Friday, September 28, 2012

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun Sentinel

September 25, 2012
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun Sentinel

RE: A teachable moment! A very teachable moment! – More comments and suggestions on the plight of Black males mired in a non-responsive, probably racist, school system

Mr. Lyons,

Let’s get “them” involved.

How can “they” be expected to master imaginary numbers if overcoming ennui is their top quotidian task?

Herewith a modest proposal to engage non-feral Black youth in academic demonstrations for the purpose of learning Civics up close and personal.

The Broward County Board of Education is a proud sponsor of October Gay Pride Month. Why don’t we engage our youth in some demonstrations of community activism, minority outreach, and 1st Amendment activities?

#1 – Picket a local mosque. Of course it will be a peaceable picket. Demand that the congregation denounce all Islamic anti-Gay activities. The more Sharia the shire the more likely a singer of Sapphic songs is to be scourged. To get the attention of those at Friday services the younger of the demonstrators will carry pictures of Rosie O’Donnell and Barney Frank. The older, more promising, students will carry pictures of Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin. Perhaps a few numbers from “A Chorus Line” will show the irenic nature of the demonstration. A demonstration of mixing and matching café curtains might be nice. The manly smell of Brut should fill the air.

#2 – Modern American Liberals cheer lustfully when an American flag is burned. The Supreme Court has ruled that men can wear Nazi uniforms and shout “Todt Juden” while walking through a neighborhood filled with Holocaust survivors.

On Election Day, on the steps of the Federal Courthouse, an American flag will be burned. The difference here will be that a Koran – And will someone please tell me why the damned thing is always called the “sacred” Koran or, for that matter, half of their Allahdamned cities are “holy”? If Qom is “holy” Bayonne, NJ should be downright beatific – will be wrapped in it. As a concession to safety a clear plastic container, a la Piss Christ, will be nearby. Should the fire get out of hand it will be doused with pee. In this instance the pee will be porcine.

Can I count on your support to help the unaborted, academically underserved Black youth before they become feral Black youth, the bête-noire of modern American Liberals?

You may wish to make some discreet inquiries as to the racial disparities in some Broward schools. Let’s start with Dillard High School and Boyd Anderson High School. Where are the children of White Broward County modern American Liberals? We know where they ain’t.

Maybe it’s time to bring back the race balancing aspect of busing?

Perhaps we should ban private schools.

As I said, a modest proposal.

Kevin Smith

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun Sentinel

September 22, 2012
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Sanctimonious drivel” and why it’s the only way out – Some comments on your Jeremiad on why Black males will never make it to the 1%.

Mr. Lyons,

Am I the only one to ask “What about Black females”? Your column makes you sound like you will be a postulant in the soon to be formed Taliban School of Smacking the Snot out of Uppity Chicks.

[I must add, because it is owed to the moral ledger, that your unrecognized Black females blow up the goals/quotas of Affirmative Action when it comes to abortion. Since Roe v Wade in 1973, 35% of the approximately 60,000,000 abortions have been performed on Black women. 22,000,000 Black babies have aborted by 6% of the population. How many potential Senior Editorial Writers have gone down the abattoir’s drain? If that’s not genocide, what is?]

You say that only “28% of Black students are academically prepared when they enter kindergarten”.

Did Wal-Mart cause that? Did Romney and the ghost of Richard Nixon cause that? Did Halliburton and the notorious Koch Brothers cause that? How about Reagan?
The Bushes – pere et fils – must have, right?

If I were to suggest that the absence of a male in the house may have an influence on it would I be branded with R, the Scarlet Letter of Racism?

Would it be politically incorrect of me to say that whatever strategies and tactics that have been tried since the War on Poverty began, a war that was begun with absolutely no exit strategy in sight, have been about as useful as teats on a bull?

Here are some questions.

Can you tell me why bad teachers are paid as much as good teachers? Can you tell me why bad teachers are paid at all? Can you tell me what curriculum coordinators do? Can you tell me what diversity coordinators do?

Tenure is offensive to Logic and inimical to the common weal.

