Monday, November 30, 2015

November 28, 2015
Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Hedging” and how it has become a 4 letter word to modern American Liberals as you make perfectly clear in your unlinkable quasi-polemic in today’s Sun Sentinel. Think holy water and vampires.

Mr. Schultz,

Of course President Reagan, AKA The Great Reagan, was right when he said it’s not that modern American Liberals are stupid it’s just that there is so, so much that they don’t know.

“Hedging”, a practice that consumers of commodities use to protect themselves against “Black Swan” price swings, is anathema to all card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals for one reason: MARKETS.

Markets are not subject to the quotidian whims of pointy-headed progressive aparatchiks.

Markets, particularly the ones that retain the heady whiffs of freedom, are particularly irksome to modern American Liberals. Since they operate outside the mandatory command and control that today’s Democrats, all proud descendants of T. Woodrow Wilson, seek to impose on everybody and everything under the sun they must be prodded, cajoled, and intimidated to perform on cue. Woes betide any that fail to bend to the whims of the bosses.
18 centuries ago Diocletian declared – Caesar dixit? – that the price of bread was too high. He consulted with his very bright experts and set a “fair” price for the product. Progressive ohmadhans, even then, knew that absent the power of the state their good intentions would go nowhere. The “fair” price was enforced by cutting the hands of the renegade bakers off. The net result was no bread at any price because there were no bakers.

Fast forward to a Republican President who thought that prices were too high. Since I am soon to be under the lion’s paw of the ObamaCare Death Panels I( forget how it worked out. It ended well, didn’t it?

ObamaCare was supposed to have bent the curve of medical costs downward, right? Has it?

I cite the above examples as proof that modern American Liberals are living proof of Dr. Johnson’s dictum about the “triumph of hope over experience”.

“In fact, the market itself has been reducing volatility for some time.”
The Sun Sentinel

Earth to Randy. Earth to Randy.

Get your head out of your ass.

Markets don’t “reduce” volatility.

Markets “reflect” volatility.

As long as the buyers and sellers are able to draw water from the same well the buyers and the sellers will settle the question of volatility.

I am sure you know what happened to the price of natural gas when the legendary East Texas field came in. It traded at .01 per MCF. The highest price I have ever seen was $13.50 per MCF. That happened when California’s regulators, people who couldn’t organize a 2 car funeral, decided to ignore the hard learned lessons of Diocletian.

The price of a barrel of oil when I did my first transaction was $2.75. 

If FPL knows that it is going to use a certain amount of natural gas in 6 months, in 12 months, or 18 months, particularly if they will be buying it rather than producing it, it is incumbent on them to take whatever steps necessary to protect their shareholders and their customers. Failure to do so would make them poor stewards of their responsibilities.

[Full disclosure requires me to tell you that I “fracked” my first well in 1974. Further, I was CFO of a public company that mined coal in Kentucky and West Virginia. In 1998 I advised a foreign airline how to hedge itself against the vagaries of a functioning market.

For 2 decades I have been keening about the racism and bigotry of T. Woodrow Wilson. Now that the descendants of the long haired, antinomianistic, lower case Fascists of the ‘60s have discovered him I will have to end my long crusade against this horrible man and this terrible President.

I will let the “Trousered Apes” who believe that shitting on a police car is the highest form of civil discourse.

I mention Wilson because he was the favorite President of Progressives until FDR.

One of the things that Wilson did to endear him to the hearts of his Cossack followers was his work with utilities.

In return for allowing their rates to be subject to government review the utilities were guaranteed both a monopoly and a “fair” rate of return.

Pop quiz, you boob.

Define “fair”. Negative examples are verboten. Only declarative sentences and empirically self-evident data are allowed.

It’s ain’t so easy that way, is it?

Kevin Smith

PS – One more thing.

“At least with the hedging program, utilities can’t profit; 
they just avoid losses.”
loc cit

We have a very teachable moment here.

I presume you have automobile and homeowners’ insurance. When it comes time to renew them and you realize that you haven’t used them are you mad at the insurance company? Do you say that since you didn’t use them last year you won’t need them this year?

One more las thing.

Companies are not begun to avoid losses. Companies are begun to make money. Not just to make money but to make oodles and obscene boat loads of money.
Think Apple. Think GOOGLE. Think Solyndra. Think the Kardashians. Think the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Think George Soros. Think Tom Steyer.

