Monday, January 27, 2014

January 26, 2014
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald

Re: The matter is settled. The man behind the curtain, Pitts the Great, has spoken. Some comments on your column today, stating infallibly as is your wont, that “they [Conservatives] have never been on the right side of history where black people have been concerned”.

Mr. Pitts,

Was “Amazing Grace” written by an ancestor of Tupac? Could we double-helix Oprah back to William Wilberforce? What color was Harriet Beecher Stowe?

I had an uncle who died on July 2, 1863 in the Wheat Field at Gettysburg. He was a member of the 69th New York Regiment – the Irish Brigade. He is still there “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.

I can’t conceive of a better definition of being on the right side of History. Can you? In fact, should reparations for slavery come to pass I will claim a tax credit carry forward to offset my portion of the due bill.

The first country to ban slavery, absolutely and unconditionally, was Ireland, the land of my forebears. We did it 15 centuries ago. Ergo, it becomes an inconvenient fact that they did not have to deal with Barack Obama’s paternal ancestors.

What were those stout fellows, nature’s noblemen all, doing, you might ask.

They were culling their herds. They were selling their cousins into bondage.

Instead of taking the position of Margaret Sanger, still a heroine of modern American Liberals, a position that Hitler liked so much that he used it as the template for his Nuremberg race laws of 1934, they gathered them up and drove them 1,000 miles to the “door of no return”. Look it up.

White people took them to the New World – more to Brazil than to America – until White people stopped them by force of arms. Look it up.

Speaking of being on the “wrong side of history”, in the election of 1864 the Democratic Party acquiesced in calling Abraham Lincoln a “baboon”. They also wanted to settle with the South, the outcome of which would have been the continuation of slavery. Look that one up also.

Reconstruction was killed by Southern Democrats.

The Ku Klux Klan was protected by and flourished under the Democratic Party. One more thing to Google.

T. Woodrow Wilson, and if we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall, was the most bigoted, the most vile racist to be President in the 20th century. Did I mention that he was a Democrat?

The Democratic Vice President – Barkley - in 1948 and the 1952 Democratic candidate for Vice President – Sparkman - were stone cold racists who cherished their lawn jockey statues.

It was Republican President who nominated a Republican to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Do we have to mention that it was he who forged the unanimous consensus that overturned Plessy v Ferguson? Brown v the Wichita Board of Education, remember? I guess we do. The same Republican President sent the United States Army to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce the law. Look that up also. See which party opposed that in Congress. Here’s a hint. Think donkey.

The 1964 Civil Rights acts would not have passed the Senate save for the votes of the Republican minority. You’re going to have a busy Sunday afternoon at your computer.

The Russell Senate Office Building and the USS John Vinson [CVN70} were named after Senators who, whatever else they did, spent their entire adult lives trying to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls. Another item on your look-up list.

I can find no record of a Republican Senate Majority leader who was an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. By active I mean he recruited for them and carried his fair share of gasoline when it was time to burn some crosses.

I also can find no record of a Republican Senate Majority leader going on national TV and twice using the dreaded “N” word, the word that White folk dare not use.

There is one exception to this hard and fast rule: If you are a former member of the Ku Klux Klan who is the Democratic Senate Majority leader you get an eclectically indignant pass.

It is a gruesomely ghastly fact that some 35% to 40% of the abortions performed in this country since 1973 have been done on Black women. Forget about George Zimmerman. If that ain’t genocide I don’t know what is.

Can you name one Democratic member of Congress who is opposed to this Federally sanctioned abattoir, this charnel house that is approaching Chairman Mao numbers of murders? Just one, please.

Take your time.

As Walker Percy said, “the back door of an abortion clinic leads to Auschwitz”.

Would it be imprudently racist of me to point out that it was a Black man, Kermit Gosnell, MD who led the slaughter of the innocents?

Isn’t it tiring to be 100% infallible 100% of the time? Also, don’t your arms get tired what with the time you spend on the cross of unrequited indignation?

Meanwhile, I have to get back to the Golden Jubilee of the hugely popularWar on Poverty.

We won that one, didn’t we?

Kevin Smith

PS – Once you have branded someone with the “R”, as in Racist, is there any chance of redemption, any chance of coming back from the Inferno or is it permanent, like the mark of Cain?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 20, 2014
Al Roker
The Today Show
30 Rockefeller Center
New York, New York 10013

RE – Does Global Warming cause people to shit in their pants at the White House? It depends.

Mr. Roker,

I read that you attended Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday party at the White House. I have some questions:

#1 – The invitation said that there would be no food served. Did it also say BYOB?

#2 – I counted 32 names of invitees in the story. 4 were non-Black. Wazzupwidat? If every Black voter in America had voted for her husband he still wouldn’t have been elected President save for the White vote. Don’t you think the guest list should have reflected that? Do you think the goals – not quotas – of Affirmative Action should have been used? I am sure 10 White Redskins could have been used for background photos.

#3 – Did you shit in your pants before the cake or after?

