Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 25, 2015

Congresswoman Lois Frankel
2500 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Ms. Frankel,

The President of the United States said “Religions don’t kill people. People kill people.” [Similar to “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people”, no?]

I guess that’s why his spokesmen said, after 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt were beheaded by economically disadvantaged Muslim community activists, “21 Egyptians were killed”,

Why then, after the above, did he express outrage at the murders of 3 Muslims in North Carolina? First reports indicate the alleged perpetrator had no discernible church affiliation. As each Coptic Christian head was severed shouts of Allah Akbar were heard. Was an executive order issued saying that the deaths of 3 outweighed the deaths of 21. Are 3 murdered Muslims worth more than 21 beheaded Christians? The world wonders.

I know “after the first death there are no others” but shouldn’t some sense of proportion – 21 to 3 – have prevailed? Why “outrage” at one but not the other?

I am not Jewish but the man who founded my church was. I am thunderstruck at the number of American Jews who jump the line so they can be among the first to drink deeply of the modern American Liberal Kool-Aid, a toxic brew made from a 1930s formula. History tells us how that worked out.

It is past the time to ask if it is good for the Jews. Such is the continuing power of American Exceptionalism that a particular truth can be made into a universal: If it’s not good for America it can’t be good for the Jews.

It is “emmis-truth” time.

  Will you attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech?

Kevin Smith
February 23, 2015
Congressgal Lois Frankel
2500 N. Military Trail #490
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: Who is charge here?

Congresswoman Frankel,

Can you tell me, as a constituent, why the Obama administration would announce that 35,000 Iraqi troops would invade Mosul by April? It has not yet been announced whether it will be a night time attack or a day time attack. Nothing could go wrong there, right?

Do you have any idea what this country will do when Czar Puitn, having digested, anaconda-like, Ukraine, goes to the border of Estonia with 2 or 3 divisions armed, ready, bellicose, and eager? In case you don’t know, Estonia is a member of NATO and, as such, is entitled to protection by other member states should they be invaded. The NATO treaty, having been approved in the proper Constitutional manner, has the force of law. 

What will we do? What should we do? After all, “they are a faraway people of whom we know little”. That didn’t work out too well when Chamberlain said but, quien sabe, maybe the leopard has changed its spots. Maybe the lambs will queue up to snuggle with Simba. Maybe my brother the hunchback will straighten up. 

If poverty is the root cause of terrorism why didn’t Kristallnacht happen in this country in the 1930s? At one point, the unemployment rate was 25%. If memory serves, the violent crime rate declined in ‘30s.

I am not aware of any Swedish-American Lutherans or Siciilian Catholics, or Moldovian Anabaptists who cut the heads of prisoners, who crucify Christians, who Joan of Arc POWs, or  who kidnap thousands of pre-teens to become sexual slaves. 

Do you suppose the improper implementation of supply-side economics has anything to do with it?

Would a successful “shovel ready” jobs program that led to a never ending “Summer of Revival” for the “wretched of the earth” have allowed the Jews randomly chosen in a Kosher butcher shop on a Friday afternoon – Let that sink in – Jews? Kosher butcher? Friday afternoon? Try to figure the odds on that being random – to still have heads to which they could put a yarmulke? 

As bad as having someone piss on your back is it is made worse when the pisser wants you to join him in a chorus of “I’m Singing in the Rain”. Now that’s chutzpah!

I have still more bad news for you. 

Mitch Caesar, the Big Boss Man of the Broward County Democratic Party, announced on Sunday in the Sun Sentinel that women are topped out at 82% of men’s pay. I hope that now that you know it that you and Little Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are able to contain your justifiable outrage should you find yourself in the same plane as Congressguy Alcee Hastings. At the very least he should buy all the drinks on the flight home. Flowers and chocolates would be a nice gesture also.
February 26, 2015

Al Roker
The Today Show
30 Rockefeller Center
New York, New York 10013

RE: It’s almost as good as shitting in your pants in the White House, right?

Dear Putz,

Yeah, you

What a putz!

Your stretching of the envelope of Putzdom is of such Herculean dimensions that it can never return to its original shape.

I read this morning of you blubbering clap-trap folderol about the snow in Boston being caused by Climate Change that was caused by Global Warming that was caused by Global Cooling that was caused by unicorns escaping from the Bermuda Triangle [only to become gluten free faire for drowning polar bears who are lactose intolerant] where can be found the lock-box that holds the exact co-ordinates for finding the exact location of Atlantis which, as all students of History know, was the result of a practical joke played on the world by Plato, one of the pre-eminent Dead White European Males, 25 friggin’ centuries ago. And, yes, you can look it up.

Ptolemy, Malthus, Owen, Lud, Sanger, Lysenko, Mead, Carlson, Gore-Gump, Mann, McCarthy, and dozen modern American Liberal luminaries chosen at random share one trait. They are dumb bastards who are phenomenal bullshit artists for whom the scientific method is a spee4d bump on the road to lunacy. They appear at no specific time to hector us that the world will be ending at noon on the first humid day after an unknown equinox that has been hurried a long by the Koch Brothers, “bitter clingers”, and people who are just plain mean, selfish, and nasty.

I recall with great joy the testimony of Meryl Streep before Congress of the dangers of Alar on apples and how, if unchecked, it would lead to a plethora of  scrofula, otalgia, ainhum, or something like that. Another cabeza de ca-ca. 

And speaking of ca-ca, Michele says if you are going to shit in the White House try to do it by the Rose Garden.

Kevin Smith

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 22, 2015
Katy Sorenson
Good Government Initiative – Box 248254
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124-6625

RE: Your fatal “tell” in your unlinkable mini Op-Ed I today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Sorenson,

A “tell” in poker is what the player across the table is always looking for. A tic, a twitch, a scratch, an eyebrow, a sigh…the list is endless. Among some of the universal rules of poker is that you never get rich trying to fill inside straights and bet the way your opponent “tells” you.

Your “tell” this morning was in your choice of words. You say, with no hint of sarcasm, that “a single-payer [health] care system would be closer to perfection….” And, yes, the italics are mine.

Modern American Liberals, people who believe in the efficacy of Midnight Basketball, people who believe that, yes, you can tax your way to prosperity, people who became tumescent when Barack the Good said he would “cool the earth and calm the seas”, believe, deeply and absolutely, in the perfectibility of man. Further, they believe that if enough people of good intentions and good will want it to happen Sisyphus will get that Goddamn rock up the hill and KIng Canute will yet prove his fiefs right.

