August 17, 2014
Chan Lowe
They Sun Sentinel
RE: It’s about time –Some comments on your earnest, somewhat unartful, skewering of Florida Power & Light in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.
Mr. Lowe,
If fact, before modern American Liberals became codified, cemented, and ossified as fanatical true zealots who worship at the Church of 4th & 5th trimester abortion and who prostrate themselves into a rapturous state at the latest anti-rational dictum issued by the Elders, the construct, the paradigmatic template if you will, of utilities, entities such as Florida Power & Light, was highly praised by Progressives. Men such as T. Woodrow Wilson, the most racist President since Andrew Jackson, praised asthe best deal for the little guy. We know that “helping the little guy” is what makes the modern American Liberal dog, forgive me, hunt. Deep down – Can I still use the word “soul”? – the common thread that binds all the mush brained nit-wits who are still waiting patiently for the year’s perpetually late “Summer of Recovery” is that all problems are solvable if enough progressive legislators and compassionate Judges want it to be so.
Your last unlinkable paragraph, the one that proclaims that you are familiar with neither Juvenal nor Swift, the one that says the unindicted co-conspirators who run FP&L, the ones who support the Tea Party and take sacks of swag from the vile Koch Brothers, lowered the thermostat in their man-cave to 50 degrees, presumptively not Centigrade.
It fits the narrative of modern American Liberals and organs of misinformation to maintain, despite empirical evidence to the contrary, that temperatures and sea levels are rising.
The fact that an acre and a quarter of property on Biscayne Bay was purchased for $1,250,000,000 – that’s one billion two hundred and fifty millions of dollars – is ignored. Is it not possible that someone who can assemble $1,250,000,000 to buy a small piece of property would have done due diligence, in addition to a title search, to see if his property will soon be a haven for lion fish? In my other life I was an expert witness on mortgages on the Federal Court level. I guarantee that predatory lending and being a Friend of Angelo does not add a dime to the $1,250,000,000 “good funds” pot required at the closing. Honest.
Such is my concern for the environment, such is my devotion to Gaia that I have been asking the Sun Sentinel since 1997 to show us the way on saving the planet. To be fair, the problem of GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction is a moving target. Since 1968 – vide The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, PhD – does not lend itself to simple definition.
Circular reasoning, hoc post ergo propter hoc, endless tautologies do not a definition make.
The word consensus, when used in the same sentence with science, should make reasonable people reach for their concealed weapon. The consensus of 99.4% of the planet for 15 centuries was that Ptolemy was right. [Look it up]
Still, if they doomsayers are right, there are some things we can do. They may not work but they’ll make us feel warm and fuzzy about ourselves. Isn’t that one of the goals of modern American Liberalism.?
Why point out the problem if you can’t offer a solution? That’s why I have been asking since 1997 for you to show us the way. My suggestions are both simple and easily implemented.
#1 – The Sun Sentinel will immediately turn off all A/Cs in their building
#2 – Employees must use public transportation. No private automobiles.
I didn’t say it was going to be easy but someone has to go first, right?
What’s the sense of doing away with gender inequality, of doing away with income inequality, of doing away with both teenage obesity and the heartbreak of psoriasis, of making endive, kale, and arugula milk shakes OK for lactose intolerant transgendered youths, of getting lambs to volunteer for a sleep over with the Lion King, if we all turn into Krispy Kritters?
Show us the way to undrown all those polar bears.
After we do that we’ll ban vitamins, hormones, and antibiotics from human use. Why should chickens and cows be the only lucky ones?
After that we’ll ban plastic.
Think Globally. Act Locally.
Kevin Smith
PS – Don’t you think it is passing strange that Japan, the first and still the only catcher on an A-bomb traveling team, gets about 60% of its power form nuclear driven plants? If they didn’t need oil maybe there wouldn’t have been Pearl Harbor. Maybe that’s one way to end fracking. BTB, in return for getting state granted monopolies, the utilities agreed that states would regulate their rates. Part of the original agreements was the guarantee of a “fair and reasonable” rate of return. Can you give me a “reasonable” definition of “fair”?
Monday, August 18, 2014
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