Heart surgeons, point guards, airplane pilots, car salesmen, pop stars, chefs, - Can you see where I am going here? – have one thing in common. They all lack job security. The good ones are lionized. The bad ones get their asses kicked.

Why shouldn’t the French teacher be held to the same high, unforgiving standard as the football coach?

You say that a “multicultural curricula” – I would prefer the singular - “is one way to attract and hold a Black male student’s attention”. I point out that the exclusion of ½ of the student body is…is…stupidly sexist. What is the multicultural way to teach Geometry? Is there a hip-hop, rap, reggae, pants sagging, street cred, Bloods v Crips version of the table of valences that will soon make its appearance?

Speaking of “multiculturalism”, isn’t it time to make room for the first great multicultural poet? Barack Obama got a Nobel Prize for showing up. Rudyard Kipling wrote about the soul of man for decades. His work transcends race. “The sins we do two by two we pay for one by one” is an apt comment on the recent sexual escapades of the Broward Board of Education. Why not make it into a teachable moment?

”it’s not easy introducing innovation into a bureaucracy
that boasts of a class schedule still steeped in
America’s pre-industrial era…”

What the Hell in the name of an educated man, a man of any color, does that mean?

Do you mean Edmund Burke? Do you mean Samuel Johnson? Do you mean John Locke? Shakespeare? Dante? The year 1683? The year 1571? The year 732? Do you mean Plutarch? Do you mean Aeschylus? Homer?

“Young boys don’t like romance novels”

A story from more than 30 centuries ago. 20 years of war and love. It took the first ten to get her back. It took the second ten to get him back. I suggest you become familiar with the Iliad and the Odyssey. Guys dig it.

I don’t know if you have children. If you do I hope they are in public school. I know the President has children. They are in private school.

That is disgraceful.

Even with the ill-defined, mostly porous walls of conduct of modern American Liberalism that is a slap in the face to all the other occupants of public housing in Washington, DC. The District of Columbia has the highest per student expenditure in the universe. Why does the President spend $100,000 to send his daughters to private school? Why doesn’t he send his daughters to the really fine public schools in Washington?

Get back to me on that.

The Broward County Board of Education has announced that it will be a supporter, indeed an eager participant, in Gay Pride Month.

How does that help Black males get into college? Is there a category in the hated FCAT tests that includes Gay Pride? Musical comedy, fashion design, interior decorating, sensitivity seminars --- all have their uses in a post racial society. How do they help an underprepared Black male in his quest to construct an English declarative sentence? How does it help him balance a check book? Is a better understanding of the “down low” way of life a path that underprepared Black male students should be made aware of? Shouldn’t underprepared Black female students be made aware of the joys of Sapphic poetry? Haven’t they been ignored too long?

On the other hand it may be a bridge too far to ask for a system to help some underprepared Black males get through dissecting frogs or mastering logarithms if it can’t get the buses to run on time.

Kevin Smith

Maureen Dinnen Broward County Board of Education

September 21, 2012
Maureen Dinnen
Broward County Board of Education

RE: Jennifer Gottlieb, “the sins we do two by two we pay for one by one”, and things to look for in any candidate for public office. Some comments on the article in the Miami Herald that reads like afternoon TV.

Ms. Dinnen,

When you were running for the Board of Education I sent you a mildly chastising letter about your campaign mailers. That these were put together with no regard for Grammar or Syntax told me that whatever your purpose in being elected education was not high on your list. Some of the howlers, if memory serves, could be labeled under “egregious”.

Today’s lessons in Ethnics and History are offered in a spirit of “I know, you don’t, so listen up”.

It appears that Jennifer Gottlieb gives new meaning to the term “horizontal tango”. She was busier with her yoo-ha than the one legged entrant in the Ass Kicking contest. Who knows how many hombres filled Evita’s dance card? She had nothing on this dame. At least she got some songs written about her. Besides, in Broward County, a hotbed of modern American Liberalism, a coven filled with advocates of moral relativism, a place where Dr. Mengele would be elected overwhelmingly because of his progressive record on women’s reproductive rights, the public response would be “So what? They’re adults.”

The lesson in ethics is both priceless and senseless.