Orwell reminds us that “the solid world exists. Its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet”

Perhaps you were enjoying some of Justice Ginzberg’s amber restoratives, perhaps not, and speaking of modern American Liberals can you imagine the keening caterwauling if Justice Thomas had said that he was half in the bag, but you chose to ignore the evidence of your own eyes in re “single-payer system[s] would be closer to perfection”. 

If that is so why did the Premier of the Province of Nova Scotia, a proud part of single-payer champion Canada, go to Chicago, the Baghdad of America, to have some valve work done on his heart?

When my daughter was training at Baylor University Hospital in Dallas she told me there was a wing dedicated to wealthy émigrés from single pay countries. In Broward County hospitals bi-lingual people – Spanish/English -  with finance backgrounds are highly paid as recruiters of Latin American patients who, despite being from single-payer countries, come here and pay up front for even the most routine procedures.
Let me bring Orwell back into the conversation. I’ll paraphrase him.

“All patients are equal. Some patients are more equal than others”

I am conducting a poll of modern American Liberals who believe that the economy is the root cause of terrorism.

Do you think if FDR had been able to get his New Deal programs into Germany in the 1930s that Hitler would have gone back to being a house painter? Do you think if the blond haired, blue-eyed youth, the kind that were featured in “Cabaret” had been offered the all the goodies from the NRA, from the WPA, from the CCC that they would have been incapable of invading Poland and, further, would have found it impossible, despite their devotion to mass transit, to build the high speed express to Auschwitz?

Kevin Smith

PS - The President said “Religions don’t kill people. People kill people.” Is that the same as “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Please explain the difference.

February 22, 2015
Mitch Caesar, Esq. – Chairman
Broward County Democratic Party
1832 N. University Drive 
Plantation, FL 33322

RE: I don’t know how the modern American Liberal elected chicks put up with it. Some comments on your throw-away line in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Ave Caesar!

No wonder Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is looking to pick up a few extra bucks by changing her public stance on opposing marijuana. She has 3 kids in a very expensive private school and, unlike the Obamas who also have kids in private school, she doesn’t live rent free in public housing like they do.

When she found out that she was being paid no more than 82% of what Congressman Alcee Hastings – He’s a sweetheart, ain’t he? – she got so pissed off that her hair straightened out.

You say that women “are going backward”. 

How can that be?

We are deeply into the back nine of the rule of Barack the Beneficent. Did he not promise to cool the earth and calm the seas? Surely the matter of guys and gals being paid parry passu could be done by executive order, no?

I must add that his possibility of you being a modern American Liberal putz cannot be ruled out. Vale Caesar!

Kevin Smith

PS- Speaking of putzes, how about that putzette with the plan for stopping Islamic terrorists, feral Muslim murderers no matter what you call them, by getting them jobs? If only FDR could have gotten the proven job making ideas of the New Deal into Westphalia and Prussia and gotten all those nascent Nazis jobs the express train to Auschwitz would have had no one-way customers. Why didn’t we do that? What were we thinking? Why don’t we ever learn?
February 22, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

My dear Big Stein,

The only cure for children getting older – when thinking of Little Stein remember Tennyson….”He works his work, I work mine” – is to have some really, really Little Steins. Alas, only Little Stein can half scratch that itch.

I have 3 Texas Ladies. One is an award winning artist. One is a champion gymnast. One still believes that I am the best guy ever. They make up a DNA troika that is fast heading to their own horizon, one where I can’t go, leaving only memories.

Some Boston timpanists get to play with more than one set of drums, no?


PS – Have the beloved Little Stein do some research. I’ve been asking parents of college student for several years to have their fast fading tax deductions find out if Wordsworth is still one the chick-lit shit list. No answers to date. Here’s another one. I hear a story, probably a base canard, spread by the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”, doubtless funded by the Koch Brothers, that either 1820 or 1821 was the year without summer in Boston. Boston Common was covered by snow in June. Can you imagine Brian Williams doing the story? Have him look into this because 195 years ago we did not have Carbon Footprints, we did not have polar bear killing SUVs, we did not have coal burning power plants that enable us to cool our houses in the summer and keep them warm in the winter. Where did all that snow come from? Also, I’ve heard some “bitter clinging” climate change deniers claim that Global Warming got us out of the last Ice Age. It that’s true the world of Luddite boobs will be shocked, just shocked. He’s old enough to know of the danger of STDs. Tell him to beware, to be on constant alert, for the sirens’ call of tautologies. It is an ailment commonly found in the children of modern American Liberals.
February 20, 2015
Congressman Patrick Murphy
2500 PGA Boulevard #A3220
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408

RE: Why Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators should be flogged, repeatedly.

Congressman Murphy,

The great Nechemie, CPA to the stars [and me] and the only man I knew who voted for Henry Wallace in 1948 was my mentor and teacher in many things. He introduced me to the nuances of the Bag Test.

Simply put, if something doesn’t look right, you put in a big paper bag. You close the bag and put it in a closet for 24 hours. Then you sneak up on the bag, you open it quickly, and you stick your head in. Res ipso loquitur will have to do because I don’t know the Latin for “God’s Holy Trousers but that smells so bad I think I’ll shove loose, warm cat shit up my nose to kill the smell”

I read the WSJ story of the Clinton, Clinton. Clinton Steal a Hot Stove famiglia LLC and I said, “Bag? I don’t need no stinking bag”.

Hobby Lobby, the NRA, the Koch Brothers, Pro-Lifers, and fans of James Madison have one thing in common. They did not succumb to the siren call of the C,C, and C gang.

Exactly what does it do?

One thing they do superbly well is raise money, as much as $2,000,000,000 – that’s two billion – since they left the White House in 2001 trying to take part of the Rose Garden with them.

What they do with it is as different matter. It ain’t cheap keeping 4 decades, maybe 5, of bimbo erupters quiet.

Why did a variety of sheiks throw a bundle into the wishing well? Maybe they figured as the number of Jihadist casualties increases they may run out of the 72 infidel virgins required every farm buying Jihadist.

It is always good to have an anchor to windward particularly if it is tied to an ample-assed chick who could be President.

Why is GE on the list of donors?

The answer is simple.

The people who run it have decided it is in their shareholders’ best interests to be part of it.

GE would have been the GC on the construction of Hitler’s Autobahn. They would have low bidder on the environmentally sensitive crematoria.

It is a lot cheaper than dumping some big bucks into R&D and then having to wait 12 to 15 years before any return, let alone profit, is possible.

Why bribe a Senator? It isn’t deductible and you might get caught. Plus, any dough sent to C, C, and C gets you a marker on a bruja who could be President. Remember, they strong-armed about $300,000,000 to build a library for Handsome Billy form Hot Springs. You can steal more with a pen than you can with a gun.