“It’s good to be the King” 
That’s the mantra of modern American Liberals.

It beats Viagra.

Friday, November 27, 2015

November 15, 2015
Just call me a highly literate curmudgeonly manatee trapping polar bear drowning Mozart loving Joyce reading bitterly clinging Burke and Madison awed old guy who would like his granddaughters, my 3 Texas Ladies, to live in a Civilization that nurtures and protects rights derived from Natural Law, rights that are ours at birth, rights that are “gifts from beyond the stars”, so that having been blessed and enriched by them they may pass them on to their grandchildren.

A simple enough request, no?

Herewith some rules to see that this will come to pass.

#1 – ALLAH AIN’T SO AKBAR – 13 centuries after Christ walked on this earth Dante took His church to task for not being true to His rules. 13 centuries after Mohammed, a goat humping paedophile, his votaries are doing now what they did for all that time. Less than 100 years after he founded his perverted religion his people were raping and ravaging as they rampaged across Europe. It is more than a bit ironic that they were stopped by the French. 1383 years later they stand at our gates and announce, Allah inshala, that they will kill the men, rape the women, crucify the sons, and sell the daughters into slavery.

Thank God I’m from Bayonne.

Should a burnoosed madman appear at the door of the Speedway Tavern and announce these things the people inside would take him at his word and act accordingly.

Honest Injun.

#2 – NUT CUTTING TIME – Belloc told us more than 100 years ago that there was an evil thing at the gates and on his face there was no smile. The “JV”, as recently as 2 days ago, was said to have been “contained”. Here is some breaking news. The Varsity showed up in Paris on Friday night. Two things “contained” them. They ran out of bullets and targets.  They certainly earned their varsity letter. So much for expecting a blood thirsty psychopath to “unclench his fist” because you asked him to do it in a deferentially obsequious manner. 

NUT CUTTING TIME happens when a Civilization decides to rid itself of a pestilence long tolerated. The only thing this tolerance has produced is a feeling of invincibility predicated on refusing to believe that “stones are hard and water is wet”. 

“The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus. He also jailed an opposition Congressman.

He OKayed Sherman raiding the supposedly inviolate Census Bureau to get the addresses of Georgia’s big plantations. Sherman freed the slaves; FDR slapped some 175,000 aliens, many of whom were American citizens, into the pokey for the duration of WW2. 

Like Cincinnatus they returned to other lives when their job was done. 

No other country in History had ever done that before.

It is “time to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war”. 

I am too old and beaten up to demand anything.

My granddaughters aren’t.

Even if we have to wait until January, 2017.


PS _ Where is the Muslim Dante? The Muslim Luther? The Muslim Shakespeare?  Abdul Salk? Farouk Gates? Yasir Yeats?  Fatima Curie? Will La Cage aux Folles be opening in Mecca any time soon? Will Manet’s Olympia be on display in the new Medina Museum of Art? Does Riyadh Tech have any “safe zones”? Have keggers caught on there yet? How about panty raids? Will “dancing boys” become an Olympic sport? Other than getting zero into the Canon, preserving falconry, and killing mockingbirds what else have they done in the last 1000 years? How about this for starters? Any Muslim terrorist, even the moderate ones, has his eyes shot out and is buried in a pig skin. Plus, send up a flare when a Swedish Lutheran is caught heading to a grammar school wearing a suicide vest. One more thing: the inspected influx of Muslim refugees, the ones who would have been expected to be good Democrats, stops. How about sending them to Cuba? Like a reverse Mariel. 

November 18, 2015
Mayor David Kiar
Broward County Commission
115 South Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Let my people come!

Mr. Mayor,

A lot of people say that being mayor of the Broward County Commission is a lot like having tits on a bull. Let me say that I am not one of those louts. Let me further say that you have a chance to debunk this base canard.

Enclosed are copies of letters I sent to the mayors of Ft. Lauderdale and Wilton Manors.

It’s time for Broward County to throw out the welcome mat for the Syrian refugees. 

Just because they behead and crucify as a recruiting tool is no reason for us to turn our backs on them now. Of course you should make clear that stoning of adulteresses and throwing homosexuals out of windows will not be tolerated. Also, you should make it clear that it will not be good PR for them to run around screaming that Jews are descended from pigs and monkeys. Be sure to tell them that “Death to America” falls comfortably within the accepted norms of free speech as put forth by the elders of the protocols of modern American Liberalism which is, as I am sure you know, HQed in Broward County.

