November 2, 2014
Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172
RE: Obama Agonistes– Some comments on your alas and alack but why are “they” throwing stones at “him” column on Halloween in the Miami Herald.
Ms. Reid,
A device, used by people who know the parameters of Rhetoric, to refocus the conversation, is known as “denying the major premise”.
Without exception, none seen, none unseen, modern American Liberals explain the ordure surrounding the clusterflubbed Obama administration as being caused by the Devil, or, worse, the Koch Brothers, the Tea Party, Wal-Mart, some combination of Rush Limbaugh, the NRA, Fox News, and former Democrats turned racist, rascally, rat bastard Republicans.
Here is an alternative explanation.
I’ll combine Dickens and Johnson – Samuel, not Lyndon
“The man is a ass and that’s an end to it”
Jesse Jackson said, just before announcing in front of 5,000,000 witnesses, that he “wanted to cut Obama’s nuts off” and that “the only thing he ever run was his mouth”.
[As an aside, and forgive me for plucking low hanging fruit, but what would have happened in the universe of POO – Perpetually Offended and Outraged – modern American Liberals if that had been said by – pick one or pick all – any White cleric, rabbi, or imam, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, the ghost of Charlton Heston, any Global Warming heretic, inter alia?]
Why Black Americans don’t vote in mid-terms and why there is a never ending appeal to racial identity and self-interest which never seems to succeed thus guaranteeing continued employment to registration hustlers, AKA political activists, is beyond me. I am, to slightly paraphrase the New York Times, a “white non-Hispanic” who has never missed an election, be they national, state, or local.
I had to use a photo-id twice today – 10/31. Is that proof of racism per se?
Why does President B.O. think that making rich people poorer will make poor people richer? [Let me add Senator Princess SummerFallWinterWarrren and Grammy Clinton to that list of boobs, jackasses, mountebanks, and scroyles.]
The only possible explanation is that intellectually disabled modern American Liberals, and I quickly add that there are no other known types, believe that there is a lock box hidden away somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle and fanatically guarded by knuckle dragging Tea Party goons that contains all the wealth that ever was or ever will be “created”.
Laying aside all other things, modern American Liberals believe that they have been anointed by a diverse secular pantheon to see that the contents of said box are distributed more “fairly”, particularly to those who are “unlucky in life’s lottery”.
Pray tell but why, six years into the glorious reign of Obama the First, has the horizon not only not been reached but still sits out there mocking those who believed that hope and change could undo the laws governing gravity? Why are Happy Days still not here? Tell me again how raising taxes and the minimum wage will get us to the Land of Milk and Honey. If raising the minimum wage to $10.10 is good wouldn’t raising it to $21.10 be better? Why not $31.10? At that rate the “single moms, usually women of color”, will have chance to fart through silk like the rich White folk do?
Imagine a man standing in a bucket. Imagine a man standing in a bucket trying to pick it and him up by lifting its handle. Imagine trying to tax yourself to prosperity. The next time it works it will be the first.
Honest. Look it up.
Other than the lower case fascists who curry favor in the Oval Office in hope of advancing their shareholders’ interest – How do you think the Bismarck and Treblinka got built? – he has had no contact with what is still known as “the real world”.
The only economic achievement of his life, other than getting other people to pay for 11 years of tuition, room, and board for him, was getting his wife a $4,000 a week raise. Let me repeat that. He got his wife a $4,000 a week raise. In a story that endears the rest of the country to how Cook County operates she was in charge of sensitivity training for the mid-day, low fat culinary providers at the University of Chicago Hospital. Within hours of him being sworn into the United States Senate he got her employer a $1,000,000 earmark. By the time her next paycheck was printed her pay scale had jumped by $4,000 a week. Absurd as it may have been it was business as usual in Chicago. Her job was so important that since she left it to go live rent free in public housing in Washington it has remained vacant.
You end by saying that Republicans “controlling the mechanisms of voting” is bad and presumptively racist.
Thank God for Google
Take a peek at “Landslide Lyndon”, his pal Abe Fortas, Duvall County, TX, and its resident Duke, and how all those absentee ballots not only suddenly appeared but they suddenly appeared in alphabetical order so as to make the recount easier. Memories are fading but it all happened in 1948 and there wasn’t a Republican anywhere near the scene of the crime.
Take a peek at the Democratic Presidential primary in West Virginia in 1960. That’s the one where Joe Kennedy, AKA Poppa Doc, told his votaries to buy a win, not a landslide. Hubert Humphrey is still trying to get the number of the truck that hit him.
Take a peek at the Chicago recount in November, 1960. The City Hall gang counted and counted and kept counting until they got enough votes counted to overcome the down state Republican vote.
I am from Hudson County, NJ. I had an uncle who was such a devout Democrat that he did not let death interfere with his election-day duty. Even though he died in 1956 he voted until 1971. That’s why people will die to get to get to this country.
As to which party is best for which particular group it may be wise to consult Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell, a man who carried political correctness to its logical conclusion, would snarl at Parliament, “I beseech you in the bowels of Christ to consider that you may be wrong”.
Please tell me of one social program that worked, “worked” being defined as the problem was noted, the solution was devised and implemented, and the problem was solved, since the War on Poverty was declared?
It strikes me as passing strange and offensive to Logic that modern American Liberals take a bilge-laden gimcrack 2 legged stool that has been labeled as being “for the children” and judge it solely on its intentions while secretly knowing and hoping that no one else notices that the damn thing could never work. Vide the never ending Summer of Recovery and, lest we forget, Cash for Clunkers.
Modern American Liberals rely on the votes of groups who have forgotten everything while learning nothing. Perhaps it’s time for these groups to stop eating their own feet. Perhaps it’s time for something different.
How much worse could it be?
Kevin Smith
PS – I voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. I believed that if I didn’t we would wind up with 2,000,000 men in Vietnam and a wall with 58,839 names of dead GIs on it. Also, America would have never ending race riots. It was Burke who said “Experience is the only school where some people can learn”. As much as he liked America he never lived here.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
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