“Anthony Alfieri, director of the University of Miami’s Center
for Ethics and Public Service said there should be
rules preventing conduct like Gottlieb’s.”

Where has this beardless naïf been?

Would Agamemnon have gotten Ulysses and Achilles to sail to Troy if Helen had been a stay-at-home Mom? What did David send Bathsheba’s husband on a suicide mission if not for a bit of Old Testament gobble? The Camelot couple? Eloise and Abelard? Dante’s pair? Preventing conduct like Gottlieb’s? Madness. “Outlawing”, maybe. “Preventing”, never. Better you pass a rule allowing dawn to get past the rooster. Have we forgotten President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes, after getting home from church and sending his wife and daughter to the second floor of the White House while he played “hide the salami” with an intern barely older than his daughter?

Being from Hudson County, New Jersey I am trying to see what was in it for the catcher in this indoor game of finding the elusive G spot. It appears that she didn’t do it for the money, the sign of an honest hooker. She did it for a happy beaver, a smiling bearded clam. Either way she is unfit for public service.

James Madison, and I hope that you know that in addition to being the 4th President of the United States that he wrote the Constitution, was asked what was the most important attribute to look for in any candidate for public office. “Character, Character is all” was his response.

Broward County can’t even get its school buses to run on time. Why should we expect some bimbo charged with the task of guarding school age children to keep her drawers on?

Kevin Smith

PS – Is there any truth to the rumor that she was going to have the local woodworking class put a portable French Knocking Shoppe on the roof of the Board building?

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21, 2012

Jacqueline Charles & Curtis Morgan
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza Miami,
FL 33132-1693

RE: Will no one rid me of those meddlesome skinks? – Some comments on your Page 1 article on whether we want Haitians to continue to live miserably or maybe, just maybe, let them have a chance to do something other than wash up on the beach.

Ms. Charles & Mr. Morgan,

ALL HAIL GAIA! ALL HAIL DEMETER! The other shoe, the one whistling in from the Land of Reason, is about to land right in the middle of totally organic, carbon footprintless, vegan tofu porridge, the one cooked by a combination of wind power, orvine eructations, and Solyndra solar power, which people have to be paid to eat. The best, the most strident, the most heads so far up their asses that they can fill their own teeth, the ones consumed by a condescending hubris that knows no bounds, environmentalists are rich White people living in fully developed countries. After they successfully picket any store daring to sell $28 a pound Patagonian Saw Tooth Bass they always need a new project. Since the heady days of Storm King they have persuaded America to accept the primacy of the snail darter, the furbish lousewort, the delhi fly, the spotted/speckled owl, the shy jackalope, the fearsome cupabara, the peripatetic Peter Pan pixie butterfly, the Leatherneck turtle, and the last proficiently practicing predator in the Florida swamp, Patsy the vegetarian pterodactyl, thereby trumping the interests of the only undefended, endangered species left on earth. I speak of course of man. Lest you think me to be the King of the Cruel World of Amateur Vivisectionists who never saw a baby seal he wouldn’t club into drowning polar bear canapés I report with great joy that my veterinary bills were far greater than my pediatrician bills. 4 very large dogs, 4 cats – one aggressive & 3 gentle, 1 turtle, 1 budgie, 1 boy and 1 girl. Falstaff, our first Old English sheepdog, had his own credit card at the Speyer Animal Hospital in Manhattan. He didn’t sign it; I did. He died on the operating table at the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine. His surgeon was Doctor John Kirk, DVM, who wrote the definitive book on canine skin diseases. The final month for Sharpton, our last cat, cost not quite $1000. These bombastic charlatans, having conquered the guilt-ridden 1% with a combination of anti-intellectual and, worse, anti-rational arguments – [Bambi is not a proper guide for game management. A rutting buck does not stop, repeat, does not stop to look at a yearling because he thinks it may be his.] have moved on to more fertile ground. The new world for them to conquer – They look out “silent, upon a peak on Nantucket” – is Haiti. Let me, as the token White man, as the descendant of all those rapacious DWEMs, as a former 1%er with a carbon footprint equal to the Budweiser horses, as the last living proponent of the many benefits of DDT, as a Concorde frequent flier, as the driver of a 12 cylinder, 160 MPH Jaguar, as someone who sent plumes of Right Guard deodorant up at the fragile – still fragile after all those years? – ozone layer, as someone who mined coal;, and as someone who values one human life far more than all the damned butterflies in Christendom, say that I caused all the woes, each and every last one, that perpetually befall Haiti. The next terrible thing to come down on them will be rich White people telling them that giving up a new harbor, one that could bring in, at the very least, the benefits of the mid-20th century to their country, is no big deal. After all, the maritime skink, a creature known for…for…I don’t know what the varmint does. I know! It’s the nautical canary in the coal mine and it must be protected at all costs. Some of those costs will be infants dying because ships can’t unload their cargo. As to the coral, grind it up and sell it to nouveau riche Chinamen as a better pecker powder than rhino horn. The other explanation is that rich White people don’t give a damn about the lesser breeds save for keeping them around so they can feel superior. Like an environmental porch monkey. 35% of all the abortions in this country since Roe v Wade have been performed on Black women. Kill them in the womb or starve them to death by stopping a modern port. No big difference, right? Kevin Smith

