Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20, 2014
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pembroke Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: Here we go ‘round the make believe bush – A comment or two on your unbelievably absurd op-ed in today’s Miami Herald

Congresswoman Wilson,

“When we get everyone working, business and investors
have more customers to buy their products and services.
When we get everyone working, people have
power to bargain for higher wages.”
The Miami Herald

Your CV says that you have a Master’s degree I something. I am not sure what it is in. I am positive what it is not in. It is not in Logic or even critical thinking.

Today’s new word is tautology. Use it 3 times and it will be yours forever. Read your statement aloud. Try to find out something, anything, about a perpetual phenomenon called circular reasoning.

I can say with 100% metaphysical certitude that the degree is not in business

Here’s a pop quiz.

Have you ever signed both sides of a paycheck?

I suggest you introduce legislation raising the minimum wage to [fill in the blank]
Once passed, it will guarantee that the unemployed Black youth in your district will remain unemployed, and all but unemployable, but this time at a higher wage.

To Hell with literacy tests for voters! Make the candidates take them. You will need 3 mulligans to get to a failing grade, you twit.

Kevin Smith

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