Your resume says that you were a Certified Public Accountant. [Is it true that debits no longer have to equal credits?]

It is standard operating procedure for modern American Liberal organizations to give out pie charts when asked financial questions by people they consider naifish.

Have you, has anyone, ever seen a certified financial statement of the C, C, & C group? How about a tax return? How about the individual W2s, 1099s, or Schedule Cs? You may as well add any 1065s and K1s to the list.

I was an officer and director of a public company. I helped prepare and then under penalty of perjury and civil fraud I signed years of 10Ks. Does this hybrid money trap have anything similar that is required of them? If so, where can I get a copy?

Chelsea, la bruja joven, may be the worst.

Perhaps if she had gone to some of the really fine public schools in DC when she was a tenant in public housing it may have turned out differently. Quien sabe?

After announcing that she knows nothing about and cares even less about filthy lucre NBC gives her $560,000 to go on TV a few times. She sounded like a cross between Dipsy, my favorite Teletubby, Emily Latella, and Pee Wee Herman.

How did she get the job? Because her mother might wind up in the Oval Office and not like Monica Lewinsky did, you dummy.

You said that one of Hillary’s strengths is her ability to “reach across the aisle”. Her husband had the quality also but he wanted to latch on to some sweater meat or play a bit of grab-can. With him, stinky finger, maybe a hummer or, if time and space allowed, a quick horizontal tango were always possibilities.

Hillary, no fool, went straight for the wallet.
I would rather have Mary Magdalene in the White House. At least she knew the value of honest labor and customer service.

Come to think of it hey had a lot in common.

Each got to sell it and they both got to keep it.

What a country!

That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba.

Let the flogging begin.

Kevin Smith

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015
Professor Hugh Thomas
@ The Miami Herald

RE: “Don’t know much about History…” – Some comments on your unlinkable article in today’s Miami Herald, an article in which you use a 2500 year old Logical fallacy, tu quoque, to explain to defend, I think, why Muslim terrorists are, y’know what I’m sayin’, Muslim terrorists. And, if I may gild the lily, feral radical Muslim terrorists.

My dear Professor,

Your column about Western ignorance of the real reasons for radical Muslim terrorists reminds me of Noel Coward’s WW2 ditty faintly praising the Nazis that was banned by the BBC. “Don’t Let’s Be Beastly To The Germans”. Its second line, “After all, their Bach is worse than their bite” is one of the great lyrics of the 20th century. “How much is that doggie in the window” ain’t got nothing on it. [I’ll get, so to speak, back to Bach in a bit]

I may not “know much about History” – N.B. I always capitalize the H to show my respect to Clio, my favorite Muse - but I do know if the 17th century version of feral radical Muslim terrorists did not get their demonic asses kicked by Jan Sobieski, a righteous Gentile and a savior of Western Civilization, at Vienna in 1683 we never would have heard of Bach.

Of course, if stoning is an option for settling marital disputes, if non-existential clit-cutting is a cold turkey approach to ridding the world of all those troublesome G spots, if beheading or crucifying Christians becomes an accepted after madrassa activity, if banning balloons, if forbidding whistling, I blowing up 2500 year old Buddhas is a rite of passage, if Joan of Arcing a Jordanian prisoner becomes holy writ, what difference does it make? The Goldberg Variations? The Iceberg Variations? The Jews sunk the Titanic because they are descended form pigs and monkeys. Kill them all!

There are 2 reasons for major celebrations – A Te Deum with “illuminations” – every October 7th.

#1 – It is my birthday.
#2 – All hail the victors of the Battle of Lepanto! Salamis, Trafalgar, Midway are on par with it. I may not “know much about History” but I do know that if the good guys – the Christian West – did not sink the fleet of the bad guys – feral radical Muslims – in 1571 “they” would have kept their promise and “stabled their horses in the Sistine Chapel”.

Honest. Look it up.

#1 – It’s coming up to 500 years since anybody in Spain used the strapado.
#2 – It’s been a long time, say 800 years, that we have kept the Crusaders, the original “bitter clingers”, under house arrest.
#3 – It was Christians in the West who stopped the slave trade. Do you think it is possible that 5 generations back one of the President’s forebears had in interest in recruiting some adventure seeking lads and lasses for a nice ocean voyage followed by light outdoor work, a steady job with great benefits?
#4 – Speaking of #3, there are at least 5 Muslim countries, Nigeria, Chad, Mali, Mauretania, and Sudan that either allow or acquiesce in slavery. Another thing these despicable thugs share is that each has the same number of votes in the UN that we have. How soon before we add Libya to the list?
#5 – Whatever happened to #Bringnbackourgirls? How is that working out? I never hear about it on the news. What could have possibly gone wrong?
#6 – Less than a century after a goat humping pedophile founded Islam, their peace loving – Just kidding! – votaries, missionaries all, were halfway across Europe. Thank God they met Charles Martel, a “non-cheese eating surrender monkey”, at Tours.

What would Europe have looked like if they had won and gone across the Rhine and then into the Baltic States?

13 centuries after Christ a Florentine poet said “Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”. 2 centuries after that Christianity tore itself apart to make itself better.

Where is the Muslim Dante? Where is the Muslim Luther?

Something happened in the Fertile Crescent about 50 generations ago. They began to eat their seed corn. They turned inward….and stayed there. Check the list of Nobel Prize winners in the 20th century. Find me a dozen Muslim names? Why is that? Should there be a set aside for them? Not a quota, more a goal.

This I know.

History, and I “don’t know much about it”, tells me that a well kicked Muslim ass is a quiet, non-threatening ass. I don’t much care if they are seething and plotting as long as they keep it to themselves. Perhaps Senator Fulbright’s doctrine is ready for a renascence

President Cleveland ordered the US Army to break the Pullman Strike so that the mail could go through. He received a telegram advising him that the strike was broken, and that the mail was going through but that he mail was going through. He immediately wired back and asked “Did you kill enough?’

The German-American Mayor of Milwaukee, at the height of the Agadir Incident, wired President Theodore Roosevelt that “100,000 German-Americans wanted Germany treated fairly”. Roosevelt wired him back to tell him that there were at least 100,000 lamp posts in the country.
In the spring of 1945 Curtis Lemay said that if the US didn’t win the war he would be tried as a war criminal.

We did; he wasn’t.

I am glad you are an atheist. One of your more famous co-religionists said, “In the long run we are all dead.”