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Joy-Ann Reid The Miami Herald

RE: “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean” - Some comments on your through a looking glass world

Ms. Reid,

What was it that Vice President Curly Biden said about then candidate Senator B. Hussein Obama? Now I remember. He was “clean, bright, and articulate”. That’s you to a tee You and the best President we have share a few traits. One of them is the ability to never let an inconvenient fact, one that is fully larded with truth, interfere with your thesis. A few points before I get to the lie worthy of Bill Clinton.

#1 – “Job creation” – Have you ever been hired by someone poorer than you?

#2 - “Taxes” – Senator Lard Kennedy’s estate is in probate. One of the assets is a trust created in 1936. Don’t you think the 99% have the right to see what’s in it and to share in the honey pot that has been growing untaxed for 77 years? Jeezus Haitch Keerist! His father, that old corsair Papa Joe, having stolen so much money that people considering suicide would ask if they could jump off his wallet, knew some of his sons would be layabouts and wastrels. He thought it a father’s duty to provide for them. 1936? No cellphones, no DVDs, no social media, Joe DiMaggio’s first year with the Yankees, Alger Hiss was working his way up the ladder in the Executive branch of the government, Dixiecrats running Congress, DC3s, Hudson and Packard cars, cream on the top of the delivered bottle of milk, cigarettes without guilt, 5 cent beer, no DH. Would it be fair to say that Teddy spoke like a modern American Liberal and lived like rich, rotten Republican?

#3 – Can you give me an example of any country, anywhere and anytime, taxing itself to prosperity? Take your time. But that’s not why I write. The Great Reagan was right when he said “it’s not that modern American Liberals were stupid, it’s just that there’s so much that they didn’t know”. Consider the following statement in its entirety. “Conservatives bitterly fought against pensions for civil war veterans In the 19th century, and Social Security and Medicare in the 20th.” The Miami Herald Page 11A Today

#4 – The term “Conservative” would not have been used at the time of the American Civil War.

#5 - The Republican Party was formed as the anti-slavery party. Honest. Look it up.

#6 – The Democratic Party did not want to fight the Civil War. Since they weren’t opposed to slavery a strong case can be made for them being in favor of it. The election of 1864, the election that saw the New York Times call Lincoln a “baboon”, the election that saw the Democratic Party candidate campaign on a negotiated settlement with the South leaving slavery in place, the election that was in doubt until Sherman’s “surge” took Atlanta just before the election, was the one where the Democratic Party became entwined with the nascent Ku Klux Klan and with Southern states introducing and enforcing the most anti-Black laws imaginable. By 1916 a Democratic President endorsed both “Birth of a Nation” and the huge Klan parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

#7 – There was a Republican Congressman from New Jersey, Robert Kean, who earned the sobriquet “Mr. Social Security” because he was the member who made smooth the sharp edges of partisanship in Congress. It is well to note that the same Congress had just passed the Davis-Bacon Act. It was the most anti-Black Federal legislation passed in the 20th century. It still is because it is still the law of the land.

