July 1, 2012
A 5 to 4 split vote in the Supreme Court and a dead Senator from Massachusetts – no, not Tosspot Ted Kennedy - and the beauty and joy of being free men. There is a connection.
A week ago we were told that if the Supreme Court overturned Obamacare 5 to 4, with the minority votes being cast by the good modern American Liberal Justices and the majority votes being cast by the Halliburton/Koch Brothers/Right-Wing talk radio bought and paid for Justices, that the Mayan calendar day of doom would be on us sooner than we expected.
The vote was 5 to 4. The earth remained on its axis. This year’s version of the perennial favorite, The Summer of Recovery, is about to begin. All that remains undecided is where will Lord Barack and his family spend their vacation, a vacation sorely needed after a year of TV infomercial begathons, $40,000 dinners where Latino donors were not allowed to have knives and forks, 12 rounds of golf a week, each week, including using colored balls to play in the snow, his wife starting “to feel really proud of her country”, and his kids getting him his much wanted Austrian/English dictionary and the atlas showing us where those 7 or 8 missing states are.
The vote was 5 to 4 to uphold the law.
One point in re that vote must be made.
It is now 4 days since Chief Justice Roberts read his decision. I have not read nor have I heard one word of praise, however muted, or thankfulness, however strained, from the “Trousered Apes” who command the heights above one side of the arena. Not one. The gene chock-a-block filled with the DNA of graciousness is, as always, absent from the modern American Liberals who suffer from “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.
It is just a case of living down to expectations.
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King. The dead Senator, Paul Tsongas [D-MA] was an honorable politician in a state where a convention of like-minded people could be held in a phone booth.
Rotters, grifters, poltroons, drunks, murderers, stealers of hot stoves, make up the elected and appointed body politic of Massachusetts. Now we have a Senate candidate, Elizabeth Warren, who says Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse arm wrestled to see who would be her grandfather. She championed buying and flipping properties and evicting occupants long before it became a spectator sport. She has $14,000,000 in a money market account and says with a straight face and no lightning bolts setting her drawers on fire that she “feels the pain” of the oppressed 99%. That all this began when she lied on her job application is glossed over by her fellow travelers. After all, she and the President are in favor of 5th trimester abortions. That’s all that counts, right?
Senator Tsongas was an honorable politician in that he answered questions about the failed Equal Rights Amendment. When chairing a committee that sought public input into the reality of how the law would be implemented he said over and over that “The Court will decide” or “The Court will tell us”.
When Senator Tsongas died his wife bypassed Surrogate’s Court and claimed the Congressional seat her husband occupied. [Think of Mrs. Hubert Humphries and Mrs. George Wallace] I mention this because there was a TV report of former Congressman Patrick Kennedy giving a speech that showed a thick tongue, a trait he got from Lard Kennedy, his deceased stunt driving dad, is still not an impediment to public discourse in the Bay State. In partial defense of the state it must be said that young Kennedy had to be sent to a “rotten boro” in neighboring Rhode Island to get his sad sack sorry ass into Congress.
One of the core beliefs of modern American Liberalism is that, deep down, the people are not to be trusted. “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” is a polite way of asking why anybody votes for any Republican anywhere, anytime.
They depended on an unelected Judiciary to decide the big matters. As long as the Judges decided “correctly”, they were good. If a potential Judge were deemed to be ideologically unfit he was to be both pilloried and peed on. Vide Clement Haynesworth, Douglas Ginzburg, Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Charles Pickering, inter alia.
It appears that Chief Justice Roberts has overturned the Tsongas rule.
He said it was not within the Court’s jurisdiction to decide whether or not it was good policy. He said that the Court was to decide whether or not the Congress had the authority to do so. Further, he said that the Constitution gives the Congress, at the direction of the President, the power to tax.
For 2 years the argument was made that taxes need not be raised to pay for this latest helping of “Rainbow Stew”. Justice Roberts pointed out that If it were not for the taxing power of the Congress the vote would have been 5 to 4 against.
Perhaps it’s time for the people to decide.
But wait, there’s more.
In the Arizona immigration case the Court held that it would be better for the people to decide.
My copy of the Constitution – Article 4, Section 4 – says “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them from invasion…”
United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed defending Arizona from invasion. It turns out that the gun used to kill him was part of a plan –“Fast & Furious” – that said it was sound public policy to send guns illegally across the United States/Mexican border to see how fast they could be sent back, also illegally, across the Mexico/United States border. I think we can stipulate that all gun handling “bitter clingers” would lack the wit to cobble together a plan as brilliant as that. Only really, really smart people could think up something so friggin’ clever as that
Congress wants to know what happened. Getting no cooperation from the Executive branch they subpoenaed the Attorney General. He, a man who began his illustrious second Federal career by calling all his [White] fellow Americans “cowards”, said “No”. He told them at the behest of the White House to shove their subpoena up its ass in a most judicious manner. AG Holder’s first Federal career was being the bag man for all the Clinton pardons. Acorns never fall far from the tree.
I would say it was a Mexican standoff save for the fact that we have a dead American whose parents have the flag they received at his grave but none of the answers they need. [Willy Horton, Michael Dukakis, murder, ignored Maryland relatives – the parallels are typical of modern American Liberalism, aren’t they?]
Here comes the good part.
We have an election in November. This country has a proud tradition of overturning Supreme Court decisions at the ballot box. November, 1860 began the process that tossed out the Dred Scott law.
We now have 3 years of precedent that says a President can pick and choose the laws that he intends to obey. He also gets to pick and choose the laws that he intends to disobey.
The American people, having seen the Rule of Law [Rule of Law? SASE] stood on its head, can put it back right side up this November.
Don’t forget to bring your photo ID.
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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