Friday, November 27, 2015

November 22, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: What a guy! What a Christian thing to do! Some comments on your invitation – as good an example of agape as I’ve seen so far this Sunday morning – as told by you in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

“Trust me, I’d rather have a Syrian refugee – they have an
18 month vetting process – as a neighbor than some wacko 
who has 2 dozen guns, a few AK-47s and might be more
than a tad unstable.
The Sun Sentinel

[Be advised that I will be filing a complete report with the PC Elders in the hate speech division. Wackos? A tad unstable? It sounds like you have to get your mouth washed out until you get your mind straight. That plus some community out-reach volunteer hours and you’ll be able to return to your exalted position as a modern American Liberal eclectic truth teller.]

But that’s not why I write.

“As a neighbor?”

How about as a house guest?

Little Stein is still in college so that frees up one bedroom.

Boss Stein might object but, for Christ’s sake, who wears the pants in your family?

You talk the talk but now it’s time to walk the walk. 

Kevin Smith

PS – Are you on the Bernie Bolshie Bullshit Bandwagon yet? Confidential sources, sources that because of their confidentiality must remain anonymous, whisper in my ear that Bernie isthisclose to getting Gorbachev’s endorsement. I love being the bringer of flatulence, particularly if the venue is a mosque be it orthodox or progressive, but your claim about the Constitutional right of Syrian refugees to enter this country is false. You will have to dig deeply into the twin peaks of “permutations” and “emanations” to find any justification. What the Hell but there’s no sense in being a card carrying modern American Liberal unless you can finagle and origami the Constitution, right?

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