Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014
Leonard Pitts, Jr
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172

RE – “There you go again”, as if you had a choice. Some comments on your column about poverty and the attempts to end it in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Pitts,

You say that Charles Murray is “infamous”. Is that because the premises of “Losing Ground” ae false? Is it because his statistics are wrong? Or is it because he attacks, using empirical evidence, that is to say, the evidence of your own eyes, evidence that is as real as your boot, the basic tenets of modern American Liberalism?

50 years into the hugely popular, wildly acclaimed, Titanically successful War on Poverty the needles measuring progress have not only not ticked upwards they have gone down. And, may I add, they have gone down quicker than Cash for Clunker in a sudden squall in this year’s Summer of Recovery.




Thus, is easy to spend good money on some half-asses, nit-witted Rube Godlberg scheme that – A – doesn’t work and – B – won’t work until the laws governing gravity are repealed and the tides do respond, favorably, to the King’s commands.

As long as you have more dogs than bones there is always going to be a scrape at dinner time.

The solutions to the dog/bone imbalance are simple

A – Decrease the number of dogs
B – Increase the number of bones

Anything that nurtures B is good, particularly for poor folk

Anything that deters B is, yet again, “the triumph of hope over experience”. If you don’t believe me look at Detroit. [Forget the crooks. Big cities run by Democrats are filled with people who would steal a hot stove on the way out the door after stealing your eyes for grapes. The real crime here, the infamia, is the perpetual nostrums of scurvy charlatans who say Vote for Me and you will be farting through silk.]

Caesar Chavez, the man who made not eating lettuce a moral imperative, knew that. That was why he wanted to close the borders and severely limit guest workers. He realized that if you cut the supply of migrant farm workers the members of his union would benefit.

Chavez and the Tea Party. Perfect together!

Look it up.

You may have committed a modern American Liberal heresy. I tell you thi s because I don’t want you excommunicated by cabal of warlocks who set policy.

You say that one of the reasons for urban poverty – urban is a euphemism for non-Caucasian, isn’t it? – is “the lack …of transportation”.

Does that mean you are in favor of Homerically sized carbon footprinting with 7 league boots, fossil fuel burning and belching polar bear downing buses? If it does, good for you.

Kevin Smith

PS – Has your daughter found out yet if Wordsworth is still on the Chick Lit shit list?

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