Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013
Rebecca Marques
P.O. Box 24361
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307

RE: Chicken Little now says “The sea is rising, the sea is rising” – Some comments on your unlinkable Op-Ed column in this morning’s Sun Sentinel

Ms. Marques,

“As the risks of climate change become increasingly clear” negates, nay, denies 25 centuries of Western Civilization. Things like Logic, the scientific method, reasoned discourse, and “Prove it” are tossed down the memory hole like they were last year’s fashions.

45 years ago we were told that we would either freeze to death or starve to death by the end of the 20th century.

30 years ago the “consensus of science” – Science and consensus in the same sentence is an affront to the aforementioned Western Civilization – had a mid-course correction. “Never mind”, said Professor Emily Litella. The ozoneless sky, caused by the internal combustion engine, and fueled by evil Big Oil would cause the world to die from…drum roll…Global Warming.

Having survived the Cooling threat, having survived the Warming threat, we are now faced with the worst of all possible threats. Welcome to the world of Climate Change.

Would you think ill of me if I were to point out that since the last Ice Age – I am glad something caused the icebergs to melt. If they didn’t we wouldn’t be having this conversation – we have 4 changes of climate per year? You may wish to consult the noted Italian climatologist, Professor Antonio Vivaldi, to do some homework on this. In your case, a lot of homework.

You say that our only hope is windmills.

I am sure you have factored in the collateral damage – a kind of environmental “friendly fire”, if you will – of bald eagles, whooping cranes, loons, ibises, and spotted owls being Cuisinarted while they go about their business. Don’t tell the Feds that your panacea is killing endangered species. If we are to believe the 155 year old still unproven Theory of Evolution it is probably time for them to go. No big deal.

is an inconvenient truth that facts are hard, stubborn things. I live in the hope that it is not too late to change the minds of twits who worship at the altar of Ned Lud. Failing that, I regard it as my duty to proclaim across this fair land of ours that if it looks like bullshit, if it smells like bullshit we can come quickly to a scientific consensus that it is

Try to follow the bouncing ball of the energy equation.

50% of the electricity produced in this country is used to air condition our homes, our malls, and our cars. It should be obviously self-evident that the quickest and cheapest way to save our planet is to ban all air conditioning.

Think how much better we would feel if the Sun Sentinel and OCEANA were to ban all A/Cs. All of South Florida would rally to the cause. Really.

A serendipitous benefit would be the revival of the hand held fan business. Talk about a true Summer of Recovery.

I await your marching orders.

Kevin Smith

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