I want my legacy to long outlive me. I have 3 granddaughters, collectively known as my Texas Ladies. I told the youngest that when she gets to my age that I want her to give her granddaughters what I gave them:

Western Civilization, with all its jewels and warts.

Let’s start with rights that are ours at birth. “Gifts from beyond the stars”, rights “endowed by our Creator” not by the local magistrate. Further into the gift bag we find the Athens/Jerusalem/Rome nexus. The Trivium. The scientific method. Critical inquiry. Reasoned Discourse. Mozart. Salk/Sabin. Walking on the Moon. The designated hitter.
Adulteresses not being stoned.

Am I naïve?

I heard the President say this morning that “Islam is part of the fabric of American life”. If that is the case why do have pork, ham, and bacon? Why hasn’t stoning caught on in our judicial system?

Not only is the Emperor naked but he has his head so far up his ass that he can check his own septum for deviations.


Which of the original DWEMs said

“Free men speak with free tongues”

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pines Blvd. – B3
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: What to do? What to do? – Some comments on your unlinkable Op-Ed in the 2/15/15 edition of the Miami Herald on the soon to arrive wall of water that will be of biblical proportions with apocalyptic consequences.

My dear Congresslady,

Several years ago I sent you some Gorilla Glue and 10 nails suitable for a pneumatic hammer. I am sending twice as much this time. It is the only chance you have to keep what is left of your brains and common sense inside your skull. I am not asking you to shit in your hat and pull it down over your ears because you look good in brown. I am asking you to put the Gorilla Glue inside your favorite stylish cowgirl hat and pull it down over your ears. Then get a Black & Decker drill – Buy American! – and have a trusted assistant hammer them into your head.

As I was reading your Op-Ed on climate I was tempted to think you were part of the 40th anniversary of Saturday Night Live. I was wrong for 3 reasons:

#1 - Modern American Liberals are genetically incapable of humor.
#2 – They react to satire the way Dracula reacts to holy water, a cross, and dawn
#3 – You really believe that mumbo-jumbo Global Warming crap.
You speak of the Sino-American Carbon Cap agreement as if it were on par with the Treaty of Westphalia or Versailles.

El wrongo!

For an international agreement to have the force of law it must be submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent. 2/3rds of the Senators voting must approve of it.

The President will submit the agreement as soon as he finds an atlas naming the 57 states in the US, the equally elusive English-Austrian dictionary, and the mysterious 5th Gospel, the one written by the Venerable Murray

There is something you can do.

Try to follow the bouncing ball. I’ll type slowly.

Not quite half the electricity generated in this country comes from coal burning plants. Half of that power is used to A/C your house and your office.

Can you see where I am going here?
We have not built a coal fired plant in 40 years. China builds 90 – repeat - 90 a year.

Maybe because we owe them a gazillion dollars they know they can treat President Obama, and let me quickly add that he is the best President we have, the way a dog treats a fire hydrant. [Never stand between the dog and the fire hydrant]


You write, with nary a hint of humor nor a tinge of mirth, that “energy transformation can be the best policy for reducing unemployment”. Does that mean that Solyndra will rise again? Will it lead to a never-ending Summer of Recovery? We will reach and breach the horizon when that happens. The other sign will be when Newton is hit by an apple falling up.

It is a real possibility, one that cannot be dismissed lightly, that you are so Homericaly dumb, that you shouldn’t be allowed to operate heavy machinery. Ignorance, be it vincible or invincible, should not be a prerequisite for public office. On the other hand, even if it requires a set-aside, there will always be room at the public table for a lady of a certain age who dresses like she is Dale Evans.

Kevin Smith

PS – If 16 feet of water will soon be roaring across Biscayne Bay, doubtless coming from the angry bowels of the Bermuda Triangle, linking the Atlantic Ocean with the Alamo, I suggest you introduce legislation limiting the losses to the American public. Begin by ending Federally subsidized coastal flood insurance. Then stop the Federal Housing Authority from subsidizing construction of any housing projects in the path of the incoming tsunami. Also, stop Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac from buying any mortgages on property that will soon be a home for humping halibut, hake, and haddock. Why should taxpayers in Edina, MN, good citizens all, pay for our profligacy? Of course, you can always


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17, 2015
Congressman Patrick Murphy
2000 PGA Blvd #A3220
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408

RE: Reach out and help me – Some comments on your fulsome tongue bath of Hillary Clinton in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Congressman Murphy,

I read the Wall Street Journal religiously. I am constantly hunting for a broker named Red Bone. Is it the former or the latter that will make me 100 times my money in cattle futures like Hillary Rodham Clinton did?

She wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky. Can you get me a copy of it?

Would you think ill of me if I were to point out that she was hired by the largest law firm in Little Rock immediately after her husband was elected Attorney General?

Would you say that her being made a partner in the largest law firm in Little Rock immediately after her husband was elected Governor was a coincidence?

Was it her vast retail experience or the fact that she was a partner in the largest law firm in Little Rock and was married to the Governor that got her the job as a director of Walmart? Was her leaving Walmart the chief reason that it became a “bad” company or did she make it so?

Is there any truth to the rumor that she was willing to give Ricky Ray Rector a lap dance to keep him in the electric chair? Ricky Ray Rector? “tough on crime, particularly Black crime”, remember? The right to know the charges against you? The right to assist in your defense? Thank God for Google. I headr that she wanted to draw and quarter him and feed what was left to the dogs.

I think her use of a time-sales agreement rather than a mortgage for the conveyance of property in White water was worse than the surrounding fraud. If you default on a mortgage you get a day in court. If you default on a time-sales agreement they come and repo your car or take back the freezer.

When she tried to get HillaryCare made the law of the land in 1993 which Republican members of Congress did she reach out to? When did she do this? Why did she keep all the proceedings uber secret? What was she trying to hide?

When she said “Okie dokey artichokey” to Lani Guinier just before her defenestration from the White House did she really mean it?

Tell me again what those folks ion the White House travel office do to have her dump all over them in public?

What is Craig Livingstone doing these days?

Was she asked to be the poster girl for abused and humiliated wives or is that just a “vast Right-Wing” conspiracy canard?

Do you think she really was a Yankees fan?

Do you think she really wanted to join the Marines Corps? [That’s “corps”, not “corpse” as Obama says]

Do you think it’s true that she told her flunkies to take the letter “W” off all the typewriters in the White House when she left? Did she take the silver ware, the Kitchen-Aid blender, and one of the upstairs bidets when she left the White House?

How “broke” was she when she left the White House?

Under “fire” in Serbia? Maybe she should revise and extend her remarks on that one, no?