#8 – I suggest you take a closer look at the last paragraph of Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address. It is where he commits the nation to “care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan”. It is the one that begins with the words “with malice toward none, with charity for all” You may want to take a peek at the last sentence of the paragraph preceding his call to aid the veterans. He gave it not 6 weeks before he was shot by a Southern sympathizer, a man who had voted for the Democratic candidate the previous November.

The Great Reagan was right about you. “Clean and articulate”, si. “Bright”, no

Kevin Smith

Monday, September 17, 2012

Leonard Pitts, Jr. The Miami Herald

September 16, 2012
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald

RE: A brief explanation of how we came to a place in our History that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calls an American citizen in Florida and asks him not to do something that is legal. Some comments on your column about touchy Moslems and dead Americans in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Pitts,

I said “brief”. Buckle up. The centuries are going to fly by.

25 centuries ago a Greek, a wounded veteran, said “Free men speak with free tongues”. Medes and/or Persians – I never can keep them straight – thought that was a bad idea so they tried to kill them. It was a “damned close run thing” but it didn’t work out. You may wish to familiarize yourself with Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and Platea. It is well to note that these places became killing grounds, abattoirs where men having sniffed freedom would die to keep it, 1000 years before Mohammed, and blessed be his name despite his fondness for goats and young boys, started his “peace loving” religion.

Speaking of “peace loving”, what in the name of Allah, the big mahac of peace, were his votaries doing half way across Europe less than 100 years after the founding of his tent show? Let it be noted that Charles Martel, AKA The Hammer, was a big time bellicose Frog who stopped them at Tours in 732. If he hadn’t they would still be eating with their fingers in Helsinki and hogs would have been extinct for at least 13 centuries.

About 1000 years ago the Sunnis, the Shias, the Hanafis, the Wasabis, and various Wanabees began to eat their seed corn. That is to say, they turned inward.

They decided that all matters to be decided had been decided.

Would it make me a hate-filled curmudgeon to point out that they missed the fun and games that Runnymede was to produce? The Renaissance? Ptolemy being displaced? Men telling the King to bug off? Fughedaboutit!

13 centuries after Christ’s time on earth La Commedia appeared. 13 centuries after Mohammed’s time on earth and we have people being filleted in the street because of a cartoon. That there was no Islamic Divine Comedy meant there wouldn’t be any 95 theses nailed to the big Mosque after Friday prayers.

Please don’t spoil it for me by telling me that the hidden Islamic literary lock-box is not just empty but that it is non-existent.

Having skipped the literary revolution they also skipped the political and scientific ones also.

Lord knows what their “doctors” did before the invention of Coca-Cola bottles. The bottoms were used to make pre-pubescent cliteroidectomies so much easier. I love recycling, don’t you? Score one for the scientific method and rationality.

Lepanto in 1571. Vienna in 1683. Look them up. What would have happened if the “good guys” hadn’t won?

Would I be able to listen to Mozart, as I am now, if some blood thirsty “Death to the Infidels” emir had become King of Vienna?

It is not a question of why we got Shakespeare, Locke, Burke, Madison, and Twain. The question must always be why didn’t they.

If it weren’t for oil the whole joint would look like Mars, or worse, Eritrea.

You write, and there is much merit in your argument, that we should treat them as evil tempered whelps. Your example, 2 whining brats in the back seat, is apt. How about its Logical conclusion? Is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” still not a valid tool in child rearing?

If, as I said, all things to be decided have been decided, why would there be a need for Freedom of Speech? [That it is a right we have from birth, that it is a right “from beyond the stars”, is not in question. I am speaking of a culture that has outlawed whistling and balloons.]

American taxpayers have subsidized an art exhibit featuring a clear plastic container containing urine in which a crucifix is hung. It is called “Piss Christ”. Tell me what would have happened if it were called. “Piss Mohammed”?

American taxpayers have subsidized a play whose theme is that a homosexual lovers’ quarrel led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is called “Corpus Cristi”. Tell me what would have happened is it were called “Corpus Allah”?

What do all the terrorists in the 21st century have in common?

