Friday, September 28, 2012

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun Sentinel

September 25, 2012
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun Sentinel

RE: A teachable moment! A very teachable moment! – More comments and suggestions on the plight of Black males mired in a non-responsive, probably racist, school system

Mr. Lyons,

Let’s get “them” involved.

How can “they” be expected to master imaginary numbers if overcoming ennui is their top quotidian task?

Herewith a modest proposal to engage non-feral Black youth in academic demonstrations for the purpose of learning Civics up close and personal.

The Broward County Board of Education is a proud sponsor of October Gay Pride Month. Why don’t we engage our youth in some demonstrations of community activism, minority outreach, and 1st Amendment activities?

#1 – Picket a local mosque. Of course it will be a peaceable picket. Demand that the congregation denounce all Islamic anti-Gay activities. The more Sharia the shire the more likely a singer of Sapphic songs is to be scourged. To get the attention of those at Friday services the younger of the demonstrators will carry pictures of Rosie O’Donnell and Barney Frank. The older, more promising, students will carry pictures of Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin. Perhaps a few numbers from “A Chorus Line” will show the irenic nature of the demonstration. A demonstration of mixing and matching café curtains might be nice. The manly smell of Brut should fill the air.

#2 – Modern American Liberals cheer lustfully when an American flag is burned. The Supreme Court has ruled that men can wear Nazi uniforms and shout “Todt Juden” while walking through a neighborhood filled with Holocaust survivors.

On Election Day, on the steps of the Federal Courthouse, an American flag will be burned. The difference here will be that a Koran – And will someone please tell me why the damned thing is always called the “sacred” Koran or, for that matter, half of their Allahdamned cities are “holy”? If Qom is “holy” Bayonne, NJ should be downright beatific – will be wrapped in it. As a concession to safety a clear plastic container, a la Piss Christ, will be nearby. Should the fire get out of hand it will be doused with pee. In this instance the pee will be porcine.

Can I count on your support to help the unaborted, academically underserved Black youth before they become feral Black youth, the bête-noire of modern American Liberals?

You may wish to make some discreet inquiries as to the racial disparities in some Broward schools. Let’s start with Dillard High School and Boyd Anderson High School. Where are the children of White Broward County modern American Liberals? We know where they ain’t.

Maybe it’s time to bring back the race balancing aspect of busing?

Perhaps we should ban private schools.

As I said, a modest proposal.

Kevin Smith

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