I think she should do more imitations of Black preachers. “I ain’t no way tired” was pitch perfect, remember?

The highlight of her Pennsylvania primary campaign was doing a shot of whiskey in the bowling alley. How about having her scratch her ample ass at a softball game? Why not have her “pick her feet in Poughkeepsie”? Have her do that to show her connection with blue collar dudes, even those who are “bitter clingers”. It is well worth the risk of people saying that she is a phony bastard.

How about an alumnae reunion of the ladies from the Bimbo Eruption?

Did she ever ride on the private jet of the convicted paedophile? If she did, was it reported?

Her cacophonous cackling, a sound that makes one yearn for fingernails on the blackboard, will be used to make non-Islamic terrorists confess, right?

Although she told the families of the murdered Benghazi diplomats that she would “get” whoever was responsible for the slaughter it came down to “At long last, what difference does it make”. While it I not as catchy as the New Deal or the New Frontier or even the Summer of Revival it grows on you like a pustule. Or a fistula.

I think she should use it.

Bill and Monica had “a bit of the gobble” in the Oval Office. Should she be elected will shucking her bearded clam become part of the SEAL selection process? After that, fighting the feral Islamic thugs of ISIS will be a day at the beach.

A pox on both of you.

Kevin Smith
February 17, 2015
Mary Sanchez
Kansas City Star

RE: “The poor you will have with you always”, even if you are married. Some comments on your column about both topics in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel

Ms Sanchez,

It’s been some time since we corresponded. I see from the last paragraph of your column that nothing has changed. In its entirety…

“Here’s a tip to politicians who pontificate about the poor:
Approach their condition with empathy and humility, and
You might just figure out ways to actually be helpful.”
The Sun Sentinel

Bed side manner is not about how you approach the patient’s condition. It is about how you approach the patient.

I am fighting the urge, not very successfully, to say that the patient/condition dichotomy is a trait most often found in card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals. Put differently, they love mankind but it’s the individuals that they have a problem with. Plus, it is a cardinal rule that facts can never interfere either with an academic argument or the implementation of a public policy, however absurd it is in its construct, however absurd its implementation, and however absurd is its predictable unintended consequences.

The Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and the Federal Housing Authority have been with us for 146 years.

Johnny still can’t read, Solyndra still sucks, and tenants in public housing share one common trait, it being that they will do anything to get out.

You pick the starting date.

Shovel ready jobs, the Great Society, the new Frontier, the New Deal, the Sermon on the Mount, you pick one or some or all.

Which ways have been “helpful”? Which ways haven’t been “helpful”? If the “helpful” ones have been “helpful” why is the problem still with us?

If we seek to improve the human condition by improving the conditions of humans would that not demand that we address the human spirit?

Have we not outlawed that by our love of secular solutions, all of which are politically correct, even the ones that don’t work?

I don’t know what the answer is. I know, by evidence of my own eyes and the overpowering verdict of History, what the answer isn’t.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015

Professor Katherine Westaway
Professor of non-male gender studies
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124

RE: All hail Gloria Steinem! – some comments on her love in at the University of Miami as reported in today’s unlinkable Miami Herald.

My dear Professor,

I looooooove ballsy broads.

Gloria Steinem, she of the perpetual hectoring and caterwauling about how women don’t really need men, was able for the sake of her business – And will anyone, anywhere admit to having read her wretched magazine? – let Mort Zuckerberg, that’s Mister Mort Zuckerberg, apparently a proud possessor of a functioning prostate gland, get a leg over on her whenever she was coming up short on meeting her payroll. That’s keeping her eye on the ball, so to speak.

Donna Shalala, your boss, told us in 1997 that we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years. That was 18 years ago. It seems not to have impeded her career. No chance of a double standard, right?

But enough about “them”.

I have some bad news for “you”.

I’ll try to be gentle. I know this is the first time for you.

Even though non-male gender studies will surely be the key to success in the technologically driven 21st century I am obliged to tell you in all “fairness” that you are a victim of wage discrimination. President Obama, inter alia, tells us that because you have to sit down to pee you are paid 78% of what your male counterparts earn. [I doubt if the Mighty U has a non-female gender studies program though]

Since it would make no sense to protest by throwing your bra – assuming you wear one – at Ms. Shalala I suggest you throw it, being careful to remove it first, at football coach Al Golden. He seems like a sensitive dude.

I read, in several outlets, of the tongue bath for Gloria Steinem that you led yesterday. I bowed my head and thanked the Gods for allowing the word “bullshit” to survive the anti-intellectual purgative cum tsunami that modern American Liberalism demands of its votaries. It – “bullshit” - is the canary in the coal mine who warns us when it encounters folderol such as yours. Excuse me. Nit-wit claptrap folderlol. Bait in “traps set by knaves for fools” would better describe it.

3 things:

#1 –“Lysistrata” shows what can happen when the ladies get their heads together. Never underestimate the vertical smile of the always tempting bearded clam. Never underestimate the power of the horizontal tango.
#2 –Although I am becoming more sympathetic to Creon “Antigone” is my favorite literary character with “Fat Jack” a distant second.
#3 – There were several sightings of Dr. Johnson’s famous hind-walking dog at the U yesterday. Can you confirm?

Kevin Smith

PS – A few more things before I go.

A – If you have any problems with the literary references send me a SASE.
B – Is Wordsworth still on the chick-lit shit list?
C – I am thinking of doing a study of the nexus of feminism, the Bermuda Triangle, the Koch Brothers, and the bullying of transgendered, regendered, degenedered, and ungendered overweight teens. Would you be willing to help me?
D – Your website features Noam Chomsky and Margaret Sanger about whom pitchforks must be raised. I have been reading Chomsky since the glory days of the New Frontier, the days of Jack and Jackie and Bobbie and Marilyn. Send up a flare when you find 5 coherent sentences, in a row, in anything he has ever written. And, with regards to Margaret Sanger, is she the same person who was the proud eugenicist who wanted to cull the herd of undesirables? Is she the same Margaret Sanger whose views on race and breeding became the foundation of Hitler’s 1934 Nuremberg Race Laws? Is she the same Margaret Sanger whose views provided one-way, non-refundable tickets to Auschwitz? If you are talking of the other Margaret Sanger, the noted arborist, equestrienne, jelly maker, ball room dancer extraordinaire, world class bridge player, and her day’s foremost docent and doyenne of the now forgotten legendary Viennese Butterfly, you should tell us lest some of us feel ill about you.
Senator Bernie Sanders
1 Church Street
Burlington, VT 05401

RE: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Senator Sanders,

You must promise me, no fingers crossed, that you will never ever, under any circumstances, none whatsoever, change.