You are a beacon of hope for phantom shitters, America’s next media favored oppressed minority. When you announced – publically and proudly – that you shit in your pants at the White House the last time you were there many Americans felt so much better about themselves. It was a Stonewall moment for far too many of us. Walking taller, admittedly a hard thing to do if your pants are full of shit, was a matter of great pride for us.

Please tell us that you shit in your pants at the White House. If you did you have my thanks and my blessing.

Shit in your hat.
Pull it down over your ears.
You look good in brown.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20, 2014
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pembroke Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: Here we go ‘round the make believe bush – A comment or two on your unbelievably absurd op-ed in today’s Miami Herald

Congresswoman Wilson,

“When we get everyone working, business and investors
have more customers to buy their products and services.
When we get everyone working, people have
power to bargain for higher wages.”
The Miami Herald

Your CV says that you have a Master’s degree I something. I am not sure what it is in. I am positive what it is not in. It is not in Logic or even critical thinking.

Today’s new word is tautology. Use it 3 times and it will be yours forever. Read your statement aloud. Try to find out something, anything, about a perpetual phenomenon called circular reasoning.

I can say with 100% metaphysical certitude that the degree is not in business

Here’s a pop quiz.

Have you ever signed both sides of a paycheck?

I suggest you introduce legislation raising the minimum wage to [fill in the blank]
Once passed, it will guarantee that the unemployed Black youth in your district will remain unemployed, and all but unemployable, but this time at a higher wage.

To Hell with literacy tests for voters! Make the candidates take them. You will need 3 mulligans to get to a failing grade, you twit.

Kevin Smith
January 19, 2014
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

RE: “Truth deficit” and something lost has been found – Some comments on the story about your jihad-like stalking of Governor Christie in the Sun Sentinel.

My dear Little Debbie,

As is said on Calle Ocho…

Que cojones!
[cojones? [Traigame un SASE]

As my aunt from Hester Street still says…

“Don’t piss on my back and call it rain.”

The photo on Page 3 of today’s Sun-Sentinel shows you hectoring several members of the media who look like they are about to be overcome by terminal ennui. There is a lady who looks like she wants you to whisper in your husband’s ear that he should renew her bank loan.

Stop the presses!

Something lost and something found

Apparently you have found some of the weight that Governor Christie lost. It looked better on him then it does on you. Since I am calorically challenged I can say that. I will have Weight Watchers call you. You’ll be looking A-OK for this year’s annual Summer of Recovery.

Who knows? Maybe Ben & Jerry will run up a batch of Tofu cum Arugula Not Quite So Chunky Monkey for you.

Meanwhile, avoid horizontal stripes. Think Spandex. Always keep a can of family strength W-40 handy, particularly if you make a pit stop, if you know what I’m saying.

You say, with no hint of wit or sense of ironic mirth that Governor Christie suffers from a “pretty big truth deficit”.

Not so fast!

Speaking of Halusian Gap truth deficits…

#1 – Either the Israeli Ambassador was lying or you were lying. Fess up, you fan of, and I mean both kinds.

#2 – Either you are in favor of increasing sanctions against Iran [You remember Iran, don’t you? They say that some Jews are descended from pigs while others come from monkeys. There’s a Darwin lesson in there someplace but I’ll leave it for a different time. They also say that they want to eradicate Israel as in there will be no trace, nothing, left. That Iran] or you are not.

What you say in Washington is not what you say in Broward County. Up North it’s Nay. Down South it’s Yea.

Pick one. Tell the truth and shame the Devil. It’s emmis-truth time.

Of course, being a modern American Liberal allows and sometimes demands that plaid be your favorite color.

Are injuries caused by “Liar, liar, pants on fire” covered by Obombacare?

Kevin Smith
January 18, 2014
Douglas C. Lyons
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: OOPS! You did it again. Some comments on your unlinkable op-ed about “King’s Legacy on Economic Justice” in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Lyons,

As to why your column is “unlinkable” I direct you to some inconvenient truths.

“Prices are struck at the margin”. There is a price point beyond which an informed consumer – Shades of Sy Sims! – will not go. Go to any Wal-Mart, and please don’t tell me you boycott it, and watch people making multiple decisions. Price, quality, amount, use life, inter alia. The same process can be found in Whole Foods.

I have been buying the Sun Sentinel since 1996. A while back, after coming out of bankruptcy, you decided to charge for linking certain articles and columnists. I refuse to buy the same product twice, particularly on the same day. It would be like paying for bowl of gruel that has already been eaten.

The reason for mentioning this will be made clear presently.

Meanwhile, let us stipulate to the following:

#1 – The United States fought 3 wars in the 1960s.
A – Vietnam
B – Poverty
C – Drugs

#2 – The United States lost the first one [Vide the wall in DC] It is still fighting and losing the other 2.

Let’s focus on poverty.

Since I can’t link your actual column I feel duty-bound to quote you verbatim.

