Monday, June 15, 2015

June 14, 2015
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: “I know that my Redeemer liveth” – Some comments on your typical modern American Liberal verbal incontinence concerning Jeb Bush.

Debbie, Debbie,

“Former Governor Jeb bush ‘only cares about
himself,’ Wasserman-Schultz said. ‘He never has
and never will fight for families like yours or mine.’
She said Democrats would help introduce Bush to the
nation and ‘the more people learn about Jeb Bush,
and we’ll be happy to point it out, the less people 
are going to like him.’”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 2B

I was feeling downcast this morning. 

I thought I’d be arm wrestling with the old ennui, particularly after losing 2 baby manatees from my traps. I figured I would have to pay retail for my sushi. I donned last year’s Father’s Day present, my PROUD GLOBAL WARMER cap, and turned to my Koch Brothers guide to increasing my Carbon Footprint and drowning a few polar bears before doing my best to add to income inequality – How you put up with being paid 78% of what Congressman Alcee Hastings, Florida’s favorite elected felon, makes is beyond me – teenage obesity, and what to make of someone who is transgendered becoming a cross dresser.

But then you came along, with your perpetual Medusa-like countenance, to buttress the universal truth that modern American Liberals, vipers such as you, piss, perpetually, on people’s backs while telling them, accompanied either by Happy Days are Here Again or Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow, that it’s rain

To which I say…BULLSHIT!

You imply that your kids would have qualified for free lunches – assuming they had gone to any of the really fine public schools in Broward County – and that you work 3 days a week on your telephone playing the pitcher on the 1-800-RammingSpeed hot line.

Despite claiming to have 2 degrees your CV says that you have never worked a day in your life. It appears that you had tuition bills of $75,000 a year when your kids went to a private grammar school. Your husband is an officer and director of a bank that would not pass the famous “bag test” save for there being a corrupt Justice department. He gives crony capitalism a bad name.

I hold no brief for Jeb Bush. On the other hand anyone who grew up in Midland, Texas can’t be all bad. [I came to know Midland 4 decades ago when I was busy fracking wells out there. It, like Bayonne, is a good town to be from.] Yet you say that “the more people know about Jeb the less people will dislike him”.

If I were to mention Orwell would you think me an elitist?

He said that if you control the past you control the future.

If memory serves, and Deo Gratias for Google, wasn’t Jeb Bush elected and then re-elected as the Governor of Florida. 

Maybe they won’t like him in Gramercy Park or Zabar’s but they sure as Hell liked him in Florida.

Since it appears that this year’s Summer of Recovery will be late perhaps you can spend the time retroactively unelecting him.

You believed that free speech was reserved for you, remember?

I’ll check in from time to time.

Kevin Smith

PS – Should Kipling, the first multi-cultural Nobel Prize winning poet, reappear he would use you as a model for the updated Rikki-Tikki-Tavi stories. Guess which part you would have? Give up? Send a SASE.


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