Americans and Ayrabs! Perfect together! A true rainbow coalition!

Kevin Smith

November 17, 2015
Mayor Gary Resnick
City Hall
2020 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors, FL 33305

RE: It’s “nut cutting” time for modern American Liberals, particularly those in your fair city.
Mr. Mayor,

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Wilton Manors is known and celebrated all over the world for its tolerance, acceptance, indeed for its welcoming attitude to those of us who are not married to the outdated heterosexual norms.

Middle Eastern Muslims have reintroduced the word “defenestration” to the 6:00 news. The people getting the heave are practicing sodomites.

Now everything is turned upside down.

Shouldn’t Wilton Manors extend its rainbow-hued hand to the Syrian refugees? Bring them in. Make them feel welcome. Maybe a street fair featuring “dancing boys” try-outs would break the ice.

This is your chance to shine, so to speak.

Make us proud.

Kevin Smith
November 17, 2015
Mayor John P. “Jack” Seiler
City Hall
100 North Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: A time to stand up and be counted. Could it be Ft. Lauderdale’s Rendezvous with Destiny?

Mr. Mayor, 

With the possible exceptions of Zabar’s at noon on Sunday, brunch at one of Barbra Streisand’s various castles, or the coven gathering at the local farrier to see Debbie Wasserman-Schultz get her hair and her tongue sharpened I can think of no more a modern American Liberal place than Ft. Lauderdale,

For years I have been saying that – Allah Inshala – we will have 4th and 5th trimester abortions, manatee suffrage, and the public flogging of teenage bullies. At night I hum myself to sleep to the tune of “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”. Should you need a vocal fan if you decide to build a statue honoring the lives and deaths of the Rosenbergs you can count on me. Also, after all those years, I have come to the conclusion that if you can get over the Vietnam War and the more successful War on Poverty Lyndon Johnson wasn’t half bad.

[Do you think that if Dr. Mengele were to run in a Democratic primary for anything he would get 100% of the vote because of his progressive views on abortion? I do. Since I am originally from Hudson County, NJ I can assure that 100% can become 108% or 112% or whatever is needed to get the desired result.] 

Alas, my plans for the environment have failed to gain traction.

At the very least, as a symbolic show of solidarity with the drowning polar bears, city hall, the schools, the hospitals, the nursing homes, and the buses should turn off all their A/Cs.

And, since we are all aware of the inexorability of rising sea levels, shouldn’t the city discourage any building, commercial or residential, on any waterfront development?

In the end, if we are to believe the consensus of scientists and when have they been wrong, we are all doomed.
Shouldn’t mortgages and car loans of more than 2 years be discouraged?

Also, why not make the phrase “Don’t Buy Any Green Bananas” the official motto of the city?

But that’s not why I write.

Who said than modern American Liberals are, as C.S. Lewis said, “men without chests”? Not I and, hopefully, not you.

I hope I am not the first to reach out to reach out and ask, nay, demand that you use all your political skill and cunning to make sure that Ft. Lauderdale gets the first 1000 Syrian refugees. That’s 1000 each week. Every week.

Let NIMBY be made anathema.

Doubtless there will be some naysayers, particularly from the 1%ers who already have too much. Some of the wealthy shop keepers on Las Olas Boulevard and in the Galleria will object. It won’t take long before the tourists come to welcome the strange ways of our new friends. Besides, we both know that they will be the most reliable of Democratic Party voters, right?

Maybe the city can adopt a program encouraging local families to provide housing for our new friends.

As a serendipitous bonus the Pope, the darling of modern American Liberals, will be pleased He will shower us with blessings.

Modern American Liberals constantly hector us, and may I add “rightfully so”, of our duty, our obligation, and our moral responsibility to those poor unfortunates who are perpetually “unlucky in life’s lottery”.

It’s easy to talk the talk. 

It’s time to walk the walk.

Show us the way.

Kevin Smith

PS – You may want to take a peek at the city’s web site. It says the next election will be held on March 15th.
November 22, 2015
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Guess which headline is yours

Mr. Mayo,

“Cleric Tells Mosque in Pembroke Pines
to Declare Jihad on ISIS”

“Saudi Arabia Sentences Poet to
 Death for Atheism”

I can’t keep a secret.