“Dr. King would be angry and ashamed. 50 years after then President
Lyndon B. Johnson used his State of the Union speech to urge an “all-out
war on human poverty and unemployment,” embarrassing poverty rates
still persist. Our nation’s leaders continue to argue over raising the federal
wage, which stands at a paltry $7.25 an hour. Congress, in its bid to help
the downtrodden, just put the kibosh on legislation that would have extended
unemployment benefits to people who can’t find work. Had he lived, the Rev.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, would be 85 and again standing in front
of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., this time
protesting his country’s campaign against the poor.”
The Sun Sentinel

I like to say, as Orwell did first, that “stones are hard, water is wet” because…because…it is true

Follow the bouncing ball.

#1 – Rich people hire poor people to help them stay rich, and deo volente, get richer
#2 – Poor people work for rich people because they want to eat and because they want to, deo volente, get rich.
#2 – Making rich people poorer, in the horizon-like impossible dream of making poor people richer, is economic toxic waste folderol buncombe. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus but that’s not in his job description.

If it were so, the country might be justified in seizing all or part of twenty billion dollars – that’s $20,000,000,000 – from Bill Gates. That’s the amount his net worth increased last year. Last year, 2013, his net worth was only 58 billion dollars – that’s $58,000,000,000. I know one of his children needs some serious orthodontia work and that he has some tuition bills coming due and that he needs to lay away a few dollars for his golden years and that he a big time Power Ball Lotto player but when is enough enough?

A Dodger pitcher, whose name is one with which I am not familiar, just signed a contract guaranteeing him 20 million dollars – that’s $20,000,000 – a year to work 6 or 7 times a month for no more than a half a year. I don’t know about you put that’s just not fair.

There are a lot of single moms in south Central Los Angeles, Usually they are women of color with children in need of a good Ritalin program who don’t have access to public transportation therefore depriving them of the benefits of Midnight Basketball and the positive life experiences to be gained from, to quote Congresswoman Waters, “alternative shopping”.

Think of how many of those “unlucky in life’s lottery” victims a slice of that unfairly gotten pie could help.

I read this morning of a company named Dropbox. I have never heard of them; I don’t know what they do. I don’t know where the HQ is. I don’t know whether they are leaders in Affirmative Action or Gay, Lesbian, and transgendering pre-schoolers and senior citizens causes. What I do know is that at the close of business yesterday they were worth ten billion dollars – that’s $10,000,000,000. Surely a billion here or a billion there wouldn’t hurt. After all, our President told them that they didn’t build it. Why should they keep it?

I yearn for the Summer of Recovery when the brigade of Shovel Ready shovelers
runs out of shovels, such being the demand for them. That will be the summer when “Rainbow Stew” and “Balloon Juice” cure teenage obesity and stop bullying.

Raise the minimum wage and extend unemployment benefits. After all, that has been a successful strategy for 50 years, hasn’t it?

Kevin Smith

PS – Have you ever heard of Charles Murray? He wrote a book called “Losing Ground”. It only traces the War on Poverty for its first 20 years. He limns the empirical evidence that the objectives of the War were not only not met but were actually made worse. Also, could you find me a synonym for boob, jackass, cementhead, dunce, ninny, or ohmadahn? I am going to need them in the upcoming days.

January 18, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394


In its entirety, and perhaps as good a working example of “smarminess” as can be found in today’s paper

Loser: Lauren Tannehil

Lauren Tannehill has it all – great looks,
a modeling job, married to the quarterback
of the Dolphins. She also had an AR-15
semi-automatic, which she somehow left in
a rental car. What she did was pretty dumb,
and could have been dangerous. Insert
your blond jokes here.

Let’s agree on what [perhaps who would be better] she didn’t leave in the car. Senator Lard Kennedy, married at the time, left a lady – not his wife – to drown in a car that he drove off a bridge. She was by herself.

Speaking of argumentum ad hominem, what if the “loser” was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Her Medusa-like hair, her Piranha grin, and her Banshee cry would preclude her from needing any gun protection. Her looks alone would drive bad guys with evil intentions straight off the nearest bridge.

How about Janet Reno or Donna Shalala or Barbara Mikulski? You could have fed Haiti with all the lamb chops their families had to tie around their necks to get the family dogs to play with them.

Congratulations! It’s only January but you have secured a spot in the finals for


Kevin Smith

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16, 2014
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
55 Hanson Place #603
Brooklyn, NY 11217

RE: Speech – Some comments on your proposal to muzzle speech that you find offensive.

Congressman Jeffries,

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. Who in the name of Nat Hentoff gave you the right to tell me what I can say? When was the power to decide who gets to say what bestowed on you? And by whom?

“Fuck you” was the standard SEIU greeting to Republican members of the Wisconsin legislature who were debating whether or not the union – perhaps better described as a cabal of thugs - was subject to the laws of gravity. [Ask your wife]

“Hooked nose diamond merchants” was the term used by the Reverend Al Sharpton – And exactly where is his parish and which divinity school was he graduated from? – to describe non-Gentile purveyors of precious stones.

Would you classify either of the above as “hate speech”? If you do what would be your remedy? Fines? Jail time? Having their lips Gorilla Glued shut?

I guess you missed the section on the First Amendment in your Constitutional Law class at NYU Law School.

