Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

June 3, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. NE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Bile and vitriol in the ascendancy – Will Bush & Cheney ever leave us alone?

Debbie, Debbie,

I know. I know. It’s been a kidney stone of a week what with you trying to convert your 2010 Lexus into a 1942 Jeep. If that’s not bad enough you had a tough go at trying to demonize the Republicans by making the very sound modern American Liberal argument that “they” want to make illegal immigration…what’s the word…”illegal”.

I must confess that I feel like a fool.

I used to think you were smart.

You may not be as dumb as your Florida legislative gal pal Stacey “Cementhead” Ritter but you’re gaining on her. Miriam Oliphant, the deposed Broward County Elections Supervisor, was so dumb she made my fingernails curl backwards. In fact, you and Ms. Oliphant have two things in common: #1 - You both have Masters degrees in fuzzy subjects and #2 - You both sent the cops after me for something I wrote.

That appears to be a trait common to modern American Liberals.

The iron fist in an iron glove is the typical response. Since you can neither tolerate criticism nor can you comprehend the thought that you may be wrong the responses is immediate. Send men with badges and guns to “explain” it. “Slippery slope”? Don’t be silly. “Chilling effect”? Nonsense.

Since you’ve had such a tough week you probably haven’t heard about the brouhaha in the Illinois legislature. That’s the place where Abraham Lincoln, he of the “better angels of our nature” speech, served.

Senator Kyle McCarter [R-Lebanon] was punched by Senator Mike Jacobs [D- East Moline] on the floor of the Senate. Senator Jacobs [D-East Moline] was pushing a bill in which his father had a direct financial interest. Senator McCarter [R-Lebanon] noted and questioned this. Senator Jacobs [D-East Moline] walked over to Senator McCarter[R-Lebanon], called him a “motherfucker”, and then smacked him.

The puncher is a Democrat. The punchee is a Republican.

Is this an example of the legendary Chicago School of Politics? Didn’t the country’s most successful street hustling, scam spreading, community organizer tell his acolytes “Never bring a knife to gun fight”?

In the normal course of events someone with a Master’s degree in Political Science would not have to be reminded of the Burke-Fox debates. The names Webster, Hayne, Calhoun, Clay, Douglas, and Lincoln should peal gloriously in the temples of civil debate and reasoned discourse. Since your academic background is based on having purple shirted SEIU union thugs transported from polling place to polling place to intimidate voters those names are foreign, probably alien, to you.

That’s probably a good thing.

It enables you to do your hatchet job with suffering any pangs of conscience.

There is one pang worth poking at.

Why didn’t the Ya-Ya Sisterhood of Congressional Chickies rise up in defense of Laura Ingraham? Despite her politics she is still a single mom of 2 who is also a breast cancer survivor. Why didn’t the Word Police section of the Amazon Brigade of Perpetually Outraged Broads track down Foul Mouthed Ed Shultz – he’s the one who called her a “slut”, remember? - and give him a beating? It couldn’t be politics, could it?

Speaking of being “torn apart at the seams” what’s up with Congressman Weiner? I suppose it is OK for a one-eyed trouser snake to get out in front of an issue, particularly if its handler is a modern American Liberal. As a devoted follower of King Priapris it would seem that the Stimulus program was really working for him, if you get my drift. I am told that Haines Underwear will make a substantial donation to the PAC of your choice if they can have an ad campaign featuring him and “friend” dancing to the lovely tune of “Leave it to Beaver”.

James Madison, another American with whom you are not familiar, when asked what was the most important qualification of any candidate for public office said, “Character. Character is all.” You said the matter of Congressman Weiner was “personal”. What if John Edwards had been elected President?

I know where I can get my hands on a Studebaker should you need proof of your love of American cars.

Kevin Smith

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