You are the paradigmatic template for modern American Liberals. It is rare to see a card carrying, fire breathing ohmadahn such as you saying such God awful stupid things. Since you seem not to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol it would seem that you believe, deep down, that Midnight Basketball and eternal wage and price controls will work if enough right minded people want it to work and are willing to make the sacrifices to see that it does.

Unlike Jay Forbes Kerry, a man whose great talent was marrying up – twice – or Albert Arnold Gore, Jr, AKA Alpha Gump, a man whose father was a bigoted Senator who opposed every piece of civil rights legislation in the 60s in addition to being a bag man for Armand Hammer, someone who worked for Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, and the other thugs, you are the real thing

I have seen you on TV enough to know that you believe truly, deeply, sincerely, unapologetically, that you can – A – reach And go past the horizon and – B – and once you regain control of Congress you will repeal once and for all the laws and rules governing gravity.

I saw you this AM on C-SPAN with E. J. Dionne asking tough questions like is this the year the Summer of Revival gets here early, late, or ever.

All that was missing was “I Dreamt I Saw Joe Hill”, “Workers of the World Unite” and a watered down version of the Internationale

I search in Vain for my once favorite tee shirt, the one that says

Please, please run for President.

If you can’t please try to get Senator Squaw Warrren [D-MA] to run.

Speaking of issues…Secretary Clinton, once a member of the Board of Directors of Walmart, gets so much money from Wall Street that she has to go to FedEx to weigh it.
Should she get the nomination will you support her?

On a more personal note should I hold on to my Solyndra bonds? Also, Secretary Kerry tried to skip out on paying Massachusetts $500,000 in sales tax on the boat that he had built in New Zealand because labor was so much cheaper there. Is t hat what you mean when you rale against tax cheats? How about an executive order on your first day in the White House mandating that boats built for Congressmen and cabinet members must be built in the United States?

Kevin Smith
February 10, 2015
Karen Woodall
Florida Center for Fiscal & Economic Policy
579 East Call Street
Tallahassee, FL32301

RE: “Life isn’t fair” – Some comments on your unlinkable OP-ED in today’s Sun Sentinel on why raising taxes is the only “fair” thing to do.

Ms Woodall,

I am trying to be “fair” here. It is very tempting to say, based on what you wrote, that you are dumb. In a burst of post-racial “fairness” and because the “earth has cooled and the oceans are calmed” I am just going to say that there is so, so much that you don’t know. “Fairness” to the overworked and underpaid staff at the local emergency room – particularly all the female members who earn 78% of what their male counterparts do and won’t they be pissed off if and when they ever find out – requires me to remind you that you shouldn’t handle sharp instruments and you shouldn’t operate heavy equipment.

You say “…Florida relies heavily on sales and excise taxes. These taxes are considered the most regressive because they do not take income levels into account.”

Wouldn’t it be “fair” to stop charging poor people for stamps, newspapers, and cable [basic]? How about free movies? Wouldn’t it be “fair” to waive all taxes on alcohol and tobacco?

I am sure rich people, particularly modern American Liberals, would be more than willing in the name of “fairness” to pay a wee bit more.

You cite a study from the Florida Center for Fiscal & Economic Policy, an institution that fits neatly into the ever expanding moon bat, wing nut, couldn’t hit the floor if you fell out of bed niche. I am sure the Voice of the Turtle will be heard in HQ when this year’s Summer of Revival is announced.

The policy says “…research literature suggests that tax policy may not be a cost-effective means of creating jobs…”

Herewith a modest proposal to prove that.

#1 – Get some candidates who believe that to run for office.
#2 – Win a few elections.
#3 – Take over state government.
#4 – Flip a coin to see whether California or New York becomes the paradigmatic
template to base your test. Why not take the best of both?

Do you remember in February, 2009 when President Obama told about 100 Republican members of Congress “There was an election last year. I won.”

I do.

Your path is simple and well-marked.

You go, girl!

Kevin Smith

PS – You say that Florida is “49th in state and local spending for education”. No political entity in the known universe spends more per pupil than Washington, DC. Why then does the president spend $125,000 to send his 2 kids to day school? Shouldn’t “fairness” have dictated that they go to any of the really great DC public schools? Don’t you think it would be “fair” if every elected official was mandated to send their children to public schools. One last thing. In your mission statement you mention “quality of life outcomes”. What in the name of the tooth fairy, the patron saint of modern American Liberalism, is “quality of life outcomes”?
February 9, 2015
Do you remember when Congresswoman Maxine Waters – And how in the name of “fairness” have they kept her in line what with her being paid only 78% of what one of those bitterly clinging, macho, cojones grandes Congressmen from the “crazy” state of Texas gets? – described video of a slew of her constituents looting a 7-11 the way a school of piranha takes a 3 legged fawn apart as “alternative shopping”?
I do.
As acting deputy vice chair of the South Broward County Orwell Appreciation & Tippling Society I looooooove words and terms like that.
Contrary to public opinion, an opinion shared by those who have never read him, he is not turning over in his grave. He is sitting quietly on a hillside, a copy of “Gods of the Copybook Headings” at hand, saying “I told you so”.
We are not in Catalonia but keep it in mind.
I share a problem with brain Williams
For the longest time I “misremembered” the events of the bombing of Tokyo in April, 1942.
It was I, not Doolittle, who led the raid. He had a severe case of the nautical brown squirts, doubtless brought on by an ill digested potato. He had to wear rubber knickers lest he short out the electrical gear on plane #2.
After a perfect takeoff from the pitching deck of the USS Mitty I had to perform a one-handed tracheotomy using his silver bars in lieu of a scalpel on my co-pilot Fritzie Munchausen. He died in 1992 after a botched tattoo session. He had filled up his chest, his shoulders, his arms, and his back and was now working on his arse with profiles of me.
In a practice run over Mt. Fuji I had to climb down and hand crank the bomb bay doors open
I came in low and slow, impervious to WW2 RPGs and AK 27 and 37 fire, cementing my well-earned sobriquet “Old Iron Pants”. I caught the Emperor with his kimono down as he was watering and fertilizing his chrysanthemum trees. I came round again and pickled him with two 500 pounders. Blotto. His evil twin, Thereihito, filled in for him for the rest of the war. I even got his dog, a motley Pekinese, that belonged to the virginal daughter of the Mayor of Nanking, before she was raped, disemboweled, crucified for the afternoon entertainment of the feared Yellow Peril Brigade.
“The little yellow fucking rat monkey bastards”, as Admiral Halsey, another Jersey guy like me and Williams, always lived up to their press releases.
It gets a bit dicey here.
I am pretty sure I “misremembered” my part in those events
The sceptic in me began to ask some tough questions, questions like “How could you have down that in April, 1942 when you weren’t born until October, 1943”?
I do remember my navigator, Lt. Icarus, exhorting me to keep going. Higher! Faster!
I remember I had loaded my personal weapon with special ammo that the refs in Geneva would not have approved of had they seen it. Hollow point shell filled with depleted hubris. Anywhere close and you are going down, sucka!
Here comes the hard part.
The 12 step program that helps you “unmisremember” has a difficult 1st step. You must stand on the hood of your car in the middle of a busy intersection and say over and over and over and over
The next one is hard also.
You are tied to a saddle on a fake donkey facing backwards with your pants on fire. [That’s why it’s a fake donkey] School children fling flaming bags of cat shit at you as you are led around. I forgot the dunce cap.
It’s not as hard as it sounds.
The 12th step is what separates the mere fibbers form the genetically implanted fabulists.
Your tongue is split by a bad ass laser before it is stapled to the roof of your mouth just after your uvula is plucked. Your lips are then Gorilla Glued shut. Then, Maat, the Goddess of Truth, will be appeased.
So far there have been no relapses or recidivists.
All is not lost.
Pee Wee Herman is putting together a dinner club tour. He needs a foil.
And for Valentine’s Day I will introduce my new song “Nessun Dorma”. Seats are going fast. Call now. Visa/MC accepted.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7, 2015
Letter to the Editor
The sun Sentinel’
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “BEAR HUNT A SAD COMMENTARY ON PEOPLE” - A few modest comments on your unbelievably named unlinkable editorial in today’s Sun Sentinel.


