November 23, 2013
Albert R. Hunt
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005
RE: Is there a copy available of the Esquire cover with an article entitled “Kennedy Without Tears”? It had a picture of the martyred President, the one shot and killed by a devoted Marxist, and not the Tea Party, on a crucifix. Didn’t Mother Teresa and the Polish Pope have a Devil’s Advocate?
Mr. Hunt,
First, I am an Irish-Catholic born and raised in Bayonne, NJ. That precludes any possibility of GOP tainting since Republicans had to be out of town by sundown. I remember my father telling me that a sign that said “Men Working” was Republican propaganda.
Second, my letter from R. Sargent Shriver congratulating me on joining the Peace Corps is available for review.
Four things about your “Excuse me but I just wet my pants” column about Lucky Jack:
#1 – You mention President Kennedy “who sent troops to the South to enforce integration”...
The rule for civil fraud – 10b5 – specifically mentions “omission” of a material fact as being part of the double helix of fraud. You have your toes up on the line by not mentioning that it was President Eisenhower who sent paratroopers – I forget whether it was the 82nd or the 101st – to Central High School in little Rock, Arkansas to enforce the law.
History demands that 2 things be emphasized:
A – All opposition – all, no exceptions – to the above came from the Democratic Party.
B – President Eisenhower, nee General Eisenhower, the man who led this country to victory in Europe, was the same man that Candidate Kennedy accused of letting this country fall into a “limitless peril”. It was called the “missile gap”
Thank God for Google.
#2 – You mention Joe Kennedy “a 33 year old freshman Congressman from Massachusetts” as if he were… as if he were… part of the royal family of. Kim Il Sung.
Jeezus Haitch Keerist, but it’s good to be a catcher on the Lucky Sperm Yankees. I daresay that health care coverage after January 1, 2014 is not high on their list of concerns.
Those louts and loutettes must have implanted GPS chips. Should one of them get lost in the woods no hound could ever track them because they all have lethal levels of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.
Do you know if any of those dilettantes ever soiled their diapers when they were young? Were they born playing touch football? Miley Cyrus and Brittany Spears at least had to sing and dance before they retreated to the 1% world of conspicuous consumption.
#3 – Maybe Malcolm X was on to something when he suggested that “chickens were coming home to roost” in re the Kennedy assassination. 3 weeks before Kennedy was shot the United States, at the very least, acquiesced in the assassinations of Diem and Nhu in Saigon. One of the flaccid myths about the United States and Vietnam was that Kennedy wanted to get this country out of the conflict. Maybe he should have clipped Ho Chi Minh.
#4– My non Irish-Catholic aunt, the one from Hester Street, said, “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s rain”.
Good advice then. Better advice now.
Kevin Smith
Sunday, November 24, 2013
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