In the soon to be released “Free Speech for Dummies”– Particularly poltroonish politicians who are world class horses’ asses– there is a whole chapter given over to just 5 words.

“Congress shall make no law…”

The First Amendment protects offensive speakers. It does not protect offended listeners.

Chew on that for a while, you putz.

Kevin Smith
January 15, 2014

Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Street
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Absolutely on some Amendments, not so absolutely on some Amendments, y quien sabe on the rest – Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald on why George Mason had it in for Trayvon Martin.

Mr. Pitts,

Since the only weapon you own is a hammer everything you see looks like a nail.

Aside #1 – You said that your daughter will be studying English Literature in college. I asked you to ask her if Wordsworth was still on the “Do Not Invite” list for the next communal showing, anatomically correct communal showing, of “The Vaqina Monologues”. Alas, I have not heard back. No matter. I have a new assignment for her.

Edmund Burke, a man about whom your writings scream that you know nothing, said the conflict ion any civilized society was between order and freedom. She would be well served if she were to become familiar with him. God knows, but she might even be able to teach her old man something.

90% of street felonies in Manhattan are Black on Black. Would not Logic dictate that when the victim [alleged] files a complaint against the perpetrator [alleged] that the race of the bad guy [alleged] is going to be overwhelmingly Black?

Aside #2 – It is an inconvenient truth but the murder rate in Manhattan has gone down by almost 90% since Mayor Giuliani began “Stop & Frisk” and Mayor Bloomberg continued it. After 20 years of “Stop and Frisk” there are at least 2,000 more Black people living in Manhattan then would have been had the policy not been instituted. If you object to the methods do you object to the results?

As to giving up our personal freedom s you may not be aware of it but if showing a photo ID to vote is so bad why is showing one to buy nail polish remover Kosher?

Kevin Smith

PS – I have a reading list available for college students should you so desire.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

“The difficulty of assigning any good reason for the absence
of vast piles of strata rich in fossils beneath the Cambrian System
is very great. The case at present must remain inexplicable and
may be truly regarded as a valid argument
the views here entertained.”

Today’s mystery author is


The emphasis is his; the capital letters are mine.

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 4, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ

RE: As promised. The Dummy’s Guide to GlobalCoolingGlobal WarmingClimateChange particularly if the dummies are modern American Liberals who think that all things are possible if enough men of good will really, sincerely want it to be so. The rumor persists that you are now sitting in your editorial aerie chanting Kumbaya in the hope that the snow will go away. Ah! Blessed consensus.


Like it was yesterday [1992] when Senator Albert Gore, Jr, soon to be Vice President, soon to earn “Cementhead” as his Secret Service call sign, soon to be known forever to his devoted legion of unbelievers as Alpha Gump, took to the floor of the United States Senate to tell us that the sky was falling and that the ozone layer was either imploding and/or exploding or both or neither. Further, there was nothing we could do about it other than to pay more taxes to prolong our death throes.

Since plaid is his favorite color you can never be really sure what the modern American Liberal paradigmatic template of the world’s most perfect horse’s ass meant.

Honest. You could look it up.

This was before he got $300,000 via Visa and Master Charge transactions from discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns. He then began to chant “no controlling legal authority”. It must have worked because the only man to ever flunk out of 2 graduate schools in one semester almost became President. A te deum is in order for the people of Tennessee, his home state, who said that this slum lord, tobacco growing, creator of eternally toxic environmental slag heaps would not, must not, be President. If they had not done so Bush could have won all the votes in Florida and he would still have finished second.

[The fact that he would have had trouble finding his ass using his hands, his wife Thumper’s hands, plus all the baby Gumpsters being back seat drivers didn’t prevent him from making a gazillion dollars by selling kudzu plants to his contemporary 1% dilettantes to plant in the Seychelles or inner city Detroit to atone for their gargantuan, seven league, carbon foot prints. No polar bear was safe when these narcissistic bastards started to party.

Like his father, Senator Albert Arnold Gore Sr, AKA the bag man for Armand Hammer who, like Walter Duranty and Alger Hiss was in thralldom to Lenin and Stalin, Junior sold a non-existent TV network to some enterprising WOGs with said transaction netting him 200 million dollars – that’s $200,000,000.

In Hudson County, New Jersey that’s known as the cost of doing business. Plus, the Al-Jazeera thugs have a marker on the man who could have been President. Cheap at 5 times the price. I expect to see Alpha goose stepping on MSNBC while he hums the Horst Wessel song and wears a Todt Juden golf shirt. That marker is callable on demand. Watch for it coming soon to a TV network.

And don’t you dare use the term “ad hominem” to describe the objectively accurate description of this churlish knave.

The man and the movement are morally and intellectually bankrupt.

But back to the original fallacy, the “consensus”.

While it may be classified as a series of “non sequiturs” it is not too difficult to weave a tapestry worthy of Penelope in re “climate”.

Pay attention. There will be a test.

#1 – How did Greenland wind up being known as Greenland?