In a week featuring turbaned, zealots burning people alive, in a week featuring a TV news anchor lying like a rug, in a week where a President in the finest tu quoque fashion reminds up of the chilling effect of the 9 century old Crusades and the slippery slope of the 5 century old Inquisition it is refreshing that you, the proud standard bearer and purveyor of all the nit-wit clap trap that modern American Liberalism demands of its ink-stained votaries, you have struck a perfect chord.

After the morning sacrifice of Logic and reason to the great Goddess Gaia you have come back from the temple and proclaimed


There is a simple fact, an inconvenient one certainly, that you fail to include in your sermon. The cute cubs are told as they suckle


When I moved to Florida in 1996, 4 years before we were told by very smart people that we would either starve to death or freeze to death with the smart money being on a 2 horse parlay, I advocated killing all the manatees as a source of sausage for the homeless. Alas, the plan failed to gain traction.

I advocated importing mad cows from England to provide cursory targets for Florida’s endangered, but still proud and noble, panthers. Again, I was before my time.

In my beloved New Jersey the Everglades would go by its proper name: Swamp.

That is why when Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, a woman who made a comfortable living for more than 69 years convincing guilty middle class White people t despite empirical evidence to the contrary that swamps were good for them died I suggested a Viking funeral of sorts for her. Strap her to a motorized. Floating wheel chair and launch her from the middle of Alligator Alley. Beat the drums like was done in King Kong. Give the predators she so loved a chance of a square if sparse but certainly gluten free meal. I can think of no better end for a naturalist than to become part of the food chain, to become the last arc in the circle of life.

That too was rejected.

I am nothing if not persistent.

When I got here I was told that manatees must be protected because they were weal and submissive.

Now I am told that bears must be protected because they are wild and aggressive.

Then you hector me with neither a hint of irony nor a tinge of sarcasm that because 61% of the people surveyed oppose bear hunting we should encourage them to breed, multiply, and do what bears do. Bears don’t discriminate. If you are made of organic material they will hunt you down, they will kill you, and they will eat you.

May I ask, stifling a chuckle, why 61% of the people who are opposed to bear hunting can set public policy on 4 legged predators why 62% of the Florida electorate cannot set public policy on 2 legged marriages with no hope of issue?

Bears, manatees, whooping cranes, furbish louseworts, snail darters, unicorns, yetis, undiscovered denizens form the unknown depths of the Bermuda Triangle and/or Atlantis…where does it end?

I remind you of what Faulkner – Have the Word Police banned him yet? Is it still PC to cite him? – said when he accepted his Nobel Prize.


Put differently, my Aunt from Hester Street says


Kevin Smith

PS – If the Florida Air National Guard has some underutilized A-10 Warthogs, the all-time tank killer, on the tarmac let them use some ammo approaching expiration date on these moving targets.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 3, 2015
Robert McIntyre
Citizens for Tax Justice
@The Sun Sentinel Op-Ed
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Is it true that the Tooth Fairy lives at the bottom of a wishing well? Some comments on your hilarious Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel with the really funny part being that you mean every word of it.

Mr. McIntyre,

If you believe that raising taxes on corporations will result in increasing net revenue to the people of the United States of America through their untamed, unchained, power grabbing, one time servants, the IRS louts of theFederal government you also believe any and all of the following:

#1 – The Bermuda Triangle
#2 – Atlantis
#3 – The Easter Bunny
#4 – “I will calm the seas and cool the earth”
#5 – Reset buttons
#6 – Rainbow stew
#7 – Balloon juice
#8 – Pasta bushes
#9 – The War on Poverty
#10 - #1 through #9 cubed

Of course I realize that I may be making my point, as is oft-times said in Las Vegas, the hard way. Alas, one of the building blocks of modern American Liberalism, as virulent and as drug resistant a virus as is to be found on the planet, is the willing suspension of either belief or disbelief of its apostles as the situation requires.

“Shovel ready jobs” and perpetual “Summers of Recovery”, and without hope however impossible, how could Democrats survive, are but the latest chapters in the ongoing fantasy soap opera entitled “Gravity – Who Needs It”?

Now that I have your attention I must give you the empirically self-evident bad news.


Taxes are like salaries, insurance premiums, loan payments, 3 martini lunches, “Golden Parachutes”, charitable contributions, stock buy backs, R & D, raw materials, legal fees….Raise your hand if I am going too fast for you. I’ll type more slowly.

Taxes are but one more expense to be borne by the shareholders. [The most recent exception to this was Solyndra. Here all the risk and all the losses were borne by the American taxpayer. Well played, Obama. Well played.]

You make 2 statements of note in your unlinkable screed in today’s Sun Sentinel.

“…the plan would deprive the U.S. Treasury of $1.7 trillion dollars.”

A quick glance of my copy of the Constitution shows that the word deprive and its Logical antecedent entitle are nowhere to be found.