They were all, every one of them, young Muslim men who shouted Allah Akbar before they killed Americans. Do you think those 72 infidel virgins were worth it?

General Martin Dempsey, a native of Bayonne, NJ, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, calls a law abiding American citizen living in Florida and asks him not to do something that is legal and, in many instances, considered heroic. What is wrong with that sentence?

I mentioned Bayonne because the proper response from a resident of the Queen City of the East to the phone call from Leon Panetta “requesting” him to place the call should have been “Shove the phone up your ass”.

Men can dress up as Nazis and shout “Todt Juden” in a neighborhood filled with old Jews who side stepped a one way ticket to the ovens.

Some people are free but some people are more free than others?

Would it be OK for me to burn a Koran – and why is the damned thing almost always called the sacred Koran? The bible is older. Shouldn’t it be awarded sacred status too? – if I wrapped it in an American flag? How about if I kept a bucket of piss nearby should the fire get out of hand? Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression, no? I am covered on 2 fronts, yes?

I only have 25 centuries to go on but I think we can stipulate to one thing. Apologies don’t work with these murdering WOGS.

Am I still “free” to say that?


PS – Should it turn out that the murdered American Ambassador was homosexual wouldn’t that make his death a hate crime? The thought of Barney Frank and Rosie O’Donnell leading Seal Team 6 & ½ into the holy city of Qom would make it all worthwhile. Perhaps a sequel to The Laramie Project could be The Benghazi Project? Drat! I just remembered. There are no homosexuals in Muslim countries.

Am I still free to say that?

Speaking of “stupid films”, have you ever seen “Ishtar”? How about “Sicko”?

Jay Carney – Head Shill and Flack Catcher

September 16, 2012
Jay Carney – Head Shill and Flack Catcher
The White House
Washington, DC

RE: At least it’s indoor work and there’s no heavy lifting

Mr. Carney,

You have a tough enough job what with square pegs and round holes, 4 sided triangles, making 33 ounces fit comfortably in a quart bottle, saying that not only is the emperor dressed but that he looks like Cary Grant [Did I just date myself?] and telling adults who want to, desperately want to, believe it when you say that Santa Claus is really, really real and that if we sit and hold hands and hum “Kumbaya” or “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” that we can overcome our differences – all of which come from the evil Bushes, pater et fils, Halliburton, the Koch Brothers, and conspicuous consumers all of whom who wish to continue consuming conspicuously on the poor guy’s dime even though by definition he doesn’t have a dime – and finally find that most elusive of targets, the Holy Grail, for modern American Liberals, the horizon of rising expectations that only a public policy based on “Midnight Basketball” can lead us through the desert to the Promised Land.

But then you have to go and muck it up by saying that all the woes of the past 4 days have been caused by a “video, a film that we have found to be reprehensible and disgusting”.

Sez who?

Bowsley Crowther? Pauline Kael? Rex Reed? Siskel & Ebert? J. Allan Smithee? Absolutely. You? Never.

I think “It’s A Wonderful World” is a terrible movie. I hope every Christmas that when George Bailey jumps off the bridge he is caught in midair by the occupying trolls and torn to pieces. I hope that when he falls in the pool they close it up and he is still there. Beat the stupid bastard to death and be done with it.

I think the people who made “Dead Poets Society” should be flogged. Repeatedly.

The only people who paid to see Merchant & Ivory movies were –A- Merchant & Ivory, -B- blood relatives of Merchant & Ivory and –B- people who go to bullfights to see the bull win or if there are no bullfights available to the closest NASCAR event hoping to see a 186 MPH flip into oncoming traffic. After you’ve seen the dog walk on its hind legs what difference does it make how well Bowser does it.

The French think that Jerry Lewis is the 20th century genius of film. Yet one more reason to ban Gorgonzola. Why couldn’t D-Day have been in Holland or Lithuania?

Sam Peckinpah was regularly censored, beaten up, short changed, and made miserable by film people.

