Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014
Morgan Marquez
American Heritage School
12200 W. Broward Blvd.
Plantation, FL 33325

RE: “There’s no such thing as privacy” – Some comments on your Op-Ed in the Sun Sentinel on 2/14/14

Ms. Marquez,

Alas, the consequences of over-Facebooking or ultra-Tweeting will never be visited on me. The reasons are simple: I know that you have your head down when you do either or both and that doing either or both to excess is like eating a bowl of whipped cream that has been topped by meringue. After you finish you not quite sure what you have done.

Your title – “There is no such thing as privacy” – is intriguing.

I have some idea what the tuition is at American Heritage. I have some idea what the curriculum contains but, more importantly, no idea what it does not contain.

You may wish to turn to your Google trot – “trot”? Ask someone really old – and ask about Logic. It is, of course, the capstone of the Trivium and, as such, it has been consigned to the memory hole of modern American Liberalism and its spawn, culturally neutral secular humanism.

[One of the serendipitous joys of discovering the Trivium is that you will quickly discover the difference between Rhetoric and Sophistry.]

If, as you say, “there is no such thing as privacy”, there is no justification, either legal or moral, for abortion.

How I got to that conclusion is simple.

You have my permission and blessing to begin your journey.

People have been taking it for 25 centuries. You go, girl!

Kevin Smith

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