#2 – Any time it gets warmer more land becomes more arable. More protein, both vegetable and animal, is produced. More protein makes people smarter. Temperatures spiked up in Europe about 11 centuries ago. We wound up with the Renaissance. Is it Petrarch or is it Dante with whom you have a problem?

#3 – Dante begins La Commedia with “Half way through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”. That is the skepticism that is vital to Western Civilization. The need to re-test and re-prove beliefs is what enables Western man, according to Faulkner, not only “to merely survive but to prevail”. It is the scientific method writ large.

When discussion of topics tangible is verboten because
the consensus cannot tolerate dissent perhaps it is time
to bring Ptolemy back to the first chair in Astronomy.

He was top dog, the consensus choice, who had settled the questions of earth, the sun, and the planets for some 16 centuries.

There is a Rhetorical device – not one connected to Sophistry – called “denying the major premise”. All scientific progress is based on it. Independent replication of any thesis is required for said thesis to be accepted. If we preclude it, as in comparing Climate Change skeptics to Holocaust deniers, we preclude any chance of progress.

#4 – Temperatures went down in Europe 5 centuries ago. It affected the spruce and maple trees in northern Italy in a way still not understood. What is known is that the growth rings in those trees were radically different from those before and those after. Stradivarius made some 1100 stringed instruments from these woods. About half survive. They would not have survived save for the fact that they were/are the gold standard for strings. Why the Gods chose fiddles to show his power is beyond the ken of man. What is known is that man could not have influenced the weather to make those trees dance and sing the way they did. If we think we can influence the weather we risk, like Icarus, incurring the wrath of those Gods for a hubris that is astonishing.

#5 – Every 500,000 to 700,000 years the Yellowstone region tears itself apart. It has shut down the earth for decades. We are in the boundaries of another cataclysm. If the premise that man can affect and control the weather is true how did the last one happen? Our species was still struggling to find food. There were no SUVs or hydrochlorcfrackingcarbonflourides around. The polar bears were on their own. Fossil fuel was undreamable.

#6 – It snowed in Boston in June, 1820. It was called “The Year That Summer Never Came”. SUVs, not having yet been built, couldn’t be burning gasoline, it not yet having been discovered, on an Interstate highway system that even Nostradamus had not predicted. How in the name of central heating, down jackets, and cashmere socks did that happen?

#7 – James Fennimore Cooper uses the term Adirondack to describe both the mountains and the region. It is an Indian word, doubtless one of the 5 Nations, that translates out to “dry and bitter”. When Sagamore and Magua went at it hammer and tong there were no rust belt factories belching out acid rain and carcinogens. How did “dry and bitter” become dry and bitter?

#8 – It is an “inconvenient truth” that if Colonel Drake did not spud that first well in Titusville, PA in 1859 we would not be chanting “Save the Whales”. “Free Willy” would not be used when being solicited to send money to Jacques Cousteau. The reason is painfully simple. They would have all been dead. Herman Melville would have a difficult time writing about Moby Dick because no one would have known what the critters looked like. Matthew Brady photographed dead soldiers, not dead whales.

Whale oil was used to enable people to read at night. 3 years after the first well began to produce – 1862 – Captain Ahab would have been unemployed. The whales were free to roam the oceans save for the Japanese insatiable desire for whale tartare and Rolex using whale oil as the secret ingredient when it repairs its watches.. .

If, as you imply, we must cut back on our consumption of fossil fuels to save the planet, would I be able to deduce that you want to kill the whales?

#9 – One of the highlights of the glorious Clinton years happened in July, 1998. President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs gave a press conference in the Rose Garden. Summertime in Washington consists of brutally hot, humid days followed by brutally hot, brutally humid days, followed by brains being sautéed. [One of my suggestions to improve governance was to ban all A/Cs in Congress and the White House. Alas, it has yet to gain traction]

The President of the United States said it was hot because of Global Warming. Honest to God. Bad enough he was an admitted perjurer but he had to give tautologies a bad name to boot.

Certain truths, truths based on Natural Law, “things that are ours from beyond the stars”, are self-evident.

Science does not permit that.

That it was hot in Washington in the Rose Garden in August was self-evident. That this heat was caused because the Senate would not pass the Kyoto Pact, that people used a lot of plastic, that bovine, orvine, and porcine eructations were at an all-time high, that dirty coal produced half the electricity in the country and that more than half of said power went to A/C selfish Americans, if anything is proof of an advanced civilization, not one bent on destroying Mother Earth.

#10 – Swift, Racine, Flashman, Professor Irwin Corey, Mel Brooks, The 3 Stooges, Coren – Put their various talents into an industrial strength Cuisinart and the resulting mix would not be sufficient to grapple with a Russian ship filled with tree hugging Global Warming alarmist boobs being stuck in the ice in Antarctica. Reading things like that make you want to reach for the emergency pair of Depends that all males of a certain age must have nearby.

Absolutely bonkers, head so far up your ass that you could put your tonsils back in, to Hell with common sense ideas can survive anything but ridicule.

The time for GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange to be recognized for the Homeric-sized load of bullshit that it is is now. Now and forever.