I don’t give a Damn if the particular video is offensive to Muslims or reprehensible to your tastes. Your job is to tell us when this year’s Summer of Recovery is going to kick in. It has a week to go this year. [I must tell you that the mendacious Mandarin moneylenders are getting just a bit pissed off]

I think “Bambi” and “ET” were profoundly flawed films. Both were anti-rational and anti-intellectual. They were well made films that sucked.

As long as I have your attention why haven’t “Song of the South” and “Boys in the Band” been on regular TV? If I see “The Sting” anymore I’ll be able to play all the parts, including the hooker not named Hooker.

Then again I am not standing in front of a worldwide audience and telling them to believe me and not their lying eyes.

Kevin Smith

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Allah Ain't So Great

September 12, 2012
Some thoughts in re the killing of an American Ambassador in Libya
The Prince asked his most trusted advisor – How old is the word consigliere? – if it were better for a ruler to be loved or feared. “Feared”, he answered. “The people may yet come to love you.”
Nolo me tangere cum impecunis
Freedom of Speech, a Right of ours from birth, a Right of ours “from beyond the stars”, a Right of ours that maybe doesn’t travel as well as we wish for it to, is part of the warp and woof of the Western Canon. An individual, however low his state or condition, can defy the King and deny him entrance to his “ruined tenement”. Further, he can shake his fist at him and tell him so.
In our country this Freedom has affirmed the right of Nazis to march through Skokie, IL shouting Todt Juden at Holocaust survivors.
In our country this freedom has forced taxpayers to subsidize a play by the name of Corpus Cristi. It has a simple enough plot. Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot were homosexual lovers. They had a lovers’ quarrel that led Judas to drop a dime on Jesus. It got a bit out of hand and the Romans crucified him.
225 years the magnificent words “Congress shall make no law” began the text of the First Amendment. It only applies to governments. Chick-fil-a and the New York Times can say whatever they want. Their customers, not some mind numbed factotum from the Department of Truth, will be the judge and jury. Their decision will be the only one that counts.
A word or two more about context.
In 732 AD [ACE is the new secular humanist term for insuring that we don’t confuse the Battle of Tours with the founding of Rome. That would be BCE, neither of which I will define or use.] Muslim hordes were halfway across France before Charles Martel, AKA The Hammer, crushed them. If Islam is such a peace loving religion what were its votaries doing there, it being less than 100 years after its founding?
The Battle of Taranto – October 7, 1571 – is remembered as the day when greatly outnumbered Christian navies crushed sea going Muslim hordes. What did they have in mind?
In 1683 Muslim hordes were at the Gates of Vienna. If they won, if they had conquered the city, what would have become of Bach? Speaking of Bach, can anyone Barack Aquinas whose works are still awaiting discovery? Is there a Hussein Shakespeare somewhere who will burst upon the world stage where a Keats will hail him? Other than the moon and the 2 stars [I saw them this year. Nice.] announcing the start of Ramadan what else has the planetarium of Islam told us? Is there Muslim penicillin that is being kept off the market by evil Western drug companies? In fact, the only medical advance that is wholly attributable to Muslim culture is the recycling of the bottoms of Coca-Cola bottles into emergency cliteroidectomy scalpels, there being no G-spots in Muslim countries.
An American author, Naomi Wolf, has published a book with the distinctly non-Muslim title “Vagina”. Maybe there are no vaginas in countries ruled be Sharia law. What will be the response in the Muslim world when they find out about this? How will the Arab man in the street react Maybe that’s why “Dancing Boys” is the fastest growing industry in the Muslim world.
The planes that were flown into buildings 11 years ago were built where?
Here’s a hint.
Boeing does not have a plant in Kafiristan.

13 centuries after Christ was born La Commedia was published. Its opening line, “Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”, challenged the very foundations of everyday life in the Western world. The word Dantesque still means over the top descriptions of horror and indescribable sin and punishment. It is still being read.

A strong case can be made that Mohammed was a goat humping pedophile.

There are more Christians in the world than there Muslims. There were no uprisings in America let alone in the non-Christian world when Corpus Cristi appeared. Justice Holmes was right when he said “We must have room for what we hate”. That is a sentence that cannot be translated into Arabic.