The one about Jihad is yours.

If a devout Christian were to say something even remotely comparable to that the reptiles that make up the coven of modern American Liberal truth dispensers would be on him like stink on shit. The whole nine yards – the evil Koch Brothers, the NRA, Friends of Fracking, Walmart, people who know that Hiss and the Rosenbergs were as guilty as sin, climate change deniers, like I said, “the whole nine yards” – would be in the opening barrage. 

Sheikh Sahafayat Mohammed, and let the record show that he will never be mistaken for Brad Pitt but that he makes Yogi Berra look like the aforementioned Mr. Pitt, wants to defeat ISIS “spiritually, intellectually, and physically”. [Italics mine]

Would it be a line too far if I were to say that with a puss like that he would have to be dead to get laid?

Sign me up for the physical part.

My favorite assault weapon is the BAR, the Browning Automatic Rifle. It’s getting harder and harder to get ammo. Do you think the Sheikh could help me?

Would you ask the Sheikh if he could tell me my why some of his forebears were raping their way across Europe less than a century after their irenic religion was founded? Also, why did a rampaging Islamic terrorist army show up at the gates of Vienna in 1683? I have a feeling that that they were not there to hear Bach play “Sheep May Safely Graze” on the cello that his pal Stradivarius made for him. Do you think they were there to stamp out the pigs and monkeys that make up today’s Jews? [Speaking of Vienna, has anyone yet found a copy of the Austrian/English dictionary that Obama, and blessed be his name, told us exists?]

“Saudi Arabia Sentences Poet to Death for Atheism”

That’s the other headline.

Try to imagine q devout Christian saying something likes that. The reptiles that make up the modern American Liberal truth tellers would be on him like stink on shit. 

Jeepers but there is something genetically wrong with that sentence.

On the other hand….

If a snake handling, gun totin’, Bush Baptist preacher were to say that the modern American Liberal elites [and you know who you are] would trample each other like Pamploma to get to a microphone. They would be apoplectic with cries of what happens when “slippery slopes” and “chilling effects” were not heeded. They would, with their second breath, call for the repeal of Citizens’ United.

It’s easy for you to pick and choose which freedom is good and which freedom is bad. You can do so because your favorite color is plaid.

Meanwhile, do you know if we can use dogs in the hunt for the berserk thugs who want to end our civilization? I have some older truffle pigs that would enjoy a return to the lists?

Should we give them a running start?

I love the smell of gun powder in the morning as you do. That plus some St. Louis rib aroma and we’ll run the bastards to ground in record time. Maybe a bounty for each Muslim terrorist nose would speed things up.

Kevin Smith

November 22, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: What a guy! What a Christian thing to do! Some comments on your invitation – as good an example of agape as I’ve seen so far this Sunday morning – as told by you in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

“Trust me, I’d rather have a Syrian refugee – they have an
18 month vetting process – as a neighbor than some wacko 
who has 2 dozen guns, a few AK-47s and might be more
than a tad unstable.
The Sun Sentinel

[Be advised that I will be filing a complete report with the PC Elders in the hate speech division. Wackos? A tad unstable? It sounds like you have to get your mouth washed out until you get your mind straight. That plus some community out-reach volunteer hours and you’ll be able to return to your exalted position as a modern American Liberal eclectic truth teller.]

But that’s not why I write.

“As a neighbor?”

How about as a house guest?

Little Stein is still in college so that frees up one bedroom.

Boss Stein might object but, for Christ’s sake, who wears the pants in your family?

You talk the talk but now it’s time to walk the walk. 

Kevin Smith

PS – Are you on the Bernie Bolshie Bullshit Bandwagon yet? Confidential sources, sources that because of their confidentiality must remain anonymous, whisper in my ear that Bernie isthisclose to getting Gorbachev’s endorsement. I love being the bringer of flatulence, particularly if the venue is a mosque be it orthodox or progressive, but your claim about the Constitutional right of Syrian refugees to enter this country is false. You will have to dig deeply into the twin peaks of “permutations” and “emanations” to find any justification. What the Hell but there’s no sense in being a card carrying modern American Liberal unless you can finagle and origami the Constitution, right?