I jealously guard my 1969 copy of “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, PhD. His premise, one that he used to promulgate on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson,
was simple.

That we would all be dead by the year 2000 there was no doubt. The only uncertainty was whether we would starve to death before we froze to death. That’s what the ninny said. That there should have been people pelting him with burning bags of cat scat there can be no doubt. I do not believe in collective guilt. In this case I will make an exception. We failed our nation, our people, our culture. Indeed all of Western civilization has been placed in peril because no one challenged the “consensus”.

It is January, 2014.

We are six months away from our 5th Summer of Recovery. Dogs are safe to roam the backyards of America because their owners don’t have to eat them…yet. Cats need not unduly fear the microwave. Boiling babies has lost its appeal.

It’s cold in most of America.

Wait a minute! It’s January. We are not in Panama. It’s always cold in January in America. Football games will be played…outdoors. 105,000 people watched 2 teams play hockey in Michigan…outdoors. Look it up.

My recipe for crème brulee is still sacrosanct.

#11- Still having a problem with #1? Send a SASE.

Kevin Smith

– I will personally poleax the next person who says, without a smirk on his face, that very cold winters are caused by very hot summers. Also, I have a goodly supply of new and little used hockey sticks available at varying market prices. They are very good at proving that cold is hot, warm is freezing and that water is not necessarily wet nor are stones always hard. Furthermore, if someone disagrees with the Holy Writ of consensus you can beat him to death with them

January 9, 2014
Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Street
Miami, FL 33172

RE: I search, alas in vain, for more sensitive synonyms to ohmadahn to stupid or dumber than a box of hammers or just plain dumb to describe your column - Zounds! Who would believe it? – about the economy and poverty in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Reid.

“Exit strategy? I don’t need no stinking exit strategy.”

Lyndon Johnson [Landslide Lyndon to his nearest and dearest] started 2 wars.

That one ended can be proved by the existence of a black marble wall in Washington, D.C. It has 58,492 names on it. We were importuned by Johnson’s predecessor to “pay any price, bear any burden” to secure the blessings of liberty even for those who were not particularly clamoring for them. [3weeks before Kennedy was assassinated by a Marxist loon he acquiesced in the murders of Diem and Nhu. Maybe Malcolm X was right about chickens coming home to roost.]

Honest. You could look it up.

The other one, the one that is 50 years old this week, the one that has no end, the fabulously successful, hugely popular, widely applauded, often imitated but never duplicated War on Poverty goes on and on and on and on. And on.

Honest. You could look it up.

Since you know nothing of Economics and even less of History, since I am still searching for a phrase not quite as harsh as Homerically dumb – Yes, it’s you I am talking about – I’ll type slowly.

32 years before D-Day on Poverty, 32 years before the whistles blew and a whole army went over the top to charge 5 miles of machine guns a la the Somme, Franklin Roosevelt was elected President. He promised to end deficit financing and to balance the budget.

Honest. You could look it up.

After 6 years of beating the American economy about the head and shoulders said economy was, by any and all measurable standards, worse off than it was when he was inaugurated. It was as if he “stood in a bucket and tried to pick himself up by its handle”. [Boeing going to 3 shifts at its Wichita plant to build B-17s marked the end of the Depression.]

. You could look it up.

Men digging ditches so that other men could fill them up so that other men could re-dig them is no way to run an airline or, Heaven forfend, an economy, or a country.

Honest. You could look it up.

One of the great gifts of modern American Liberalism, indeed the one that enables them to push on and on and on never mind that the Cuisinart of History sits by ready to work its magic on inter alia, “Shovel Ready”., “Cash for Clunkers”, and endless “Summers of Recovery”, is the ability to never ever let facts interfere with an argument. Thus, Lyndon Johnson was able to say “Just because it didn’t work last time doesn’t mean it won’t work this time particularly since this time my pal, William McChesney Martin, will give me more money than I can count to give my people the good life”.

Honest. You could look it up.

Since I know that modesty is a very overrated virtue I can proclaim that I “created” more net new jobs in the 1980s than all the member companies of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It was easy; they “created” none while I was responsible for more than 400.

I am very proud of my charitable contributions, of my altruistic and eleemosynary activities. I can assure that they had nothing to do with my activities in the 4 states that resulted in paydays for workers.

This may come as a surprise to you but the main motivating factor was profit .Not just profit but riches beyond the reach of Croesus. I wanted to make so much money that I could afford to spend $104,000 [lunch included] on my 2 children’s tuition bills. Plus, I wanted to take my family to Hawaii for 17 days over Christmas vacation. [Maybe I chose the wrong career. Maybe I should have been a community activist. I must tell you that I have known since 1959 that the number of states in the Union and the number of stars on the flag are equal. 50. Also, if Austrian is spoken in Austria wouldn’t that mean that Paraguayanians speak Paraguayese while Urguayans speak Uruguayese? I have no idea what is spoken in Upper Volta.

Honest. You could look it up.

Try to remember the last time you were hired by someone who had less money than you.

