November 4, 2011
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
RE: Yet further proof that God is kind to animals and small children when He blesses them with short memories – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel about how we will become the land of milk and honey once we get rid of all Republicans even if we do it in less than an environmentally unsound manner.
My dear Professor,
I am greatly heartened at the progress you have made in your medical comeback to the slippery world – Not “slippery slope”, mind you. That’s a term that causes modern American liberals to react as if they were Dracula being waterboarded with holy water – of current events.
Your column today about how perfidious Congressional Republicans, a “small group of willful men” as another Democratic President referred to them, have prevented Lord Barack the Beneficent from “cooling the planet and making the oceans recede” – he did say that, didn’t he? – is proof that you have far, far to go before you are able to overcome both “eclectic indignation” and its evil spawn, a selective memory.
A quick review is in order.
#1 – The Founders, in their divinely inspired wisdom, a wisdom that enabled them to see that man’s rights came from “beyond the stars”, created a lower case troika of government. Each can check the other. Each one can control the other. Each one guards its fiefdom like a she bear guards her cubs. It is a system that has made this country “a shining city on a hill” and the envy of the world.
#2 – Power corrupts. When one party controls both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue – That’s the White House and Congress if you are geographically challenged – bad things are more likely to happen. Vide 1964. The Democrats were in charge. They gave us the war in Vietnam and the War on Poverty. At least the first one ended.
#3 – Here comes a hard fact. Here comes a very inconvenient truth. For the first two years of the glorious reign of the Obama administration, a time not soon to be compared to the rule of the 5 Emperors, Democrats had an unbreakable death grip on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. His control was so complete that there was talk of bringing Craig Livingstone back.
#4 – His caterwauling that he can’t do all the marvelous things he wants to do now begs the question of why he didn’t do them then.
#5 – I am still a bit confused. You told us constantly, harping might be a better verb, that Bush borrowing billions from the Chinese was bad. I await your pronouncement from the mountaintop as to why Obama borrowing twice as much from the Chinese is good.
#6 – As a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal you always confuse Rhetoric with Sophistry. You would do well to spend some familiarizing yourself with the noble Trivium. Do it before you slip back into the lotus land of “eclectic indignation” and the selective forgetting of inconvenient facts.
#7 – You say Americans “overwhelmingly support raising taxes”. “Not so, not so” as the great Rumsfeld was wont to say. The people of Colorado, a state that voted “overwhelmingly” for President B.O. in 2008, just 3 days ago voted “overwhelmingly” against raising taxes. Wazzupwidat?
#8 – Another relic of the past, one that is anathema to all modern American Liberals, is the Rule of Law. Thomas More said “This country is planted thick with laws. When you cut them down and the devil turns on you where will you hide, the laws all being flat”? While you applaud Obama’s governing by fiat, by a flick of his wrist causing something to become the law of the land, I suggest that your knickers would be in a Gordian knot if a Republican President were to do the same.
#9 – You end your discordant caterwauling – Did I just repeat myself? - by suggesting, as did the American GI in Vietnam did, that we have to destroy the village to save it. In your case you want the country to go into chaos so that a true believer in Midnight Basketball will be returned to the White House. A Black man, just as long as his first name isn’t Herman, on a White horse, with no nasty Republicans to deter him, will lead us to a cholesterol free Utopia. There will be sightings of Eleanor Roosevelt giving her blessing. Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs will be honored, Deo gratias, posthumously. God’s Holy trousers! If abortion were retroactive everyone would be in favor of it.
If the Congress cannot find a political solution perhaps we can borrow some money from Greece to finance Michelle’s drive to replace cheeseburgers and milk shakes with tofu and beet juice.
We should be grateful that we only have 12 months of obfuscatory persiflage left. I know that I can count on you to hold up, figuratively speaking, your end of the verbal incontinence soon to be loosed upon us.
Meanwhile, don’t forget your meds.
Friday, November 4, 2011
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