I don’t know if the 12 minute homemade movie, the one that casts a bad light on Mohammed, says that Moe was a goat humping pedophile or a walker on the wild side. He was or he wasn’t. Either side can be presented and defended. People died because of it. So much for the Land of Milk and Honey into which the Arab Spring was supposed to lead us.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said that Congresswoman Giffords was shot because of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio. I think it is safe to assume that the EIB network has no outlets in either Benghazi or Bizerte. The American Ambassador died because of something that may have been said 7,000 miles away?

I guess that’s worse than saying that Jesus Christ, a man that more than a billion people believe was the Son of God, was cruising the Hershey Highway before he was crucified and rose 3 days later.

Poetic license perhaps.

Perhaps a reasonable man would say that reason does not work with thugs. What does work – Tours, Taranto, Vienna – is a two by four across the bridge of the nose.

The Democratic Party in convention last week booed God, forgot about Jerusalem, and, in a film clip honoring the American military, showed 4 Russian ships as if no one would notice.

Nolo me tangere cum impecunis?

Touch me not with impunity!

Surely the response must be disproportionate to the crime. Bomb the bastards. Bury their dead in pig skins. Drop bacon fat on their mosques.

Lest we forget balloons and whistling were crimes under the Taliban. Girls wearing nail polish had their finger nails pulled out.

Maybe Allah ain’t so akbar.

I suggest that Obama has become Jimmy Carter. The only difference is that Carter took better care of his brother. He put Billy in front of a few money making deals. One of them was shilling for Moamar Khadafi, the head thug in Libya. Now he’s just one more WOG enjoying his dirt nap. I say different because Obama’s brother still lives in a mud hut in Nairobi. I never thought a “shovel ready” job in the ongoing Summer of Recovery would keep a roof over a homeless guy in Nairobi.

I hope that never changes.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gary Stein The Sun –Sentinel

September 9, 2012
Gary Stein
The Sun –Sentinel

RE: “Give me your tired, your wretched masses looking to major in graphic design at the in-state rates” – Some comments on your how bad can those Republican rotters be as told by you in today’s Sun-Sentinel.

Big Stein,

Now I’m a “Hater”.

I’ve gone from being a founding member of the notorious “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”, one who wore his cap proclaiming my membership when I picketed the White House in the summer of 1998 shouting “Come out you son of a bitch with your hands up. We have the place surrounded”, to being labeled a curmudgeon by the only big time media mogul I know, to having 3 thoroughly modern American Liberals, elected officials all, send the police – men with badges and guns – to my house because of something I wrote to being a “Hater”.

It’s not the title Mom would have wanted me to have as I enter my golden years.

If the Devil can quote scripture I can read the Constitution.

You say, in your usual state of snarky dudgeon, that Governor Scott, the focus of evil if not in the whole world than certainly on the East coast, is trying to get “Illegal aliens” – What a refreshingly Tanqueray clear statement! – to pay higher tuition rates than other students at Florida colleges. Full disclosure demands that I point out that the “other students” bear the burden of being fully documented.

You say that someone from Kafiristan, Lower Volta, South Central Sudan, Nod, or Paraguay should pay the same tuition as someone from Belle Glades or Hobe Sound.

Would not Logic and the Constitution dictate that the same tuition rates should apply to someone from Bayonne, NJ or Wynona MN or Allen, TX? At the great risk of being thought of as a xenophobic nativist hater why should a presumptively law abiding citizen of North Dakota or Arkansas by penalized in favor of someone who broke our laws to get here?

Either all residents are equal or some residents are more equal than others.

Get back to me on that, OK?


PS – “Fairness” – What would modern American Liberals do without that word? Impossible both to define and to quantify its only use is to sound the alarm for the usual
mAL war cry of “More”. Is it “fair” that I am folliclely challenged while Senator J. Forbes Kerry is not? I used to be able to play basketball as hard as Michael Jordan. Is it “fair” that I couldn’t play it as well? Is it “fair” that Barney Frank gets all the good looking guys?

Never send Little Stein a check for more than $99.99. Unless the Fed has changed the rules any item under $100 hits the account as cash. Anything over is subject to collection. That’s pretty “fair” of me to tell you that, no?