Repeat after me.

You can’t make poor people rich by making rich people poor.

You can look it up.

I’ll take exception – the exception being you - to the great Dr. Johnson’s remark that “such stupidity [stupidity such as yours] is not to be found in nature”.

Relax. I am not going to take the wise advice of your pal, Martin Bashir. I will not have you flogged, “pickled”, and have someone take a dump in your mouth prior to having someone pee in your eyes. I wouldn’t ever think of it. God forbid that I wojuld even mention it.

Also, until I have evidence to the contrary, I shall not call you, as Ed Schultz of The Ed Show did of Laura Ingrahm, a “slut”.

Honest. You can look it up.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 3, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, New Jersey 07102-1200

RE: Something to do on a cold morning in Texas – Some comments on your editorial about Republicans, in addition to being mean-spirited and in favor of being unfair, not being on the correct band wagon.


I missed the word “consensus” in your homily to the great unwashed Republicans, doubtless Duck Dynasty devotees, who say “Not so fast” when it comes to, inter alia, evolution.

I say “consensus” as if it were a four letter word. It cannot, must not, ever be in the same sentence as “science”. There is no “consensus” in science. If there were Ptolemy would still be the top dog in astronomy.

Do you think we’ll find Atlantis at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle? Will a Praetorian Guard of Piltdown men be guarding the entrance? Do you remember when tomatoes were considered to be poisonous? If broccoli isn’t the result of genetic modification then what is? Why can’t a woman be more like a man? Where did the other sock go? I once had a rural Mexican Indian tell me that there was no need to boil water. Assuming that there were invisible bugs in it they would drown, wouldn’t they?

“The best lack all conviction while the
worst are filled with passionate intensity”

[I’ll get to GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange, that’s GCGWCC for short, later. I just loooove it when a supposedly rational adult tells me that it is cold in the winter because of Global Warming and that is hot in the summer because of , you guessed it, Global Cooling. Thank God that Professor Vivaldi can still explain these things. Thank God for the continued existence and flourishing of the word bullshit.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Do umbrellas cause rain? Does anyone else remember Hoc post ergo propter hoc?

I know that primordial ooze become amoebas, became protozoa, became ferns, became velociraptors, became Neanderthals [I mention them because they still have a bad rap] became homo erectus, became modern American Liberals who believe despite proof and tons of evidence to the contrary that one more Summer of Recovery will enable us to get past the horizon and settle permanently in the Utopian - Pop quiz. What does Utopia mean? – Land of milk and honey, a land filled with acres of “rainbow juice” vines and groves of “balloon juice” trees because they have told me so. How could it be otherwise?

One question remains. It is no bigger than a man’s fist against the aforementioned horizon.

It sits there like a turd bobbing inconveniently in a punch bowl.

Darwin published “On the Origin of the Species” in 1859.

Pray tell, why, after 155 years is it still called a theory?

[Yes, I can tell the difference between Caravaggio and Chiaroscuro. I much admire Frederick Bastiat, another former Bayonne resident. “Witness” is the great autobiography of the 20th century. I played football with Chuck Wepner, the Rocky model, for Pop’s Corner in the Bayonne City League. I can argue both sides of the Burke/Paine debate. I know that the “scientific method” is not a parabolic curve. And I know that anyone who says elsewise is a boob.]

Einstein’s internet was the post office.

As soon as he thought he was on to something he told everybody in his tiny universe about it. He didn’t want their praise. He wanted them to take his findings and try to replicate them away from him. He only had to be disproved once. He liked it when he was because he could move on to something else. He wouldn’t waste his time trying to disprove a negative.

The conundrum is in area where Logic, the lynchpin of the Trivium, and science intersect.

I don’t have to disprove anything. You have to prove it.

[I was juror #2 in room 1104 at the Essex County Courthouse on June 3, 1993. Judge Leonard Ronco was presiding over a – Surprise! – car-jacking in Newark. Imagine a criminal justice system where the defendants had to prove themselves innocent. Check your 6/4/93 morgue.]

Considering all the things that were unimaginable in 1859 – Velcro, Facebook, microwaves, the knuckleball, hyperbaric chambers, artificial joints, McDonald’s, never ending Summers of Recovery, Affirmative Action, Mickey Mouse, chemotherapy, frequent flyer clubs, Churchill and Reagan, The Sopranos and Downton Abbey, fractional reserves, American magnanimity, the pill, the Concorde, DDT – isn’t it time for somebody to prove it?

By the by, I would much prefer to be descended from the bears.

Kevin Smith

PS – If the cold ever relents – Maybe Professor Ehrlich was right in 1969. Just kidding, just kidding – I’ll get to Global Warming.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December 31, 2013
Melissa Harris-Perry
30 Rockefeller Center
New York, New York 10013

RE: OOPS! Somebody did it again – Some comments on why progressive commentators, particularly those who make hecates and harridans seem like Little Miss Sunshine and give bitches a bad name, maybe, sometimes, should have somebody take a dump in their mouths while somebody pisses in their eyes.