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 3, 2015
Senator Bernie Sanders
PO Box 905
Burlington, VT 05402

RE: A fairer tax code

Senator Sanders,

Enclosed please find my thoughts on increasing tax revenue by closing egregious loopholes.

#1 – Make the interest paid on municipal bonds taxable.
#2 – Repeal the deduction of local real estate taxes from federal taxes.
#3 – Tax people.

#1 will get as much as $50,000,000,000 more in Federal revenue. Beyond that there is a fundamental question of fairness. How many inner city Blacks own municipal bonds? Why should they subsidize rich White guys who do?

As to #2, why should renters, mainly people of color who have been perpetually unlucky in life’s lottery, have to pay an unfair share, a share not diluted by its deduction on Federal income taxes, of municipal services? It is bad enough that they have to run a daily gauntlet of racist police. It is made worse when they have to pay a disproportionate 
share of it.

#3 will require some finessing, some nuancing, may be even some Pelosing, as in “we have to pass it to see what’s in it”.
GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction was/is/shall be caused by one absolutely undeniable truth, however uncomfortable it may be to come to grips with it.

Rich First Worlders, mostly White or White wanabees, are destroying the planet by aggressive air conditioning, selfish eating habits, and reliance on electronic gizmos and thingamajigs.

Here is my plan. I hope you will give it consideration.

A – After one child there will be no more tax deductions. Further, if you have a second child you lose the tax deduction for the first. If you have more than two children you will pay a penalty equal to the amount you would have saved under the old tax code.
B - Vasectomies and tubal ligations will be performed at no cost to the patient. Further, the government will pay a bounty to each patient.
C - Medicare winds down after age 75. After 80 you are on your own. Joint replacements will be allocated on a lottery basis. Pain medication will become more holistic. Yoghurt, tofu, and seltzer shall be the basic menu for any nursing home receiving any government funds. Seasonal ambient temperatures, accompanied by eternally looping Vivaldi, shall be the norm in death houses.
D – 4th and 5th trimester abortions shall be subsidized and rewarded.
E – The Spartan method of infant inspection shall become the law of the land.
F – Sonographic evidence of pending multiple births shall be used to terminate any over one. Parents get to choose.
G – All maternity wards shall be named after either Margaret Sanger or Josef Mengele. 

Please use the above as starting points, as loci of discussions, to make us do what is right.

If I can be of any service you need but ask.

Kevin Smith
November 8, 2015
Ken Kay
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Thank God for ClimateChange! Without it we would still be in the Ice Age. Some comments on your Page 1 above the fold rant about the horror, the horror of rising sea levels. Ned Lud and Lysenko should be proud

Mr. Kaye,

My normal Sunday AM routine usually consists of an egg white omelet made with eggs from range free chicken, combined with fat-free tofu, and then mixed  with organic chard – domestic, of course – and then blended in my wind powered Nutri Bullet with a goodly amount of organic Tanqueray used to liquefy the potion. [As a media mogul could you tell me if you have heard about Planned Parenthood entering the manatee culling business? If they were to Margaret Sanger would be so proud.]

My grandfather was always amazed that there were more horses’ asses that there were horses’ heads. Save for a remake of The Godfather the number should always be equal, right? 


“South Florida sea levels outlook grimmer
New report rolls back ‘conservative’ estimate
and warns of flooding

The outlook for South Florida’s rising sea levels has
turned potentially catastrophic, as new long-term
projections estimate that the ocean will be six-and-a-half
feet deeper by 2100 under a worst-case scenario.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 1

Since we’re talking about an 85 year-long event window could you give me the best case scenario? Any chance of Broward County turning into the Kalahari Desert? How about outdoor ski jumping? Could it become a new wine country? Move over Bordeaux. 85 years is a long time.

Speaking of 85 years, how about 46 years? In 1969 Professor Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D. published “The Population Bomb”. He is a guy who is so God-damn Homerically dumb that he makes my hair hurt. He couldn’t find his ass using both of his hands while he stood in a phone booth. Phone booth? Where did they go? He said we would all be dead by the year 2000. The only question was whether we would freeze to death or starve first. If you ever wonder why the words putz and ohmadahn survive and prosper read his book. On second thought, don’t. The combination of cataract and strabismus is not to be trifled with. Besides, it makes you more vulnerable to the dreaded ocular hemosepsis.