Honest. Look it up.

“…Americans overwhelmingly think…”

If taking a poll of Americans is how you construct economic policy would not Logic dictate that social policy should be set the same way?

62% of Florida’s electorate voted against same sex marriage.

No state in the Union, most particularly including California, has ever approved same sex marriage when the issue was put to it in a voting booth. Polls, depending on who asks and how the question is asked, can be skewed both alop and awry. In the privacy of a voting booth the truth will out.

Why then are we on the verge of Mr & Mr wedding invitations?

Honest. Look it up.

Would I be a nag if I were to point out that we borrowed and spent $1,000,000,000,000 – that’s one trillion. I hope I have enough zeros – 5 years ago on “shovel ready jobs” to beef up our aging infrastructure? I would hate to think that the “shovels” weren’t quite as “ready” as the government told us.

Do you think they lied? Find out and get back to me, please.

There is a marvelous scene in Butch Cassidy where the soon to be killed rico hombre says


I now know where his ghost lives.

Kevin Smith

PS – Imagine, as Churchill said in describing the practical effects of Socialism, a man standing in a bucket and trying to pick himself up by the handle. Do you think it’s time for a 105% tax bracket? That would be “fair”, wouldn’t it?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singer
350 Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “Anticipation is the greater joy” – Maybe

Mr. Berger,

As I eagerly await the announcement of your firm’s decision to stop handling either side of any real estate transaction where the property is touched by saline water I need some environmental help.

An oaf with Miami/Dade Courthouse connections is now the point man of our Southern neighbor in out-Canuting Canute.

No sense asking him. He’s still trying to figure out what to do with his thumbs. Out of respect for his handicap I won’t ask him. Talk about being pranked! Some cruel people named a firggin’ manatee after him and he wet his pants thanking them.

Here’s the question.

Miami Beach is installing scores of pumps to fight the inevitable never ending high tide. We know that the Koch Brothers and Walmart are behind this but that’s a different question.

When the water starts to come in in a manner that would impress Noah and the pumps kick in where, pray tell, is the water going to go?

You can’t pump it East or South. Look at a map for the reason why. You can’t pump it North because the modern American Liberals in Broward County are champions of NIMBY. If you pump it West you endanger the misunderstood anacondas, the Florida panthers, and the gamboling gambling Redskins.

That leaves Utopia. By the by, you do know that utopia means Nowhere, don’t you?

I guess that leaves them in a box that, alas, ain’t waterproof. Maybe Solyndra, rising from the ashes like a corporate Phoenix, can figure out what to do with the H2O, with a lot of H2O.

I am betting that you will have Katy Perry make the announcement about your firm’s courageous decision to shun water related real estate business.

Last week you said that free college is good. How about a free Super Bowl next year? Bread and circuses worked for a while, remember?

Kevin Smith

PS – I am sending you a copy of a letter I sent to Lois Frankel, my Congresswoman. I think it is self-explanatory. It is 1:45 Sunday afternoon. Although I coached and played football I have had more than enough with analyses of 3rd down tendencies in the red zone and Tampa 2 coverage as an invitation to an inside running game. I will say that screwing around with the footballs is something that any crony capitalist from Massachusetts would be All-Pro at. Wasn’t Kraft a White House Lincoln Bedroom regular? I don’ know if you have kids but if you did please tell me that they went to public schools.

January 29, 2015

Congresswoman Lois Frankel
2500 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: Next year in Jerusalem?

Congresswoman Frankel,

#1 – Some, not all, Irishmen are drunken, loud mouthed toss pots.
#2 – Some, not all, Italians are criminals.
#3 – Some, not all, Scotsmen are clam ass tight misers.
#4 – Some, not all, Blacks are shiftless fornicators.
#5 – Some, not all, Poles are cement-headed Bohunks.
#6 – Some, not all, Jews used to be very smart.

The lesson learned from the above is that myriad particulars do not a universal make.

#6 may yet prove to be the unraveling of Logic, a priceless construct that took 25 centuries to assemble. It must be defended vigorously because the Sophists who attack it to promote the specious ends of the poltroon du jour are enemies of the permanent things and must be dispatched with much haste.

The President of the United States calls the Prime Minister of Israel a “chicken shit coward”. The President of the United States, taking a clue from the play book of Henry the Second whose throw-away line of “Will no one rid me of this nettlesome priest” sends his poll taking election stealers to Israel to undo the Prime Minister.

The collective silence of modern American Liberal Democrats – Forgive me. I just repeated myself, didn’t I? – is thunderously deafening. How many synonyms of shame are there?

I saw a headline yesterday announcing that the Taliban will soon be meeting with various heads of states. My immediate response was to ask how many of those heads will still be attached to the individual leaders.

We, we “precious few”, know that while correlation is not causation sometimes discernible patterns emerge

Which fact with no exceptions – none whatsoever - is the common denominator of all terrorist murders in the 21st century? They were commited by

A – Spontaneous combustion and/or steroid induced road rage?
B – Deranged postal workers?
C – Overweight, undersexed Swedish Lutheran dentists?
D – Inner city feral Black teenagers from a single parent home?
E – Islamic terrorists?

It is an open book test. Take your time.

The soul dead shills for the White House, people who would tongue bathe the Boss’s teleprompter on command, would eat the 2100 pages of the ObamaCare act rather than suggest E.

Their daily dose of bull shit – not chicken shit, mind you – begins with an intro similar to the following:

“Just because it is warm, yellow, stinky and will hit you
with astonishing force from your neck to your
do not think I am pissing on your back
while telling you it is rain.”

If I, an “average White grandfather”, know that 12 Jews were butchered in a Kosher shop, that 4 Jews were killed in a Yeshiva, that 4 Jews were killed in a Hebraic museum, why doesn’t the President of the United States and his bum kissing, morally warped flacks know it?

Although I am not a Jew the man who founded my Church was. Further, the Jerusalem, Athens, Rome cauldron was where the triptych of Western Civilization was formed.

There is no smile on the faces of the savages who are pounding on our door.

Where is the outcry from Jewish members of Congress? Does their fealty to the gravity defying, graven images, to the golden calf, of modern American Liberalism blind them to the limitless peril facing their 5000 year old temple?

No one gets into “Profiles in Courage” by swallowing their souls and agreeing with the big boss man.

I enclose a copy of “Will Israel Survive”. It was written by Victor Davis Hanson, as righteous a Gentile that will be found in the public arena. Read and pass it on.

Will the Kaddish for Israel be non-denominationally inter-faith?

Kevin Smith