any buildings get blown up!
We have Congressional hearings featuring Meryl Streep telling us of the horrors of Alar. Ben Affleck, noted political pundit, just this week told us of the horrors of some unknown African abattoir. Didn’t we have some celebrity zombies tell Congress that measles vaccine caused Autism? Why not have Congress ask some questions even if it is done in a ham handed way? That’s in keeping with tradition too.
“But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond;
and on these faces there is no smile.”
As to CAIR…I would like to know what NPR thinks of them when the swells getting fat on the public teat are sipping Chablis or Cosmos in the trendy bistro du jour. They sure as Hell wouldn’t be allowed in any saloon that got my business.
Kevin Smith
PS - Your Post bio says that you live in DC. Did your children attend the really fine public schools there?
Monday, March 14, 2011
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