Ms. Perry,

Let me apologize in advance for calling you a café-au-lait twit. Let me amend that.

A modern American Liberal café-au-lait twit. Hold on for a bit.

An eclectically indignant modern American Liberal café-au-lait twit. I’m almost there.

A pretentious eclectically indignant modern American Liberal café-au-lait twit.

It’s tough to gild a lily but since I am in Texas – Texas being a place where all things are possible – for Christmas I’ll take another run at it.

A pretentiously perpetual professional victim who is an eternally eclectically indignant modern American Liberal café-au-lait twit

I’m almost there.

Let me jump ahead.

For mocking Mitt Romney’s grandchild – his adopted Black grandchild –
you have earned the last of my highly regarded year end honors

I pronounce you


One of the benefits of this award is that the whole world will know that you suffer from “non-malaodorous fecal matter syndrome”. A practical side of this would be if someone were to take a successful dump in your mouth you would not have to gargle with Chanel #5 to survive the non-aromatic ordure.
Since recipients of my awards – the other two are HORSE’S ASS OF THE WEEK and POMPOUS FART OF THE MONTH – are overwhelmed by the honor I usually don’t have the need to “revise and extend my remarks”.

I’ll make an exception in your case.

Your CV - that’s curriculum vitae in case you are not familiar with Dead White European Males – says that you are teaching a course on hip-hop and feminism. The Trivium just shuddered. Hip-hop and feminism?

Hip-hop, and correct me if I am wrong, consists of atonal sounds that make rock and roll sound like Bach, that make captive listeners long for the relief that 69 finger nails slowly going up and down a black board would bring. Since no one can understand what is being said the translations are so achingly familiar. There are many compliant bitches, a slew of randy hos, all kinds of humping going on, plus a pig who was shot or is going to be shot. That’s about it, right?

I forgot. There is always a paean to respect and why it is deserved but never gotten and why the cause of this is always, always, evil White folk. That’s about it, right?

Since I won’t be taking the course perhaps you could tell me how the connected dots lead us to the Holy Grail of Feminism.

[Are you now or have you ever been familiar with that Hellenic Ho, Antigone? Also, since you are an academic can you tell me if Wordsworth is still on shit list of academic feminists? Academic feminists? Almost like “jumbo shrimp” or “Ears pierced while you wait”. Is there a “Pierian spring” as “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing; quaff deeply or taste not of the Pierian spring”, nearby? Find it. Swim in it. Drink it. Let its healing waters wash away your academic woes. Begin anew. “It is not too late to seek a better world.” Yes, it is a tough row to hoe for a twit such as you but go girl!

Here’s a plan.

All the lyrics of all the hip-hop songs that I have read portray women either as sperm receptacles or smegma removal artisans. Perhaps, if you are familiar with Lysistrata, another Hellenic chick, [And if you are not, you really should be. You are, aren’t you?] you could combine breaking the chains of bondage that keep these ladies either on their backs or on their knees with some interesting reading.

You may want to have Hillary, the Czarina in waiting, and poster chick for publically humiliated broads, audit your course. She could show your students how to demolish that eternal glass ceiling.

I have no idea if you are even familiar with the Greek tragedies. Maya Angelou isn’t either.

As to “African-American History”, it begins with an inconvenient truth that is intentionally overlooked. About 20 generations back – on his paternal side – the forebears of President B.O. began to cull their herds in a most profitable manner. They sold their ubermenschen into bondage. It took a lot of blood from hundreds of thousands of White people to stop it. [Alas, there are at least 5 Muslim ruled African countries that still allow slavery. Look it up.] At least one of them was mine

Here’s an American tragedy you may be able to introduce in your tutorials. [If you are not familiar with tutorials send a SASE]

Colored Negro African-American Blacks make up ca. 12% of the population. Assuming that the gender split is 50/50 – that’s 50% male and 50% female – females are 6% of the population.

Since Roe v Wade there have been about 75,000,000 abortions performed in this country.

About 3/8ths of these have been performed on Black women. About 30,000,000 black babies have been aborted. It’s Affirmative Action on steroids. If that ain’t genocide I don’t know what is. Where are Jesse and Al when you really need them?

Where are you on this?

If we were to declare unborn Black babies an endangered species – think manatees, think spotted owls, think furbish louseworts - they, and we, would be better served. Them by living; us by not acquiescing in a slaughter that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would have saluted. Think of 100 Rwandas. Think Hutsi and Tutu in hospital gowns with Obombocare cash cards.

Happy New Year, you motley twit

Kevin Smith

PS – Qui tacet consitire videtur or so said some dead Roman. It means silence gives consent. Your shitilly snarky comments about the latest Romney grandchild, a Black baby who avoided the executioner’s ax, were in keeping with the traditions of modern American Liberalism. Do academic feminists have a position, any position, .either pro or con, on the WOG tradition of excising the G-spot of prepubescent females, usually with the bottom of a Coke bottle? Would it be cultural arrogance to say anything? How about the stoning of women taken in adultery? Speak more clearly. Your silence is deafening. Then again, it is a typical twit trait.