April 4, 2015
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Job application
If a transgendered crossdresser asks a Muslim bakery to prepare a cake celebrating the marriage of his/her father to his/her brother/sister, with the cake inscribed with lard saying Allah Ain’t So Akbar, and is refused, who, if anyone, is the victim of a hate crime?
I know the answer
That is why I am applying for the job of deciding which vox populi is “good” and which vox populi is “bad”.
The hectoring headline of today’s editorial
with regards to the allocation of tax revenues, said revenues coming from the tax on real estate transactions, to land and water conservation, suggests an eclectic indignation that is embedded in the DNA of modern American Liberalism.
If the voice of the people is to respected as if it came “ex cathedra” on Exhibit A – the environment – and not on Exhibit B – same sex marriage – does the decision process mimic the inanimate plight of the thermos? The thermos keeps the hot things hot and it keeps the cold things cold. How does it know the difference?
I, as a gimlet-eyed observer of the passing scene, as a literate curmudgeon who can tell the buttered sided form the dry, can help you make those distinctions.
I will give you #1 & #2 free of charge.
#1 – “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” - ??? Send a SASE
#2 – Your favorite color is plaid
I am too old to expect the courtesy of a reply but it is the Easter season and I can hope, can’t I? Who knows what Peter Cottontail has in his basket?
The couple will be registering at Total Wine, Tiffany’s, Victor/Victoria’s Secret[s] and Big Al’s gun store.
Kevin Smith
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