June 28, 2014
Nezar Hamze
@ Howard Saltz – Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Ramadan and other things from your op-ed in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel
Mr. Hamze,
The blessings of God, by whatever name is used, be upon you.
This is the 6th time I have written to someone from CAIR the Council of American-Islamic Relations.
I have yet to receive the courtesy of a reply.
Who knows, but in the holy month of Ramadan, are not all things possible?
I have some observations and some questions.
#1 – I am, as you say, an infidel who has been – so far – a Roman Catholic. There is a very big church in Rome that is the physical center of my religion. One of your forebears said he “would stable his horses in it”.
#2 – 13 centuries after Christ’s appearance on earth a marvelous poem – The Divine Comedy – appeared. It is about the journey of a soul trying to save itself despite the obstacles that organized religion places in its path. We are now more than 13 centuries past the time of the Prophet and blessed be his name. Is there a Muslim Dante to be found anywhere?
#3 – Less than 2 centuries after its publication Christianity began to tear itself apart, all in the name of God. Is there an Islamic Martin Luther looking to nail his theses of Reformation to mosque doors? Is there an equivalent anywhere in the Muslim world or is that a trait peculiar to Christendom?
#4 – American Christians trip all over themselves for doing either too much or not enough about fill in the blanks. Is there an equivalent anywhere in the Muslim world or is it only to be found in Christendom?
#5 – It is offensive to Logic to construct a universal from a particular. Nevertheless, we are faced with the inconvenient truth that 300 Nigerian Christian girls were kidnapped by Muslim fanatics, terrorists, thugs, call them what you will. The purpose was to convert them to Islam, a “religion of peace”, mutilate their pre-pubescent genitalia and then sell them into slavery.
Further, there are 5 Muslim run countries – Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Mauretania, Sudan – that either approve of or condone slavery.
Be pleased to correct any misstatements of facts.
I mention the above because I have yet to hear one Imam or one Muslim group stand up and say, “By Allah, this is wrong”. Not one. Why is that?
#6 – It’s a small matter but why is the Koran “sacred”? Why are your votaries willing to die and to kill over it? If the Koran is “sacred” would not the Bible, both Old Testament and new, be more “sacred”? If the Bible had not come before it there would have been no Koran, either “sacred” or profane, right?
#7 – Would an open and publically know homosexual Muslim be allowed to make the Haj<
#8 – One of my forebears said “Free men speak with free tongues”. Will you join me at noon on July 4th as I burn a copy of the Koran and the Bible. I’ll include a Torah for the sake of comity and fairness. They will be wrapped in an American flag. I will have a gallon of pig piss nearby lest the conflagration rage. I would like to do this on the steps of a mosque, a church, a courthouse, a newspaper, your choice.
#9 – Freedom. Give it a chance. It can grow on you.
Kevin Smith
PS - #10 – In 732 AD, less than a century after Islam was founded it would be correct to say that Muslim hordes were raping, looting, and pillaging their way across Europe. They didn’t’ invent those tactics. They just brought a new perspective to it. If it weren’t for an infidel named Charles Martel History would have been quite different. And the reason for that was…
Monday, June 30, 2014
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