Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 25, 2015

Congresswoman Lois Frankel
2500 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Ms. Frankel,

The President of the United States said “Religions don’t kill people. People kill people.” [Similar to “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people”, no?]

I guess that’s why his spokesmen said, after 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt were beheaded by economically disadvantaged Muslim community activists, “21 Egyptians were killed”,

Why then, after the above, did he express outrage at the murders of 3 Muslims in North Carolina? First reports indicate the alleged perpetrator had no discernible church affiliation. As each Coptic Christian head was severed shouts of Allah Akbar were heard. Was an executive order issued saying that the deaths of 3 outweighed the deaths of 21. Are 3 murdered Muslims worth more than 21 beheaded Christians? The world wonders.

I know “after the first death there are no others” but shouldn’t some sense of proportion – 21 to 3 – have prevailed? Why “outrage” at one but not the other?

I am not Jewish but the man who founded my church was. I am thunderstruck at the number of American Jews who jump the line so they can be among the first to drink deeply of the modern American Liberal Kool-Aid, a toxic brew made from a 1930s formula. History tells us how that worked out.

It is past the time to ask if it is good for the Jews. Such is the continuing power of American Exceptionalism that a particular truth can be made into a universal: If it’s not good for America it can’t be good for the Jews.

It is “emmis-truth” time.

  Will you attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech?

Kevin Smith

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