Pray tell, sir, but exactly what is the Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, the one with the altar that you regularly worship at? Any chance I could get a certified financial statement? How about a Federal tax return? Just like the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, OK? Did any of the key players work for Solyndra?

You say “the 5 year old estimate of rising sea levels is no longer valid”. [Again an aside but “truthful” and “valid” are not synonymous. They are not remotely interchangeable unless you want those words to mean exactly what you want them to mean. If you have working knowledge of the Trivium you will know what I mean.]

Speaking of “estimates”, when I lived in New Jersey I took care of my own pool for 26 years. There was no big secret to it. Stabilized tri-chloro above 90% was the key. Price, as in gasoline, was the deciding factor. I suppose this is as good a time as any to salute the giants of the fossil fuel industry, a proven combination of poverty ending and liberty enhancing men of vision without whom we would still be killing whales, particularly if we wanted to read at night.

One of the annual rituals was having the pool water analyzed. It didn’t matter where the water came from. Zephyrhills or Lourdes. The results would be the same. 

You would be handed a computer print-out that told you that the water was beyond toxic. Birds would die if they die if they flew over it. Preteens would be instantly struck with Grade 3 amblyopia. Women of a certain age were doomed to treacherous enuresis plus the heartbreak of psoriasis.

If you bought the emergency first responder kit of chemicals – Don’t ask. Of course they are organic -  for only $700 and had your water tested 3 times a week at no charge maybe you could use it by July 4th .If you didn’t buy it your grandchildren would die before Flag Day. 

“What was the temperature of the water sample?”
That would end the discussion.

The higher the temperature the higher the burn rate of the chemicals. Constant testing would lead to buying more chemicals.

It was the Christmas Fruit Cake Circle writ large. 

Nobody eats them. Very few people have seen what’s inside the box. They are constantly re-gifted.  GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimate is cut from the same paradigmatic template so favored by mush-brained modern American Liberals.

Causation and correlation are the same. If we didn’t have tautologies we couldn’t think at all. Post hoc ergo propter hoc, my ass.

When supposedly rational adults begin by saying “The consensus of scientists agrees….” you may reach for your revolver. There is no “consensus” in science. There is only objective truth. It is both observable and replicable. Einstein said her only had to be proved wrong once. If you don’t believe me ask Ptolemy. Ask Fred Hoyle. Ask about the Piltdown Man. Ask about when tomatoes were considered poisonous and avocados were fed to dogs. Ask about the Loch Ness monster. Ask about the Bermuda Triangle. Have you ever wondered why all he undocumented extra-terrestrials, the ones flying around at Mach 10, the ones from one of the smaller moons of Jupiter, haven’t landed at half time of the Rose Bowl in the Rose Bowl? I have. 

Do you remember when cranberries were poisonous and would cause your hair to fall out? If beef is bad why don’t cows have heart attacks?

You cite one Natalie Schneider, Palm Beach County’s Climate Change and Sustainability Coordinator, a title that not even Sisyphus would try to overcome, who says “the issue is complex”.

It is not “complex” for the 1%. It is not “complex” for those who were lucky in life’s lottery. Whenever a piece of waterfront property becomes available dueling lawyers meet  at dawn with briefs and wire transfers in hand. An acre and a quarter of beachfront property on Biscayne Bay was sold recently for $125,000,000. That’s m as in million. With all that dough you would think that they could find somebody who would tell them not to buy it because it’s going to be a halfway house for injured snook. Why do mortgage companies compete to finance such deals? Why does the Federal government encourage home owners to insure their property with them?

Hasn’t anyone told them?  

To cite the great Reagan who oft-times said that “it’s not that Liberals are dumb it’s that there is just so much that they don’t know”. In your case I’ll make an exception.

Your statement that 2015 “likely will be the warmest year on record” simply is not supported by available evidence, empirical or otherwise. To make such a claim with absolute certitude as you have bespeaks a la Mencken, “the confidence of a true Christian with 4 aces”. 

Too bad you are wrong.

All is not lost.

Since 1997 I have been begging the Sun Sentinel to show us the way, to  prod us down the path that leads to happy snail darters and rising test scores. The solutioin is obvious.


Undrown all those polar bears. Too bad if you are a baby seal. [With Darwin it’s all or nothing, right?]
If they don’t, quit.

Your grandchildren will thank you.

Kevin Smith